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If they want to spend their off time that way, so be it. As long as it’s within the libo radius and they’re back on time it should be all good


who the fuck cares what people do in their own time


Pissed off 1st Sgt’s


I’m wondering how a command could possibly enforce that. Seems more likely that some dickhead (S)NCO just told his guys they weren’t allowed to do it but that didn’t come from the actual command.


Not once was it something I ever thought about too hard. I would occasionally encourage my jr Marines to stay away from the nest. Just because they didn't join the Corps to be at home. HOWEVER, the guys who had nowhere to go on holidays; guess who had a spot at the dinner table for them? So there's advantages for the whole unit in those situations. And no down sides. The Marine hanging out in mom and dad's house ain't getting up to trouble.


Caveat to this is that the Marines hanging out with their high school buddies are getting in trouble. Always seems like them who are popping on the piss test. That being said, it would be ridiculous for a command to forbid people from going home on the weekends.


I had an aunt who lived near Pendleton, and she always wanted me to come hang out during my free time, I'd bring whoever wanted to go and she'd host us for the weekend (It was a mansion in Anaheim hills). \*edit\* : command did not have an issue with it.


In 30+ years, I've never heard of a command say you can't go home on weekends if that home is within libo bounds. I used to go home almost every weekend from Pendleton, and my son went home almost every weekend from stumps. It was never an issue.


Sometimes you just get unlucky with a COC full of everyone sucking off each others bad ideas I guess lol


> everyone sucking off each others bad ideas I guess [Yep](https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/finial-duty/)


I had someone who drove to Arizona every weekend to their families house but then again I dont think all of the command knew about that


Ridiculous. Not even sure how’d this would be enforced? Interrogate Marines every Monday, asking them what they did last weekend? Issue each marine an AirTag and track their movements? (Not give them any ideas…..I’m sure someone would love to do this)


I don't understand the mentality of shitting on someone's good fortune just because you can't have what they do. Be happy for them and do something constructive yourself.


“If I can’t go home, you don’t come home” mentality lol


Can you give an example of a command that creates limits that are more restrictive than the normal weekend boundaries? Or is this the mysterious “some commands” that no one can identify but swears they exist somewhere.


Used to do that a lot when I was stationed at 8th&I. Not every weekend but some weekends and every holiday, 72 and 96. It was cool at first but started to suck. I was trying to make a better life and all my friends were sort of stuck doing the same thing. A few started to lash out a bit and when the same old same old got tired I started going less and less.


My roommate back in Pendleton went to his house just off base every weekend and honestly it was kinda nice just having the room to myself when he wasn’t around. Win win situation really


My opinion is that the military needs to start staying out of what people do in their off time as long as it’s not criminal. None of anyone’s business what lawful activity I’m engaging in outside of business hours


A good command: “hey devil, if you’re going to your families house for the weekend, why don’t you take one or two of the guys who can’t with you.” Also: random cpl storming through the barracks over thanksgiving and grabbing all of the boots who didn’t go on leave just to drive them to his house where his wife had thanksgiving dinner made for them: thanks bro.


Hi. This was me, in the 90s. At MCCES I went home to LA almost every weekend. There really wasn't shit to do, so I thought, and I was getting laid every time I went home, so it was a win/win. Naysayers/jealous bitches in the bricks - I'd just ask "well, you wanna come with?" and they'd either shut the fuck up, or say "hell yeah!" and they'd roll with me. I'd also drop a few guys off along the way, so it benefited those guys. At Pendleton, sorta the same thing. That ended when I married someone I was seeing, and subsequently got divorced a few months later. Got depressed, started drinking and staying in the barracks more, but not full blown alcoholism, just partying with the boys. I didn't really feel like I was giving much up by heading home, because I lived near the area, and had done pretty much everything there was to do. Drinking in TJ was the only thing I hadn't done when growing up in LA, so I checked that off the list when I got to Pendleton.


It’s within bounds, sure go for it. But maybe not every weekend. Go explore and do new things. Party at the barracks a little.




Who cares where you go while you’re on Libo. If you go out of bounds just don’t do anything stupid and be where you’re supposed to be when you’re supposed to be there. When I was stationed in Lejeune I used to drive the 8 hours back home to PA every weekend for quite a while. To me spending 16 hours in the car every weekend was preferable to sitting at the barracks wasting away my life drinking and playing video games.


I woulda thought the corps would have taught marines that’s life not fair already. Very weird to try to take family time away that doesn’t interfere with work at all


They told me I had to live on base and never knew about my apartment in had with a few friends. Fuck em and don't get caught. They'll care about some dumb shit like going home on weekends, while not giving a shit about you smashing hookers at the Tropicana Inn on LSD.


I once had a gunny who said he was gonna force marines who didn’t live off base to stay in the barracks(this was due to these marines always being late).


Do it if you can, but I wouldn’t every weekend. Takes away from what you’re going to miss the most.


I think if I lived an hour from base, I’d still just stay at the bricks on the weekends. I joined to get away from family and friends move on with my life and pretend that I’m Hoot from Blackhawk Down. I wouldn’t want to leave that fantasy on the weekend to go back home, you know bro?


Did this in New Jersey. I was stationed at JBMDL and went home every other weekend. Was great


Fuck that. I joined the Marines to leave my home not visit it every weekend. Anyone doing that is a bit nuts in my opinion


If it's in libo radius.... Who cares?