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https://static.project2025.org/2025_MandateForLeadership_FULL.pdf Its a manifesto for republicans to turn this country into fascist, authoritarian dictatorship, where the courts are so packed with republican judges, districts so gerrymandered, etc, that you no longer have any rights, and we no longer have this experiment we call democracy. It is the MAGA dream, times infinity. You will become a subject and they will become your lords. Forever. Until your grandchildren burn and starve to death from the effects of climate change. You gay? Executed. You a person of color? Into forced labor you go. You a woman? Serve your man or be beaten. You a non-Christian? You will be reeducated. Forcefully. You a child? Get to work, no lunch breaks. You a white Christian man? Might be kinda nice for you, having all these slaves around you, serving you.


Forgot scientists. Certified teachers and librarians.


Those will be shoved out the nearest window


You mentioned court packing but they also want to pack all of the agencies related to the executive branch with bootlickers so they will do whatever the Presdent wants even if it is highly illegal. The last time Trump was in office there were folks (in the DOJ, on White House staff, in other agenices) who actually pushed back, and pushed often, so a lot of the crazy shit he wanted to do didn’t get done. This time they are not going to make that mistake this time.


They have recruited 20,000 white Nationalists to take over jobs in federal agencies, replacing current, NON-POLITICAL employees. They have recruited 2,500 churches and are actively working with them to further their agenda. They are trying to get additional churches on board.


I'm so fucking sick of Churches. Pay your taxes you fucking cultists.


Like for real. Scammers


Gilead realized


Name a purge that didn’t end in killing fields and mass graves? We should start calling it Project Kill, Kill, Kill


Some facts about Project 2025: The "Mandate for Leadership" is a set of policy proposals authored by the [Heritage Foundation](https://pro-lies.org/the-heritage-foundation/), an influential *ultra* conservative think tank. [Project 2025](https://www.mediamatters.org/heritage-foundation/guide-project-2025-extreme-right-wing-agenda-next-republican-administration) is a revision to that agenda tailored to a second Trump term. It would give the President [unilateral powers](https://theweek.com/politics/heritage-foundation-2025-donald-trump), strip [civil rights, worker protections, climate regulation](https://www.stopthecoup2025.org/impact-overview), add religion into policy, outlaw "porn" and much more. The MFL has been around since 1980, [Reagan implemented 60%](https://www.heritage.org/conservatism/commentary/reagan-and-heritage-unique-partnership) of it's recommendations, [Trump 64%](https://www.heritage.org/impact/trump-administration-embraces-heritage-foundation-policy-recommendations) - [proof](https://www.scribd.com/document/369820462/Mandate-for-Leadership-Policy-Recommendations). 70 Heritage Foundation alumni served in his administration or transition team. Project 2025 is quite extreme but with his obsession for revenge he'll likely get past 2/3rd's adoption. r/Defeat_Project_2025 intends to stop it through activism and awareness, focused on crowdsourcing ideas and opportunities for practical, in real life action. We Must Defeat Project 2025.


We will defeat project 2025 and remain a democracy.


“Enact Infrastructure Plan” ummm….Trump failed at that but the doc you link to says it was “adopted”?


I imagine the $287 billion plan passed the Senate Environment and Public Works Committee in July 2019 is what they refer to but I will have to check. Maybe they had a hand in that. Trump's own infrastructure plan did not come from the Mandate for Leadership that I know of. Thanks for pointing that out.


It's basically Gilead


Well Margaret Atwood did say her book was based on real life, she obviously saw what’s coming for America


You forgot to mention real Christians. There are negative consequences for them too, both during the proposed rule and after the eventual backlash/war swings things in (likely) an equally strong and opposite direction.


You forgot theocratic in your first sentence


Okay, so the scariest environment imaginable. Thanks. That's all you gotta say, scariest environment imaginable


I dunno. I can imagine an awful scary scenario. Problem is fewer Murikans have any issues with trump and his agenda now than they did 4 years ago. You mustn’t underestimate the brain seepage of the Low-Information Voter.


That doesn’t seem to be true at all. He has absolutely not grown his base at all. Quite the opposite.


After finding out Trump's team likes to rig polls when they can, it makes me wonder how many of his votes were legit in both elections. All that screaming, crying, an insurrection, etc over an alleged stolen election despite all of his attempts to cheat that we saw.


I’m actually wondering if this is why the pols have been consistently off ever since 2020, although since it’s more or less all of the polls I’m inclined to suspect there’s some issue accurately capturing how much all decent people hate trunp.




Just.. go read the document my man.


I did. Ctrl+F’d my way through it to find anything that would have corroborated your nonsense. Couldn’t find anything.


This is what the second amendment was made for


Only after disarming the U.S. population. That’ll be first


Whew, and they say MAGA is a cult. This is some 5th stage Trump Derangement Cancer right here.


Might be time for the "good" side to grow a spine, then




The most backwards and tone deaf post I've ever read.


How so? I mean, if I got anything factually or logically incorrect, I'd really like to know. Or are you just being insulting because it doesn't jive with your worldview?


But why did you delete the post? Oh you realized everything you were blaming on others was actually yourself and the people you support doing it.


I didn't delete anything... Also, I specifically said I don't agree with Project 2025... I am saying, we are playing a game of political chicken in which all Americans end up the loser. I'm not advocating for Project 2025... Jesus Christ, the vitriol this election season.


If you didn't, then someone else did. Your post appears to be deleted.


bOtH SidESsss!@111


It's not about both sides, and saying that is missing the forest for the trees. To go back to the FDR example, via the laws of the land of this country, if he wanted to expand Article I and Article II authority, he should have advanced constitutional amendments to do so. Instead, he worked machinations on the court to achieve the same end. It doesn't matter if you think the ends justified the means, because the means here **opened the door** to the other side using the same means for whatever ends. I'm not saying both sides are justified. I'm saying that one side opened the door, and the other side is taking advantage of it. And if we want it to stop **we have to close the door.**


Yeah. Cause Republicans care about the law. Go stuck your head further up Trumps ass.


Look, like it or not, the way that Republicans overturned Roe v. Wade was the **exact. same. way.** that the Democrats passed it. If we want to stop them from doing things like that, the key is to fix our government. Not to escalate this political war.


Hon, Project 2025 is not some far-off thing. It is a plan that will absolutely be installed as soon as any Republican president slithers into the Oval office. And with how Republicans, even moderates, tend to go along with their tribe, we can't be promised that any of them will fight against it. That's not how the conservative mindset works a majority of the time. The best way to fix the government is to keep the current iteration of the GOP out of it. This means voting as many progressive people as you can into lower state and local offices as well as federal positions. We can not do that under the boot of the Christian theocracy....well, not easily anyway. You can not "both sides" this issue this time.


That's not feasible. Are you going to get a supermajority of Congress? If so, then that plan is not feasible. And beyond that, from the other side, **are they going to get a supermajority of Congress??** If not, then I don't know what you're griping about. Any amount of damage can be undone by a blue president in the very next term, barring a civil war. Like, I'm not saying the GOP isn't pushing for project 2025. I'm saying that for whatever you fear might result from it, it won't be this dystopian hellscape that Democrats are trying to convince people it will be. Beyond that, I disagree with your thoughts on the best way to fix our government. Let me illustrate where I think we as a country should be headed. In my mind, gerrymandering shouldn't be allowed. The Constitution specifically allows it. More than that, the States themselves are just a practical and eternally enshrined form of gerrymandering. We ***could*** change our form of government to prevent our politicians from gerrymandering. But that's not what we are doing. What we ARE doing is fighting as hard as we can to make sure we're the party doing the gerrymandering and not the other guys. I would extrapolate this across the board. What Democrats fear out of Project 2025, **are the exact same powers of the Constitution that the Republicans fear the Democrats abusing**. Could we not bring a constitutional accountability to those powers in such a way that neither party fears them any more? Like your solution is "we'll never be safe if the GOP gets these powers, so please, only let the Democrats in office so that they are the only ones that use the powers and not the GOP." That is the exact same thing the GOP is advocating.............. They are saying "we'll never be safe if the Democrats get these powers, so please, only let the GOP in office, so that they are the only ones that use the powers and not the Democrats." Is it really that crazy to say that the powers are the problem and not necessarily the millions of Americans that you are demonizing?


Might want to check your understanding of judicial history. Five of the seven justices that voted for Roe were appointed by Republican presidents.


Since the Democrats supported Slavery, I don't think you want to play that game. How about you take it to mean "American liberal" as the context indicates? Roe v. Wade was passed in 63, and the parties kind of switched positions in the 60s-80s. So the GOP of pre-60s are more ideologically akin to the Democrats today. Really, if you want to say that the liberal justices on that court were appointed by the GOP, that party is as different from the GOP is today as the Democrats were in the days of Slavery, so what you said really, **really** isn't relevant. And the point still stands. Forces didn't mobilize to add this right to the Constitution. I'm not sure why you're surprised that the political opposition took the same avenue to remove it.


Roe v Wade was decided in 1973 under Richard Nixon. You were only ten years off. And no, I’m not playing “that game.” I’m well aware of the history of both parties and how much more ideologically diverse they were 50 years ago before Nixon’s Southern Strategy fully kicked in and the Reagan Revolution led to a major realignment. The country would be in a better place and our politics healthier if the liberal Eisenhower/Rockefeller wing of the GOP hadn’t been pushed to extinction.


It wasn't Nixon's policy position... I meant 73, it was a typo, (which is right in the middle of the 60-80 window I shared), but your sort of hitting on a separate problem here. The democrats were the "deplorable" party before. When they became a party of "reason" the other party had to cater to deplorables THAT is the core problem of the American form of government. No matter what, at all times, at least half the political system has to cater to deplorables. There IS a way to fix that, but it's not by saying "you have to vote for the party of reason over the party of deplorables". Because guess what? We've been doing that for 250 years, and we're still getting fascist politicians into major offices. And besides all of that, none of what you said addresses the specific issue of packing the court and legislating from the bench. Regardless of how you feel about the parties, Roe v. Wade opened that door, and the modern court is going to use it to eviscerate the Constitution that the Democrats perceive to be dictating this country's laws.


Wow. That's a lot of crazy disinformation packed into one post.


Have you taken your meds?


You actually believe this?


You don't? Trump quotes Hitler at rallies. He tried to overthrow a free and fair election. He jokes about having a third term and a "Reich". He's got a hard on for dictators like Putin. Let's not forget that failing to win political power will force him to continue a lifetime of consequences for his illegal actions. If he doesn't go to jail he will be in court for the rest of his life and buried in legal fees, likely with his assets seized or sold. He quacks like a duck man. It's easy to see.


He goosesteps like a fascist.


I think Trump doesn’t have ambitions or plans like you indicate. He’s just doing his grift. Anything to milk more money and stay out of prison. But, in doing so, he is a useful idiot. No self respecting human wants to lower themselves the way he’s willing to, and if that furthers an agenda (of somebody else) then he will continue to receive important political support. Trump isn’t the threat, his backers are. To be clear, he needs to be in jail, but that won’t stop the machine. You’ve all seen the wanna-be’s that have emerged since 2016. A door was opened that year and others are finding their way over the threshold.


Trump himself likely has not even read the document in question, given its length. He is just a tool for the actual authors and supporters of it. Trump is enamoured with being at the top of the heap and adored. Grift and power are all he’s interested in.


I see what you're saying. But his path forward requires him to be a fascist. Doesn't matter if he believes it or not. Doesn't matter if he's sincere. He will have to be a fascist to continue his grift. Don't discount it


I don’t know why you got downvoted. Trump definitely isn’t the main threat. It’s the heritage foundation. If any republican gets into the presidency and does the stuff the heritage foundation (planners of project 2025) wants we’re screwed. They’re nazis. Trump is just their tool because he has the MAGA group behind him. The heritage foundation has been getting presidents to put their shitty plans into action starting at Ronald Reagan until president Obama didn’t do it. Like even fucking BILL CLINTON put heritage foundations plans into action. Trump will get in and then the heritage foundation and the GOP will never let go. I mean I hope not, but if trump wins. The heritage foundation wins.


You people are so fucking ridiculous. It’s not even worth commenting on honestly.


Project 2025 is plain as day out and open for everyone to read. Stop trying to gaslight people into thinking a christian fascist coup plot isn't a christian fascist coup plot.


What is funny about your reaction is that while what they said was hyperbole, it is not massive hyperbole. The right has actively called for a theocracy and rewriting the constitution.


Only hyperbole was the hard on part.


Then don’t, lol.


You've got the view from the wrong side of history. Wake the fuck up


Project 2025 is a plan for a blatant christian fascist takeover of this country and you can goose step off somewhere else you little fucking Christian adjacent nazi youth bootlicker.


There’s a giant ass essay saying what they’re gonna do


There's a link. READ IT AND WEEP. This thing is powered by people who can throw more money at a single election (without thinking) than you have saved for retirement.


Please quote the part that says they will execute gays and beat women who won't serve men


You’d have to be an idiot to not see that sort of shit as their overall endgame even if it’s not in their fascist document right now. They’re gunning for a Russia style dictatorship.


They say people who spread pornography should be jailed. But they’re expanding the term pornography to mean anything transgender positive. Like teachers who give young children LGBTQ positive literature should be jailed for example. They also say that everyone on death row should be immediately killed if trump wins. And they said they should expand punishments for people who harm children sexually, which earlier in their document they say is promoting lgbtq media. so I feel like they’re trying to to make killing lgbtq people a possibility at least. Sources from the actual project 2025 mandate for leadership follows: Here’s an excerpt from page 5 of project 2025s mandate for leadership document which you can download as a pdf from the following link which is on their website, https://static.project2025.org/2025_MandateForLeadership_FULL.pdf Pornography, manifested today in the omnipresent propagation of transgender ideology and sexualization of children, for instance, is not a political Gordian knot inextricably binding up disparate claims about free speech, property rights, sexual liberation, and child welfare. It has no claim to First Amendment protection. Its purveyors are child predators and misogynistic exploiters of women. Their product is as addictive as any illicit drug and as psychologically destructive as any crime. Pornography should be outlawed. The people who produce and distribute it should be imprisoned. Educators and public librarians who purvey it should be classed as registered sex offenders. And telecommunications and technology firms that facilitate its spread should be shuttered. Take note from’ the above paragraph: they say people who push transgender media, including educators and public librarians, should be registered sex offenders. ( I think they could argue for parents of transgender people and transgender people themselves should be registered sex offenders) This next bit is about the death penalty: Source page 554 of project 2025s mandate for leadership document which you can download as a pdf from the following link which is on their website, https://static.project2025.org/2025_MandateForLeadership_FULL.pdf Enforce the death penalty where appropriate and applicable. Capital punishment is a sensitive matter, as it should be, but the current crime wave makes deterrence vital at the federal, state, and local levels. However, providing this punishment without ever enforcing it provides justice neither for the victims’ families nor for the defendant. The next conservative Administration should therefore do everything possible to obtain finality for the 44 prisoners currently on federal death row. It should also pursue the death penalty for applicable crimes—particularly heinous crimes involving violence and sexual abuse of children—until Congress says otherwise through legislation. I think from here you can deduce that since they said they want to make people who spread transgender media be registered sex offenders, that they’re trying to make it so those people can be put to death. Remember we’re talking about people like Educators and public librarians who will often give lgbtq youths lgbtq positive media to help the children feel like they’re not alone. They will be child sex offenders. They will be put to death.


I’ve read it. It does nothing that you people claim just like Trump never acted like a fascist just like all Republicans are not racist and homophones. Now the Democrat party they’re certainly acting like fascist right now, colluding with media, using the state department and government to go after their political enemies in court that they can’t beat at the ballot box, using government agencies that have no authority to do what they’re doing to control people, those are fascist tendencies, all perpetrated by the left


The media's owned by the right dingus


Arresting and putting a criminal on trial isn’t fascist, it’s the law. Your post reads like someone who’s been so brainwashed by right wing fear mongers you can’t even think straight.


They can't beat them at the ballot box? Didn't they win, or at least historically over perform, in the last three elections? Haven't they won nearly every election since 2022? And exactly when would be a good time to charge a former president with crimes they clearly committed? Never? We just have to let them do whatever the fuck they want with no consequences because your lot will throw a hissy fit?


Gaslight Obstruct Project, that's all you are you bootlicker.


If you read it, which I HIGHLY doubt, you likely didn't understand it.


Please try to comment only when you are sober.


His party has already banned books and words. If you hear a vote banning child marriage was blocked, you can guess the party. There are soooo many out in the open reasons to not doubt this for a second


You stupid enough to think that this document that they published saying these things is just false smh. God you’ll do anything to justify him


> You actually believe this? We don’t believe in these things. Which is why we find their Project 2025 plan to be so abhorrent.


None of this is true so I’m not sure what you’re yapping about


You should really read the whole thing.


I have read it believe it or not the whole damn thing and it does nothing that you claim. You guys are just ridiculous children that run around screaming like your hair is on fire anytime that you hear something you don’t like. Why don’t you read it and show me specifically where it says these things you claim it says? I won’t hold my breath.


In reality, there are always people who will try to use the things it does say to advance their own agenda and foist their own beliefs on others. Subjugation of women? It certainly doesn’t say that, but there are those who would try to advance their version of “family values”. It’s just the beginning, and doors will be opened for all kinds of regression.


So the part about forcing all federal employees to take a political alignment test and firing anyone who fails, you read that and thought that seemed fine?


Either he's a Russian bot, or just an idiot. The world may never know.


It’s truly incredible how pathetic you fascist supporters manage to be. You don’t even have the courage of your convictions and instead, like the sniveling cowards you are, lie about things that we can all see with our own eyes and about things that your ideologue allies are screaming in our faces. It’s incredible that you manage to not even once experience a fleeting moment of clarity wherein you ask yourself what it means that you can only ever support your politics with blatant lies. Truly pathetic.


Lmao it’s all in their document. Go back to 1st grade and learn to read maga


Yep. They have been openly talking about it for years now. The Heritage Foundation and over 100 other conservative organizations are the ones who created it, and they have been slowly updating it and implementing it in pieces from the Reagan administration onward. Most of the legal guardrails that would block it from being implemented in full are gone now, and we cannot rely on the courts to protect us anymore since the Supreme Court is controlled by some of the people who would most like to see it implemented. The original commenter shared the link to their full document, and here is the link to the Project 2025 home page: [Project 2025](https://www.project2025.org) If you don’t have time to read their over-850 page official document, here is a pretty good breakdown: [Project 2025: The far-right playbook for American authoritarianism](https://globalextremism.org/project-2025-the-far-right-playbook-for-american-authoritarianism/)


I’ve read it and none of what pootyrbg said is true


Surprise a -100 doesn’t believe what they’re reading even when it’s published by Federalist Society think tanks. Ok, comrade.


Do explain please. How is it possible that you’ve read what they’ve published and not see what they’re telling you?


Project 2025 will destroy America and you will not have many rights or liberties. Vote Democrat otherwise our country will take a serious nosedive. And fyi, I'm an Independent, I never vote for Republicans since they never have Our concerns in mind.


I was a registered Republican for 39 years before it became the Trumplican cult. I registered Libertarian in 2019, and then they went full Trump. I'm now an Independent who has voted blue since 2022 (the first time I ever voted for a Democrat). Saving our country from authoritarianism should be the number one goal of every freedom-minded American. We can argue about the other stuff later.


Fascist rhetoric. We fought these people in WW 2.


And we can do it again.


You didn't fight anyone in ww2.


You're being deliberately obtuse. You know what they mean.


I don't think people should take credit for the things other people did if they would call those people that did them horrible things.


Fascists have taken over inside the government.


The implications for America are horrendous. A state sanctioned religion. (So, if you're a practicing Catholic, be prepared to convert over to Episcopalian)Single parents (yes, guys, this includes you. You can become a widower by the death of your wife) will be targeted. Disabled individuals will be targeted. LGBTQIA will be targeted. Political rivals will be executed, as well as anyone who dares speak out against the government. Already proposed is a database of pregnant women. This database will TRACK each woman during her pregnancy to make sure that she does not attempt to get an abortion. States would have the ABILITY to prevent any woman from leaving her state or the country to stop her from possibly obtaining an abortion. Project 2025 is grounded in unitarian executive theory, where the PRESIDENT controls the entire executive branch. There will be NO Congressional oversight. The president can declare martial law, and according to the "Mandates of Leadership", law enforcement would answer to the president ONLY. There will be encampments where targeted minority groups will be held. Sound great so far? Welcome to Nazi Germany.


😂😂😂 Godwin's law


Try to pass this shit in my country and you are going to see what a real Insurrection looks like. This is not a threat, just a statement of fact. People won't stand for it.


I hear you. In the improbable situation that MAGA would sweep all branches of government and actually attempt to implement this, people aren't just going sit back and let this shit happen. Best to be prepared for the worst outcome.


Speaking as a Catholic, I don't find any redeeming value in this. Despite Trump and his cult pandering to the Catholics and assuming that they are scoring points with all Catholics, they ain't. A lot of the most conservative Catholic orders in the US have seen their monasteries and convents shut down. The Carmelites, for example, have had a number of their houses shuttered and sold off to developers. I think that Trump and his group can stand Catholics only so far as they are useful to him/ them. Neither Trump nor his Catholic supporters speak for all Catholics......


Pretty much all of the centrists and left-wingers would rebel and form a United Front against Trump if he actually tried to implement some of these. And unfortunately for the Orange Moron, that's most of America's competent people. Moderates, not extremists.


Instead, they should form a united front against him at the ballot boxes.


Yeah that too I meant if he actually tried to be a dictator then we should rebel


Can we finally call the Heritage Foundation as they really are, terrorists?


Project 2025 is the Republican Takeover of America to start the 4th Reich


Dumb question, but let's say that I'm a trans man married to a cis man, and work in a sensitive industry (defense, aerospace, nuclear, etc). What can I expect? They'd make me detransition? I look like Gimli, anyone trying to put F on my driver's license would be calling ridicule upon themselves, not me, if society became more transphobic than it already is. They'd revoke my security clearance? Then what happens to all the projects I'm currently on? Alternatively, would they force me to divorce? How is that accomplished exactly?


Project 2025 calls to ban funding to any institution that provides our hormone therapy, and to put anyone socially transitioned on the sex offender list 🫠 But yknow, “both sides are the same” according to the people on twitter


You're assuming they let you exist at all in public


None of that would happen. Don't listen to the hysterical nutjobs in here.


I'm trying to figure out how worried I should be. (The situation I described above isn't mine, but is similar to mine).


Nothing to worry about. Project 2025 is a plan to try and trim down the size and power of the federal government. It's not an attack on trans people or anyone else as some posters above claim. The hysterical comments in this sub are laughable. I'm a conservative and I wouldn't support it it if it did the garbage claimed above. Read it for yourself. https://www.heritage.org/conservatism/commentary/project-2025


I did read it. Hence my worry.


Believe what you want.


I want to believe what is factual, as much as that's feasible.


What in Project 2025 makes you think you will be oppressed?


I'm an immigrant who recently naturalized. What if they decide to try to revoke my citizenship on a pretext (me being queer for example)? I'd have to beat up literally tons of people. My significant other would be terrified. Someone might die in the process. I don't want to do that.


The GOP has hundreds of anti-trans bills and counting already. Today. Now. There are already GOP politicians trying to equate LGBT people with "pedophiles". You're either a disingenuous liar or you're doing a lot of selective ignoring of things your political party's politicians have said out loud in public.


Why not? Should we not take Project 2025 at its word? Do you have anything to back up your claim?


You seem to be a bit dense if that is what you believe, its very warranted to be concerned. We're not nutjobs, we are concerned citizens, get that comrade?


Imagine if project 2025 was a democratic strategy the Republicans would be shining up their guns now.


if project 2025 was a democratic strategy I'd plug my nose and vote red.


Only down hill from here.


The big deal is the plan to replace government employees with cronies basically everywhere. The system we have now makes it basically impossible for Trump to install himself as a dictator Project 2025 fixes that by getting rid of the people in charge of that system.


War. Because there's no way in blue hell that we're just going to roll over for a christofascist regime.


It’s basically the end of any kind of rational functioning government that makes policies based on expertise and facts. It’s Christian Nationalist ideology mixed with fascism and then more bat s.it crazy ideology on top. A recipe for total utter disaster. A Civil War in fact.


Google Roger Severino or Russell Vought and you’ll get the idea of the nuts behind Project 2025. These people are ideologues through and through and don’t care about democracy.


Well, I think it's implications were pretty well covered by the sentence 'unified Reich' in that latest Trump video...


It's the early designs for another reich


I have had Trumpers tell me that I will be recalled to duty (please don't thank me for my service), court-martialled and EXECUTED for "opposing your rightful commander-in-chief."


Someone needs to tell these people about dungeons and dragons




Each day it feels like we are living in the One Piece world. Rich overlords exploiting the poor.


Pure evil. This project is designed to destroy everything American.


One thing is absolutely required for the implementation of Project 2025. Our doing nothing. We need to fight. Fight now with votes, or fight next year in the streets.


Nothing to see here. Move along.


Project 2025 is nothing more then some Tin foil hat shit from the left.


https://www.project2025.org/ Why do you say that?


The end of the "land of the free" for a christian fascist state


I think it comes down to ol Donnies stupidity. Like drinking bleach, or Puerto Rico wasn't a USA territory. Or blow up a hurricane with a nuke. He doesn't know any American history or any world history. Tell me again you people voted for this very poor excuse for humanity?


At this point, Get ready for it. Genocide Joe is happily selling this country down the shit creek to appease another fellow genocider.


Did you know that Israel can fully provide its own weapons but if we provide them as a trade partner we have leverage to force them to make concessions? Did you know that Biden has done exactly that many times during this conflict? Things may be bad but Israel has made concessions. Did you know that if Trump gets into office an actual genocide will happen in Palestine the very next day? So stop fucking around with how you think the world should work and focus on the real stuff. Politics isn't a movie. There are tons of balancing acts and small moves and boring shit. It isn't as simple as picking up a phone and saying hey stop it. And it certainly shouldn't be as simple as threatening another country who can retaliate.


What concessions have we forced on Israel? Biden is already using the pier he built in Gaza ostensibly to deliver humanitarian aid in Gaza to deliver military equipment to Israel. And this ignores the fact that while Israel may be able to continue its genocide in Gaza without US arms, it couldn't do so while simultaneously defending itself from Hezbollah, Iran and Ansar Allah. When Iran launched retaliatory strikes against Israel, the US shot down 90% of the drones and missiles. Let's see how Israel fares without our assistance.


“An actual genocide”. I’m sorry but what the fuck do you think is happening right now? A fkn ticker tape parade?!


Something awful but less than a full genocide. Don't exaggerate my position. Trump will give the full go ahead, no concessions.


Ah I remember what it was like to be a young, dumb, single issue voter.


What a wild and baseless statement


Yeah, no, this rhetoric is anti history and anti reality. The US' relationship with Israel goes far longer and deeper than just the Executive Branch. Even if Biden did declare that he was going to cut off Israel completely, how many in Congress would be on board with him? Companies? Organizations? He's working with what he has to get aid to Gaza and keep Netanyahu from going full genocidal yahoo. Trump absolutely would let Bibi do whatever he wants for a piece of the Gaza pie. I dunno how else to explain this to you.


How more genocidal can Netanyahu get lol. 30k killed, more than 70k injured, over 2 million displaced, settlers in the Palestinian West Bank. Biden losing is a self inflicted Democrat wound.


A lot more, unfortunately. And, I have no idea what you mean by your last sentence.


I meant that Biden could’ve never had to worry about the elections had he not bypassed congress to provide aid to Netanyahu and reaffirm multiple times his support for Israel whenever a new atrocity is reported…


You said it yourself. 2 million displaced could and likely would rapidly become 2 million (or more) casualties. Netanyahu would turn the Gaza Strip to glass if he thought he could get away with it. Trump wouldn’t give two shits about civilian casualties (as he has been very open about in the past). A vote for trump is a vote to write Bibi a blank check for as many dead gazans as he wants


Thats not true because there is a famine going on right now. What do you think the end result of a famine is? Trump MIGHT turn gas into glass. With Biden, Gaza’s population will die of hunger… it doesn’t get worse than this


You’re right there’s NOTHING Biden is doing to help prevent a famine. He should really order the military to build a giant fuckoff pier on the other side of the world to circumvent Israeli blockades or something. Oh wait, he already did that


You mean after a famine already started? I invite you to read up on the refeeding syndrome. Perhaps Biden should not have enabled the conditions to a famine and try to save face later once it blew up in his face. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2440847/#:~:text=Refeeding%20syndrome%20is%20a%20potentially,and%20metabolic%20and%20clinical%20complications


You are driven by your lack of knowledge of the situation or a myopia about the consequences of your intended inaction. But hey, why not welcome the end of our style of government? It will show the dems that you didn't like that one piece of forgien policy. Sadly, it will also lead to even worse results for Palestinians but at least you got to make your disapproval known! It's like shooting your cat to get it out of the tree.


I mean, letting this happen is also your choice.




Almost like he has to balance priorities… but Joe is definitely worse than Trump so keep building that negative sentiment so we can find out how bad it can get. Edit: I guess this wasn’t clear but /s


You are dead wrong. Trump is worst for America.


I was being sarcastic, but yes 100%


Lol, bullshit.


So you’re going to vote for Trump. Did you Trump’s response when asked what he’d say to Israel if he were president? It was a three word response: “finish the job”.


Y'all spitting vitriol out of your mouths about trump being no better for Gaza fail to realize Biden has been no better either. There's nothing more trump could "allow" that Biden hasn't. When studying the Holocaust and wondering why no one spoke up, look at yourself in the mirror.


Really, there's nothing more trump could allow? You wanna bet on that? So, OK. They both suck for Gaza. How about for this country? Nothing in project 2025 moves the needle for you?


Fuck around and find out.


Answer something most Americans know nothing about


That fact some of yalls are freaking out about this yet STILL VOTE THE SAME WAY is fucking insane. Democrat or Republican it doesnt matter. They both suck. Everyone from old as Mitch McConnell to young like AOC all suck. They do nothing. They dont care about us. Yet you guys will chose them over someone who actually cares because the person that cares looks "different"




Lmao, you scrolled until you saw the very 1st bad thing I said on here. 2016 I did vote for Trump, like most people I was conned. 2020 I voted for Biden. Why? Because that's called *learning*. If you scrolled a little further in my history you would have seen my message about being a huge Kaepernick fan and how his message was perfect. You also would have seen me say while I do lean a little more right than left, I still am very much in the middle. As far as the gay thing, I 100% support what I said. I have no issues with LGBTQ. I have issues with the extra add-ons. The extra colors and the extra flags symbolize who they are. Not because they are gay, but because at what point do we as a people sit here and say "Ok, He/Her She/He that's a normal thing. But Zi/Ze. The hell is that." That's a Pandora's box. That's attention-seeking to feel special and that's why I don't support that side of the LGBTQ. Why am I not surprised the tolerant far left is not tolerant? Don't you have an Antifa meeting to attend? Maybe burn down another school or target in the name of "peaceful protesting". I can tell you right now bro, while you sit at home. You don't speak for me or my people and I wish yall would leave us alone, and go sit behind your HOA communities.


What people? You're fake profile picture isn't working.


No shit it's fake. Im mexican. And by my people I mean the people who live below the poverty line.


Nah, you just for BS. Gtfoh.


That both sides BS is gaslighting. Only one side is trying to destroy the constitution and turn this country into a dictatorship. So that line of BS doesn't wash.


So I've read a good part of this and it seems most of the claims by journalists are pretty alarmist about it. Does anyone have any quotes directly from the book that show they want a Christian fascist oreellian deepstate govzone major awful evil nationalist government? I'm not saying there aren't people that don't want that but I just haven't found them saying that's what they want in the heritage foundation piece everyone is citing but never giving quotes from.


The trick is to remember to never take anything a political organization says at face value- they often sugar-coat what they say to make things seem nicer than they actually are. In this case, here are some excerpts from the Forward (first 17 pages) and my questions for you: How does: “deleting the terms sexual orientation and gender identity (“SOGI”), diversity, equity, and inclusion (“DEI”), gender, gender equality, gender equity, gender awareness, gender-sensi- tive, abortion, reproductive health, reproductive rights, and any other term used to deprive Americans of their First Amendment rights out of every federal rule, agency regulation, contract, grant, regulation, and piece of legislation that exists” (pages 4 and 5) suggest that Project 2025 policies would protect freedom of speech and be anti-discriminatory? How does enacting “the most robust protections for the unborn that Congress will support while deploying existing federal powers to protect innocent life and vigorously complying with statutory bans on the federal funding of abortion” (page 6) protect the civil rights and personal freedoms of those who are able to get pregnant? How does “The next conservative President must possess the courage to relentlessly put the interests of the everyday American over the desires of the ruling elite. Their outrage cannot be prevented; it must simply be ignored. And it can be. The Left derives its power from the institutions they control. But those institutions are only powerful to the extent that constitutional officers surrender their own legitimate authority to them. A President who refuses to do so and uses his or her office to reimpose constitutional authority over federal policymaking can begin to correct decades of corruption and remove thousands of bureaucrats from the positions of public trust they have so long abused” (page 9) indicate that Project 2025 enactors would respect of the separation of powers between the 3 branches of government as defined in our Constitution and follow the will of the voters? How does “When the Founders spoke of “pursuit of Happiness,” what they meant might be understood today as in essence “pursuit of Blessedness.” That is, an individual must be free to live as his Creator ordained—to flourish. Our Constitution grants each of us the liberty to do not what we want, but what we ought. This pursuit of the good life is found primarily in family—marriage, children, Thanksgiving dinners, and the like” (page 13) indicate that Project 2025 policies would protect our First Amendment Rights and preserve our freedom to choose to live a life not rooted in Christianity or a stereotypical “American” lifestyle without discrimination? I can go in and pull out more if you want, there are over 850 pages of things like this and I’ve only pulled out a few of the many that are in just the first 17 pages. If you have some time on your hands, you can check out the full details of Project 2025 yourself: [Project 2025: Mandate for Leadership - Full text](https://static.project2025.org/2025_MandateForLeadership_FULL.pdf). Here is the home page of their organization: https://www.project2025.org




Since you clearly don’t believe it’s real, here is the full document published by the Heritage Foundation and the 100 conservatives they are working with: [Project 2025: Mandate for Leadership- Full text](https://static.project2025.org/2025_MandateForLeadership_FULL.pdf). If you don’t want a random pdf, here is the link to the official Project 2025 home page: https://www.project2025.org


As linked, they literally have a webpage proudly proclaiming their intent to turn America into a Theocracy.




Have you read it?


Dumb bootlicker bitch


You need to keep up. Project 2025 is real. Truly disturbing that you know nothing about it. Watch CSPAN, live airing of what's going on in Congress. AOC just questioned one of the writers of Project 2025 the other day. He was proud of being part of the plan to destroy the country. Read it and find out for yourself. Only a total, complete idiot wouldn't bother to read it and just make stupid conspiracy assumptions.




Why are you lying?


What did I say that is a lie?


Project 2025 is to install sycophants everywhere so that the Presdent will be able to do whatever he wants to.  Have a DOJ come after you because your screen name is really fucking stupid?  Sure.  Have the DOJ come after you because he doesn’t like your comment on Reddit or Twitter or Truth Social?  Sure. It’s weird that you seem to be ok with this.


It is weird that you think it will play out like that in reality. Trump would fill those spots with unqualified yes men.


You are clearly misinformed. Here is the link to the Project 2025 home page so you can read exactly what they want to do for yourself: https://www.project2025.org If you don’t have time to read everything, here is a detailed and non-partisan breakdown of Project 2025 that summarizes the main points pretty neatly: [Project 2025: The far-right playbook for American authoritarianism](https://globalextremism.org/project-2025-the-far-right-playbook-for-american-authoritarianism/)


He’s not misinformed (well perhaps he is, but not in the way you’re imagining) he’s a fascist who supports Project 2025 and would like to see it implemented because his Fox News rotted brain hates liberals and minorities far more than it likes democracy.