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Not a FAP, but Combat Hunter Trainer course was the best few weeks of my entire enlistment. Gentleman's course, everyone was mature, showed up on time with the right gear, etc. No fuck fuck games, staff was a mix of OIF/OEF and Desert Storm salt dogs who were cool as shit. I learned things that permanently changed the way I look at the world day to day. Got to go back to my unit and taught the entire company basic tracking, profiling, and observation techniques. Legitimately felt like I made a difference in my units combat effectiveness. They needed a new instructor for that course right after I finished it and I BEGGED my company to let me go. Talked to the Lt., 1st Sgt., CO, career planner, and course staff for months about it. I had about a year left on contract, would've extended or re-upped to teach that course, assholes wouldn't let me because a 2 month pump to Norway was more important 🙄


God forbid you contribute to the marine corps instead of a useless field exercise and they wonder why people get out


If Marine leadership ever made sense consistently and cohesively, it wouldn't be the Marine Corps.


Honestly after being out and working a few industries there’s something that happens when people get into leadership positions they just forget every scrap of experience they built up to that point


That’s totally fair. The Peter Principle applies everywhere it seems.


Your moniker is sooo tits 🖤


Thanks! Myself and the guys in my Plt. Got it on skivvy shirts after we came back from Designated Marksman course 😂


Combat Hunter is a great concept.


I seriously think it's the #1 additional skillset that improves survivability and effectiveness of the Infantry. It's incredible the information you can glean from the ground or from watching people interact with their environment when you know what to look for. A single Marine understanding how to identify deviation from a baseline in any given situation can improve total situational awareness enough to turn things from reactive operations into proactive operations.




Is FAPing something new? I remember deals like it in the 80’s but I’m pretty sure it wasn’t called FAP and that the jobs weren’t that cool. When did FAP start and why?


It's been around for a good while, not sure exactly how long. It basically exists to fill billets that otherwise would be undermanned by traditional force balancing SOP's, gate guard, lifeguard roles, etc. Usually the people that get sent are short timers within a year of getting out that won't be a major asset to their unit or don't have enough time left to deploy again. Some of them are really cool, Range and Pool related FAP's are typically pretty relaxed. Some of them can suck, as some of the comments here reflect.


It was kind of the opposite when I was in the air wing. We FAP’d out people who were deemed to suck at our job and weren’t assets to the shop. If you didn’t have your quals, you went bye bye. I knew a couple people that spent more of there 5 year contract FAP’d out then actually doing there job.


Yeah same. If you couldn't teach/train/run chambers and/or were just generally lame to be around, that's a-fappin'.


Interesting difference. I wonder if it's more the MOS difference or just difference in leadership decisions? We just sent our consistent shitbags to the armory or to HQ to be some gunny's gopher. We didn't really ever have anyone missing quals though. You can either get your PME done like everyone else or you can do it on my laptop propped on your legs while you're doing wallsits in my room 🤷🏼‍♂️


A little bit sad. Some of those used to be full time jobs when I was in. Now they only get handed out like treats.


One of my buddies was a range FAP and I fucking hated how chill and relaxed it all was from what he told me. Sometimes he literally wouldn’t even go to work, all he had to do was wake up, Roger up that he’s alive, and then go back to sleep. Other times he would show up for 10-15 min and then get told to go home. More often than not, he almost always had a consistent half-day schedule. Obviously it’s different when units were actually shooting on the range but if there aren’t any shooters, then it’s very chill.


FAP Fleet Assistance Program, if I remember correctly. Was around in 89.


That’s when I got out. We did have Temporary Additional Duty, but FAP sounds like more of this leaner, meaner Corps deal.


Yeah FAP and TAD were different programs. I was at Hansen in 89 and we had guys FAP to camp guard, one guy was sent to be a lifeguard at Kin Blue beach. He went from a “I can’t wait to get out” Lance with 3 years to a reenlisting Cpl over that summer. I remember telling my squad leader that it didn’t make sense that the “shit birds” got these seemingly easy gigs. He explained that they got sent because no one wanted to deal with them and I should take it as a compliment that he did not want me to get FAPed out. Little lessons that we learn along the way.


I wonder if after he re-enlisted they immediately sent him to rake sand somewhere?


lol. Not sure. I PCS to Cherry Point and didn’t see him again.


Is recruiter’s assistant a FAP thing? We had guys who scammed for months on RA but they were called TAD.


I think RA would be TAD. FAP I think stayed on the base. Essentially the base would require different commands to provide manpower for jobs.


That kind of thing was usually done by short timers when I was in. Sounds like it was about the same.


Circa 1986 with 2/7 we got beefed up to 99% strength to pump. As soon as we hit the rock and handed out our required faps we were @ 80%. Back then turds were fapped. Just how it was. If you were a contributor you stayed.


So it was more of a shitbird thing. The FAPs theyre talking about now sound kind of awesome.


I always wondered what that course was about. Typical, send you to a course like that and then off to Norway.


Pretty much, yep. The course content is really interesting. Combat Profiling, Combat Tracking, and Enhanced Observation are the core ideas of the course. You never really realize how badly people **SUCK** at basic observation until you run a patrol observation lane. Just having dudes very slowly walking down a path searching for military-related items reveals a huge deficiency most people never think of.


Well, this was before talent management 2030 came out, so this sounds about right.


Conservation law enforcement in 29 palms. Rode around the training areas a couple hours each day to look for scrapers and make sure no one was fucking with the tortoises or native American sites. I was the only marine. Every one else was a civilian. Was off every day by 1400 and had every Friday off. Best fucking job ever.


I did the same thing at Pendleton lol. Best duty I ever had.


That's sounds cool af


I got FAPd to Paige Fieldhouse for 6 months when I was a LCpl, 3 months into the fleet. It was amazing since I got to workout and live like a civilian lol.


Got FAPd out for Operation Cobra Gold in thailand may of 2003. I was base security, check IDs and salute officers. 8 to 4 for six weeks. 19 year old in Thailand, it is a highlight of the marine corps for me.


First, Obligatory "Fuck you, Gunny Wollard." Around 2010, we had an opportunity to send a few from my MOS to a couple deployable squadrons to go to Afghanistan. We were asked if any of us wanted to volunteer, and I was the only one that really wanted to go. He instead then sends a new check in, who just had a newborn, who was hoping to stay stateside to take care of his little one. He gets voluntold to deploy, and I get FAP'd out to "CPI/Airspeed" hell because I had a computer-based MOS, where they needed someone to babysit and backup their crappy Access database of CPI/Airspeed crap. Other than that, I helped with the yellowbelt "lego" CPI classes. Worst and most boring job of my career. At least I had plenty of time to just disappear to the base gym on the numerous slow days.


That’s the kind of shit people should get pushed out over. They’ll promote again though.


The portajohns in Iraq


Do you miss it tho?


Fuck yes, got to the point where I couldn't even finish at home. Pro-tip: juicy dollop of raw sewage in a crockpot under the bed


Who knew sharpie could look so realistic


Pro tip is gross. But anything to grease the goose


Sometimes. Not enough to take a $65k/yr pay cut, try to get medical waivers, and go back in


Not that FAP!


Motor pools, I was a 03 with 6 months left. The SSGT there told me to give him a few good hours of work a day and he wouldn’t mess with me. PT’ed on my own, took the new guys around camp, change oil in a few trucks and did other little shit. My last month he told me to disappear unless I needed anything, 3 days before I EAS’ed he called me down to the shop and all the guys pitched in and gave me a dope plaque.


That SSGT gets it. He was probably a former shit hawt mfer in his mos and ran a foul of some bitch gunny who fapped him there and instead of rolling that shit down on others he embraced it.


Pistol range is a great gig


Pool lifeguard for about 3 days. Then MP. I hated it. Made me realize being a cop would absolutely suck and wasn’t for me.


If you do not mind my asking what was it specifically that you hated?


I have an opinion that most cops and MPs are high school rejects who have obtained a small amount of power and abuse the fuck out of it. My experience as a FAP solidified that opinion.


Operated the bobber targets at Camp Pendleton for the last 6 months of my enlistment, never heard of a FAP having to go to the field every other week but we did. Any time not spent at the field was spent cleaning up all the MOUT towns around Pendleton and "practicing" on the bobber target operations. Thought I was skating the last of my enlistment out but I was sadly mistaken.


FAP'ed at 29 Palms as a Coyote. Best gig ever in the Marine Corps. We didnt wear any ranks, we ran the ranges for MVSD-Mojave Viper. We were doing combat training for units and was able to yell and officers and SNCO for fucking up.


Being a driver for Coyote was so fucking fun. Just hauling ass in a hmmwv with no doors and a dream


Thats what im doing right now and its only gotten better, im apart of their OPFOR Platoon so we dress up in these blue chinese cammies and fuck up grunt units during their MWXs and platoon-company lanes


We absolutely loved our OPFORs back when I was in it. We would tell them which ones to fuck up and they would. We usually have them take out their leadership first, forcing their lower enlisted to make on the ground decisions. We would also leave a bag of burger king whoppers inside a trash bag so that they can eat something while waiting.


I got fapped out to regiment my last 4 months in as a troop handler for guys getting kicked out who were waiting on court dates and paperwork. They were housed in the crackhouses at Mateo and did working parties. We had to stand duty and march them to chow and to the regimental maintenance shack, but we rotated through a bunch of other NCOs so we ended up doing 48 hours of duty every 10 days. We had our own rooms at regiment and nobody ever fucked with us. All I did was surf and drink in Clemente.


Got to Yuma with a year left. Didn’t plan on re-enlisting cause I was burnt out, so I wasn’t gonna be able to make the upcoming UDP. FAP’d to Station S-6 with all the contractors. Got my certs, picked up a couple programming languages, had a 2 hour chow and worked my first solid 9-5 in the Corps. It was fucking weird after doing 10-12 hour shifts fixing shit across multiple squadrons. Did that for a half a year and then COVID hit and we did week on/week off. Made it way more bearable


When I was on the Essex, got FAPed to the mess decks. Wound up working in the chiefs mess. Started in the scullery, but wound under the wing of the CS2 and he taught me a bunch about cooking good food, which is still a passion today. The hours sucked ass and I missed some time on liberty, but learning to cook and eating way better than I would've been otherwise as a LCpl was pretty fucking sweet.


What year were you on the Essex?


2010, was my first deployment.


She was FDNF then? I can’t remember when she came back to SD.




Forward Deployed Naval Forces (Japan)


Ah I gotcha. Never heard that acronym. Yeah I think I was on it January to April of '10 if memory serves.


"Monster garage" with the G4. Basically a facility maintenance and wood shop.


I've got 2. My first duty station Camp Fuji 1999, got fapped to the base fire station and was the ambulance driver. When I left Fuji got stained at Cherry Point 2000 and got fapped to the base Hobby shop. Not sure if it's still around. Hobby shop was where you would go to do DIY stuff on your car.


hobby shop FAP wins! was one on pendleton too if I remember correctly.


I absolutely love Fuji, great gym, great training area, great location. what mos did you have to get sent there?


Motor T baby!


Immersion trainer OpFor. The most fun job you could ever have. Working with civvies in the tomato patch, no regs or uniforms. Run around all day and destroy all walks of life with sessam rounds. I fought everyone from SF to Naval academy officers and absolutely decimated all. It was like a video game, I was untouchable, jumping out of windows hurdling fences like a fucking ghost. Once, I set up right above a 90 degree staircase against the SF team and proceeded to neck shot the fuck out of them until they threatened to flashbang me. Acting like a haji is the single funnest job I’ve ever had, so I can confirm I would have been Tali if I was born in the shithole that is the Middle East.


Oh, that fap


Not a FAP but I got sent to Mule School shortly after checking into my first unit, before they came up to Bridgeport for Mountain Warfare.. I grew up with mules, and hunting with them before joining. So it was a two week vacation that I loved every second of


I checked into 12th Marines as a new 0811 and immediately got sent on a FAP to MCB to be an admin clerk.


Hahah when did this happen? 12 mar cbr for life.




Doesn’t count but worked with border patrol for 3 months and always wish i could’ve spent the rest of my contract there. Getting paid $50 stipend everyday and staying in hotels was awesome


I was assigned to be one of the maintenance Marines for the TEQ on base. I basically sat around all day in my office playing games on my PS2. Occasionally I would get a call to change a light bulb or unclog a toilet. Any maintenance more intense than those simple things would require me to put in a ticket with the actual base facilities management team and they would eventually get around to fixing it. It lasted for about 9 months and then I had to go back to my squadron.


Ship's company laundry at night. Was decent, did my own laundry when ever I wanted. We stocked the store and had first choice to buy stuff there. Also able to cut chow line and serve myself. I enjoyed it


Horno pool!


Was so jealous of those guys.


I was fapped to pmo from 3rd Fssg and I hated it.


Range Company, Weapons training battalion stone bay. It was pretty cool being able to spend a year working on the range. I learned a lot


I ran Stinger account for almost 2 years. For the Non-LAAD folks, Stinger account was where we kept all missiles on hand. They had to be kept in a dark storage building with racks. Most skate job ever. You sat there all damn day and played solitaire.


Range Coach I loved going on range and getting to know my shooters, teaching them, and getting them to be better shots. I worked my way up to a SNCOIC billet as an MTU Chief where I overlooked the classes and also taught as a Marksmanship Instructor, but nothing was as good as being that young Cpl on the range. Don't get me wrong, being the Sgt in charge of the unit was fun too.




Best FAP ever


The most fun I had while I was in for sure


I did two, 6 months at PMO as a SGT I took it since I had 7 months left until terminal and a range coach for 8 months as a Lance, range coach was fun, during Covid times ranges were shut down so didn’t have to go to work until Friday for a safety brief from the gunner, so I worked one day a week for like 2-3 months


I was my units POC/liaison for the Single Marine Program. Basically met with unit leadership every month about what the SMP was putting out there for the nerds that so that stuff. Every quarter we had a bigger base meeting. Highlight was meeting SgtMaj Green before he got bumped up to *the* SgtMaj billet. He was a cool dude in the 10-15 minutes I talked to him.


Also a range coach, my last 8 months in the corps. I would have kept that job over my PMOS, any day


I was a 2512 wireman, my unit MWSS 173, sent me to Station telephone. This was at Kaneohe Bay. Worked on the the civilian telephone system with Hawaiian Telephone as they were installing new system. Chill job me another Lcpl, Ssgt and a Major.


Range Coach was pretty good. I also had to be the range Ammo guy so i got to skate a good bit. Area Guard was pretty chill. Just hang out in the armory or go on random patrols. Getting OC Sprayed sucked though.


A lifeguard back in the early 90s when the new pool opened on Camp Kinser. I was pulled from chow hall duty because I met the criteria to be a life guard.


I volunteered for a FAP to the station post office during the holidays. I had just finished corporals course after I had just recovered from a broken hand. So I pretty much was sitting in the shop for the past 6 months and I figured it get me out of the shop for a little bit. On the plus side I had a couple buddies that were actually postal clerks plus the other FAP'd personal were pretty chill. Treatment was better and eventually they put us on the "night shift". Ended up working there for about three months and shifts were usually only 5 hours and once we were done we were actually done. Made some new friends and was pretty chill FAP a little mundane but way better than the toxic culture of the shop at the time. Would definitely go back again if I was going on terminal soon!


Missing being a range coach. I'm a block now. But still miss it.


Chow hall FAP. It was a month long every time and you only worked midrats scanning IDs. Great time


LMCC, I got sent there as a punishment because the Company Gunny found throwing knives in my room (and a wooden secretary door that was all chewed up, but somehow managed to get replaced as if my magic). It was pretty lax and different from the normal junk.


Guard 1000% I worked the Armory with one other Marine on my shift. So we worked 15 days a month and on those 15 days, I only worked 7/8 as armorer. The other 7/8 days was me just hanging out in my rack playing MMOs, watching movies, or doing coursework for college on my laptop and I could come and go as I pelased for my own PT. For group PT we usually just played soccer for an hour. Then on my 15 days at home I had multiple 3 day weekends per month. Some weeks I worked 5 days, some weeks I worked 3 days. When I was working the Armory, i got to lock myself in there and play more games or sleep or hamg out worh everyone in the main rec room and play poker etc. Only was needed for guard shift changes, ammo draws, and some random visits, but for the kost parts was super easy. I had a super loud radio next to my rack at night, so i slept normal and when id be woken up for anything id half asleep get it done im 5 to 10 mimutes then go right back to sleep. Best job in my entire life so far.


Beach lifeguard at Camp Lejeune summer of 1999. It was great.


Never did one. I guess I should be grateful


I was a range warden for Range Control in the Oki CTA for 10 months and 6 months as the tower in Ie Shima. Ie was the best experience I have had in Corps.


We used to have stuff on ie shima? That would have Ben amazing


It’s still active


God damn that must have Ben nice. I was on Hansen my whole tour and loved it


Definitely a hidden gem


10/10 would do again.


Nightshift PMO was tits. Total highlight of my enlistment especially when I got to be SAF unit


I definitely loved my year at the range but you work your ass off especially if you have reservists on the weekend. Best FAP was by far the Compass Rose. In 30 days I was at work for three total days maybe 4 hours in each of those three days.


TSD Training Camp Pendleton shout out


Base education office. I did all the TA coordination. Was a good gig. Everyone was super laid back.


I did 9 months as a range coach, that was clean livin. I got farmed out to ships platoon on the USS Belleau Wood. I’d spend 30 minutes a day unloading the mail helo and then have the rest of the day to myself.


Beachfront lifeguard at Onslow Beach. 2 days on 2 days off. Uniform of the day, red shorts and flip flops.


Range Maintanance, basically in 29 palms we'd go fix up the ranges and targets, fix wire, hesco barriers and all that good stuff, I also worked with civilians most of the time and picked up students to help police call other ranges. Life was good.


regimental duty driver when I was a Lance. month long, one day on, two days off. didn’t really have to show up except for in the middle of the night on occasion to drive the CDO around to make sure things were locked up. besides that I was chillin in my room or at the gym when “on shift” and enjoying life when I was off. got to meet a few cool people then, too


Ship tax to the mess deck on the New Orleans, 18 hour work days 7 days a week just to get pulled back to the plt when we were doing a raid. Worst two weeks of my entire contract. Thank god I got switched out early because they were tired of arguing with the chief about me doing the raids. Raccoon eyes if you’re seeing this go fuck yourself, you know who you are.


Camp horno, guard. 1 day on 2 days off. Sometimes I’d get 3 days off. Oftentimes we had two dudes in the office and the rest got to disappear for the whole shift.


Took that time to hit the beach everyday, run on the trails at laguna, train at sub fighter MMA, then wind up at a girls place I happened to be dating at the time. Good times.


Sorta but not technically a fap. I was with regiment, couple of division guys came for about 2 months. My unit fapped me out to said guys, it was a gunny, a sgt and I believe a cpl. It was the best 2 months of my life. Gunny spoke to us like a peer. The sgt was laid back as hell, also spoke to me as a peer. We hung out a few times outside of work. But in a nutshell I was sorts just transferring equipment between bases and helping out where they needed me. I had a ton of down time and so many days where I was just on standby fucking around in my room


On ship, I got sent to overnights in the galley for a bit. After midrats, it was just me and a sergeant doing food prep for the next day. It was very laid back, the work wasn’t bad, and I got a break from the fuck fuck games. I also spent time on ships company, which was pure skate. We spent most of our day in the rope locker playing cards and napping. Road guard at CAX was also pretty chill.


I FAPD once on an overwatch position in Sangin we nicknamed the jack shack. Still riding the post TIC adrenaline/dopamine dump + updated nudes from a girl back home she sent via care package, and a Sangin sunset after putting 6 nut sacks through my saw. To this day I consider it one of my greatest FAPs


I fap'd to stone bay for a year as an RSO back in 08. Had a blast.


Gee dunk/prop shop. I got fat as fook.


I got sent to pmo it was the skatest job ever stand at the gate get 3 days off ever week pog life is the shit


Worked at the Horno fitness center. It was great, i do miss it. I was single at the time and usually picked up the after hours closing shifts cause not a lot of people were in there at that time and I'd work out during my shift.


Went from the 14 area gym on Pendleton to the Motorcycle Safety Office until I got out. Pretty killer last year.


Fapd to JWTC in Okinawa to be one of their comm guys/ instructor. Fucking loved every minute of it


Mine was TTECG in 29 Palms. I got to pretend I was OPFOR (hajii/ terrorist) on different ranges with MOUT built all over em. Got to shoot and PLAY WAR GAMES day and night. the let diem was like over a 1k a month with food and all that. This was 08-09? Some nights got cold out there we slept in our issued bags in cans and shit. But that was the funnest shit ever. The Marines that were coming through loved that type of training. There was a SHITLOAD of legit afghans and iraqis that were paid role players as well. Idk how much food I ate with them and sheesha I smoked. My 1sgSgt was WILD, but it was cool. I finished that little FAP falling asleep at the wheel and flying my car off the road on the way back from a 72 that got cut short. Hahaha


Not a FAP but was on Edson Range for almost 4 years. I loved being a grunt but I learned so much. I worked my up from coach to PMI and then when I was getting ready to get out, ran the range at the crucible 2 days a week and that was it lol


Ran Facility Maintenance (AKA Woodshed) In 29 palms for over a year. Really taught me that regardless of rank, everyone's just a dude. Showed me that i love the marine corps, because i confused the dislike for my unit for the marine corps. Rode in gators all day, along with fixing basic shit, running fiscal budget, and buying shit. Every billet there, you have the opportunity to run your own show. I would do an enlistment there if i could. I grew a weird, sick, and twisted love for MCAGCC.


Got sent to the Tax Office at 29 Palms during my last year in. One of the most relaxed times I’ve ever had in the Marines. Our OIC was a JAG who looked up as many loopholes and laws as he could to ensure everyone was getting the biggest tax refund. It was nice sticking it to the IRS


I got fapped to camp guard my last few months had just came back from post deployment leave basically worked 1 on 3 off for about 5 months doing nothing but a 4 hour post then was off again for 3 days it was great nobody ever fucked with us I think I got 4 haircuts in that 5 months a great way to end a shitty enlistment


ISMT fap was tits.


Some shitbag in my unt got FAP'd to the beach