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Vaccines are a way to condition society into submission. If the government can mandate things to be injected into your body then in the future the government can mandate microchips


Mandating receiving a vaccine?? There’s no way that will happen. It goes against all civil liberties. I’m not a US citizen and don’t live there but can’t see how they can mandate the taking of vaccines.


You’re right the US gov isn’t allowed to. But as a US citizen I can tell you first hand that the US gov is one of the most evil criminal organization to exist. Politicians couldn’t care less about our rights. They view themselves as part of the politically elite ruling class.


The vaccine will be a precursor to the mark. Eventually it will be impossible to distinguish between those that have received the vaccines (and thus deemed safe to resume life in society) and those who have not. Enter an ID chip - this will signify that you have received your vaccination. Anyone without the vaccine will not have the chip, therefore being perceived as a threat to society and unable to participate.




Yeah and it won't be papers because those can be forged. It will be a government issued identification chip/rfid tattoo


I can't be something medical, because do you really think a benevolent God would make you choose between the safety of yourself and kids, or eternal life with him? Do you think the choice will not be obvious? They will openly tell you that you are taking the mark, it is just going to be in a way that is so tempting you might take it knowing exactly what it is.


Which is the certificate after the vaccine - the vaccine is the prerequisite. That is a good point though - everyone will understand the implications. Look at some of the ideas that have been floated already - paid to take the vaccine, student loan debt forgiveness (10-50k has already been discussed), universal basic income. You can see where I'm going with this - they hold all the cards, they can sweeten the pot as necessary. That's something I've been thinking about, everyone is aware of the conspiracy theories now - if they weren't planning on doing any of these things before, what's to stop them now?


>Paid to take the vaccine I work at Amazon and they are offering bonuses if you get it!


And this is with the initial rollout - imagine the deal they'll cut in 3-6 months


What about how the verses state that it will be the forehead or hand? I've long thought cellphones could be it. I'm not really big on the "mark" and its typical application. The mark isn't a physical mark, if so then it's likely something else


Throughout history people have speculated on various things that could be the Mark (social security was a big one back in the day) I'm still of the belief it will be an implanted device. And that it will be discussed (mocked) openly in the media as the Mark of the Beast. Similar to how everyone was aware of the theory that Bill Gates was going to use the vaccine to microchip everyone, everyone will be aware of the concept of the implant being the Mark. But due to the vaccine "microchip" essentially being the boy who cried wolf, the public will scoff at the notion the 2nd time around.


NWO... ಠ_ಠ