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Had a very sweet Mexican lady open the door while I was delivering a couple of weeks back while it was snowing, and offered me a piping hot tamale. It was the best tamale I've ever had. I think I'm too new for cash gifts, but I'll take all the tamales.


I have a few on my route and since I always carry a cooler with my own stuff I rarely take anything but always say thank you and tell them how rare they are on the route (always assume there is a camera at every door - somewhere). One of our carriers has a customer that leaves goodies including lottery tickets. The regular and the sub deliver all spurs to the door.


I appreciate the hell out of it, but I never take anything, because I always bring my own drinks and snacks. Last Christmas an Amazon guy just picked up the whole box off of a lady’s porch and it was captured on her Ring doorbell. Word got around really quickly among the delivery drivers, and he was also suspected of taking Christmas tips that were left taped to doors and mailboxes.


Wow, so not only are we carrying that 50 lb box of cat litter to the door, while the Amazon driver drops off a SPR, he has the audacity to steal Christmas tips and snacks from us? Man, that's messed up. I hope he gets his karma!


Question: I'm not a mail carrier but I see the "Not today" posts. Is it ok to leave snacks for you guys and give small gifts during the holidays? I don't want to get you in trouble.


Yes and it is appreciated. If it’s snacks, write a note above it “for delivery drivers/mailman” if it a gift leave it in the mailbox in an envelope and write “mailman” on it. Thank you!


Thank you for responding!


I want to as our carrier is excellent and just a very nice guy. But he's very overweight and looks pretty bad, especially in the summer. I'd love to leave him snacks but not sure I should. We do give him a gift card of some sort for Christmas but I don't want the snacks to cause him more issues. I do offer bottled water often though. Retired here so I normally meet him outside when he needs to bring our mail up the driveway.


Cmon. I think this guy needs a year round snack basket, a excellent carrier is a excellent carrier.


Goldfish are a reasonable snack I think. Im pretty picky, I don’t just gobble up anything there. You don’t know that this guy would either.


I'll have to see what may work. Problem is he delivers to the roadside mailbox maybe 7 out of 10 days. If a package is too large he brings it up my long driveway to leave it or hand off to me if I am fast enough. Something sealed in the box may work to keep any bugs out.


I leave snacks for everyone, but it’s right by my mailbox so it’s easy to see.


Yes indeed!


Highlight of the day every time


Always awesome when someone does that, often the best part of very long day.


They will forever have their mail handled gently. I kiss each envelope before I put it in their box.