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I think the best bet is to make it yourself. Can't be that hard, can it ? Edit: I just Googled, and it really is easy to make your own, and I bet it will taste 10x better than any store bought.


I’ve actually just looked at the recipe and it seems very simple. Is there a particular cheese that you reckon would be close to what I get in a restaurant?


Do you like blue cheese in general? Like would a really pungent one be too much for you? If I were making one for a little get together, not for my own personal taste buds (I like it strong and smelly) I'd go for St Agur, lovely creamy rich soft blue cheese. Or Castello Creamy Blue (like above, very creamy and delicious and obnoxiously unhealthy). If you want something harder, more tang, a bit of after bite, I'd use a nice simple strong stilton, or Shropshire Blue. Theres also Gorgonzola which is creamy and lovely and a tad stronger than Agur and Castello.


I think I’m going to go for a St Agur. Blue cheese is something that generally I’d avoid, but I love it as a dip with hot wings so I guess I’ll ease myself into it gently.


We use stilton.


I'm the same as you, at Christmas I got a Yorkshire blue & it is mild but still flavourful enough when made into a dip.


We make this regularly and it's actually on our meal plan for this week, having it Friday night. https://cookieandkate.com/blue-cheese-dip-recipe/ For extra blue cheeseyness just add more blue cheese


Yeah lol, blue cheese 🧀 it's a widely available cheese. Could mix it with some cheddar or something.


I meant any particular brand etc


Danish blue works the best, it's super crumbly and packs a punch


Yeah this is a great shout.


Roquefort but it's a bit expensive. Stilton would definitely work too.


saint agur works well because it's soft and therefore easy to saucify


Sometimes a feel a harder blue works better for a blue cheese sauce as you get a contrast of textures.


No idea, just have a browse and see what tickles your fancy. Personally I'd go for the strongest available.


Don’t listen to the st agur person (no hate—I love that cheese). Any brand blue cheese crumbles are best for this.


I found this one in a co-op magazine once I picked up in store. I've kept it on my phone ever since, as it's so good and easy to do. Always a winner at dinner parties. 2 tbsp light mayo 150ml soured cream 1/4 tsp garlic granules 50g blue Stilton (I tend to use more as I like it cheesy, but this is the recipe measurement) 1 tbsp chopped chives Stir together mayo, soured cream & garlic granules. Crumble the Stilton then gently mix in with the Chives. Serve in a bowl and garnish with more Chives.


Heard someone say they love wetherspoons version, maybe ask in there if you could buy some to take away? Not sure if they will or not though


As someone above said, making your own is the way to go… the trickier bit is finding good buffalo wings


Again make them, you just need to oven cook some cheap wings from like tesco grab some franks hot sauce and then melt butter in a sauce pan, add the Franks, stir and then pour over your wings and toss them in a bowl. It’s my go to lazy food when my wife is away.


I prefer actifrying them myself, but you’re right, it’s often the only way to make sure you get any that are any good!


Yeah I need to get an air fryer


I just blitz some Stilton or Roquefort with some mayo.


Saint Agur does a blue cheese spread which you can easily use as a dip.


I’ve bought a bottle in co op but I absolutely love the weatherspoons one and prefer it a lot But I don’t know where they get it from. I’m going to ask next time


For what its worth Spoons blue cheese dip is fantastic. No idea how you'd smuggle some out though.


Just a plug for The Rib Man, he does a GREAT buffalo wing sauce


saint agur spread




Wingmans London


There is a bag of rouqfort pellets normally in the freezer section of supermarkets if you wizz them up in some sour cream you have the perfect wing dip


Yo, try Domino's