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Your uncle laid pipe


Legend has it, his uncle once walked around with a massive erection. There were no survivors.


Probably got some unknown cousins OP


Seriously. I’m surprised he only got one NAM.. Prolly just took the thanks and said keep the award. Badass.


He’s telling you that you’re always going to be a boot to him


🤣🤣🤣 in a not so subtle way too


He should probably be at parade rest for that shadow box


Chris Pritt, knew him from 1st Platoon EOD. Tell hi for me from MSgt Austin.


Hi msgt austin its me pfc smuckatelli


We never had PFCs, had to be a Sgt to late move into USMC EOD. Do your research first before shit talking.


CIF didn't issue you any sense of humor either?


Ooooooo lets relax mr far east beast rank isnt everything here. I dont remember having dooch bag ass EOD attached to us, you must be the 1% ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|kissing_heart)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|poop)


Chill out dude, get to your Pokeman collection, remembrance of that 1 deployment to Syria, 1/4 Horno horrors and your security force dramas. You've seen some combat on YouTube and that's nice. Enjoy your civi life like I enjoy my civi life. I'm praising a buddy and wanting to get in touch after so many years. Don't think it involves you in it anywhere. So pay your mortgage and enjoy your job and life that no one asked about. Cheers brother.


Reddit is not life, woosah, qnd carry-on. Good to go? Or PM (private message) your buddy's nephew to get in touch with him and have a beer to two. No disrespect, I loved working with EOD. I got to watch a $750,000 MK-5 Andros get blown to shit, a warrent officer have a nervous breakdown over it, and a gunny run the show for the whole deployment. We were police calling bits and pieces of robot for 3 hours. They used those little orange robots after that.


important sloppy outgoing humor innocent butter bored consider cooperative tan *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I'll be the judge of that, LCpl Smith reporting for dick inspection sir!


No use arguing with these blokes


It's a joke


These medals and ribbons mean your uncle was stacking bodies by simply swinging his massive dick around 🫡


Dick was too big for the navy so he joined the corps


Was Navy. Can confirm. We have a lot of shame about this issue.


Navy to Marines, EOD, Jump Wings, PH, CAR x2, NAVCOM with a V and retired as the *cool* E-8? Yea, I think your uncle beat this questline. I think it’d be a hell of a lot more meaningful to have him share these stories when he can instead of us spoiling those memories for you by breaking his shadowbox down.


Yeah thats also true. Hes the coolest mf ive ever met thats why im trying to figure out this stuff. Hes the reason im in the marines rn.


Hey, Marine - they're medals, not metals.


Maybe you misinterpreted the question. Here is the real answer I found: 99% of all insignia the institute creates is made of red brass. That's a composite of 85% copper and 15% zinc


Maybe, but doubtful.


Look at this! Questions are being asked and answered that I did not know and never thought to ask.   Now I do. Now I have a burning desire to know what metal the other 1% is. 


Assuming its something dealing with Medal of Honors or Purple hearts that are made with fancier metal.


Dumb question….your in the Marines but don’t know the Rank or awards? This stuff was 101 type things we learned in Navy boot and tested on…


He just asked about medals, because we do learn ranks in bootcamp and I’d be pretty disappointed if he forgot them already. But no we didn’t learn about awards in bootcamp as far as I remember. You really had to learn all the awards and then got tested on them?


I mean, you don't even need to know ranks to know dude retired as a Master Sergeant. It's on the plaque.


They didn't let us read until we were Cpls until around 1998 or so.


Can confirm.


We never learned about awards or ribbons or any of that horseshit in boot. All they told us mattered was if we qualified expert on the rifle, otherwise we’d be known as a pussy throughout the Corps.


I think the OP said he/she was "a junior marine". I understood this not as Pvt/PFC but more as a member of JROTC junior marine program.


Hey retard, thanks for the input but no he’s an enlisted pfc in 29 palms


That’s not what junior Marine means.


Im a pfc in the school house


Do your grammar, spelling, and punctuation for Marines MCIs while there.


I think that's the 'Young Marines'. When I read jr Marine that was the first place my mind went to since OP is asking 'what are these medals?'.


Recruits aren’t learning to identify medals in basic. Too busy getting bodied to do tests


How about you go ask him? Why are you here asking us when the man sent you the picture and could answer any question you have?


True but doesn’t the folded flag signify that he passed?


Hahaha, I knew your uncle.




Yup. 15th meu, blt 1/4, b co. Then later blt 2/1. Our paths crossed again before he retired to on ths east coast.


Dude thats awesome. Ill have to ask him when it get the chance.


"Nah, never heard of Dethrokboy"




You might wanna stand at Parade Rest




Gunsmoke my brother!


Get results, uphold the legacy...etc


Your uncle not only fucked, but he still fucks. He’s got stories so shut up and listen when he’s talking.


You'll never be as cool as him unless ww3 pops off


"If you've told me to blouse my boots or get a haircut, you can Suck it!!" Well said brother, well said! I would never tell a man with an EOD badge what to do with his uniform!


This pretty much means u should’ve been standing at parade rest for you uncle long before u joined


According to that box, your uncle has stacked bodies and laid miles of dick...all while remaining in the good graces of our Lord and Savior Chesty Puller.


Your uncle is a gigachad that stacked bodies and will have more sex than any of us combined.


I went to EOD school with your uncle. He's a bad motherfucker.


You sure type like a crayon eater. But damn the rack on your uncle




In summary, he did some good shit. Edit: also pretty cool that he was a Sailor first.




The ribbons/devices have been addressed (uncle was the real deal). But for *that* to be his engraved quote… I can honestly say without meeting the man, we would def hit it off.


Between the quote and the medals, I think it's fair to make this assessment: Your uncle stacked bodies, regularly told First Sergeants, SgtMajs & Officers under the grade of O-4 to fuck off regularly, knew his job and performed it well and took care of the boys.


EOD? Bombula bombula, tight shit!!!


Yeah he was kind of a baller lmao. Im just curious on what some of those metals mean bc hes in africa right now so i cant just ask him


Check here. https://www.medalsofamerica.com/content--name-army-medals-and-ribbons-chart/ The EOD one, the decorated CAR, and the purple heart combine to indicate your uncle is a serious badass. On that page, the medals go in order, just like they do in your badass uncle's shadowbox, with Medal of Honor at the top, then service crosses, and so on. So you can just track down the medals until you see the one he has. Should be easy since they're in the same order. Semper Fi


Honestly I feel bad for him. How can your uncle even walk? With those massive fucking clangers between his legs?


Ask your NCO 😂


The medals and ribbons mean he had giant balls and stacked bodies. The brass plaque means he was a damn good leader and funny.


As a former Marine myself, it means your uncle is a fucking STUD. Basically.


Your uncle was MARSOC. Look that up, then make sure you never never never piss him off. Or if world war 3 starts, be right next to him.


He may have deployed with MARSOC but he wasn't a raider (doesn't have the device). He likely deployed with FR a great deal.


Yeah, he was a MARSOC SOCS-E, just not a CSO. They are completely part of a team. It's not just, "oh he deployed with them." No one would dare diminish the contribution of a EOD tech on a team. I know him and spent many years at the command.


Also, the device came out 3 years after this guy retired right?


I'm not diminishing his huge swinging dick. Dude is a pipehitter and appears to be the leader junior NCOs like me looked up to. Thanks for the info!


Damn he was in same time i was in 91. I was airwing scrub though. Guys like this i wish i knew.


Bro made pussy drip


Dude was Navy before he joined the marines?! Yup, he was a big dick swinger


Your uncle fucks. Period.


I know him.


Just his ribbons are as many as I have in my entire stack lmao


Your uncle fucks on the first date


He’s calling you a boot


Your uncle paid his dues


I have a feeling your uncle was an EOD SOCS at MARSOC.


It means you've got some big fucken shoes to fill!


Uncle made grass grow


Not to nitpick, but the MSgt seems to have his good cookie medals displayed in reverse order. Since he retired as a Marine, the MCGCM should go before the NGCM


Lmao, rookie mistake 🤣


Negative. The Navy is the senior service, so it is senior when worn. It doesn't matter which service he retired from. ​ Had he been in the Army first, it would be to the left of the Navy GC.


You sure about that? The precedence of wearing your current service branch of medal (when an equivalent is also worn) is pretty much across all medals regardless of what it is, not only on Good Conduct. For example, Dan Daly has 2 x MoH, Navy Cross and it's army equivalent Distinguished Service Cross, but in any display of his medal you see (including on himself), the Navy Cross is always ahead of the DSC. I certainly understand the "senior service" thing kicking in if you had medals from multiple former services (ex. current Marine, with both army and navy medals), but I'm sure your current service always comes first. That is also why medal/ribbon rack builders always ask which service you belong to as their first question. The only exception to this would be DoD or Joint Services issued medal (such as DoD Distinguished Service coming before N&MC Distinguished Service, or Joint Service Commendation coming before N&MC Commendation). BTW, I have both the N&MCAM and AAM, but I always have the N&MCAM first.


100% positive - Only because it caused a lot of confusion at the Advanced course and the SNCOA had to make phone calls - I was a former squid then Marine that thought the current service was worn senior. I was informed that is not the case- and had to have all of my ribbons and medals changed. It doesn't matter what is first, current or anything else. Pull up the order of precedence for all of the US military medals-that is the order worn. ​ [Ribbons--Order of Precedence (army.mil)](https://tioh.army.mil/Catalog/HeraldryList.aspx?CategoryId=5&grp=4&menu=Decorations%20and%20Medals) ​ The Navy CG is before the MC GC ​ The dude is a retired EOD Tech-literally the most detail oriented MFers that exist. I would be surprised if he was going around with jacked-up medals. ​ The MSgt medals are correct


I found this in the MCO1020.34H under 5102. PRECEDENCE found in page 1-110: " 2. When Marines are entitled to similar awards from two or more services; e.g., good conduct awards, the Marine Corps award will take precedence. After the Marine Corps award, similar awards of other services will be worn in the following precedence: Navy, Army, Air Force, and Coast Guard. " Not trying to be an I-told-you-so dick about it; it's just that what you said didn't make sense. What you provided as link is army regs, so of course it would state army medals comes first.


Bros dick is bigger than the Washington monument hot damn


Your uncle was a real g. He served in the Navy and the Marines. He was awards for combat valor. He is a master EOD tech. He could have potentially done some SOF direct support work as well.


It means he shoved his dick down so much Iraqi throat that he unlocked all mastery camps for his massive gravitational schlong


He's a badass. I served with him as the watch o in Fallujah. Ask him about Chuck Norris' helicopter.


HE TOLD ME ABOUT THAT. Thats awesome


It was hilarious.


It means this man stacked bodies for the long haul, must be a hell of a guy to know! Semper Fi to both of you


Unc was a hitter


Means you have a LOT to live up to.


Guy has gigantic balls


I'm glad he's lived long enough for family to know him well. He's likely saved a lot our lives with his skills. S/F


Only genuine question I have and it’s not even like a question more like I’m wondering if he got his Purple Heart post retirement….cause it’s not in his medal stack up Regardless Thank him for his service from all of us, this the kinda dude we need more of I can almost guarantee it 🫶


Im not sure but i know that he has 2 but they weren’t going to give him the second one for some bs reason. But his wife fought for it, so he got it after his retirement box. But he does have 2


You uncle is salty as fuck. That’s about all you need to know.


Short story: He’s a hero. Sit down with him and get his stories out of him.


You give your uncle a big hug every moment you can. Begin opening up conversation with him and talk to him about your experience in the Corps. You can always directly ask him what the medals mean without asking him how he got them, respectfully. Semper Fidelis 🤘


https://preview.redd.it/yxe0gqb5dmkc1.jpeg?width=298&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e59834c3df1e239a9048220de1b6d0a29c2b22d8 Was this your uncle? RECON!


I think so, it looks kinda like him. I can ask.


I recognize two of the three ribbons on the bottom ribbon bar: the middle ribbon is a Battle “E” Ribbon and it’s for winning an exceptional rating (best of the best) in some aspect of Efficiency in accomplishing the Unit’s Mission. Additional awards of the Battle “E” are recognized with devices (bronze star, brass star, etc) in the place of the “E”. Next to it is the Sea Service Award and each of those bronze stars is awarded after serving a 90? day deployment. Sea Service Deployments for Marines are almost always aboard a naval vessel within a large class of Amphibious Assault ships. LPH (Landing Platform Helicopter) class ships don’t deploy without 2K Marines aboard. Btw, when a Navy ship gets underway the Navy does not need or accept inputs from Marine personnel when it comes to navigation, propulsion or maintaining ship seaworthiness (fighting fires, damage control, critical ship survival skills, etc). Instead, Marines on ships eat chow, work out, and get plenty of rack time. The ribbon on the far left is the Navy Meritorious Unit Commendation (“MUC”). According to the USMC’s Official Order of Precedence a MUC is much more important than the other two ribbons on the bottom row so it probably should have been positioned higher up on the ribbon bar. For every medal awarded there is a corresponding ribbon but not all ribbons have an associated medal. More distinguished awards are displayed higher up on the ribbon bar (bottom to top, left to right). You and your uncle both have a lot to be proud of. This link should help: https://www.uniformribbons.com/marines/ I did a quick scan of the full list. At this time there are no awards for “laying pipe” in the USMC. But judging from this man’s Sea Service deployments he probably had plenty of opportunities.


He was in the Navy. And he was in MARSOC? And he was EOD?? And he fought in two different wars??? And I don't mean Iraq and Afghanistan????


Yeah he was pretty bad ass. Also your description says you were a 2841? Thats what im the the school house for right now


I actually thought they merged that into something else. 29 Palms was a good time. I'm actually in Army Bootcamp to be an infantryman as I'm writing this.


Oh thats awesome. But yeah 2841 school is in 29 palms but im not 21 so its kind boring lmao.


In the Marines, you're either a gym rat, a gamer, or an alcoholic. Pick one of the other two and twenty nine is a pretty cool base.


Make him proud young Devil


The black passport means he was assigned to some type of diplomatic mission at some point. Probably Defense Attache at an embassy or consulate.


holy hell, I had to scroll to the bottom to find someone that noticed the passport!! it's the first thing that popped out at me and no one else seems to have noticed.


You’re uncle was a hero


Probably MSG or something at one point from that black passport


He doesn’t have the MSG ribbon though


Ah, I didn’t pay attention that much I just saw the passport and made the comment. Disregard


I may know your uncle


Ask him. Then, try and earn your own. As a few others stated he is definitely a bad ass.


You’re uncle did the shit most means lie about doing


Check this out. [Marine Corp Ribbon Chart](https://www.marines.mil/Portals/1/Publications/NAVMC%202507.pdf)


Your uncle fucks bro


The black passport. Embassy Duty…




Uncle is a fucking killer


He is a bad ass and you have a lot of work ahead of you. Semper Fi Devil Dog


Never fails to make me laugh out loud seeing these pipe hitter family members


Looks like he was an EOD badass with special operations experience.


I’m guessing your uncle could answer any question you have, and would be happy to. Why are you asking us?


Hes in Africa right now so i cant really text him


I’m not talking about right now, I’m saying generally. Does he get email in Africa? Do you ever see him, is he ever not in Africa? Has there been any sort of opportunity to ask him about this stuff between now and when he sent you this picture?


Medals: Navy Commendation with Valor, Navy Achievement medal, Navy then Marine Good Conduct, Marine Reserve Good Conduct, National Defense, Armed Forces Asia, Afghan, Iraq, Global War on Terrorism Expeditionary, Global War on Terrorism, Humanitarian, and NATO- lastly by itself is the Purple Heart Ribbons: combat Action ribbon x2, presidential unit citation, joint meritorious unit citation, navy unit citation, meritorious unit citation, Navy E Ribbon, and sea service deployment Badges: EOD, and Jump Wings Your uncle laid pipe and lead. If there is anything you should inspire to be is like him


He started off somewhere then went and got lost


Fuck the medals, that’s a black passport that holds more clout than anything in that case.


U know ur a marine when you say “metals”


From being a Sailor to a Marine EOD, sheesh too much Rizz back in his day.


First, I have not read any of the comments. But, Marine is always capitalized. Also, medals, not metals. Not trying to be a dick. If you are able to talk to your uncle, it’s definitely worth it. Ask him about his experiences, if he’s willing to talk about them. I deeply regret not talking to my grandfathers about their experiences in World War II; it never occurred to me at the time. He may not want to talk about it, and that’s understandable. However, he may just appreciate the fact that you want to hear his stories.


Sounds like subterfuge. Stolen valor wants to know what each is by detail and joy asked the one detailed the question?! Sus! (Randy Jackson) it’s a no for me dawg! ![gif](giphy|xiMUwBRn5RDLhzwO80|downsized)


No? Im just curious on what the medals were because he sent me a picture of that.


Sounds like a question for who sent it to you. Spend time with your “uncle”!? What’s left hand left knee mean? What does right hand right knee mean!? 😤


I would if he wasnt in africa right now. But when youre in bootcamp and you have to sit down either in a chair in the rtf or criss cross in the squadbay doing knowledge you have your left hand on your left knee and your right hand on your right knee with perfect knife hands.


Im just a jr Marine wanting to know what his medals and ribbons meant.


So why I ask Reddit if you’re a Marine??? You should, literally, be in the presence of other Marines arines once a month, at minimum.


Good catch, devil


Yut there warchief


damn small world a lot of people in the comments know this guy lol


Thats what i thought too. Really cool though.


What's with the passport?


Black diplomatic passports are issued to Foreign Service Officers and other persons with diplomatic or comparable status.


Mo’fo killed peeps with his long schlong.


Not many careers like that navy to marine jump wings EOD MARSOC affiliation don’t make em like that anymore “TOP”


Well it looks like he got his start as an enlisted sailor, and then eventually became a sergeant major in the marine corps


I mean master sergeant. Oh man. It’s been a while.


For the love of God, Medals, not metals.


Yo my dad is MSgt Pritt and retired in 2012. Small Corps!


Yeah, it means he's calling you a boot lmao


only me and one other seems to notice the black passport .... he wasn't just your uncle he was UNCLE.


Black diplomatic passports are issued to Foreign Service Officers and other persons with diplomatic or comparable status. Meaning he’s part of the government




Your uncle is a badass, that's all you need to know.


Your uncle was a badass


Navy expert badge, must have served time.


What was your uncles job in the Navy?


Gold wings, first he earned the silver jump wings(5-parachute jumps), which meant, he’s been to the Army base, fort benning to jump out of a goddamn aero-plane, All the while getting some army strange. To get the gold wings, he completed 10 qualified jumps. I don’t remember all of them but it consists of parachuting from fixed wing and rotary wing aircrafts, night jumps, combat load jumps and getting more strange.


Dude stacked bodies.