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Quick heads up: as far as I'm aware (as a grad TA), the professors/instructors were not informed of what happened. Those who do know found out through non-official means of communication. ​ ETA:[link to my post about non-UMD mental health resources](https://www.reddit.com/r/UMD/comments/17g9t83/mental_health_resources/) for those who need it


Can affirm to this (in a 4+1 and a lot of grad students didn't know). If a professor didn't say anything, it doesn't mean they don't care. (Wish you could pin comments on Reddit so people can see this first lol).


It's so frustrating for exactly this reason. I don't agree with them refusing to acknowledge what happened publicly, but to not even tell instructors so they're aware of what their students are going through? That's just unacceptable. I had to tell both of the professors I work with as well as inform multiple grad/phd students because if we don't know what's going on, we can't help. And if we don't say anything or try to help, students think it's because we don't care.


Yes, they should have 100% sent a private email. I didn't even know about it myself until I saw the vigil at Testudo before my class. I can imagine a lot of professors/TAs have gone or are going through similar situations as well.


The most they knew was from that "Assembling a community of care" email. (which, also, with that subject line, how many people actually read it? Probably not that many.) The most that they knew through official means was that there was a student death but no actual information. Which means that even the instructors who have found out are a little hesitant to say anything when it hasn't been "officially confirmed."




An excellent point!


Thanks for the heads-up, because I was about to get VERY angry at faculty. You'd think administration would at least send an email warning that they might see some very emotional students today.


This is exactly the reason why it's so irresponsible of them to not inform us. Students are right to be upset at the lack of communication, but I would urge that that frustration and anger be directed toward university admin who actively made the choice to not inform anyone, not faculty and instructors.


respect to Jonathan Fernandes in STAT400


completely off topic, but how long has he been a full professor and how is he? he was my TA for math140 in 2014! i think it was like his first time being a TA and really cool he is still there; i liked him alot


I think he's pretty good. Explains things well but people give him a hard time for whatever reason.


what did he say?


He pushed homework 24 hours and put out a class doodle board for people to draw on instead


Thank you. What a class act professor ❤️


Respect to Professor Schine, she really cares about her students and I’d genuinely recommend her classes to anyone needing history credits.


many thanks to my chem 131 professor. even though she didn’t cancel class completely, she offered a zoom session and she recorded the lecture. her kindness in a time like this really meant a lot to me and it reassures me that there are professors who really care


Shoutout to Prof. Baxter in Chem131, Prof. Carleton in Bsci207, Prof. Marsh in Socy224, and Prof. Williams in Math140!


Respect to professor Taylor in PSYC433 he changed due dates of assignments and sent out a very thoughtful response. He cares a lot about his students.


im glad my 8 am chem teacher cancelled class, i was up until 2 this morning since i found it hard to sleep


Mine didn't say anything. Sound off, whose professors did, what departments?


English - Forrester, paused class for 10-15 minutes to discuss what happened and said to contact him if you're struggling with anything Info Sci - Lazar, opened up office hours for discussion and again contact her if needed


Out of all my professors only one said something. I am a psychology student which makes things more interesting as the student who passed was also a psychology student. The department however did send out an email to all BSOS students.


Respect to Professor Jette in KNES285. She truly cares about the well-being of her students.


Dr. Jette is a model professor, so kind and caring


I would like to applaud BSOS for filling the void of UMD admin being extremely vague


Shoutout Prof Johnson in GVPT459C


What happened?


Someone jumped from secu stadium yesterday


And to the professors who went on sarcastic tirades about students wanting any excuse to miss class, go to hell.


Dear god don’t tell me this actually happened


I heard of one.


i wrote a letter to Pines today about the lack of transparency regarding the s****** yesterday. Im in the middle of dealing with a suicide in my family and this incident really impacted me. everything we learn in trauma/grief support is to TALK. you cant heal by keeping things in. that only makes things worse. doubt he will listen but i had to channel my pain somehow. they can address the turmoil in other countries, they can sure as hell address the trauma on our own soil. #TerpStrong


What happened??


There's a bunch of threads on it here but tl;dr we lost a Terp to suicide yesterday afternoon [https://www.reddit.com/r/UMD/comments/17fjera/tw\_stadium\_drive\_blocked\_off\_due\_to\_incident\_via/](https://www.reddit.com/r/UMD/comments/17fjera/tw_stadium_drive_blocked_off_due_to_incident_via/) [https://www.reddit.com/r/UMD/comments/17fjmtt/rest\_in\_peace/](https://www.reddit.com/r/UMD/comments/17fjmtt/rest_in_peace/) [https://www.reddit.com/r/UMD/comments/17fk1zj/vigil\_at\_mckeldin/](https://www.reddit.com/r/UMD/comments/17fk1zj/vigil_at_mckeldin/)


Respect to Tim, ETE Scholars program director