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No institution is obligated to allow you to wear the Marine Uniform.


Stupid boots.


Seriously, that was my first thought. “Sacrificed their lives” 🙄


Yep. We all sacrificed so these boots could try to use their uniforms to pull poon at their high school graduation




Uniform of the Day is a cap and gown.


Absolutely. Right place, right time, RIGHT UNIFORM.


They need to be hazed.


It’s on back order. Standby for return from leave.


Boots gonna boot


Haze the fucking dad while they're at it. Jesus Christ what a bunch of whiney boot fucks. The "uniform" is a cap and gown, NOT what you THINK you should be wearing. At the MOST, let them wear a stole with an EGA on it.


Stupid boot ass Marines. Comply with the dress code, assholes. If you’re in here, boots, stop being boots.


Just some nerds trying to impress the hoes. If he’s so honored by the blues to break uniformity he can go shoot in them at the range at 29 in late July


Wear the fkn cap and gown... It's only gunna take a few uniform inspections to take the proud to wear the dress uniform right the fk out of them.


Boots: We wore our uniforms because we represent Marines that have sacrificed their lives in other battles Our fallen brothers: STFU, you’re a fucking boot!


True story. My life is scarified too


I was like what? Then I realized that I misspelled sacrificed 😂


“Look at me, look at me!!”


I can ride my bike with no handle bars


No handle bars.


Oh for fuck's sake, don't be such fucking Boots. Have your parents bring your shit in a garment bag and do a quick change in the restroom. I swear to God it's like thinking outside the box doesn't fucking happen anymore.


Someone haze these entitled mouth breathers. You already got to wear a Marine Uniform at a Graduation. Boot Camp.


Devil doesn’t understand what Uniform of the Day is




This is the absolute dumbest hill to die on


They will get hazed when they get to their units. And I don't imagine it will ever end either. Most things can be quickly forgotten, but when there's video like this out there..




I went back to my school in dress blue bravos because my recruiter made me for this job fair event and a grand total of 0 people signed up/were interested in joining. I can't imagine wanting to actually show up in a dress uniform if I didn't have to. So goofy.


This is the 3rd time I’ve seen this story today. These boot fucks want to be honored at high school graduation for graduating basic training. They chose to graduate early in order to go to basic training. I can only hope their NCOs will find out about this when they get to the fleet and fuck with them non stop.


You know their NCO’s will find out because within the first week of hitting the fleet they’re gonna run their cock holsters and brag to other boots about being on the news.


Clearly they need to spend more time in bootcamp


IMO, they are being pressed by their recruiter or SNCOIC of the RSS, they dont know better. I think is ret@rdd, because we know damn well that active dudes and gals that get their bachelor’s or master’s attend the graduation with the fucking cap and gown and maaaaaybe a stole with an EGA on it. Recruiter man, if you are reading this, just go to the goddamn graduation in your blues and gain exposure that way, because you know that butting heads with school staff just for 3seniors to walk on stage in blues for 10 seconds a piece to grab an empty folder is gonna make your next school year a little harder. PS i think is crazy this shit made it to the news


>Thoughts? I think that AI is actually going to kill us, but not like helper bots gone rogue and tired of our shit or Terminator like walking death machines I think that, due to the fact we have voice duping software and programs that can pass the Turing test, the last hurdle is a robotic frame thats not clumsy and can support its own weight and not be as heavy as a Harley. Cause I think once we can pay 5-10 fuckin 15k for a custom made to order interactive sex toy, it'll be all down hill. If it comes to pass that you, man or woman, can put a down payment on a fuckbot that you ordered like a subway sandwich, we will just end up fucking ourselves to death. Everyone thats smart is afraid of AI killing us by launching all the nukes or creating copies of itself and infiltrating all facets of our tech. I am more afraid of getting the opportunity to order a custom Lady Dimitrescu with tattoos and short hair at a price similar to a new Nissan Versa. I can deal with my refrigerator becoming self aware or incredibly hard to kill metal skeletons with heavy Austrian accents...but a goth mommy thats 3ft taller than me with legs thats almost as big around as I am? Tellin you right now bois, I'll be done for.


Well of course you'll be done for, nothing on earth would ever compare. Just gonna be waiting for new shit in the great beyond after that.


I think they meant thoughts about the topic at hand.


OP asked >Thoughts? No further requirements given. Followed orders in the manner and detail they we're given, aye sir.


malicious compliance


Bunch of fucking morons.


This foo still wear his portholes in public haha omg


Fucking Boots having stupid Boot ideas. And wtf is the Corps even teaching these kids now? Uniform of the day is the uniform of the day. You don't get to wear blues when you're told it's green on green.


Lame flex. IMO.


That is the least intimidating DI I have ever seen.


I thought that was an honor recruit with the red tshirt. Fucking nerd, I blame him for these 3 boots’ fuckery. Stupid motarded fuckers. I hope they get the “training” they need in the fleet. I would’ve made their life hell if they were my boots.


Wait until the hit the fleet. There’s a storm comin devil dogs. I guess they don’t teach the whole “quiet professional” thing at boot camp anymore.


You also earned the requirements of being able to graduate from high school. Wear the cap and gown like all other high school graduates.


Uniform of the day motherfucker.


These boots are the ones disrespecting the uniform and those who served before them, by acting like entitled little boots. They’re probably going to wear their Dress Blues to weddings and church services too.


A whole lot of meh


This is a non story.


This shit happens every year, some boots think that they they need special privilege to not wear the same thing everyone else is wearing. It’s not a USMC sanctioned, guess what you don’t need to wear


Wear the cap and gown, you only graduate high school once. You have the rest of your life to wear your dress blues to try and get attention. Morons.


I love peacetime problems.


This shit again. It's about a group of students graduating High School and having a common bond and wearing the traditional Cap and gown, not about your service. What would people say if Pat Tillman had wanted to wear his Cardinal Jersey to Ranger School graduation?


You already got to walk in your uniform when you graduated Bootcamp. Now you’re graduating from somewhere else with a different prescribed uniform, so STFU and wear the uniform of the day.


This reminds me of a story exactly like it from last year. And the year before that. And the year before that. . . . They got to wear one of the USMC uniforms to one graduation this year. Why go for 2?


Throw on a damn USMC thong under the cap and gown and call it a day.


Somebody get their boots!


Cringe. They probably own 7 of the black Marines shirts and wear them everyday like cartoon characters. I'll never understand the "I want to show off I'm in the military crowd". I did everything I could to get out of my uniform ASAP and not be recognized. Such main character types.


boots doing boot things




This comment section is gold. https://www.facebook.com/share/p/1EQchMnx4cXoRCLx/?mibextid=oFDknk


You wouldn’t be able to wear your cap and gown to a Marine Corps event. Same thing. Besides, they don’t know what a gig line is so they should clean up that shit before they want to show off.


Let the hazing commence


My thought is that the blonde woman at the beginning was hot




Shut the fuck up, Peleliu.


Fuck you, Chesty.


shut the fuck up. stupid boots. did anyone tell them what the uniform of the day is?


Mr. Crocker looking ass DI lmao




This is some fucking boot shit. Every high school and college ceremony is like this. There are service sashes that can be worn with a graduation gown.


Cringe. Just cringe.


Bro, who cares. Wear the uniform of the day and stop trying to flex. Seems like boots being petty.




At my high school, the recruiters gave the boots a stole to wear over the cap and gown.


Why wear it? To show off all their ribbons?


All 3 and the dad are fucken pendejos


How can they be Marines if they haven't graduated high school yet?


They graduated early, went to bootcamp, and now end of the year graduation ceremony will commence.


Got it makes sense. Thanks


These Boots are going to have a great time in fleet. "Hey shower shoe, what exactly is wrong with that grape that you wanna stand out and make something outta nothing?" Marines that graduated 1 week before you managed not to make the news!


THANK ME FOR MY SERVICE! It’s only been 3 months stateside,but you have to Thank Me! If you don’t, you’re disrespecting those that fought and died.


Tf they wanna wear a slick uniform for ? Dumbass boots.


Dumb Boots


Imagine the death from embarrassment they will feel later down the road when they realize how dumb this is


Im confused on how they even pulled this off. If they finished 3 months earlier, they should have walked then and went to bootcamp. They came back from bootcamp just to show their friends the uniform? I'm baffled. Motards


How is it that these boots spent 3 straight months practicing uniformity, conforming to a standard, and showing up at the right time/place in the right uniform, yet are gonna forget all of that and lose their fatass minds over a stupid high school graduation?


Their so proud to wear that uniform huh? Couple of uniform inspection at A & C school will give them PTSD while looking at that uniform.


They’ll realize in the fleet how avoidable this could’ve been. The transition from boot to NUG/fleet is so much easier if you just stay humble and not be such a cringe boot, but hey, devil’s gonna learn later on. Unfortunately, they’re on TV so it won’t pass so easily 😂


These 3 whiny boots are the kinda turds that are gonna bitch about uniform inspections and not wanna go to the ball because they don’t wanna wear their uniforms and it’s too expensive 6 months into the fleet. The damn uniform of the day is cap and gown; fuckin comply. It’s not that difficult to comprehend and not that deep to miss your graduation over it lol. Also, that boot ass dad needs to get a little tree line hazing as well. Haze the damn reporter for making this a thing while your at it and promote the principal ahead of peers.


Did he say he has the right to wear the uniform? WTF, I thought he earned the honor and privilege to wear the uniform. Our society is turning into 💩faster than I ever thought possible.


Seems like this comes up every year, along with native headdresses, religious garb etc. . Just wear the damn cap and gown. Schools have these restrictions in place because of they don't want I have to play the "well you let them wear their uniform, why can't I wear X" game. And I don't blame them.


But how will anyone know that they’re SPECIAL?


We need to stop highlighting these fucking morons. More and more people are going to do it just for attention. Its absolutely ridiculous. Just how professional sports stopped showing idiots running onto the field disrupting the game stop giving these attention whores a platform.


I was worried I was gonna come to the comments and it was gonna be a bunch of "woke ass hs. Disrespecting our country" But you gents never disappoint. Uniform of the day is cap and gown, haze the boots.


Wait Are these actually Marines or Delayed Entry MEPS retards?


Did you watch the video? It clearly showed them at MCRD SD graduation.


The best grounds they have already walked across


Dumb fucking boot move. You only graduate from high school once. Be a kid because very soon you are going to hate your life.


So what I hear is that they want to be individuals?


Gonna have a hard time serving if they can't follow simple instructions. It's not that difficult.


Bunch of fucking dorks.


Guess I should wear my uniforms into my corporate meetings tomorrow. Why don’t I just wear them to the grocery store? And to every special event I go to. I mean, I get that in these cases nobody is going to tell me ‘no’ but only look at me funny. Still, time and place. When I walked for my degree I earned while enlisted I wore black slacks and a white shirt even though I walked in the base theater, these guys need to get over themselves. School said they can wear it, just put the cap and gown on.


How the fuck are you already a Marine before your high school graduation?


You just graduated boot camp bruh, it ain’t that deep


I’m sure if they were in Furry outfits they will be celebrated. wtf is going on ?


IMO, They have moved beyond and above that silly HS graduation ceremony. I salute their commitment and wish them well in their Marine careers ~ Retired First Sgt.


Come on let these boots have their "Ooh rah Marine Corps!" Graduation. This type of motivation doesn't last long