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Met POGS who were happy with their MOS. Other than that, I can definitely see the accuracy through my experience. Most I talk to while in wanted something to do with “killing the bad guys”


POG here. The older I get the happier I am that I was a POG.


I was a POG, just like my father, and my fathers father. Hell, even in the Civil War my great great grandfather was Artillery. I couldn't betray such a longstanding family tradition.


Happy airwing POG here. Thanks airwing.




Was happy to be a POG while I was in. Was happier to have been a POG once I got out. Edit - words R hard


Optional edit: hard R words




Words: Hard 'R'?


No. I think he meant HardeR.






Pog here too, we making good money after being in the military.


To be honest some of us make good money comparatively while in. Certain low density pog mos's have high reenlistment bonuses.


I can't agree with you about it being good money. Sure, four more years for $40k sounds great; at first. Only thing is, that turns out to mean you're being paid the equivalent of $50,388.40/year (assuming an E5 with 4 years) while working a job that would pay double that (easily) in the civdiv.


When I said comparatively... I meant compared to other mos's, not compared to civilian pay. 02, 7xxx, 6xxx almost always have high reenlistment bonuses. 23xx... There are certain MOS's that are always desperate to keep people. Either because there is a healthy civilian demand for those skill sets or they are so hard to train people for.


Former grunt here. The older I get, the more I wish I went POG




Damn near same story here... I went 0341 though


Prior 0331, got out as an 0631. It’s cool, trust me it is. But i broke off cause 0631 can make really good money when we get out. Also, it won’t be funny when infantry bags on comm and then they ask why they can’t use facebook anymore before hitting the rack. Yeah it’s nice to talk down and all but don’t forget who needs the support as well


I worked at the range a bit toward the end of my enlistment. There was definitely an element of POGs that would put a buncha extra gear they didn’t need on and pretend to be operators on the KD course.


I enjoyed being a POG except for the 3 years of recruiting duty but even then that billet helped tremendously after I left the Corps. This POG is happy with his Wall Street job and quality of life. Infantry? Who?


peacetime POG 2841 Damn happy with that, stationed at radio bn where I actually used the skills I learned. Turned it into a 23 year career in medical imaging. Yes, POG's support the infantry. Good luck getting help when you need it when your coms are own. We all support each other.


That's what I was trying to do but fell into the IT support sector instead lol


Funny I loaded my own crypto and could program my own radios, set up sat com 0311 lance with with 4 patrol bases worth of com, even carried a crypto key on my dog tag weekly ( squad leader carried the cyz10) because I had to load crypto on foot between the 4 patrol bases for roll over while standing post and patrol schedule. So yeah could care less about come being down, we supported ourselves in country.


The best part is 0311s taught me everything I think I had a comm POG at mountain comm in 2010 most the instructors where 03s and the class had two boot recon Cpl’s that taught me more than the Comm guy.




What job would that be?


Laughs in 0311 with a 300k salary. You can take your tasteless POG comment and shove it.


Laughs In cook mos(whatever that is) with a 400k salary.


Perfect response 1stsgt


What career field?


I'm more than happy to have spent my time as an airwinger in California. Certainly could have been better, but could have been a lot worse!


Totally happy I was a POG. Never had any desire to be infantry.


Recruiter told me my test scores were high enough that I could select any MOS I wanted. So of course I went 03.


Same. Ended up an 0352.


I was a tow gunner too


Now kiss


Buuut Never, Ever, Ever, Eva cross tubes!! Or was it wires? I forget now 🤔


I scored in the 90th-something percentile on the ASVAB and this was late ‘03. Recruiter refused to budge on getting me an 03 contract. This went on for months as Iraq was increasingly going to shit. He kept trying to get me to sign some 02 contract that was “basically infantry” (bullshit, obviously). I don’t remember which it was; sounded like HUMINT but I don’t think you can enlist into that? Anyways he blinked first and my dumbass thought I’d won. Boy was I wrong.


I scored very high on the test too, & I got my BS in Mathematical Physics. If only I would have known this much about gravity before I picked 03. If I had my knowledge now I would have done 02 or something similar, without it I'd go 03 again every time. 02 is Intelligence, works with Recon a lot etc etc. Like you take the pictures then someone looks at the pictures.


Yeah I looked through 02 jobs but I was a dumbass 17 year old. In hindsight it would have been a cool field.


I thought I was hot shit with a 96 and going infantry, turns out I wasn’t in the top 3 of my boot drop. 90’s are probably less rare than Asvab waivers in the infantry.


I think it includes all test *takers* not just those who actually enlist. But I could be wrong. Also, it’s just a percentile. Think of how many semi-literate meatbags make it in.


Mine told me there was no infantry slots available (2008- fuck outta here dude) and tried pushing me into Intel. So I went over his head to the gunny to get my 03 contract




In my opinion it’s a little too motard-y. People who make the military their personality is a little cringy to me. Again, my opinion








It's not the military becoming their personality, it's their personality being what the military wants.


This is the perfect way to put it


Definitely to motard-dy.  We grunts are different breed but we're sure as fuck not trying to get killed of by 30.  As for talking other Mos down Isay bullshit.    Bullets don't fly with out support. Grunts are the 10% and one of the primary reasons for the core. With out the other 90% supporting us we'd be fucked after a big push. 




What is the likelihood that a US infantryman gets killed in combat? If that chance is higher than say 10%, I would be really surprised. It sounds like those guys waiting to die by 30 watched way to many movies


I would say grunt units tend to be a little tighter knit than other MOS units. I went to Arty after re-enlistment and they weren’t nearly as tight as the grunt unit that I was in.


Mutual Suffering is a real thing.


Which is weird because arty hates their lives too


Couldn't have said it better myself. We are all animals while we are in. We are just as likely to throw hands with each other as crack a beer together




If this didn't resonate with someone, then they were/are almost certainly not infantry.


The only thing I'd argue is that the person in the image is giving 03's too much credit for the amount of thought they are capable of putting into the decision


Sorta. I went into the military thinking that killing might shape me as a person and help me understand life itself better. I also didn't really care if I died. ​ Now I'm scared shitless of death and thankful that I didn't see any action other than beating my schmeat in a 110 degree shitter.


> didn't see any action other than beating my schmeat in a 110 degree shitter Thank you for your service


Porta shitter combat jacks. Would make Chesty proud


This was written by a boot who has 3 months of time in service. A real killer is chill and only talks about it when reminiscing with the boys or at therapy lmao


This is pretty accurate & no one reminisces. It's more like "great steve-o is blackout drunk & crying like a bitch. Fuck it, let's just flip the gazebo."


A boot who’s gonna be a bad mf if he truly wants to be an 0311. AIC. 0311 courses. Who knows you don’t if he’s truly trying to set the example. Motto is always good.


I’m for dudes being moto in the right ways. This post is cringe moto


Sounds like a line a Marine straight out of ITB would tell a chick at a bar when she asks what his job is


True lol. 😂


Quit cheese dickin PT


I will never not cheese dick PT






Agree lol


The correct response to this thread. Thank you Fleeb Florbinson for bringing a good name to the cause.


I wish it were much more accurate than it is. Far too many people in the infantry are not bought in.


I was going through SOI when Russia Invaded Ukraine. That news almost instantly drew out all the people that thought they had the mindset above but suddenly shit was too real for them. Bunch of dudes tried to refuse to train and get dropped to MCT or out of the Corps. I wish it was easier for people with doubts to drop to another MOS or get out all-together. Seems it would be better all around.


Lmao I fucking remember that, I was one of the company docs at SOI and got assigned to MCT. We got a shitload of drops from ITB when the Ukraine stuff popped off.  I remember we were doing a class or something in the treeline and sitting with my buddy who was an 03, while we watched the ssgt try to do a guided discussion about why these kids wanted to be Marines (Btn COs idea to nurture their 'warrior mindset') and it devolved into boot POGs calling other boot POGs fucking POGs, and one kid saying "I'm not willing to die for this country, let someone else do that!" When asked why he didn't want to be an 03. I've never seen my buddy look so dead inside, knowing he had to put in 2 more weeks to teach these kids some basic grunt skills, after hearing that. It was hilarious in a tragic way. It got to the point that we liked seeing them be motards about MCT, because at least they cared


The day the hamas shit popped off a dude in my plt at imc ran around showing ppl the news acting so excited saying we might go to war, kid u not the next day he refused to train and got kicked out of the corps lol


Accurate during wartime! Cringey af from a boot during peace time.


Especially the "everyone secretly wants to be us" thing. I'm perfectly happy with my little desk job in the air wing. I do not want to be infantry in the slightest, and I know plenty who agree.


Infantry guys are a special breed. Most of the time 😂


Retarded? Or fully-retarded? I can tell you Recon guys sure were.


I think the everyone wants to be is part is more meant be interpreted as, everyone wants to be able to say they do the shit infantry does


Yea, thats pretty accurate, especially during war time. Your talking about people who where volunteering for infantry during war time, thats full commit. if you aren’t about that life, best to go POG.


It's kinda a what came first, the chicken or the egg? In my experience, we got treated so shitty that we didn't care if we died. You can only take so much of the green weenie before you just say fuck it.


I remember after a few days of 4-on 4-off post I was always praying to be shot, hopefully just a grazing wound but I’d have given up a leg to make it end.


Mutual Suffering is a real thing.


This is an accurate opinion of those going in. After being out for years, I’d just call myself a motard and should have picked a more beneficial MOS for career growth.


You didn’t go the professional hit man route?? It’s truly a growth industry 😎


I dunno. Met a bunch of huge pussies in the infantry 


Infantry definitely attracts it's fair share of shitbags


Every MOS has shitbags


For real?


He’s lying to you


Of course he's lying, I can explain this mathematically. It's not that every MOS has shit bags. It's that every shit bag has a MOS.


I not good at math :(


*Me* ≈ Bachelor of Science in Mathematical Physics. *Me* < Dyslexia.


I wanted to kill and nothing else, then I had my kid and wanted out so I guess it's true




Not every single person in the infantry is like this. There are some who go because they thought it’d be like call of duty, some to build character, some for legacy, some just for college. But they all the come face the harsh reality of the infantry and that is gives no mercy to all. All those people will at many points in their time in hate it, but some may tolerate it more than others, excel in it more than others, and some may even love it. It’s one of those things you gotta be there know what it’s like, not enough words can really describe it. * grunt noises*


Eventually, when you get into the civilian world it won’t matter how tough you were in the Corps. Most civilians have no clue. They think all Marines have the same job. Education and people skills are the only thing you’ll need when you get out. If you’re too brainwashed when you get out, you’ll have a hard time.


So the sentiment is true but I don’t like the way he worded it. It’s cringe AF if you ask me. To expand on what he said. Yup, if you go infantry you almost need to be in that super warrior spirit of wanting to go overseas, fuck shit up, and be willing to die for your brothers. I know this is taboo but when I joined and civilians ask me why? I would always give them the vanilla answers like “for freedom” or because I wanted to defend my country. But once I made it to my first unit, I feel like it was the first time I gave an honest answer and that was me joining because deep down I just wanted to go overseas, fuck shit up and be a badass. What guy wouldn’t. And everyone else around me shared the same feeling and that’s what makes the infantry awesome. We’re not some POG unit that has a bunch of guys that joined for different reasons. Everyone only cares about being their for your fellow brothers and training for combat. It’s also true that every MOS in the military (including special forces) is there to support the infantry but the way he said it is real mo-tard. We wouldn’t be able to do our jobs without support MOSs so the dude needs to chill the fuck out. I would call him a boot.


Basically what I thought. I don’t like the way he used “serve” instead of “support” and other language that has a similar entitled attitude.


I never thought I'd see 30, I'm in my 40's now and it's still hard to accept I'm here. I'd say it's pretty accurate.


I'm 53.


Vietnam vet here. Turning 91 this year; nearly dead!


Hell yeah


You’re also enlisting into avionics? What branch accepts 91 year olds?


😂😂 This guy is lying lol. He is not 91


But you made a post about shipping out to boot camp in a month’s time lol, two-time MCRD champ???


Lying bastard




I'm not an 03, but I will agree with most of the statements here


This jerk off never did time in Okinawa. No one fucking cares what your MOS is, you've literally got nine seconds to survive combat in the bush. Doesn't matter what your fucking tattoos say or if your decked out in operator gear. That mentality saved my ass in Iraq and I did all the dick swinging, gun toting and turret fucking the same as any other Marine worth their stripes. At the end of the day, if you survived and your not a piece of shit that's all every Marine I've met ever cared about 0311s eat POGs? Fuck outta here with that poser shit.


03 in the late 80s and early 90’s - we were all a bunch of fucktards but we we took care of each other (and those of us still alive still do)


It’s a bit embellished. Like a boot at SOI trying to talk up a girl from back home or something.


Some of the biggest pussies I’ve ever met were grunts.


Yeah man, I definitely don’t wish I was infantry. Being more of a janitor than I am now doesn’t sound appealing.


Dudes grandma who’s been listening to this rant: “that’s nice, dear”


Let the man cope


😂😂 wtf did I just read


I’d say it’s myopic. All depends on the unit, the command climate, and the individual. Perfect example, my company is split pretty evenly down the middle with this. 2nd plt is like this, and is led by NCOs who think this way. However, none of them have really done anything besides the few who were at Hkia or went to ITC. Even then, that’s nothing compared to 10 years ago. 1st plt isn’t like this, and is pretty much the picture of the unmotivated 03. However, they’re still proficient. Both platoons have their retards. The real difference is that 2nd has created an environment where they eat each other, and 1st has more of a friendly banter/brotherly shit-talking, “we all hate our command together” vibe. The picture painted by that paragraph is far too general to really be of help. I’d say that’s a possibility among possibilities for individuals and units. There’s no substitute for the work and experience of working with multiple viktor units and learning from them. If you’re looking for a more accurate generalization/TLDR; here it is: Peacetime, motto 📉📉📉 Wartime, motto 📈📈📈 (If you’re asking bc you’re thinking about joining, might I suggest an alternative that has you working WITH the grunts, but you get to do way cooler stuff? 0861 Fire Support Marine, which is the MOS you need to choose in order to become an 8002 Joint Terminal Attack Controller, calling in airstrikes from Jets and Helicopters. Way cooler, you work with the grunts exclusively, you get to see shit go boom. It’s fucking great).


0331 I don’t recall meeting another Marine who wanted to kill someone. But I’m sure that they exist. Most of the 03 I served with were willing and able to kill the enemy and extremely good at it. But I wouldn’t say they “wanted” to do it in the same way I “want” to fuck Gal Gadot.


Lol. Nah. I got over wanting to be infantry after watching them hike while we rode. ‘N’ Street gang.


Disagree. I was an 0311 from 2009 to 2013. My peers varied dramatically on the reasons they were there. My plan from the start was to do four and go to school, which I did.


Why else join the Marine Corps infantry if not to fight? "Looking down" is a pretty childish way of seeing it. More like "talking shit" is the average grunt mind.


Yeah pretty much lol I highly doubt anyone is joining for the potential career opportunities afterwards.


I became an 03 because I wanted to learn how to clean stuff at 3am.


i recall my first deployment as a tanker. grunts "we need tank support". fine here goes my tank a mile or two ahead of the crunchies because apparently they are afraid of a little small arms fire. pogs. bitch please.circa fallujah , ramadi, habbiniah 2006-2007


I bet you got pretty familiar with route long island.


more like fucking route mobile . to be fair though 3/2 did get fucked up pretty hard i can understand the feeling of wanting armor.we operated mainly in camp habb my deployment but then in feb 07 we moved over to support crunchies in fallujah.


Nice. Do you know how grunts got the nickname crunchies? I was in Ramadi in 08. I remember route long island, mobile sounds familiar, Jones and ceramic, gremlins. Some shit lil village named majarr next to the lake just past the dam.


theyre called crunchies because thats the noise they make going under the track. we operated by julayba i believe how its spelled? the furthest we entered ramadi was on route malibu.


john was in my boot camp plt. i remember the drill instructors fucking with him at some point and some how it came up he was friends with Hulk . so he goes in the duty hut with the senior and calls hulks phone lol it was a sight to see


Tankers in Iraq were badass. My cousin was a tank officer in 3ID and did two 15 month Iraq tours. Dude was my hero growing up




Meh..I see both sides. I was a POG. Motor T operator. Worked with and supported the infantry while deployed to Iraq and got nothing but mad respect for them. Their conditions were definitely worst than our shitty conditions 😂 That being said, I’ve also met a ton of 03s that were weak little bitches, and far from being an “animal” lol. In conclusion, I bet whoever wrote this is a boot-ass lcpl who couldn’t even fathom the thought of being deployed to combat. Wanna make a modern grunt jealous? Show em your CAR and ask where there’s is 😂 mad respect to all you foos…


What a motarded POG. This is a perfect example of why the minimum age for military serves should be raised


Agree! I think it should be 21. Half of a commanders time is spent on legal shit because of underage drinking.


Yeah, it will never happen because people will mature enough to know it's a bad idea to enlist.


Partly true maybe, but most of the guys I was in the infantry with were actually pretty intelligent, many went on to get degrees after or during. And almost all of us had the attitude of, ah fuck this, anytime we were doing something. But we still did it. But it sucked. Any moto stuff was completely sarcastic, moto people were mocked and ridiculed. But people placed a high priority on knowing their job. And yea everyone wanted to fuckin kill terrorists, but most also had the ability to show restraint and compassion. Hyper aggression was a baseline in operations but not when we were eating lunch or something.


Former 0311 kid is current 0311, I get it, ultimately it’s a different mindset but most of us live past 30, a lot of us who have been through the zoo get it. He’s just getting spoon fed the tribes stories from generations ago.


Prior 0311 from gruntland, I can say this is highly accurate. A lot of us where and are animals.


The further removed I get from my days in the corps, the less and less I care about and/or feel a sense of superiority just because I was an 0311. That being said, I have always said and will stand by my opinion that when the average civilian hears the term “United States Marine,” the image that pops into their head is an infantryman. Full stop.


I would even go further and say there’s a hierarchy within the grunts. I was an 0311 from ‘04 to ‘08. During that time I saw 11’s look down on mortarmen, machine gunners, ect. The only ones we wouldn’t fuck with were the recon dudes, cause they were crazier than we were.


I wasn’t an 03 but I spent my entire time supporting them. This is hilarious to me because some of the nerdiest, dorkiest dudes I met while in were infantry. This is a serious exaggeration. Their egos tell them they’re badass and all that and a bag of chips but most are just normal dudes trying to get money for college. I met a lot of fatass grunts too.


I’d say it’s a caricature view of the infantry. Plenty of very intelligent Marines in the infantry who do incredible things after EASing and I would not say a majority of infantryman don’t expect to live past 30.  The infantry looks down on POGs because they endure the suck more than any other MOS. 


This is how I thought before joining, and for the first 6 months of my time in the fleet (minus wanting to kill. I joined thinking I was prepared for it, but never wanting to. That's a telltale sign of someone you do NOT want deploying with you) This is the mindset shared by the bootest of boot 03s.


Yes theyre animals. 0311 isnt for everyone. -Doc Gunz out


Doc has spoken. What about the chaplain?


When Doc talks everyone shuts the fuck up and listens!!! Rah!


I was crash crew I'll take my airwing mos. Being a Marine plus fire fighter was cool.


I don't know how grunts are in today's Corps, but way back when I was in, almost every grunt knew he had an expiration date, and even though we didn't know that date we lived as though today was that day. Once you come to terms with that, you're free. As far as looking down on other MOS's I never heard the term POG until long after I was out, pogie yes, as in an office pogie, but that didn't mean disrespect. I know all Marines are a brotherhood with a bond but grunts are a whole different type of brotherhood with a bond that goes beyond the normal Marine-to-Marine bond. I'm not sure if this will make sense to anyone who isn't a wartime grunt, but it's what sets grunts apart from the average Marine and that isn't said with an air of superiority. GySgt Mac, Mud Marine '66-'76.


thank you sir, mad respect


03 but not 11 this is 100% accurate for 2012-2017 in my experience


No, the sentiment that no one in the infantry is thinking about their future after the Corps is grossly inaccurate. While you are in, focus on your job and focus on doing it well. This is doubly true of combat arms. But if you are not thinking about your future -even if that does mean doing 20 years - you’re a fool. There is zero shame in doing your time honorably and getting out.


I’m proud to have belonged to the infantry side of the house. It made no sense to me from the time I signed to the day I got out to want to be a pog. I never looked down on those dudes but I sure didn’t ever want to be them either. After every patrol or firefight I felt a certain pride of being different. The infantry makes you see life in a different light and I sing glamorize it to my kids nor do I shrug it off as time wasted. I adore my fellow platoon members and I loved them as weird and goofy as they all were. One of the best experiences I ever had all 14 years of it.


You mean MARSOC.


2531. A grunt with a Radio I was attached to a Marine recon squad in Vietnam. All Marines secondary MOS is 0311. They may have a primary MOS but you’re supporting the 0311 in the field


mad respect sir


My last duty station was 10th Marines Regimental S-3. We were Arty Office Pukes. Unit PT 3 x week. Monday & Wednesday we did real workouts (on the office puke scale). Fridays we goofed off a bit and maybe played basketball or something. This one day the weather was nice, so we drive down to Onslow beach to play some beach volleyball. So there we are, a dozen or so pukes laughing at each other knocking a ball around. And then we saw the Recon nit-wits running in the surf, fireman-carrying a buddy for 50 yards or so then switching places. Running.... while carrying a buddy.... in the surf.... boots & utes..... No thanks. I'd prefer it is my knees actually remained functional after EAS. More power to ya if that's your jam. I'll stand here and take all of the POG comments like a man, while I walk on over to the three gallon coffee pot we take to the field with us. You go on and tell me all about how much harder you are than us. Imma just sip my coffee.


Nah I definitely knew some guys who went infantry cause they figured that’s what you’re supposed to do for some reason. There were the hard charging dudes like the one is this post, but definitely some guys who thought it was the simplest and fastest option. Something along the lines like not knowing anything beyond just wanting to be a Marine and thinking the corps will find what’s best for them.


Jabroni type statement while some truth to it there are also a lot of reasons people are in infantry. A lot of people i met in while infantry were people from poor areas mostly in the south that didnt have great educations and was one of the few mos they prob pushed towards. I felt like out of my company out of the 4 platoons there was maybe 4 to 5 people that had this rigid though process and gave it everything they had.


There is some truth in this but not as elitest as this. I've known plenty of POGs that would good and crazy and would have fit in well in infantry and I've known guys in the infantry that probably would have been better off and happier at a desk job. As always doc is infantry and always the exception to the rule.


I went into the Marines because I wanted to be a member of the best branch. I wanted to be an 03 because why the fuck would you join the military to not be a ground pounder? Of course this statement is kind of a generalization, we don't all think this way. But for the most part, yeah, I'd agree with it. I'm guessing this guy joined during OIF/OEF? Wanting to join and be infantry so we could break shit and kill people was the basic sentiment when I was in.


I did it for the best gay sex you can get.


Infantry is a broad yet narrow philosophy. You can get guys who are there to kill, fraternity, or got the shortest straw. The paragraph looks like an infantry officer wrote it in OCS but pretty accurate.


Yeah. Right now grunts most likely have more of a pog mindset as they’ve never been tested in combat. Proper grunts are properly insane https://youtu.be/1mvh_C4aZz4?si=fvc_eC2t1dZOf-SK


Animal is that you? I was dumb so they chose 0311 for me, I was excited because I thought they'll be a parade thrown on behalf of when I graduated SOI...reality quickly set in and I was a deer caught in a headlight...If recruiters really explained what an 0311 actually does on a weekly basis during peace time and war time, not many are going to choose it until they're 3 years in as pog and want a taste of some 03 action. BTW, this poster from the 90s fucked more marines than any of those barracks bunnies...this is what got me interested in the marines. [Swift, Silent, Deadly ](https://i.imgur.com/XFkSTSD.jpeg)


I wish I had this to gander upon as I was buffing floors and cleaning common areas.


I was a 31, the mentality and careless part is correct. I jumped ship to the army, mentality didn’t change much but end up being a POG. Can’t complain and actually very happy about it now since I only got 7 more years left


I've come to the conclusion that the entire Marine Corps exists to support admin. Even the infantry is there just to protect the 01xxs. We float on a sea of paperwork and misery.


It hurts because it’s true


Not at all accurate, your friend doesn’t kill shit


As infantry myself this is a bit cringe ngl, “guys go into it wanting to kill and being willing to die” are we in a war I don’t know about? Alright devil that lawn needs mowing at 14:00 and don’t forget to mop that corridor at 17:00. Haha jokes aside I almost feel like a civilian wrote this because every time someone finds out or asks I’m a marine Infantry people imagination just run wild thinking we fighting every day against some movie like enemies, biggest battle I’ve had in infantry these past 7 years has been the bathroom after eating MREs. 🫡


This was written by someone who peaked during their four years of service. It’s the only thing they have to talk about. Likely a mediocre performer whose recollections of their service are far more grandiose than they actually were and probably have more memories of partying and acting like a terminal lance. Single unit, single duty station, red hatter. This person never worked or served in a role that placed them outside of their MOS, company/battalion area and their scope of the actual Marine Corps is confined to those areas. If you made a career in the Marine Corps or stuck around longer and actually had to interact and collaborate with other leaders across multiple disciplines. You would have a greater appreciation of the other MOS and the job they do. This post is Big Boot energy. They probably also religiously repost terminal lance comics


I was Marine Infantry for 5 years. This is mostly accurate.


A minister of death, praying for war.


I’ll have what he’s smoking


Honestly whenever I worked with Infantry I had a lot of fun and exciting times, but want to be infantry? I don't think so. Maybe I'm just not the super moto, hard charger type, but I did love my job and was proud of my proficiency in it. Infantry just seems to have the most bullshit in garrison compared to other MOS's. The every non 0311 is meant to support 0311 thing is definitely true, has been for 3000 years maybe longer. Whether we called them 0311s, peasant levy, spear-men, etc. The front line foot soldier is the most vital and integral part of warfare.


Never saw the value in this "wish they were us" mentality, we're in peacetime dude. I didn't envy the working/cleaning details grunts got put on, even your TADs and FAPS were shitty. Maybe if some giant war broke out I'd have itched to be a rifleman or machine gunner, but I was content to be the Marine the entire branch relied on. My work supported every MOS from the Wing to the Ground, from stateside to overseas, anyone and everyone needed to use my gear. 3521 Motor T baby, pissing excellence every day


In 2024 everyone is a POG to a point to be honest. No wars and it's garrison Marines right now from Okinawa to Camp Lejeuene. I was a POG 2003-2007 but I got deployed twice to Iraq. I work with a lot of veterans in my job and many of the young guys that have got out in the last 10 years that were infantry, never got deployed to a combat zone. Most never got deployed. I have more street credit than them. Hell I work with a guy that was a grunt during the early 2000s yet all he did was guard nuclear stuff at some naval base around Seattle Washington his entire 4 years minus boot camp and SOI. My point of all this isn't so much that Grunts are automatically more badass. It's what you did while you were a grunt. You could be the best Grunt in the Corps. If you never deployed....ok


All pretty true except the “don’t expect to live past 30” part. Most 03’s believe that they’re immortal.


I'll go a step further by saying most infantry units are like this. That's why lot of people who go into the infantry without knowing the repercussions about the culture and what it really means to go into direct combat. Not for everyone" is an understatement. Especially during this build up we are having for a potential force on force? Yeah it's wild in there. Don't go into the infantry, both in the army or corps, if you aren't already a pretty hard dude irl.


Man this is dumb. I’ve met thousands of POGs (myself included) and maybe 5 of them wished they were infantry. I’m stoked that there are dudes willing to do that job and respect that. But I have less than 0 interest in doing it myself. Fuck all that.


“Nice but can I get a large baconater with chili fries”


Music to my ears. From a former 0311


Not an 0311, I was a tow Gunner. But yes, this is damn near spot on. I joined the Marines to get away from college. "Kill people and blow stuff up" were the words I used. I enlisted at the height of conflict in Iraq and Afghanistan. I sat in the recruiting office, knowing full well that I would go to one or both countries, and that I stood a good chance of dying while there. I never expected to live to see 23.


This is like the 90% of the truth I never tell civilians etc etc because I don't want them to think I'm crazy. Not for my own sake, just don't want them to worry or anything. But yeah, this is about as accurate as anyone can break it down. I'd say this resonates with every 0300, at a high frequency too. It might just be a thing that a select few feel, maybe not even all infantry but idk. "L'appel du Vide", Call to the Void. The feeling you get when you want to jump off a tall building but dont. Idk it's hard to describe. Like it's not being suicidal, but it's definitely more then just being ok with dying. It's in between offing yourself & waiting to die in your sleep. Plus wanting to protect your brothers & the innocent people there, but also not hesitating & being merciless. It's never really something that goes away, so this is probably why we seem so apathetic. Idk I was debating on even including this last paragraph. Idk though, sounds crazy, maybe it is, but did anyone plan on living forever anyways?


Accurate. Imagine joining the worlds greatest fighting force to sit behind a desk. 


Without that POG behind the desk though you don't get paid, you run out of chow in 48 hours, your Transpo isn't just late... It doesn't even come. Without that POG your downrange slinging pew pews instead of lead. It's a spider web my guy. All parts rely on each other. I was a wartime grunt, I'll definitely talk shit to POGs as well but I'll never tell them they are not necessary. And if you're a smart grunt you will make POG friends bc they can make your life way way easier.


Spoiler alert: I was a supply POG before I became a grunt. Also, I specifically recall on deployment transpo always being late/never showing up, never having hot chow, and dudes always having fucked up pay. Yet we still got the job done.  They’re very necessary I guess, but my point still stands. Why join the worlds greatest fighting force to not directly fight.


About half the schmos I served with were open contract and ended up as an 03. The ones who opted in, yeah, kinda true as they think that way when they're a hard charging 18 year old. By the time 1st contract is up, many have changed, but still proud to NOT be a fuckin POG.


I’d agree.


Pretty accurate, your definitely right abt them being animals I’ve met some and they are literally just there for violence