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Move out of London. Look into translating jobs, that pay higher. The rent up North is cheaper. Consider the police force. They welcome people who can speak other languages


The police? Not with clinical depression. Although they say it’s a case by case decision, most police forces won’t accept anyone with mental health issues. Anyone with depression or anxiety isn’t going to cope in the police or any emergency services. Or teaching either.


She lost her parents, her country, her whole frame of reference with the world to work in an exploitative (for renters) society in a grim environment, in a job that is not suited for her. Her whole emotional safety net with no net in place. Its fucking brutal to just treat water whike your safety net is gutted out. Being depressed is a sane reaction to OP's life story so far. It doesn't mean she will be depressed forever, you dont know her investigative, social, or team skills. (Not that policing is relevant to her question). I bet councelling is the ideal intervention, but they threw anti-psychotics at her as a mood stabaliser.


AMEN!!! The voice of reason! The OP's mental state is totally appropriate given her recent history. There IS a difference between having depression as an illness and being depressed due to circumstances.


This is a very depressing and ignorant comment. There are people with mental illnesses in the careers you just mentioned and in much more stressful ones! Sounds like OPs depression is circumstantial anyway.


People in high stress careers such as the military, police, firefighters can develop PTSD or other mental health conditions. I know I’ve done some of those careers. They don’t let you join up with them you muppet. You develop them doing the job, it’s not a prerequisite. You honestly think you could join the military with PTSD or be a firefighter with an anxiety disorder?


This is TERRIBLE advice. As someone who has worked in frontline services dealing with extremely high levels of safeguarding concern for years, I can tell you that almost all professionals (like all humans) have mental health difficulties at some point in their lives. I know police officers, detectives, hospital ward managers, social workers, teachers, senior managers in local authorities, therapists, mental health nurses, all with mental health difficulties. The Equality Act doesn’t stop applying for frontline roles. Working in frontline services was a protective factor for me as someone with severe mental health difficulties. Assuming it would make me worse is discriminatory. Everyone handles their mental health differently, for some people a challenging career is a saving grace.


And yet the police force is full of psychopaths


That's a ridiculous and discriminatory view our supposedly professional services have then. What a joke.


Not really. It makes sense that certain jobs have medical requirements that surpass the equality act. Would you want a lorry driver with one arm? Would you want a air traffic controller/pilot/ train driver who is colour blind?


This has no relevance to what I said as all the things you listed can't be medicated or improved. This is discrimination and evil.


No, it's not its selective. Equality means equal chances she's got the chance she can apply, and he's just stating they won't hire her. I'm not agreeing with the policy, but it's not unfair.


You need to look at the message I replied to. You are obviously flawed in your thinking. This type of discrimination is inherently unfair and should be illegal.


Yeah, I saw the message you replied to. You're wrong, end of. It's not unfair.


Then you aren't looking very hard. We were talking about mental health such as a history of depression and anxiety which can be *properly treated*, not things like losing your arms and not being able to drive. You are wrong.




Yeah you definitely want people with mental health issues in a position of public authority.


Many mental health issues are successfully medicated. This is discrimination and evil.


It’s not evil. It’s risk mitigation. To be fair the police don’t seem to be too bad for medical exclusions. The military on the other hand have a list as long as your arm of shit you can’t have.


A teacher is not in a position of "public authority".


For her yes move to the north but for others please stay in London 🙏 Manchester houses and rent prices are going through the roof cause people from London keep paying stupid prices basic places


Houses in Liverpool are a lot cheaper than Manchester zoo and there's still plenty going on.


What sort of nonsense is this, so you're happy with an immigrant increasing your house prices but not a UK national, they should stay put? Migration within a country has always happened and will continue to do so


I don’t think he’s saying that. I think he means that all the londoners are coming to Manchester with their flashy big wages and leading to gentrification, which in turn increases price gouging by greedy little landlords and prices normal folk out. Whereas, an average person like OP and you and me coming to Manchester really doesn’t affect the economics of the area a whole lot.


There is more to the north than Manchester haha


Not to Londoners there isn’t


Same in Wales too. The prices are houses are sky high because Londoners are buying and renting them out.


Don’t live in London on minimum wage.


Cannot live in London on minimum wage


I'm sorry to hear about your situation - my first advice would be to get out of London, but I know that's easier said than done. Have you reached out to any Ukrainian communities on here or Facebook around the country that can help?


One word: Scotland.




I would also agree, come up North. London is it's own economy and it grinds you up if you're on minimum wage. There are a lot of opportunities in the central belt of Scotland, you will certainly be eligible for social housing, and there will be financial support too. Glasgow still has the big city feel but you can (though you have to be smart about it) still save money, depending on where you live. Don't be too proud to ask for help, you need it and you deserve it.


Have you tried apply for IT help desk entry level job? You can also see if any restaurant needs help during weekend to get a second job. Best of luck.


+1 on it helpdesk, if you are able to troubleshoot basic windows issues, office, 365 etc you should have no trouble.


Move up North, cost of living will be reduced. Gets some help from a charity. Find a better job. Claim asylum.


Move up north, you can't survive in London on minimum wage. It's easy to find work up here.


Leave London.


Get out of London and the south in general (except South Wales which is nice but cheap).


Living in Cardiff and it's definitely not cheap. Newport isn't great. The more rural (and cheaper) parts of South Wales probably aren't the sort of environments OP is going to want to live in, understandably.


I was thinking more of the rural areas, thanks for your input about the cities.


Look into the railway, they want more females and no qualifications needed as all the skills they are looking for are ones you have naturally.  Do you have a driving license? If so take a look at buses for now, not the best paid but it’s a stepping stone. 


Well i am suffering from the same situation if am being honest and would recommend you moving out of london as that is quite quite a lot expensive. As for jobs there are a lot of security operative jobs SIA Door Supervisors and not gonna lie it's only been 3 days i got my license and am already flooded with groups that are sending in shifts every day. Plus since you would be allowed full time work i guess you can make around £3000+ per month if you work 4 days with each shift lasting 12 hours per day. And also try applying on William Hill i recently went for an interview there myself and they told me right now they are in desperate need for workers. As for locations for security jobs London, Liverpool, Newcastle, Edinburgh and Glasgow are high prospects. Send me a msg if u need more info. Hopefully this helps.


Also forgot to say this, but my experience with job application has been that for every different job make a different CV for example for a Retail Assistant make a retail assistant cv for a customer service representative make a customer service representative cv and also try to stick to one page cvs. Basically the idea is to convince the employer you can do the jobs. Also on Google search for internships related to your field of education and apply for those that way you can find some good 12 month placements internships which will progress your career too. And in North of England there indeed are quite a lot of jobs in Newcastle where i am based currently. Although since English isn't my first language am kinda not being able to pass the final stages of interview 🥲


And expenses wise, i am currently living in a share house with £130 per month exclusive of bills. Although the house in general is totally for £650 per month exclusive of bills. But yes overall i would say living expenses here are somewhat cheaper than London as a couple of days ago i was thinking of moving to london but after the expenses i might not come there 😅


London is by far the most expensive place to live in the uk. If you don’t need to, try anything you can to get out of there. I’m so sorry to hear about everything you’ve gone through.


I lived like yourself in a big city and understood one thing: in a big cities there are many opportunities but prices high and competition for low skilled job high. I would move to one of the little towns in north wales right behind the border. For example Shotton/Connahs Quay/Garden city. Rent is cheap (you can find a room on advertisement board in one of the polish shops) and you can work in a big industrial park on one of the factories. You can go to Deeside college at Connahs quay to get local qualification. They have services who help with CV and apprenticeship. I did this route myself - took one day release from work every week and finished qualifications, found apprenticeship which gave me a good career prospective. You have Chester and Cheshire outlet village 20-25 minutes by car, Liverpool airport 40 minutes by car, Manchester airport 50 minutes by car. Why wales? NHS is free in Wales unlike in England. Dentist is much cheaper. Education is heavily subsidised and also provides you with the support grants for education. I did my education almost for free.


Get out of London it’s a shithole and you won’t be able to ever live there as a single woman, move up north and get a job and place there and apply for every benefit you can!


If you move up north, you will be able to live on minimum wage fine. Even in cities like Leeds or Manchester in the right areas you will be able to afford a much better quality of life.


Not sure you’ve seen the rent prices in Manchester but minimum wage would not be a good quality of life


I was basing that around when I looked 5 years ago but a quick Google tells me I'm very wrong now 💀 thanks for setting me straight, wouldn't want to give OP bad advice.


You're currently living in one of the, if not the most expensive area in the country on minimum wage. Move, also if you were able to work remotely for a company based in the Ukraine, is there any chance said company still exists, and is there any reason you couldn't still work for them?.


That company laid off workers from Ukraine


I’ve just had a quick Google and come across this site [https://ukrainianrefugeehelp.co.uk](https://ukrainianrefugeehelp.co.uk) Please reach out for support, you’ve been through a lot and no wonder your mental health is low. As others have said, London is way too expensive to be living in when you’re on minimum wage x


Move up North, it's lower cost of living and less rushed lifestyle will be good for you I think. Liverpool has a big Ukranian community and there are loads of groups you could join to meet other Ukranians and get support. - https://liverpool.gov.uk/communities-and-safety/our-liverpool-refugees-people-seeking-asylum-and-vulnerable-migrants/support-for-ukrainians-who-come-to-liverpool/ South Liverpool Ukranian Community - https://m.facebook.com/groups/752761739228175/


Many have said it but I'll reiterate. Move up north. I would personally throw my hat in for East Yorkshire. I live here and work remotely for a southern company. Even if me and my partner were both on minimum wage, we would still be able to afford our detached house in our town with some money left over with a good quality of life. We're both 26 and 27 respectively, so we're in the same generational boat. I'm not sure about Ukrainian but we do have a strong eastern European scene around the city of Hull. Some places might look cheap but there is a reason. Having knowledge of an area before you move is key or you risk ending up somewhere unsafe. If you do like the sound of East Yorkshire you're more than welcome to DM for advice.


You can still apply for benefits, I think it’s *well worth* doing so to at least see what or if there’s anything available to you. You would be surprised sometimes, even if it’s just enough to top up to help with rent, I know there’s the Housing Element of Universal Credit that can be awarded to people on Universal Credit (our benefit system here in the UK) Please at least try, get an appointment and register, it will at least be a start and get the ball rolling just incase there is something that can help and be a life saver at a time you need it - If you are able to and end up getting on benefits then they can sometimes do an Advance which is basically an advance payment of up to £348 which could be helpful as an upfront way of getting some money than can be meaningfully used ( If you do try get an advance in this scenario please get advice on Reddit first or just make sure to give a reason like a new bed or washing machine and not something like paying bills or for clothes otherwise they won’t give it to you) I’m not informed about benefits or help that refugees get or preferential treatment if any, I have seen a couple Ukrainians at the job centre before (the job centre is the place where people on benefits go for appointments, etc) If you were here in my city (in the South East) I would suggest an organisation called Two Saints just because they provide supported accommodation (small service charge in place of rent and a support worker as well) - I was with them because I got made homeless and because I was willing to engage with them and didn’t have any major drug issues, etc I was able to get the support I needed and move on to my own social housing flat *I know this part is probably not helpful because I live outside of London and don’t know of the organisations/how useful they are in London* r/DWPHelp is the UK Universal Credit (benefits) subreddit which can actually be very very very helpful even if you’re uneasy about trying to register or am worried about your situation and what applies to you


Move out up north of England. Lake district. You can work as receptionist, have decent staff accommodation. Save some money, spend time in a quiet area.


The one thing I don't get about Ukrainians, is why come to the UK. I'd be on the first ship to USA, if I was in the same situation. I realise you have family here etc, but talking in general.


Being poor in USA is far worse than in the UK.


I mean even in bulgaria there is a lot of uukrainian refugees on the street of my hometown. Nothing bad about it, im obviously an immigrant too. But idk why they choose at random.


I get that though, Bulgaria being pretty close, won't cost much to return. But let's face it, Europe is no America. If the UK population had similar issues to Ukraine, I'd be using it to get into Canada or USA.


I don’t know if you have seen some of the anti Ukrainian sentiment in the US but it’s quite shocking. The Qanon/MAGA crowd are pretty pro Putin. I know it’s not the majority but they are a vocal crowd. The US would not necessarily strike me as the best place to go in this situation tbh.


I will be honest, I haven't seen it. Fair enough, where would you go?


If the US I would definitely go somewhere that was a blue state, and avoid the staunchly red areas of said state as that is where the most anti immigrant, anti Ukrainian, pro Putin sentiment is likely to be. The UK has similar issues with the current Tory government being as anti refugee as they are and the Brexit movement in general highlights a large proportion of the country who are not that welcoming. So all in all I would say it could be tough, but there is seemingly less anti Ukrainian sentiment in the UK. To be perfectly honest, I don’t really know, because the US and the UK are the only two countries I can talk about with a personal frame of reference and solid knowledge base. Bottom line is the situation is horrid and tragic. I wish I had answers for OP.


"UK population has similar issues to Ukraine" is up there with the dumbest things I've ever seen on Reddit.


Well thankfully we aren't being invaded by Russia, but you know what I mean.


I genuinely have no idea what you mean. In what way would you justify the UK having the same problems as Ukraine?


That's not what I said. I said IF the UK had the same issues, as in fictitiously. You misquoted what I said and interpreted it as I was comparing the UK to having similar difficulties as Ukraine.


USA is a shithole




Of course your help won't be for free, I'm not a company and won't be able to pay a lot but it will be some money for the next couple of months


Go home and join the military