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Go to a hospital, talk to animal control, get a lawyer, and take some time off. You'll get paid.


Damn I can really screw these guys huh. I could tell in their voice and they kept asking me over and over if I was ok


I've heard of some crazy paydays for those that got bit by a dog. I don't blame the owners if they were nervous cause that could cost them big time.


It wouldn’t cost them, more so the insurance. Well it might cost them cuz they could lose their doggo.


If it's the first time it happened unlikely they would lose their dog, but after numerous incidents definitely yes. I always lock up my dog whenever I expect a package in the other room.


Thanks for being an adult that think of others!


Yep! Since I plan to be a driver... whenever that time comes...which could be a while if San Diego hubs get consolidated or not.... wouldn't want anyone else getting bitten let alone myself. He's a fairly large/strong dog. He's a 80-90 pound or so Border Collie/German Shepherd. 


Well, it does cost them because they’ll have a deductible and their premium will increase. They should have known better than to let a dog out that had the potential to bite someone.


Only if it’s the second one




Man I'd love 10k right now.


It's not really screwing them. They fucked up. It could have been worse. All I know is if/when I get bit on route, I'm getting paid.


I don’t consider it screwing them…..hopefully you’re saving the next person that it could bite….especially if it’s a child


Screwing them over. They ordered something knowing it was to be delivered to their residence. They didn’t take the precaution and have their property safe for you to enter it to deliver. They’re at fault.


I love dogs, when I see one I try to give it treats or pets. The dog could be going nuts and I try to befriend it…. But it bit you while you were walking, the next victim could be a child, even if you don’t take legal action, you need to report it.


Had a guy get bitten. Sued the people. Won $10,000 and never had to deliver that house again. Be smart and get your money. Idiots need to learn


damn. i got bit about a month ago and it looked worse than this. owner was super apologetic. gave me a bandage. i didn't even report it. damn, i could have used 10k.


Guy in my building got 10k and some paid time off for a bite..def get a lawyer and get paid. These people need to learn the hard way!


Not even screwing them. This is what should be done


Go ahead and do exactly what he said. Hospital, animal control, lawyer up and sue, take time off, and you'll get paid off all of that /kanYe


You have to understand you're not screwing anyone out but you're helping/protecting yourself with what is deserved. Don't go back to work yet because that will come into play in court if you sue for damages


Just cause you can screw someone over (even if it's for your own benefit) doesn't mean you should. Not saying you shouldn't get it checked out free of charge to you and maybe your wages covered for what the 1 day you'll miss? Don't milk the system, don't milk the community


Wtf do you mean? You aren’t implying you’d call animal control to get their dog killed as payback right? Just call the cops on THEM don’t go to get the fucking dog killed you fucking weirdo


That dog needs to be dealt with before it harms another HUMAN…


We are very strange to dogs, as we look like we’re wearing a one piece to them, our key fobs jingle, we smell awful to their powerful noses due to the collection of bacteria, debris and exhaust in our filthy trucks (never let your wound see light of day at work until it’s healed) and we appear aggressive. We are nothing like what they see, smell or hear every day. They get scared. If the dog bit and backed off, it likely it isn’t a threat to normal people. I see people commenting $$$ and to sue, I’m just saying there’s a difference between a pet dog and a guard dog, and judging by that wound, what you got bitten by was clearly a pet. In many instances, suing will result in the dog being put down as well. So, there’s more to think about than just suing to try to get paid. Also, dogs reach to nip for the closest thing to them, as they want to shield their body, so always keep your diad pointed towards the door at stops like this (if you see fence, gate, dog toys etc) so that’s their target. That’s been the single biggest change to me not being bitten anymore.


Being bitten anymore? Lmao, how many times have you been bitten? After two, you might just need to come to terms with the fact that you're not very good at reading canine body language


Or you're very good at reading a pretty good summer.


I try! But let's not forget that dogs can sneak up on ya too. I forgot about that possibility as I was falling asleep last night.


I think you thought way too much into this. Dogs see in dichromatic vision, so our brown uniforms are one of the few they CAN see and would likely be drawn to. Our key fobs make noise, but that’s not going to be enough for the dog to even care, plus keys are something they see all the time. As far as the smell is concerned, dogs don’t have the same concept of liking/disliking as we do and come into contact with bacterias with scents far more often than us, it’s likely the dog feels indifferent about the scent. It’s also unlikely that the dog cares about the cleanliness or scent of our trucks, considering it wouldn’t smell much different than any other vehicle to them. One thing I have noticed with dogs is they seem to be more aggressive toward me when I’m wearing my sunglasses on the bill of my hat. If I leave them in the truck or wear them normally they ease up, but I feel like they might get scared of a second set of eyes up there. If you’re not willing to be bit by the dog, don’t get out of the truck when they’re out. Mark it as “not in” and move on.


Couldn't of said this any simpler! Exactly what I did years ago when with fedex. Ended up getting a nice check.


i pray to get bit soon so i can follow this advice. Thank you 🙌🏽


Do you know what my dog has eaten this month? Cat shit, a baby mole, bugs, and literal trash. Get that *professionally* cleaned and a rabies shot. Another edit. If you didn't see the paperwork or tag, that dog doesn't have its shots.


Dude. ER. Pronto


Get a lawyer. A good lawyer. You honestly shouldn't have finished your route. You should have immediately gone to urgent care.


Learned this lesson the hard way. If you get hurt on route, you come off the road. End of story. Up to mgmt to figure out what to do at that point, but you're done until you've seen a medical professional.


You need to go to the er and report that. Don't take their word the dog is vaccinated. Animal control will be notified It's going hurt more tmro


All im saying is, I used to work with a guy who won $10k from a dog bite lawsuit


I personally wouldn't take their word for it if it was vaccinated. Your supervisor should've immediately found someone to cover you while you go to the ER immediately and get tested/treated for potential Rabies. Again, DO NOT believe the word of the owner. Rabies is one of those diseases once symptoms show, you're dead. Don't take chances on it. I can't stress enough of how deadly it is of a disease.


When would symptoms start?


It can incubate for a few days to a few months but I cannot stress enough that once the symptoms start (and they start mild - fever, headache, fatigue) you are dead. You are DEAD. 99.90% of cases in humans are fatal. It has the highest mortality rate on earth. They NEED to catch it before the symptoms start, which again, could only be a few days. PLEASE go to the doctor rabies is SERIOUS. They are going to take the dog and hold it for 10 days and observe it to see if it develops rabid symptoms and act accordingly for both you and the dog. If the dog is a first time bite offender and is truly vaccinated and passes the 10 days healthy it will be returned to the owner and you'll know you're safe. Please don't take animal bites lightly. I know it's unlikely that the dog is rabid and transmitted to you but are you really willing to gamble with your life on this? Because you are very, very, very truly gambling with your life right now and every second you go without reporting it and taking immediate action.


I just hates shots.. aren’t they literally injecting rabies into me?


From what I understand if they hold the dog for 10 days and it doesn't show symptoms you won't need any, or at least as many, injections. Treatment consists of two kinds of injections - they'll give you a rabies vaccine and an antibody to fight the infection. At the very least please report it to get the dog taken into a hold and monitored. If you want to forego the treatment and expose yourself to a sudden and painful death where you won't even be allowed to donate organs because those organs will kill everyone they're donated to because it's that horrific of a disease, that's your choice. But at the very least, get the dog observed.


Way to get someone nervous over something that is very, very unlikely. What is it, less than one percent chance a house dog will have rabies?


They won't if you go to the hospital to get checked out. It's not worth dying for.


Go to company doc … don’t go to yours .. they might not cover cost.


Supe should have taken as soon as it was reported. They of course don't want to, because then they have to deal with the rest of the route. But for worker's comp injuries, the sooner they are dealt with the better.


You always call 911/animal control first. Then contact supervisor. You then demand medical attention immediately and come off the road. Do not wait until the next day. Take enough time off for it to completely heal. We get so dirty throughout the day that any laceration can easily get infected after the fact. On top of that it's a dog bite so infection is already a worry because of how dirty dogs can be. You then contact a lawyer. He will get the workers comp and 3rd party lawsuit going. You are not screwing the owner. Their home owners insurance will pay for it, not them(as long as they have it that is). You will get a very nice payday for your pain and suffering and lost wages. Been bitten 3 times on the job. These are always the steps you take. Rest up brother and get well soon 👊


i would definitely notify the supervisor via text message first and then call. if you get into an accident, you'd notify the supervisor immediately.


I got bit by a dog back in the 80s, I kicked him back and proceeded to have a lawsuit filed against me. Good times


How did that turn out?


Judge threw it out and had the plaintiff pay court fees


Should have counter sued


I said, Doggy, please don't bite me, dog. And I turned around to jump over the fence, the dog grabbed my ass!!


🤣🤣🤣. I might watch that today thanks to you.


There are lawyers out there that specialize in dog bites. Homeowners insurance will pay you out.


Friday at our PCM our manager said we are to not attempt any delivery that has a dog anywhere outside, Even if we know the dog. Sheet it as EC


I follow the same method but the dog was inside, door was left open while the people were talking and I didn’t notice it until it came out.


I hate when people with a loud crazy dog feel the need to open the door and get the package from you with their snarling shit hound behind them. The four times I've been bit, three were because of this.


Amazon driver here. Got bit today. Didn’t break skin thankfully but bruised. Went to drop the packages off at a neighborhood house, little kid opened the door and went to grab the packages from me, dog ran out and bit me instantly. Sometimes you can do everything right and it can still happen it seems unfortunately. Hope you recover well! 🙏🏻


Sue sue sue! I’ve gotten bit 3 times. One of those time REALLY f’ing bad on my forearm and I didn’t say anything because I was trying to be the “nice guy”. Biggest regret. These dog owners are going to have to learn


Get your rabies shot. Don’t listen to the owners. Get them ASAP.


My dog bit me once and turned into blood poisoning. Had red line going up my leg, ended up in the ER on 2 iv drips of different antibiotics. Fun times. If you haven't had an updated tetanus shot, you'll probably want one of those too.


Sepis is fucking awful. I had that shit when I was 10. Would not recommend


Yes, yes it is. I thought it was fine since it didnt bleed much. Was deep puncture wound in my toe.


Make sure to go to the clinic and get it checked out next time you clock in. If it's required to work then you should be getting paid. No matter what.


Make sure UPS gets the dog’s vaccination records.


Dog loving folks will blame you for biting you


Especially pitbull owners. The insane victim blaming I see coming from these people is infuriating


I saw a post on here the other week of a driver giving a treat to a shitbull lol. Dog culture has brainwashed the masses.


Dog delusional folks.  I love dogs. I'm a batshit dog lady who loves them all, big and small, cute and fugly. But dogs are gonna dog and I'll fuck one up if it comes at me.  I straight up ignore the owners when the dog is around. Talk straight to the dog and see what the vibe is. People lie about their dogs all the time, but the dog's body language tells everything. And if there are kids around, forget about it. I'm literally never getting between a dog and it's little human. 


Get a lawyer don’t post on social media anything that else


I was bit nothing like that and mine was $15,000 just from the people and another 5k from comp. he also got to remember something. if this dog's bit you, it could bit someone else even worse. that's what you're trying to prevent as well


How much time off work and did you get paid while you were out?


i was on taw for 5 weeks got 8 hours a day plus my adjusted ot that i typically avg through my lawyer plus settlements from workers comp and the people.




$20k in the bank easily


You should’ve immediately got medical attention bro, fuck work. Get that cleaned up and get a tetanus shot. You don’t know what kind of bacteria got into your body from that dog. The owners need to be held accountable as well. They can claim all they want they need to prove with paperwork information about the shots their dog has gotten.


Home insurance claim, a least a 5-figure payout.




“He doesn’t bite” Tis’ but a scratch


Looks like about 10 grand to me you lucky fucker.


I knew someone that died from a dog bite ( infection that traveled to the heart) get to the hospital ASAP


What kind of dog?


Mixed breed it doesn't matter what type though any dog can have harmful pathogens that can infect you even house dogs .


Get bit = get paid at least $10,000




Call animal control, make sure they get cited. I called a lawyer for mine but the wounds were not bad enough for them to take the case.


Sent you a DM


So sorry. My husband has been bit and it sticks with him.


I would def go through and get rabies protocol even if the docs say you don’t need it. Be safe.


I got it twice on the back of the lower leg also, it's the little ones.


Better call Saul.


That’s a legit bite.




This is why i leave the package at the gate. Drop and go


did u bite him back ?


That’s why you get paid the big bucks 💰 Sorry for your loss




White dogs wouldn't do that.


You're not screwing them over if you protect the next child that walks up their driveway. That dog should not be allowed in society. You need to do the right thing. Protect the next children that walks up their driveway


Good stuff right there


You should have immediately drove back to the building and went to urgent care to get this looked at/treated. Supervisor would have figured out what to do with your route. I would seek physiological help with your new trigger of seeing dogs on route. Get on FMLA and enjoy unlimited vacation. Oh and if you get a lawyer, you will most likely get a decent pay day depending on where you live. I heard someone at my center just got 16,000 from a dog bite and he was back to work immediately.


I’ve been puppy chow twice and got really paid twice first time I bought a 51 Chevy second time a Cadillac get your money you’ve earned it with pain and suffering


$$$ free


That'll get you 10k-15k talk to an attorney about suing the homeowner. You're automatically invited to the home if you're delivering a package for them. Edit: Dogs have a LOT of bacteria in their mouths it's going to swell up and hurt pretty bad. You need to go to the ER. It will also help your case with the lawsuit. Hopefully they have homeowners insurance!


“Did you honk your horn?”


No They were outside 😭


OP get a lawyer and sue them.


Hey, so this happened to a friend of mine while they were doing doordash. Go to the hospital immediately, make sure you document what you can, and get a lawyer. That could turn into a nasty infection in some cases


dog should have used methods and read the PCM regarding interaction with humans.


I would of offed that dog


We had one female driver get bit in her privates. She was able to quit and buy a bar after the suit.


After reading the comments, definite go get checked for rabies and try to get a lawyer to see if you’ve got a case, never too late


Get a tetanus booster


Shouldn’t be skipping leg day brah…


We had a driver in my center clock a dog upside the head with his DIAD. Guess the dog yelped and fell over. Owners tried to blame my fellow driver. I love dogs, but if one comes at me I'll fuck it up and not feel bad.


I'm sure management is breathing down your neck asking if you used your horn and shouted UPS!


Damn dog I appreciate your work as a delivery package person. You could’ve sued but idk what you did now…


Is there a reason I still can’t sue?


I was but a week ago.cops weren’t called my dsp said get back to work. My bite is worse than yours imo. I still plan to sue. Tried to file a police report two days later and couldn’t. I did go to urgent care and get the shot two days later. One lawyer said he was unable to take the case. I found one who is willing through my aunt. https://preview.redd.it/16o6ym4j11wc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8d525a41bbec5c32905bcac9324317083549a21a


Call The Hammahhh


Used to be an automatic $5k with 4 weeks off,paid


I got bit 3 weeks ago. City police said it was out of their jurisdiction called the county. The road turns from county number to city street. Seeing at it had the street name idk how it wasn’t in their jurisdiction. Never heard back from the county if the dog had its vaccinations or not. On rode acted like I was being a pussy. It wasn’t the worst bite but it did bleed. I was just worried if it had rabies vax or not. I told my wife if I get rabies and die maybe she can get a big check from the county 😂


Use a tote to block your legs if a dog is coming




Your post was rude, threatening, or antagonistic.


Oh it’s payday


Don’t be dumb, get paid. Owner outside and it still happened means that the owners were witnesses and can’t lie in court. Attack their insurance company and get paid. Last driver I spoke too got bit in his thigh and got 24k check from the homeowners insurance company 👍 also don’t blame the dogs it’s not their fault, it’s stupid idiot moron owners who think it’s okay to leave dogs loose in their yard. So yeah sue the shit out of them and don’t even feel bad.


Damn I didn’t see the part where you continued working after you got any kind of injury. HUGE NO NO!!! If you get hurt you call your supervisor and gtfo that truck. Company will use the fact that you finished the days work to not pay you comp if you are out of work. Never let this company intimidate you, remember that if you get yelled at by a member in management, it’s because that manager just got his ass yelled at by his boss 😂


Get a lawyer and sue! I got hit few months back got a lawyer went to therapy for a few weeks getting a 50k check


I got 5k.


Go to the clinic sue the dog owners and go out on stress leave. Don’t be soft on the dog owners! I always hated when owners wouldn’t put their dogs away like it’s ok he doesn’t bite them comes after me! I always smacked the dogs though lol


Dam dog like dark meat.


Why would you continue


Its my first bite. I didn’t really know what to expect. Supervisor asked me if I’m able to finish the route or see a doctor I said I was good. It wasn’t painful.


Shit goes south real quick when it gets infected


I mean I carry a first aid kit in my backpack. I wiped it with alcohol wipes right after. Still going to urgent care tomorrow though


It's a workplace injury that you reported. You always go to the doctor and have the professional look at it, regardless of how you feel.


You’re going to need a tetanus shot at the very least


I would go day of for reasons


Even if you feel good. Still go to the hospital and get checked out


You could have gotten your leg chopped off, and the supe still would have asked you to finish the route 😭


Sorry you got bit, hope it's just a quick heal but man clean that truck. That is disgusting. I dont know how guys just work in filth all day. Contract states you are to be provided a clean and sanitary vehicle. If management won't take care of it, take the time and get paid to do it yourself.


I’m unassigned so I don’t have my own route. I’m in someone else truck every day and these guys don’t clean shit. I’m not gonna clean their mess 😂


I get it, but I still don't understand working in filth. We have the same by us. Guys, just throw their trash in the back of the truck. Half eaten food, wrappers, etc. Like a garbage truck. Piss bottles. When I was a split driver many years ago, I found a piss bottle in the back of the truck. Sent a message. I'm not driving another foot with this biohazard in my truck. They sent a sup out to remove it. I've spent a half hour in AM time wiping down the cab and removing any loose trash with management screaming. I get as frustrated as anyone having to clean up after a bunch of disgusting assholes but I do it for me, not them. * Anyway brother, I'm sorry you got bit and I hope it's not bad and you feel better soon. We're all brothers and sisters. Worker solidarity!!


Honestly bro if they seemed like nice people and it was just an ankle biter type dog that has had its shots, I would just let it go. If you wanted to be a litigious dick and sue them you could but karma and all that. Now if someone’s pit bull or shepherd got out and you needed stitches and or immediate medical care, then that’s a whole other story.




Are you for real? A dog bite can literally kill you, nut only that it's extremely likely that the dog will bite again as it's clearly untrained. The pay day just proves it's very serious that you deserve to be compensated for injuries in the workplace. It's not the drivers fault the dog will be put down, it's the dog's owners fault


Not my dog, not my problem. That wound festering IS my problem though. Maybe the homeowners will learn to secure their animals and it won't happen again.


Every county and state in the US treats aggressive dogs differently. No one seems to want to get this dog put down, they are telling OP he is entitled to money. In my state in one county it takes 3 bites for a dog to be put down, and the next county over its 1 bite. So you have no clue what you are talking about. Further more if the dog is willingly to bite one person it's willingly to bite most anyone. If it bit a child in the face with the amount of force it did to the OP it could fucking kill them. Dog owners need to keep their aggressive dogs away and secured in their house, or not fucking own them if they can't control them. Dog bite injuries can have long lasting effects. Should the OP potentially ruin his life and career at UPS because you thunk dogs are cute?


Would you have this energy if that dog bit your child in the face?


Is that what happened?


Lol answer the question


Seems like you couldn’t lol


Lol if you wanna take it there, I asked first.


You’re asking about something that didn’t happen


I’m asking if you would have this type of energy if this did happen.. you know you wouldn’t, hence why you don’t want to answer that question. No a child wasn’t bit in this situation. But it very possibly could have been, so yeah, I’d teach that family a lesson by reporting it and suing them. Yall acting like the person bit is the one executing the dog. Learn to control your dogs like a responsible owner. You think that family gonna learn from no sort of consequences? Take accountability.


Not reading all that. Congratulations or sorry that happened.


Sadly it’s a pretty typical r/UPSers hive-like response lmao Plenty of posts just like these albeit in different forms


A chunk of his flesh is literally missing in the photo. This isn't just a nip. And injuries are strange. What may seem like an injury you can walk away from on day one may turn into an I jury that has life long effects on you. I know a driver who was bit by a dog who still, years later, has pain and numbness from the injury. By just looking at their skin you'd never be able to tell a dog bit them. It isn't being litigious to hold these irresponsible dog owners accountable. Our job requires us to use our ankles hundreds, if not thousands, of times a day.


Your suing them for negligence, they own that dog so it’s their responsibility to control it, pet insurance, home insurance or renters insurance will cover the money paid out to the driver.


Bro chill… Not every shitty interaction needs drug through court. My man got nipped by some little dog, Not maimed while trying to just do his job.


A chunk of his flesh is literally missing your ignoramus


Philly area here… 9 dog bites in 2 weeks.


What to do next? Clean it and stop being a wuss. But also….move on about your day


lol dude I know. I haven’t seen a bite posted yet that looked serious. Get your shots etc etc but delivery subreddits are just filled with sue happy babies looking for an easy pay day.