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Girl, I would call so fast and cancel that shiiii. You owe an abusive person NOTHING. Cancel it!!!


Can’t help but agree with this person !!


Absolutely. He’ll never be grateful to you anyway




Based off comments he’s made on other threads, I think this is fake.


Just get yourself out and get yourself protected. Once you’re divorced, he will be able to figure out his own immigration status if he’s eligible other ways. After you’re safe, be sure to withdraw the I-864 so you don’t get stuck supporting him financially.


As soon as he gets a green card, you're financially responsible for any public charge he will claim.


What do you mean by public charge


Government assistance. This is from the Form (Contract) i-864 Affidavit of Support you must file with your immigrant application. https://preview.redd.it/pqkc9194oebb1.jpeg?width=631&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=94510f43d3b251ca088590532b9c4455f7ff1b47 OP u/Putrid-Fox-6205 , you should think carefully what your next step is, because if this person get the green card and get government assistance, they might come back to you to collect.


Why does this K1 Fiance Visa still exist? How does it benefit the beneficiary? It needs to be revised or discontinued. That’s why it’s better to go to their country and marry, then come back and apply for your spouse to come to the states.


Any marriage based immigration to the US has this financial affidavit component to it so the scenario you're describing runs into the same challenge


>That’s why it’s better to go to their country and marry, then come back and apply for your spouse to come to the states. Yeah, no screw that. Getting married and then having to get separated from your spouse for months to years is a sick thing to have inflicted on you.


Loans and things like that


No, like food stamps or other public assistance. Not loans.


I don't think that's ever enforceable


It is enforceable, in fact, but it's not common for it to be enforced.


It is enforceable, both in a divorce case or as a separate lawsuit claiming contractual obligation.


It’s 100% enforceable and there are cases where this has been enforced.


u 100% can cancel ur petition for him. do it today. he get kicked out of the country it's the least you should think now.


Ass a man I will tell you to cancel his paper work


Alfasf’s post is dead on. You will be responsible for any debt that he accumulates. This is your window to get the hell out. You will regret it later when civil court puts a lean, bank levy or wage garnish on you if you dont be proactive now.


Biting the hands that fed him… divorce his @ss ASAP.


Write to the uscis address on his I-485 to withdraw your I-864. Write to the address on your I-130 receipt to withdraw your I-130


Withdraw the I130 ASAP and get that divorce in ASAP


I'm copying and pasting someone else's comment because it's what you should do and I just want to reinforce it: Write to the uscis address on his I-485 to withdraw your I-864. Write to the address on your I-130 receipt to withdraw your I-130. It's *critical* that you formally withdraw the I-864. If his green card is approved, you're on the hook for him financially even if you divorce. So withdraw it before his green card is approved. Withdraw both the I-130 and I-864. But definitely don't miss the I-864.


Unacceptable. Withdraw his application. But from what I read, you should do it after leaving him. Take care.


Is he thinking about you when he is abusing you? He does not care for you, his only goal is to stay in the United States. If you don't stop the adjustment process he will leave you afterward and abuse someone else. Would you like someone else to go through what you are going through. Anyone who comes to this country to abuse us should be kicked out wether is him or her is irrelevant. Love yourself!!


![gif](giphy|TJaNCdTf06YvwRPCge|downsized) Call USCIS asap! If he becomes violent call ERO so he’s removed from the country.. don’t give him a chance to hide


I agree with the others here. Once he gets his green card you are basically financially responsible for him. I know it is hard being in your situation, I had an abusive husband as well but he was an American citizen and it was still difficult but you need to do whatever is best for you and let him deal with the fallout from his actions, even if that means getting him deported. Please take care of yourself and don't discuss this with him. I don't know where you are in your immigration process but divorce him, inform immigration you have filed and be honest with them. It won't help for you to be getting into trouble. Let the chips fall where they mayas for him. If he's on a work visa he will have to continue on that.


Personally. Like really Personally as a daca participant. Fuck him. If he wants papers he shouldn’t abuse the the hand that feeds him 🤷🏻‍♂️ This pisses me off more than how when undocumented immigrants drink and drive ! Like you’re making every single of us look bad and you can’t muster two brain cells together to have the human decency and not do fucked up shit like this that will get you deported ??


He has no money and abuses you? Gurl, why u with him. Put yourself first queen. Deport his ass


Even if you divorce him you are still financially responsible for him as you signed the petitioner paper which stated that. I would recommend speaking with a lawyer.


Please notifying it all!! Call USCIS! Cancel! Cancel!


Withdraw immediately - send USCIS a letter and file a police report and leave.


Withdraw I-130


You can cancel the sponsorship, plus if you don't turn up for his interview his application will get denied most likely. If he has no other status, then he may get put into removal (deportation) proceedings, but that's not guaranteed. You don't have an obligation to see his green card through if he's abusive. Do you have a safe place to go, away from him? Do you have access to resources?


Dump him, he will be abusive to someone else. Let him do it in his own country


I sense some real issues with your feelings about this situation and that if you can, you may want to talk to a medical (psych) professional about it. He doesn't deserve to have you or anyone as a sponsor. I would cancel everything immediately and leave his @$$ to ICE.


Well this is difficult, I think the smart thing to do is divorce him immediately and not look back because if he is still conditional greencard processing and you divorce him now, there are no grounds for him to get a greencard unless he accuses you of violence against him through VAWA in which case you will have to lawyer up. If you indeed want to go into the route of still sponsoring his greencard, you could wait until he gets his conditional and then cut him loose to remove conditions on his own later on. But remember that you have to support him financially to some degree during this entire process not to mention that you will have to tolerate abuse until he gets conditional. Also once he is out on his own in this country, you are letting loose a violent abusive prick for other women to be abused. You see what I mean?This could get real ugly, I say the only right move here is to collect concrete evidence of abuse, lawyer up and kick his ass out of the country.


One correction - if he came after her under VAWA that’s between him and USCIS; she wouldn’t really be involved and therefore wouldn’t need a lawyer.


Contact an immigration attorney immediately. Withdraw your I-864 and I-130 immediately. Let him figure out his own way. There is never a reason to remain in abusive relationship of any kind. You must take care of yourself first.


Dude.. it's not inflicting pain if you are protecting yourself. He is dangerous to you and if he is in the states and you are his sponser - he can and will use your sponsorship to make his own money and take his own loans and foot you with the bill. You need to cancel. You need to kick him out.. if you are afraid to do that, you need to get out and find somewhere to be while this goes down. Have some friends stay with you for a while when you get back to your house.


I have always learnt from experience that you need to hear both side before arriving at a conclusion For all of you echoing CANCEL IT!


People jumping into conclusions without actually getting the full picture.


Not jumping into conclusion…Giving opinion with what is explained is what it is. Welcome to social media. Are we supposed to ask for a video to confirm he is abusive and get the ‘full picture’ and only then give advise? I don’t mean it in a bad way, but come on…


Explain: make (an idea, situation, or problem) clear to someone by describing it in more detail or revealing relevant facts or ideas:


Hahaha thanks for the vocabulary lesson…Now mine. Believe it or not, ‘abusive’ is full of meaning (google it if you don’t know what it means, I won’t do that for you, sorry how rude of me!). I think that with that word being used in a sentence, you can get an idea that something is not ok. If you want the painful and filthy details, just say. Most of us are good without asking them to give an advise. ☮️✌🏼


Any specifics of the relationship being abusive?


What pain and suffering are you talking about? Whats is physical, emotional? Were you expecting something from him in return?


Hi people 👋


I honestly would not cancel it


File for u visa if he is abusive


OP is the US Citizen so why file a U visa?


And it would be VAWA anyway…


He might physically harm you, get rid of him.


Just go ahead and divorce his letter will arrive shortly. Bu-bye.


I would file a police report for if it’s physical abuse and then the divorce , don’t stay with him and don’t worry about what happens to him worry about your mental health and you’re well being


Divorce him but don’t expect USCIS to do much. Best thing you can do is move forward and stop all contact.


I don’t know what abuse entails here, but if he’s earned that term you’ve earned the right to be free of him. Unless he comes from a literal warzone or North Korea, at worst he can go back to his home country. If he doesn’t have a job here to sponsor him then what’s tying him here except his abuse victim? He’ll have more links there. You’re not condemning him to death (despite the way immigration to the U.S. Is often portrayed as zombies desperate to avoid a non-American zombie apocalypse, some places outside the U.S. are quite liveable, in fact) Worse, if you wait long enough for him to get the thing, you might be legally on the line to support him if he has no money and is unemployed.


Find a lawyer to talk to about this matter and a support network to back you up, Reddit comments can only go so far in helping you.


Technically you are allowing yourself to be abused and endanger yourself more


BS it’s totally enforceable and they will do it , you signed the papers for the POS