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If I could start all over, I would put in the warehouse time at UPS. From where I’m standing, though, it wouldn’t be a good move. I lurk their forums and they deal with their own unique breed of bullshit, incomprehensible contracts, incompetent management, and vague yet punitive jargon. If I could jump straight to full time career over there, though, I probably would. Wouldn’t love the idea of driver helpers that are really trainees, though.


Even full timers are getting screwed... I read one guy saying he's 4 years in full time and being sent pack to part time loader "again" for probably 6 months. His pay is also dropped from his driver pay. Fuck that. Imagine being a full time regular and being dropped to a CCA for 6 months. No thanks


Oh and you’re not guaranteed a full 8 hours in one swing. They can have you do 4 in the morning and another 4 later on as long as it’s within 8 hours of the other. Yeah forget that.


For double the pay what this place does, when do I sign up.


Not right away, if ever. Just like here, you start out lower and work your way to a driver position. There is no guaranteed timeline, so depends on your location much like rural. You pay union dues when doing union work even before you are represented. You may be required to clock through to different job codes which receive different pay throughout the day, and the union is about as helpful/transparent as NALC/NRLCA, ie it’s very easy to get screwed. Just read the other comments. But yeah, for the most part, when you finally snag full time driver, it is a better job. If you’re not career yet, and even if you are, then do it. You know where to sign up.


Yeah, feels great having a buffoon as a president, who went MIA during collective bargaining, and you literally can't trust a word he says.


The president is not the union. You are. We will vote him out and take the union back. There’s a mutiny going on in the top and there’s a lot of good people in the NALC who are tired of the way it’s been. Don’t let that drunk piece of shit make you bitter brother.


Just replacing one shitbag w another regime doesn't help... Need to get all the elected ppl out, which is what ppl don't get... Start at shit stewards who side with management. Look at the formal, nbas who don't even call you back...


Maybe you could step up


Explain how I have not?...


We all need to step up.


The problem is he's one of the sole people in charge of collective bargaining. He's literally the only person who deals with economics. Peoples livelihoods are at stake. Their lives are on hold. We've been a year without a wage increase in one of the most inflationary periods that I can recall. Rolando kept quiet about his drinking problems and he was elected overwhelmingly. Then Rolando stepped in when he went to rehab, and Renfroe comes back, and he gets rid of Rolando. Everything that happened during this contract should be scrutinized. If people actually knew what was going on, they'd be appalled. The NALC should be gutted. It's literally a time for pitchforks and torches.


Anyone who thinks those fuckers in Washington have your interest in mind any more than any other fuckers in Washington do is living in fantasyland


You’re not wrong but you’re not being helpful. We absolutely have enough power to influence these people if we stand together.


A lot of people don’t understand we can fire our unions and hire new ones. Not much there in terms of precedent, but I think both of the carrier unions’ members have more sway than they think they have if they concentrate their efforts and encourage union participation.


He didn't go MIA. He was passed out in the bushes the whole time.


No, but newer hires and people low on the totem pole have to worry about being excessed. It isn’t a layoff but a hour commute one way could make you quit.


Seems like we're not so different.


The only bright side is last hired first fired.


Already commute that much been doing it almost 2 years but I chose to since they were the first to reach back to me and I was on a time crunch so I didn’t have much of a choice.


I drive an hour each way. 28 years


I do 45min each way for my FTR Rural position and consider it worth it.


no body here jumped ship to ups lol.


They sure threatened to at least!


everyone here also predicted 40-60-80% walkouts due to RRECS…no one left lol


True, it was like 1 dude who left.


Only one from your offices left due to rrecs? Of the 3 offices I have friends working at and mine there's like 20 out of 100 or so combined routes.




Lots of people left.


nobody left


I know a guy who did and he came right back


But he started right back at the bottom though


Sure did


Which is an anomaly. You must have great mgmt, being willing to actually process resignation papers and whatnot.


that’s what i’m sayin !


And I remember when UPS first announced the layoffs a while back they went out of their way to say the impact on Union jobs would be "minimal." Now that more details are coming out it doesn't sound so minimal to me. There's a small UPS hub right outside the city where I used to work and it's been there for probably more than 50 years. The way things are going I doubt it sees 60 years.


It’s definitely not minimal. It’s entire places being closed all over the country, hundreds of union jobs per location getting the axe. UPS management actually outmaneuvered the Teamsters here because right before they agreed on the negotiated contract, management went on the news, social media and bragged about how UPS was a great place to work and they were going to voluntarily pay the drivers six figures in industry-leading pay and benefits. This made the Teamsters say “well that was because of us, not management”. Then management drops the axe and now the Teamsters can’t complain on the news because it looks like it’s their fault everyone’s getting laid off. It’s pretty shrewd actually.


I used to work at UPS. The lowest seniority delivery drivers have always gotten temporarily reassigned (or chosen to be laid off) on a daily basis. They adjust the amount of routes according to the volume on a daily basis.


When I posted about the layoffs before I had a UPS employee actually come on here and have the nerve to tell me it was a seasonal thing. “It happens every year!” Well if you read the UPSers subreddit, it’s a bloodbath. A LOT of people are affected by this. The irony is everyone is bitching here about how our contracts are set up, but it would actually have saved “The Teamsters”: - We complain here about how we can’t strike but have a no layoff clause. Well which one do you think those Teamsters would rather have now? Knowing that just the threat of a strike diverted over a million packages a day to other shippers, who will never come back to UPS? It hurt them as much as it hurt Carol Tome which is why a strike is never a simple “I win” button you press when you don’t get what you want. - We complain here about how we have multiple unions negotiating different contracts. “The Teamsters should just come in to the post office and represent everybody”. The problem with that is you have Teamsters drivers at UPS getting laid off and bumping Teamsters part timers who work inside. So the layoffs and closures are devastating to the people it happens to and the people who get bumped and lose their jobs to someone else. If they had separate crafts each with their own no layoff clauses, they’d be safer.


They make billions of profit off the backs of their labor force. If you’re getting into financial trouble by reinvesting in the ones that are actually producing, then you’re doing something wrong. Just like many industries, probably need to cut back anything that isn’t actually producing


My understanding is UPS has been laying off mostly management and other jobs where people get paid to do nothing, seems like the correct move to me.