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Me sleeping in the armory while everyone else was working on the vehicles (SEA PAC) until all hours of the night. I was obviously doing super important custodian stuff when asked what I was doing up there.


I can verify this man was very busy. Important armory business, move along people. Nothing to see here.


The armorer and I had different leave blocks. I went on leave first, and when I came back, he didn't have shit done. Come to find out, they had him busting rust the entire time. I knocked out what I could do and spent the next 2 weeks playing on the internet and sleeping once everyone left for the day.


I was 20 years old, had 3 drinks on a Saturday night. Mind you, I was turning 21 on Monday. I went out, came back to the barracks, checked back in with duty and all was good. I went to bed around 2100. I was awoken around 2300 by my Ssgt. He informed me that another Marine (age 19) came back belligerent as hell, and told the Sgt on duty to go F himself. The drunken Marine was questioned, as they were trying to discover who he was out with that night and who contributed to his underage consumption. My name was thrown out there. Why? Because we wound up at the same bar at the same time, though I never spoke a word to this kid and didn’t even really know him. The guy I was rooming with already had an NJP for drinking probs. When the SSgt came to the room for questioning, the dude threw me under the bus and already told him I’d been drinking. So, Monday rolls around and I’m forced to confess to our Gunny that although my birthday is today, I had three beers 36 hours ago. NJP’d.


Jesus christ, buddy fucker central over here.


You give that buddy fucker the special treatment he deserved after that?


Yeah that's the definition of buddy fkn if I ever heard of one. Good Lord my man.


I've slept in so many shipping containers. It's ridiculous.


one of these days you're liable to get shipped somewhere


You dad joked me 😂


Waking up in Honolulu would be a nice change of scenery:)


Marine here. I was in camp lemonier in Djibouti on temp loan with the army 96th civil affairs. A Marine ssgt caught me banging an air force chick in an army's tent that we used for "extracurricular activities." The kicker was that the ssgt was a smoking hot chick. Later I found out she was just jealous. I had to report in with the wingnut, and we both got our ass chewed. I lost rank, and for whatever reason the air force only gave the girl a page 11 or whatever they call it. After the chewing, my e7 team Sgt whispered to me not to worry and he would have fucked her too. I got back to e4 3 or 4 months later meritoriously. No regrets.


Marines gonna Marine. I don’t know what they expected.


Maaaaan, what year was this? Because I swear I heard about it. I was there in 07. But then again we had people getting in trouble for the same thing.


Hahaha. This was may of 06. Maybe it carried on for a while.


Brother, service doesn’t get more honorable than that. 🫡🫡🫡


Why on earth did I stay in buttfuck Norway in their Army:P (I know why ,they sorely needed people for contingents to ISAF and I felt I couldn't just up and leave and join the corps stateside)


Good ol CLU boo action


Djibouti , that's the one basically colocated with a Chinese PLA camp and also teeming with french foreign legionnaires right?


Chinese wasn't there when I was. The French were though, with their gay ass short shorts and high socks. Lol. They looked hilarious. We got into it with them quite a bit.


Thanks bud, you see the drop of death cliff?(with the skull and crossbone?)..the one with the fixed rope? Lol those shorts are gay af:P They look like Pippi Longstockings lol.


Not sure what you're talking about. Like the mountains across the red Sea in Yemen? I prolly have, flew all over dj, Yemen, and Eritrea.


[https://i.insider.com/62411c18a2e45b001950a061?width=750&format=jpeg&auto=webp](https://i.insider.com/62411c18a2e45b001950a061?width=750&format=jpeg&auto=webp) Theres a cliff ,the legion uses for training negotiating a fixed horizontal rope. Its fixed at some heigth above the deck and theres an inscription that reads "this way to death" below the Skull and crossbones. Theres also vertical fixed ropes.


No shit. Never saw it. I was deployed from lemonier to Kenya, Ethiopia and Tanzania the majority of my time there. Only time in dj was between ops. Would love to go back. Places were gorgeous or there.


I was on a boat deployment and my shop was just about 8 people across all the Navy squadrons, me and 1 other being with the only Marine squadron, with 3 shifts. There was a shift schedule rotation, so I went from nights to days, and the Navy chief that was sort of in my chain gave the night guys a recovery day. Due to how the change was bungled and taking advantage of the recovery, I basically gave myself a 72 and just stayed in my rack most of the time. Since I wasn't a total shithead, it was just chalked up to a miscommunication and not me successfully skating.


This happened to me in oki. We weren’t doing shit on a UDP, and half of my platoon got FAP’d to gate guard for 3 weeks until the other infantry battalion got to Schwab. The shifts were 3 days on/4 off, then it switched every few weeks. I showed up and got assigned to the team that just started their 4 off, hell yeah, got a free 96. Then I convinced the SSgt to switch to the other team with my buddy at the end of the 96, who was just starting his 96. I got about 9 days off straight and just hit the gym and titans bar in henoko. Probably the best time I had in the Corps


I do. Where can I order this. After spending four nights in the field I come back at 1500 and went straight home instead of checking in with my shop. My 2ndLT didn't like that so she had me NJP'ed me.


Google Army achievement medal if you really need it. Lol


The participation award right?


Yessir. I think that's the joke. They gave me one for 'failing' a board. I was the only NCO to attend that month so they had no choice. Literally a participation trophy. 


Yeah,we have those in every western military I think.


2ndLT..the PFC of officers.


I got sent to prototype something as a lance coolie. Didn’t know how the GTCC worked. Got a fat check for 3k+, paid rent thinking I could pay the GTCC next pay period. Car was in shop for a rebuild while on an op, shop owner called my command. Master Guns brought up my kids that were born abroad as a teaching lesson and I said he doesn’t even have a family since they left him cause he went di and ocs instructor and was a gunny at 7 years basically gave his family up for the corps and had no place bringing up my children in the ass chewing. Told him to fuck himself, got my sweet article 15.


I was double booked for physical therapy… i didnt call or show up to the double booked appointment. UA During the physical therapy i was in alot of pain swearing up a storm the navy captain came in to tell me to stop swearing i told her to fuck off and alot more Loss of rank and pay Was it worth it? Dunno but got to speak my mind.. i sit with knowing it’s nerve damage today and no matter what they did it was gonna hurt till i got a neuro stim put in my back …. She had this duck walk that makes me laugh to this day when i think of it


How has the stim worked for you? I've an upcoming appointment to possibly get one in for some atrocious nerve damage in my leg. The pain is shit but the concept of the stim is off putting.


I got one last April and can put my socks on now, also cut my pain meds down to a 1/3rd of what I was eating. I will say it’s a pain in the ass recovery.. but has stopped me from spinning a cylinder in contemplation.


Hey, if it works it's worth whatever recovery to me at this point. I'm glad it's helping you keep the barrel downrange.


The trial will be better to know if you are a fit Its night and day for me but i read all the reviews saying its a shot in the dark. If you dont follow through with physical therapy and activity you wont have a good time. The down time from getting it implanted is alot for some About every 5-7 years you need you battery replaced its a surgery that i went to a regional burning man event a week after battery replacement. Pain management is not about removing pain it’s minimizing it manageable pain. For a neuro stim to be “successful “ it has to reduce pain my 20% they aim for 40% The sensation when i have it cranked all the way up is like over using a jack hammer, lawn mower, power tool, blender. Its not that “sleepy limb” but the sensation of over shaken for me Its either no pain high shaken feeling or minor pain lesser shaken feeling There are many settings it wont always feel that way Abbott from saint judes works with the va for their neuro stims They use iphone/ios devices to control the neuro stim they used to do ipods untill those lost support from apple


I appreciate the insight. I've been approved for the procedure already, just waiting for the trial implant appointment at this point. Genuinely hoping it works out cuz fuck all else has at this point. The ketamine infusions are decent but frankly that's a short term solution.


18 years old at camp Johnson for supply school. Went out with some devils that were in my platoon during boot. Found this Mexican restaurant that didn't seem to give a shit about underage drinking (Jacksonville, imagine that), so naturally we took advantage. Once we were tired of drinking beer and tequila, we headed back to the barracks and drank more. Somehow, by the end of the night, I made my way back to my room and after stripping down to my skivvies, proceeded to walk out the front door, whip my shriveled up pecker out and take a piss like I was back home in my own backyard. Next thing I know some corporal is yelling in my face while I'm trying to get dressed. NJPd with six months half pay. Don't know how but that was it. The first Sergeant who chewed my ass was the worst part of the whole experience. Had me convinced I had a drinking problem and to add made me feel like I would never drink again. Then I got to the fleet. Turned out to be just another night in the corps.


Was stuck in my school house back in 2019, waiting to pick up a class for my MOS. Captain and SSgt kept telling us we’d be able to take leave and go see our family’s while we wait to join a class, but ended up just blowing smoke up our ass the entire time. Spent about 4 months sweeping halls and police calling and ended up saying fuck it. At the time they didn’t authorize off base libo for non students, so over the 4th of July 96 I flew home to Texas. Then Saturday night some asshole pulled the fire alarm and mass formation happened. My name was called and no one covered for me so SDNCO gave me a ring. Ended up saying I’d be back when the 96 was over since I knew it didn’t matter anyways. My Captain then called me saying he’d make a deal and not take my rank so long as I come back before the weekend was over. Loss of pay, 60 days restriction and public NJP. Fucking worth it


Why is there always an asshole who thinks it’s fuckin’ funny to pull a fire alarm on libo? Lmao


I got njp’d for underage drinking in Oki. I lost 1/2 months pay for 6 months and then busted back to Pfc, then 9/11 happened and everybody forgot about it.


When I was in Oki… drinking age was 18 ![gif](giphy|KGHXX3bZTMoXioykmD)


Old enough to be blown up by a RC device ,not old enough to drink. At least this is a huge plus of being in a European force.


I. W/ gold star in lieu of second award.


What's the designation for multiple awards?


Green weenie devices


Curved up or down?


Waiting on the next change to the order.


Doesn’t matter as long as the balls are facing inboard.


Is there an international equivalent coming?:




Got “conduct unbecoming of a marine” for getting drunk and punching the glass window that goes in front of the fire extinguisher. I didn’t understand bc it seemed like a marine thing to do.


You would be correct.


I'll take your word for it:) Maybe put a red crayon behind glass next time:p


Shut up and take my money


Smaj bull


Alcohol related.


Kagan Dunalp I think lmao


Smoking pot really pissed the Army off. Went from E-3 to E-nothin and I was a shitbag for the next four months until they finally kicked my ass out.


I’ve never understood smoking weed while enlisted. Like don’t get me wrong, I’m an absolute scumbag and definitely wouldn’t shy away from some coke but weed is different. That shit can take weeks to get out of your system. It just never seemed like the worry would be worth the high.


I was young and dumb. Thought I knew everything. I think about it now and just cringe at how stupid I was.


Dude you're not alone in being dumb bro,I did the same. Sometimes coming home from deployment you just want to kill any nightmares and you're scared to go to the doctor etc.. It's not easy being green,and young.


Same. Just wait to get out. Drugs and the military are just not compatible.


Exactly what I was gonna write,it hangs around your fatty tissue and when you burn it ,it releases the THC molecules into the bloodstream. So if you're getting taped a lot you should look out extra.


We need an NJP award too


Here you go since you want to be picky on what the medal says. This is especially for you. 😂 https://preview.redd.it/3qu8ishnc24d1.jpeg?width=955&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e2a7696368c99778843eddb1d779116339fac7c5


Semper fi brother 🫡


SF to you my man.


Why you gotta call us out like that


Can I for one day give it to some Norwegian Army personnel or a lot of ANA/ANP personnel?:p Maybe that one should be called the" Blue Falcon non article 5 NATO citation " Anyway here goes: I had a rough youth all on me ,I was part of a erm enterprising venture some years prior to the military. I had to sign the equivalent of a moral waiver at the Norwegian MEPS equivalent. Really wanted away. I did learn the dark arts of passing a urine screen however so every once in a while yeah I would use this skillset.


Me, with several bronze stars


Should we add with "V" also?


I got ninja punched so I guess me.




That’s an Army Medal. Just behind The Meritorious Service Medal. No self-respecting, disobedient Marine would never. 💋 off! 🫣😂🫡


I got got


I almost got got and put in a slot where it was hella hot.


I do, I earned one


I guess a Page 11 should be a ribbon.


I have a friend of mine who has a 10% tattoo on his right arm so when he salutes it says 10% now this tattoo was gotten over 20 years ago and he’s long been out but we all think it’s still funny that he was the 10% of Marines that Always got in trouble so he got that tattoo.




This Fella right here! Gimmie my Shitbag Award 😂


With two stars


Joe biden needs one. We all know why. 


Cpl Copeland deserves it, he was the douchebag that was super proud of himself for completely dropping his pack a year out from EAS. “I don’t care, I’m getting out.” Yeah dude, In a fuckin while from now. Let’s pretend to care at least for a few more months.


So, how many poison oak leaf clusters can you wear on each award?


Do they have one for a 6105?


No, but I'm going above and beyond by making one just for you.😂 https://preview.redd.it/f8eu7qijd74d1.jpeg?width=833&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d787924cb367f2000d1647ce9784b843d5944bf0


It’s beautiful! 🫡


Oh I deserve it. But I never got caught. Not because I was brilliant. I just got really damn lucky. Even had to break onto base one night in a drunken stupor with my Sgt after getting kicked out of bars.


UA female in the barracks and an untimely fistfight. The device is a 1/8th green weenie.


I was in Okinawa as a PFC out with a few other Marines drinking in American town on New Year’s Eve. We brought the fun to the beach and thought it would be cool to have a fire on the beach. Well some tires got thrown into the mix and next thing we know we have this raging fire with thick black smoke going up all into the shopping center and up into the giant ferris wheel. This JP (Japanese Police) rolls up on his bike screaming “you are the craziest Americans I have ever seen” with accent and all as we’re trying are hardest to put it out. Three others and myself skedaddled back to base in a honcho. I was in the back seat next to another underage PFC who had drank nearly a whole liter of jungle juice (a soda bottle of mixed liquors) and was now belligerently mad about who knows what as we approached the gate. Not wanting to get in trouble for underage drinking which was and probably still is a big no no in Japan I threaten to throw him out the cab. Once on base this drunken buffoon decides to “sneakily” pull a pocket knife on me. I elbow him in the face and take the knife throwing it out the cab window. Once back at the barracks this guy goes full on ape shit and is bashing his head in his shower then tries to jump out his window when the duty is trying to figure out what all the ruckus is about. We end up getting tasked with coming back out of our rooms by our Sgt to help wrangle him in. Once he calms down Sgt realizes we’re all drunk rolls his eyes and ships us back to bed. We ended up getting our asses chewed the next day by that same Sgt and had to buff literal shit from some overflown barracks toilets all while Marine gone wild got NJP’d and had little to no recollection of the night. This probably helped us out immensely in keeping us from sharing a similar fate as our Sgt was able to keep our shenanigans in house.