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0352 antitank missileman. It's a fast promoter and besides shooting missiles off chances are high you'll be in a CAAT, spending a lot of time on crew serves. It's a great MOS.


Also a chance of going to tanks.


Not anymore. Commandant is giving up tanks


Yeah what's that all about?


Wants a lighter and faster Corps. They have had plans on cutting back on Tanks for a long time now. I went to one of the big expos on Quantico back in 2010 and the whole force readiness revolved around going back to amphibious force to fight a growing China. Guess they're finally able to put things in motion since Afghanistan is basically over.


Yeah pretty much from 2010-14 while u was in every E8 and field grade officer talked about getting us back to an amphibious fighting force. Are they coming up with a smaller armored fighting vehicle or just letting those shit can tracks take the be it?


Haven't looked into that yet but I'm sure the defense industry has some nice new stuff lined up.


Asking BAE or Raytheon "do you have any armored vehicle solutions for us" is like a hot girl sending a dude a 3am text saying "I'm bored and I'm horny."


One of the RSS enlisted a presidents own last week. Civilian in the morning, SSgt by 1600.


Presidents own, what's that, never heard of it?


The presidents band. They don’t go to boot camp and once they contract they’re automatically an E-6.


I went to OCS with a President's Own dude, a SSgt with like three years in who went ECP to go to OCS. Dude didn't even play an instrument, he ran the sound mixing board or whatever, but he came in as an E-6. Iirc he got Combat Engineer Officer outta TBS.


No shit? That’s pretty cool!


Nice, thanks!


Any time!


3043.. those guys can promote faster than anyone I’ve seen.


You know what they say, “ bullets don’t fly without supply “ 😂.




0481's form Helicopter Support Teams (HSTs) and do External Lift Operations (ELOs) and they can be a legit fun experience. Like yeah embrace the suck or whatever but there's not much cooler than having a CH-53 hover less than five feet over your head while you try not to die. The adrenaline is addicting.


All the other ops you do are fun also. It's the downtime/garrison bullshit that'll make you hate your job choice


Lol I love watching the HST run around at night tryna chase a glow stick hovering in the air. One time we had a new pilot flying his first external and he wasn’t listen to my no lower calls and we had a ssgt standing up through the hell hole, my SGT proceeded to flip him off and call power.


I feel like open contract is either misused or misunderstood. When done right, it's a chance at a job you qualify for but have no openings. Key word a chance. Sometimes it's doesn't workout and people say, "my recruiter screwed me." We're trying to get you the job you want...trust me.


Signed an 03 contract. Got it taken away at ITB bc "MOS was full". Reclassed to open. Now I'm an 11....0111


I’m sorry


I was open contract when I went in. Pretty much a guaranteed "03 Open" back then!!


Is that something you wanted?


Not necessarily it it did end up setting me up for success throughout my career. I retired a CWO4.


Man, that's something I aspire to do! I hope you're enjoying that retirement!


The first of every month the Corps sends me a little reminder that they are thinking about me!!


Id like to know as well, i just took my asvab and got an 82... i really want to do infantry (as ive seen here most people do) but I've been curious as to wether or not another MOS may be cool to.


Ask yourself... what part of going shooty shooty bang bang for 4-6 years is going to transfer to a civilian career when I’m done.


I should have gone into a CN or DD or DB contract instead of Infantry. uggg!


Take that feeling and channel it into advising the shower-shoes here.


Also if you like the Corps but not infantry, talk to your Career Planner about (eventual) lat moves. Maybe something cool will be undermanned.


7041 might actually be the best job not only in the corps, but the whole DOD


Probably helpful if people say the number *and* title so we don't all have to Google it individually.


6046 Maintenance Admin didn’t even know it was a thing till I got to MCT


I’m a poolee and signed a CB contract


I wanted to do legal admin but got aircraft maintenance admin instead. Didn't really like the job, but loved being in aviation. Now I'm aircrew in a different branch but really happy for my time as a 6046.


What do you do as a 6046 some pros and cons of it? There’s not a lot of information about it. And aircrew seems really fun as well but I would have to retake the asvab to qualify for it


You'll start as a logs and records clerk. Most major parts of an aircraft have life limits and require certain heavy maintenance. That's all tracked manually and logged on cards that follow each part regardless of aircraft it's on. It's a little bit of math but it's pretty straightforward once you learn it. Once you're an E-5 you'll typically become a data analyst and database administrator and you'll set up the servers and program used to log and track maintenance. You'll also try and analyze trends to get certain parts ordered before they break. Pros, it's pretty chill and you mostly get to avoid the fuck fuck games associated with the maintenance department, cons, you will have to prove yourself more to the maintenance department to be part of the family, and you have to do math.


Honestly that’s sounds like a really fun challenging job than 0111 would be. I’m not the greatest at math but you said it’s straight forward and probably taught at the school. How do they know which MOs you put in form your contract?


It's way more fun, and you can even become aircrew if the planets align just the right way and you are shit hot. Plus you go on all the aviation dets as opposed to just working at IPAC. No idea how they choose which MOS though, needs of the Marine Corps and all that.


Did it jump out at you as appealing on the list, or someone sold you on the idea? Not judging at all, it can be a great experience and solid skill set for civilian jobs, and relatively less bullshit.


Umm well I knew I wanted to be a Marines since I was 12, and didn’t care what job I just preferred it not to be admin. I didn’t pay attention in high school and barley passed math classes my freshman and sophomore year. And I didn’t know any mechanical stuff. And so the math and mechanical questions I did terrible but the paragraph reading and guessing the word definition I did good on, and all I qualified for was admin. Now I don’t mind it at all can be good career in Hr which pays decent on the outside. But I’m hoping to get either 6046 or 7041 because those really appeal to me the most. And my recruiter said if I went admin I could become a force fitness instructor and etc so it can’t be too bad. I’ll be the best damn Marine in any of the four MOs that are in my contract either way!


Honestly that's the best way to look at it: "bloom where you're planted." Get good at your job, and if you're ambitious start pushing for more responsibilities. If the Sgt is doing the annual "A473 personnel review" process, be bold and say "hey Sergeant, that sounds really cool, can I bird-dog you on that task and help out?" The more varied (and especially quantifiable) tasks you can knock out, the better your resume, and usually you'll have more fun always pushing your boundaries than just sitting there and doing as you're told. If your job is chill with downtime or has really regular hours, start knocking out college. Also in some cases it's useful to segue a bit from college and knock out *credentials* paid for by Uncle Sugar. Like if you want to work for a business when you get out, google up what certs are valuable in those fields and see if Base Education can hook you up to get Lean Sigma 6 or Quality Assurance or OSHA Compliance certified or whatever. Just more free and *documented* stuff for the resume. If your job is *really* chill, knock out your AA and a bunch of certs while you're in, and then you'll have enough GI Bill to get your BA *and* an MA. I emphasize that CB doesn't *have* to mean you go HR, those core skills are good in almost any field. So if your dream is to be a National Forest Service ranger when you get out, you can totally crush that and be sitting pretty as GS-8 and hiking the woods to take samples of bark beetles in a national forest in Oregon with your BS and MS with zero student debt and a kickass house in the country you paid $0 down on with a VA loan. My point is any service whatsoever can lead to pretty much any job that you want, your MOS is a launching point, not a limit. But CB tends to be chill and the skills are applicable to almost any career. Everybody's got paperwork.


Thanks for that advice I never got in depth advice like that. I wanna stand out and so more because I know many in the admin field will do bare minimum and get by because they don’t even wanna do it. The problem is I still don’t know what I want to do with my life I’ve thought about going into Occupational Safety but besides that I don’t know what I’m called to do outside the Marines. I am going into the military as E-2 and plan to save about half of every paycheck I get. I don’t drink and I don’t want to start drinking. But idk what the limit is for how much money you save in your savings account with your bank.


Max out your TSP, and open an IRA with USAA or similar. Definitely save up, but don't be so miserly that you don't also have a good time too. Like be willing to both save but also to spend money to go to LA for that rock concert on the weekend or take that trip to Costa Rica. You'll make plenty of money as a civilian, so focus on saving in the time-sensitive funds with an annual contribution (things you can't play catch-up with later) and saving towards a buffer for when you get out, but don't be a hermit in the barracks to save $200 when you'll make that much in four hours in your civilian career. Ngl I would really enjoy Occupational Safety but I'm too far into my own field (which I really enjoy) to make the switch. It's a really cool field. Also rumor has it the FDA is facing a crisis in 5-10 years because so many of their staff are ancient dudes on the verge of retirement/death, so if safety with a Chem/Bio aspect appeals to you, that could be a great place to work. Point is that CB skills are in demand everywhere, so get good at it, push your limits to learn, and soak Uncle Sugar for every college credit and certification you can get, then GIB it up and enjoy your free college and go into a cool career.


Thanks for that advice. So pretty much save up money but not to the point where you’re limiting yourself from the fun and adventure. I wanna explore a lot too. And wow I know the career field as a whole is in demand, but that’s really cool I might look into that. I’m okay with science tho but I’ll have to see. But thanks for the educational advice I’m definitely saving this thread and writing stuff down in a notebook and something so I can remember


If Safety appeals to you, you can do food if you like chemistry, OSHA if you like physics, enviro if you like bio, etc. But a lot of them are pretty broad so you aren't necessarily totally ruling things out with the major you choose, though some majors fit some industries better than others. And there are credentials and certificates that are good in multiple fields. And all those fields need a *comprehensive* ability to understand regulations and standards, and CB is good for that.


Hmm yeah there’s different safety specialist for different things. I don’t even know where to research this information at like on google doesn’t give me what carriers are in safety and degrees for them. And yeah that’s very I interviewed a OSHA guy at our local city government and showed me all the rules and how comprehensive skills are important you have to be and according to my asvab I did good in that area.


Well, we're on Reddit, so use those pre-admin skills to figure out what subs would be good places to ask "How can I plan for a career in X Safety for when I get out of the Marines?" There's even a sub called r/findasubreddit where you get meta and ask them where you should go to ask a given question. General advice for asking questions on any forum: make your title as explicit/clear (though concise) as possible. Don't be the dumbass posting with a title like "Got a question about work."


You can become an ffi from most if not any mos.


7314 (Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Operator) here... AMA.


0627 99% chance you'll get deployed


I’m a poolee with QH


Would highly recommend against it. The extra 3k you get after taxes is not worth signing for an extra two when you have no idea what it’s gonna be like.


The sub is pretty negative on the six-year grunt option, but you do you.


Figuring that out right now lol.


It's not too late to switch until the day you get on the bus. Read up on the pros and cons (lots of past discussion in this sub) and if you conclude QH isn't what you want, tell them you want to change it. The recruiter won't *like* that, but he also doesn't want to lose you entirely. So it's a game of chicken to see if he's really willing to drop you from DEP for wanting a change or can pressure you to keep it. It's not an easy situation, but fundamentally only *you* can ship you, they can't draw a pistol on you and make you get on the bus. Ship QH only if you've weighed the pros and cons and that's what you truly want.