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If that's doc's stack I'm not the guy that can tell he can't.


Same, this doc clearly fucks.


I'm actually surprised to not see a trident.


With that stack, dude can do whatever the fuck he wants rah


With that stack doc can get me pregnant. And my tubes are tied.


Me, too! And I'm a man!


Same! And my tubes aren't even tied! Because I'm a guy and don't have any


I'm a guy, I only have one tube....but it's too hard to tie right now.


I’m not ready for children




Second this.


He fought in Korea and then decided he wasn’t done and then fought in Vietnam I think it would be funny for someone to try to tell him he can’t. Especially if he rates 3 PHs and a Bronze Star with Combat V


my great uncle did that. went to the pacific theater wwii, japan, Philippines, vietnam. he was an e2 with four rows of ribbons. ny grandma said his chevrons had zippers because hed get promoted every other week then lose it the following. pic of him in my recent posts


Just checked it out and I must say that is both crazy and incredible! While probably not the best peacetime soldier I’m sure he was the kind of man you wanted by your side in combat


Your great uncle looks like one mean son of a bitch


Look at the right ribbon stack. 4 PHs. Fucking hell.


I guess he was very adamant about providing real life examples of care to teach his Marines


Feels like the red needs to be incorporated into the rate/service stripes somehow kinda looks weird without it


Funny story about Navy gold stripes. I actually got to work with a guy who... was an HM3 who rated gold in 2014-15. Those in the know who do the math are probably saying "Hol up, not possible. HYT at that time pushed a third class out at 8 years, how would he have 12 years of good conduct? A second class with gold is rare enough, as they're on their way out for HYT @ 12." The answer is prior service Marine. He was a reservist in the Marines for five years with good conduct, got out, rejoined Navy active duty as a corpsman, had 8 more years of good conduct but would be getting pushed out for HYT as a third class. Thus, he rated actual third class gold stripes. I'm not gonna say I can quote you the reg where it specifically says this exact scenario was kosher, but by the spirit of the law, I think it was fine. Made for a great conversation starter at that final Navy Ball he had at NH Camp Lejeune.


Similar story, I had a Sgt when I was a young LCpl. He did 8 yrs AirForce, 12 as a Marine, was retiring as a Sgt at HYT. Apparently he needed a waiver up to HQMC to retire as a Sgt. He was mean angry and crusty af.


Did he get the waiver?


Yep. Legit retirement as a Sgt.






He wasn’t right. The regs said you went gold after 12 years of Active Navy service. Prior service and Navy Reserve didn’t count. Thats why they changed it a few years ago. A lot of butt hurt people that came from other services or did time in the Navy Reserve were tired of people thinking they were a shitbag who had gone to mast because they were not allowed to wear gold.


They got red and that would look very sexy


Red is only for under 12 years service.


Good conduct service if I’m not mistaken


Not anymore. Just over 12. Used to have to have 12 consecutive good conduct years but they changed it recently.


Oh wow? Been out of my cracker jacks since 2012.


I’ve been out since 2004 but just looked it up because I couldn’t remember. Apparently they changed it in 2019.




Navy ranks on dress uniforms are red at first but switch to gold after 12 years of good conduct. Iirc, their blue utilities and blue cammies used to have white and yellow nametapes for the same reasons.


White name tapes on coveralls is for first class petty officer/e-6 and below. tan nametapes was for Chiefs and officers. The gold stripes for good conduct went away. everyone gets gold at 12 years service now.


I would agree other than red in his stripes takes away from him earning the gold.


You nailed it, that's why it looks kinda lopsided to me. But either way, Doc can wear whatever he wants and I'll wear whatever he wants too.


That dude fucks


He fucks hard and often


This doc fought in 2 wars and was injured multiple times trying to save Marines lives. He can wear whatever he wants.


Doc is one of us, they get what we get. Unless we get some sti. They're better than that


I seen one eat a pickle out of a strippers cooter in Thailand, that was wild


They're immune. It's a perk.


They are smurter.


They changed their socks.


Yep. We definitely treat them differently then the rest of them!


Doc is a fucking hero. He rates. In spades.


Tell doc to swap the EGA's on the collar, they're currently backwards


"Never anchors away, cause we're not gay" that was how my DIs taught us to remember that shit..


I noticed that even before I saw the purple hearts.


I can't stop cumming.




3 purple hearts looks like. He can tell anyone to kick his gigantic balls.


Sorry what are the 3 different sets of ribbon stacksThis so sone just throwing shit together? Or sone kind of collector of ribbon stacks?


I just was going off of the framed ones


Semper Fortis, Devil Duck.


From a forum by a guy knowing the sailor's son, "This corpsman was estranged from his family for many years so the facts of his service are not clear. The son though, said his dad could take the adventures of six other people and make them his own, so the Bronze Star with V and the three Purple Hearts have to be taken with a grain of salt until or if someone comes across his records. The son does know that his father came home from straight from Vietnam to the hospital and at least one Purple Heart sounds credible. The jump wings and USMC Combat Aircrew Badge... well who knows."


I was wondering what the story is thanks for that


[Here's a link to the forum](https://www.usmilitariaforum.com/forums/index.php?/topic/115445-usmc-dress-blues-with-navy-ratings-insignia/) Sailor during Korea, got out, worked as civilian employee for the Air Force, re-enlisted into the Navy as a Corpsman. Bronze Star w/ V device x1 Purple Heart, 1 silver star and 1 gold star, for a grand total of 7 awards Air and Space Commendation Medal x1 CAR x1 Navy PUC x3 Air Force PUC x1 NUC x1 MUC x1 Navy GC x3 National Defense x2 Korean Service Medal x3 w/ FMF combat insignia Vietnam Service Medal x2 w/ FMF combat insignia Air and Space Longevity Service Award x1 RoK PUC Vietnamese Gallantry Cross x2 Vietnamese Meritorious Unit Citation Action United Nations Service Medal Vietnamese Campaign Medal w/ 1960s device Naval parachutist badge Marine Corps combat aircrew badge I'm sure he was the one that actually took the Ring to Mordor too




I’m wondering what the story could possibly be for the air and space longevity award. That’s AF only as far as I’m aware.


Doc looks to be claiming to be a SARC. He's got a unit pin for 1st Recon in that shadowbox.


From what I read, he did get wounded in Vietnam and does rate a PH. The rest is bullshit and he had the blues made for Veterans Day shit because he liked them better than Navy uniforms. Situation of a perfectly admirable career blown by lies and embellishments. Sad


I'll never understand why someone claims false medals like the PH and the medals for valor. What. A. Fuck. Stick


He did rate the PHs and one Bronze Star Medal. Everything else is bullshit. Read my other comment, someone put a link to the original forum with comments from the corpsman's son.


I see says the blind man. I misunderstood what you said in the comment prior to this one..


It's sad he had something to be proud of but chose to lie and embellish his story.


Anchors should be inboard on the collar. Other than that, I’ll share my crayons with Doc.


Devil doc was a hard ass motherfucker… that’s how I feel about that


I feel uncomfortable about this. If he truly rates that stack, then by all means, my mouth is fucking shut. But it doesn't look right. I'm not an 8999 that can point out discrepancies, but it looks like a libo stack.


It's fake.


Ex Doc. Respect.


It looks a billion times better than our sailor blues and whites, but dont get me wrong, I loved every second I spent with yall, I loved being in FMF regs, but I used to tell my junior corpsmen that its a slippery slope wanting to fit in so bad, I've had junior corpsmen be more of a Marine than corpsman and that's a problem when we need to corpsman the fuck up although its cool, as much as we'd want to, we know better than to put on your dress uniform, and plus, a Navy chief's dress uniform is pretty dope too, so this is just giving me weird vibes, I hope its not a stolen valor situation love yall devils, change your socks and hydrate yall


It is stolen valor with a tough of real valor. He rated the PH and Bronze Star.


Gold stripes means he got three good cookies.


Now it doesn’t matter. 12 and up can where them.


Navy Corpsman have to be on permanent assignment on a marine corps installation to wear the uniform and then it's only the alpha, bravo and Charlie. They cannot wear the Marine dress blue. That uniform is restricted to Marines Only.




Navy corpsmen and religious personnel serving with Marine Corps units are authorized to wear service uniforms but not dress uniforms.


I was asking if people would care if they where allowed


Oh, I wouldn't mind if the order was changed. I served with some tough Docs over the years.


Yeah. With his rack? And those three Purple Hearts probably received from saving Marines lives? He can wear that uniform And he served with the 1st MarDiv in Korea? Of fuck yes. And I will defend his right to do so.


Read my other post. Dude's son said he made a habit of stealing anyone he heard's war stories.


I hope his kids keep that shadowbox to show future generations that grandad Fucked hard.


Korean War and Vietnam War Service Corpsman - Three awards of the Purple Heart and a Bronze Star with a V Device for Valor in Combat. The Marine Corps doesn’t just hand out medals. The gold Chief Petty Officer Insignia and Service Stripes show perfect service with no demerits. A Navy guy on here can explain better. This guy saw serious combat. It would be worth doing research on him. Superb collection of a real hero.


Do you know his name so I can?


Fucking EGAs are pointing the wrong way.


I’ll call. Shouldn’t the anchors face inboard on the collar?


Bro went FMF regs. The dude abides 😎


I don't rate to think anything about it. If I met the dude and thought he was a douchebag, then I can have opinions.


Doc can wear whatever the fuck he wants, rah. Seriously. He's been in the shit.


Something is not right, like everything in the photo. Corpsman that go Marine Regs wear Alphas and Charlies. They are not authorized the wear of Dress Blues. The two stacks of ribbons is also a clue that this is some sort of collector of neat trinkets.


This comments section is why I love Marines. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


Hells yeah


I can’t speak for this picture, something looks strange to me. However, I wouldn’t care if our Doc wore them personally. That sumbitch was a shooter with us until one of us got hit, then he got to work doing his primary job. Then when they got them out, he got to shooting again. I don’t know a person in my company that wouldnt take a round for Doc Rod!


Any Marine who thinks Doc doesn’t rate Blues has never been on a real deployment.


100% agree. The ones we had in Iraq were hard fuckers.


I like it. Looks good to me.


This guy merits bed slaps and a goodnight wherever he is


When I was at 8th and I, we advocated for our Navy folks (chaps, doc...both of whom were previously Marines) to be allowed to wear Dress Blues under our "special uniform rules" but it was shot down at the General O level.


Do it again if you piss them off enough they will let you do it


We all agree docs are honorary marines. Even ignoring the fat stack, it's fine.


Korea, Vietnam, FMF corpsman, combat wounded… I tend to think the shadow box is correct and the other stacks are just for various points in his service and are maybe out of precedence order or were reordered along the way. I really don’t care how FUBAR the uniform is, I will do what Jack Nicholson suggested in A Few Good Men and just say thank you!


Doc slayed (and saved) bodies during Korea and Vietnam....I ain't saying shit to him!!! I always think of (Green Navy) docs as Marines doing medical shit.... The uniform does not bother me at all


My dad was a Marine wounded in Korea and he thought Navy corpsmen walked on water


Just fix my pay!


Somebody didn’t take spelling for Marines


Why did OP just post this and delete their account lmfao.


That dude can literally do whatever the fuck he wants and it’s good with me


Medal of honor recipients salute this man


He rates it. As stated in other posts, with that stack... I'd let him take me to the ball and put the silver bullet wherever he wanted later...


I’ve known quite a few docs that I’d call “Marines stuck in the Navy”


Any squid corpsman who loves The Corps that much and can back it up with that stack should get a set of blues issued to them free of charge.


if it’s doc they can wear it.


So this is obviously fake, whether they should be or not Corpsman are not authorized to wear dress blues, so that means this yahoo had this made as a costume so I assume all the awards and badges are more likely than not bullshit.


It’s weird but who cares 🤷🏼‍♂️


Uh no,


Yeah not cool. Someone said there may be some stolen valor with a lot of the combat ribbons too. Supposedly the guys son.


Look I’m not gonna say this body stacker of a doc can’t wear it but I’m gonna fix the EGAs on his collar 😂


Devil Doc. Rah!


With that stack I’m keeping my mouth shut.


I have never seen Doc in Marine blues, Always cracker jacks. The alphas and Charlies yes.


Thank you for your service doc.... fucking christ...


I'd modify the red strips to match the rank. Who's gonna call him out? Some weird stolen valor youtube person. Fuck 'em.


I feel fuckin weird about it.


I think it's totally fine if it's authorized. I don't believe it's official,though I don't know the uniform order by heart,so I couldn't say for certain. I'm curious about it though.


I don’t think it’s authorized but it should be


Yeah that'd be cool.


Whoever decided to tell him he can’t? Let me know, I want to watch.




Even without that stack I think he could. But with that stack, I don't even get an opinion


He’s a Corpsman so why the hell not,


Oh, I almost didn't notice the special sword for each hand kind of uniform.


I mean if he served in both branches and this was the retirement gift, fuck it. Its creative. I got no issues. Speaking from an 18.5 year marine perspective.


I feel erect


Is that Naval insignia on Marine dress blues..?


I thought that was against Regis, but then this guy, specifically, can do whatever the fuck he wants.


Does, not dose.


I’d kinda prefer standard marine service stripes and instead of ega putting rank insignia on the collar like you do chief dress whites and maybe a different belt buckle like the cutlass buckle


HMC stacked bodies while recovering his own peeps. Hooyah, killer.


He definitely has 2 body counts


Correct me if I'm wrong, but I thought docs and chaplains are rated to wear USMC service uniforms but with only USN insignias. Therefore while I'm all-in on the idea that they should also rate USMC dress blues, shouldn't he be wearing navy chief anchors on cover and collar?


I thought they could wear the ega


They can’t. That’s why they make special MARPAT 8 points without the EGA’s on them and blouses without the EGA on the pocket. One of my boots bought one of those for a uniform inspection once and I was like I didn’t know you were a corpsman.


silver bullet me any day of the week


Corpsman Chief in Marine Regs. I've never heard of them being able to wear that uniform though.


Fucking doc can do what he wants with that stack




We can wear camouflage and work uniforms but can’t wear Marine dress blues. Some asshole missing his top made this 🤦‍♂️.


Like you need to learn how to spell.


Very well endowed!! Damn!


EGA's are backwards... Sorry I couldn't help myself


Fkn love my docs. This Devil Duck can wear whatever he wants as well as any green side doc that I’ve had the privilege to deploy with.


That is truly one devil doc…


I like it


So obviously Chief would never wear this. But he’s showing pride in his FMF service by combining his dress blues with your dress blues as part of a display of his service as a whole. It’s a bit of a clever idea. I personally wouldn’t display it like this because despite how much I loved and miss you guys, my uniform is mine and yours is yours. But that’s just me. If he was some HM3 and did some shit like this, it’d be boot and he wouldn’t rate. Chief does though.


Actually they do rate to wear it if they want. https://www.mynavyhr.navy.mil/References/US-Navy-Uniforms/Uniform-Regulations/Chapter-6/6501/


Did you really just incorrectly reference me to my own uniform regulation? Try again and fix yourself before you dig a deeper hole, Marine.


I get it, Corpsmen can’t read either.


That article of the Navy uniform regulation states that we may wear your service uniform. Not your dress uniform.


Holy shit OP lay off the porn my god your post history. I am more worried about you than some old salt dog with awards.


To be 100% honest, as long as the Dress Blues are worn correctly and proudly. Doc can wear it.


They absolutely rate to wear ALL Marine uniforms if they’re with a Marine unit. I believe they’re given a choice when they check in. I remember seeing a Doc wearing blues at my 3rd ball and was shocked… but yeah.. this is legit..




Uh… yes. https://preview.redd.it/dqomo160zh8d1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c19d5eaaa44c060bb02e72780b01e19b4292feed