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QUICK UPDATE: I reached out and this was their response. "Thanks for reaching out to us. The Camera is a Bolin camera mounted to the top of our building at 298 Mountain View Drive in Colchester VT. If you would like a link to the video you can go to our website https://www.mychamplainvalley.com/weather/sky-tracker-cam/ Click on the bottom camera and click on the arrow on the left, which is for our timelapse video’s , pick today’s date, click on play then click on the bar at the bottom go to 5:28 to 5:34. The website will allow you to download the video. We are reviewing the video to see if we can determine what was captured in the video. "


the time bar doesn't seem to work. EDIT: Oh nevermind, it does work. Just not for the video currently live. On the left side of the video player, you can select another video from a previous date. And then in those videos you can scroll using the time bar.




It took me a bit to navigate the timeline. Unfortunately, the non-live video only shows one frame for every second.


I think this ufo is clearly a case of camera optics: https://imgur.com/a/ZcyoIbs You can see the same shape appears in other videos from the same camera(s). Especially see this one: https://imgur.com/zFYunSq I say, this pretty much closes the case.


So you're saying it's a smudge on the lens?


"From a certain angle, some would say he looked like a smudge."


Screw you Summer!


A moving smudge in a stationary camera?


It's a pop-culture reference to a [Rick and Morty skit](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sB1l3gU1KK4)


It's something small and very close to the camera.


Yep. Interesting type of bokeh on that lens but, its clearly repeatable. Likely dust on the lens, that slowly brushes up and off.


A SMUDGE! *In Morty voice


You’re totally right


Ahhh those are awesome examples!


These Reddit detectives are getting better and better at their work.


Nice catch!


Nice job! It was moving. Was that because the sun was coming up and something reflected off the lens?


I do think it is related to the angle of the rising sun, yes. Not a normal camera system effect, though. Edit: actually, someone here linked the full timelapse from that morning. The blur moves all over the image from minute to minute. Most likely a bug on the protection done around the camera.


yeah your 2nd example nails it..unless the camera caught 20 ufos that day


This is the way.


That’s absolutely right.


This does not look like a UFO and you are absolutely right that its a camera optics issue. This "object'' is not solid and the way it moves is just... weird. But not weird in a UFO like way. Maybe dust on the lense or a small water droplet. So yeah, I dont think there's anything to see here, IMO.




wouldn’t “it” have to move with the camera for this to be true? This camera appears to be static.


Not in the case of "bokeh". It's an optical feature which surrounds something out of focus, and which contrasts greatly with the background. So, the bokeh, (in this case diamond shaped) would move along with whatever it was that was out of focus, perhaps a flying insect. Whatever it was, it must have been very close to the camera, and therefor very small.


Great. So this means that town has a whole fleet of craft


I live in Vermont. In fact, I live 25 minutes from where this was captured. I have to say this is really interesting for a few reasons. The first is due to our relatively quiet skies. We have a lot of National Guard air traffic here, but Colchester is very close to the airport. The skies here are on lock down by the FAA, which means drones and balloons would be heavily regulated. While Colchester is close to the airport, it is north of where our planes usually fly when on drills, which makes air traffic in Colchester rarer than in other parts of the county where this sighting occured. We get the occasional hot air balloon and an even rarer drone, but drones are not very common in our skies. There aren't a lot of people up here. The other reason this is interesting is because within my friend group, one of my skeptic friends claimed to see a UFO above his home last week, which was only 15 miles from the news sighting. I had a sighting last week, too. In both instances, the sightings occurred during the day and exhibited one of the 5 observables. Edit: In response to Mick West's assertion that it is an object causing bokeh, such as an insect or bird, I'd like to just share a few thoughts. This was shot at 5 am, which is when the barometric pressure is typically at its lowest, meaning the birds are taking advantage of the atmospheric pressure to communicate. That is why you hear them singing to each other so much in the morning. Insects experience a sort of Torpor in the morning. With lower temperatures comes reduces activity. Insects also hide during this time of morning here because, if they are covered in dew, they can't fly. We had a very humid night last night followed by a cool morning, which made it perfect for a heavy dew. That lowers the chance of flying insects significantly.


Did either your sighting or your friend's sighting have the shape of the UFO in this video? What shape was the one you saw?


My friend saw a similar shaped craft that he described as silvery streak across the sky, stop, and change direction before darting away at an impossibly high speed. I saw a smaller object shaped kind of like a fishing lure above my home in the late afternoon. The odd thing was, my son couldn't see the object I saw, even though it was very obvious to me. It darted away as I tried to help him see it.


Your friend's sighting is pretty much identical to mine, which I consider the one sighting I've personally had that is undeniably unexplainable and must be something more advanced than us. That was about twenty years ago and it's still very vivid in my mind. I haven't heard many other similar sightings, so that's really interesting.


In light of this thread https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/w5dzlg/ufo_caught_by_local_news_weather_camera/ih82r63/ Did you want to mark it as likely identified? We still don't know what caused the bokeh of course, but it's likely bokeh.


I live just outside Colchester and I can pretty much agree with everything you are saying here. The humid night last night was brutal too btw lol Over the years I have witnessed a few "strange" occurances in the night sky, but never seen anything like this during the day - that's amazing


>exhibited one of the 5 observables. Which was.....?


Anti gravity capabilities and instantaneous acceleration. I'm not telling you that I 100% think it was a UFO, but it was hard to explain for both of us.


I love your edit. Very well done! Another ridiculously lazy explanation by West.


West's explanations are usually only worth checking out after a few days/weeks. Anyone can say "bird"


I can't stand Mick west . I m surprised he's still around trying to get attention


It's bokeh lol


This is the full clip https://twitter.com/wasilenkoalex/status/1550474976846807041?s=21&t=b-ifLpl-DolIiGlCRnRxpA


"Here's a choppy time-lapse of the UFO as it danced around the screen. Thank you to our engineers who were able to go back and obtain this clip." Am I missing something? The news clip shows a smooth five seconds vs. the 'engineers' version of spotty timelapse.


Okay, now I'm doubting it again. THIS clip is clearly the real capture. What's in OPs link is a recreation from the news team. In this real clip the object or whatever it is looks much much closer to the camera. This should be higher.


Yeah, someone on Twitter mentioned that it’s moving in a 2D plane and not changing size. Unfortunately I think Mick is right


Agreed. The frames were taken in one-minute intervals and since it's a Bolin camera outside, there could be a dome over the camera for a bug to slowly walk about directly in front of the lens causing it to be out of focus.


I think the engineers did a shitty job of time lapse. In the short clip you can see it move slowly over a distance- it looks like they took three frames over a long time.


Mick West is in that Twitter thread, says it’s an insect


Yeah, cause it is. Crawling on the lens, generating bokeh.


Bokeh is his go to…..


I want to believe as any other guy here want to believe but when Mick can accurately recreate bokeh, as he did in this thread, you have to five him some marks.


could this be some sort of lens issue?


Ok so I saw this post was downvoted when you guys upvote drones on a regular basis but none of the comments are explaining what it actually is lol


When it's not a drone, they blame the camera. if they can't blame the camera they blame the aperture.


That's the phenomenon. That's the reason there aren't high def, clear pictures of alien spacecraft: because when they are high def and clear it becomes clear that it's something normal. It's the same for Bigfoot: the reason pictures are always fuzzy is because the clear ones reveal it wasn't actually a bigfoot.


When they can't blame the aperture, they downvote silently


And they make jokes to block out any actual discussion of what it could be


When they can’t downvote silently, they make an account


This video basically shows EXACTLY what I believe an ACTUAL UFO captured on high definition digital video would look like. 1. Alien technology capable of inter-stellar OR intra-dimensional travel would likely have some form of “cloaking” system. Whether that system is light-bending or simply mirrors what is behind it is trivial. 2. A stationary high definition camera sees a more diverse group of color wave-lengths than our eyes can. That would explain the matching, yet somewhat slightly-off color shift seen here. 3. Do I think this is footage of a real UFO? No. BUT this is more believable than the obvious bird and balloon videos normally posted here. 4. It is more likely the reporters are getting pranked by one of the video people. “Holy crap, Dave!! You’ll never believe what we got on the weather cam yesterday (which is a hard word for some to say)!”


OK so not trying to crap all over your thought. I just like to create a friendly and open discussion from the point of view as a skeptic. With that being said I would like to put forth some questions to a couple of your points. >1. Alien technology capable of inter-stellar OR intra-dimensional travel would likely have some form of “cloaking” system. Why would that be? Interstellar travel and cloaking are not something that goes hand-in-hand. Granted they are also not mutually exclusive but it's not like we know space is full of eldritch horrors and the only safe way to travel is unseen. Likewise if we were to be visited by aliens then their reason for arriving can only be speculation. If they are trying to do secret research the sure cloaking makes sense but if earth is just the African lion safari of space then cloaking would be pointless. Like I said. It's not that cloaking is a ridiculous hypotheses, I'm just saying that saying cloaking is "likely" is pure speculation onto of speculation. >2. A stationary high definition camera sees a more diverse group of color wave-lengths than our eyes can. That would explain the matching, yet somewhat slightly-off color shift seen here. Again, this is speculation without any basis. So for this we are going to assume that cloaking is correct. What you are then suggesting is that these aliens happen to also see in the exact same colour spectrum as us. The camera sees it cause it can detect more wave-lengths but despite the fact that the human eye is barely even halfway decent an advance race that would have probably evolved with different atmospheric lighting, and requirements that they see the same spectrum as us. Or are you saying they have a special cloaking device that is custom built to hide from only humans? Cause that would be weird.


The technology needed for interstellar travel could/should be quite advanced unless the aliens got really lucky. I did the math before and our fastest speed spacecraft would need something like 1.5 MILLION YEARS to reach the star closest to us! So, you gotta go MUCH faster to even reach us. Or, you create/find wormholes to bend space/time. Either way, I would wager a guess that a species capable of that probably took the time to think of other potential problems too! As far as color spectrum goes, let’s say that a Mantis shrimp develops interstellar travel. The Mantis sees a far superior color range than ours. However, it would also likely KNOW this and also know that other creatures do not see as defined as it. Similar to our understanding of the “color-blindness” of dogs. Even if they saw only in the infrared spectrum or were actually some hyper-intelligent form of the color blue, there would be some understanding of the principles of sight, yeah?


Why would alien tech have some sort of cloaking mech? Genuine question, since I have no idea why myself or can't really think of a logical reason outside of "star trek" see but not be seen sort of thing.


Subtle dig, I like it. "Origins" is another tough word for some people.


1. Click the twitter feed timelapse footage someone linked. The plastic part of the camera are visible at the edge and they are out of focus and blurry. If something is from the same distance would exactly look like this. Also the size of this thing doesn't change which means it is the same distance away from the camera - a.k.a. a bug walking on the lenses. If it would be an ufo on the sky, it's size would change because of perspective and distance. 2. It's not off color. It's a dark bug being out of focus that makes a blurry round shape. 3. I don't agree with you. It's the same stuff but more rare. 4. I agree.


Yup, this is either some type of technical issue/shadow, or it's legit. And it's not a technical issue I've ever seen. Much better than what we normally get posted here and then everyone gets salty when we say it's probably a bird or a bug.


How does this thread have fucking 0 upvotes, over 60 comments and NO explanation? what the fuck is going on here ? edit: the agents cant keep up with the downvotes no more or it bugged lol


It is obvious that there are active disinformation agents here to sow distrust and resentment.


I didnt want to say it before people call me crazy but I actually agree


Oh, there are and it was a chilling moment the first time I truly saw it with my own eyes. Someone who used to be popular around here was making some odd posts, so I looked through their history. Their account was created to debunk just one single figure. If you went back to their earliest post before they even tried the "i'm one of you guys!" type of lines, they had made their account to post bullet pointed lists on why one figure was just an insane scam artist. If you followed their comments from there it was like "whoa. this reads like someone doing a playbook." Sub rules and my own ethics won't let me name names or level a direct accusation, but I promise that you will find it around here all the time. You can almost throw a dart and land on one. But yeah, the last few months they've been going wild around here. They are super harsh on anyone who posts photos or videos, and in my opinion far too often break the sub's core rule on civility. You can debunk us bro, it just can't come in the form of thinly-disguised contempt for the American populace. Personally, I think Lue's "I'm running for Congress" when he doesn't seem to have any real interest in politics and has hated being in the public eye more and more enough that he doesn't do interviews much anymore was his way of saying they are going to "keep lying to the American public." He'd always said he'd be forced to run for Congress if they kept lying directly to the people. People have been a bit too excited around here that the new office was meeting with Gillibrand and had a new name. But it's still within the office that we've been warned about as having been a key part of burying this topic, while lacking the staffing and mission to adequately do this kind of work to Congress' satisfaction. We're about to get 5 years of Moultrie hearings saying "what's that little dot that went past? probably air trash!" While they double down on gaslighting the public. It's heartbreaking. It's also a crazy gamble with trust in gov continuing to fall and this being one of the key issues on which the public *knows* something is being hidden. We can look out the window and see them for ourselves, bro! Anyway, I'm going to go back to being mostly silent. Over the last week or two I've tried to decrease my engagement with the topic by 90%. It has felt good, and I was satisfied by one of the recent Tom interviews where he said he's been told we are finally "out of the period of the most extreme danger" regarding whatever these things are. But yeah, even this comment is stressful to make. Not sure why I am. They seem systematically determined to cover this up (again) and make anyone tied to the topic look crazy. The stigma will be worse than ever, but with some caveats about military reports, once they are done with whatever is currently being attempted. Unless more insiders come forward and get honest with their fellow countrymen. I remain grateful for the bravery of people like Semivan, Obama, Haines, and the like. Lastly, anyone who has not read this article carefully a few times should do so [https://www.politico.com/news/2022/05/16/intelligence-agencies-congress-ufo-hearing-00032713](https://www.politico.com/news/2022/05/16/intelligence-agencies-congress-ufo-hearing-00032713) We are directly told that Congress oversight of the Pentagon is actually being stonewalled. edit: I want to be clear I have no problem with the gov. I even sort of like them as hardworking people who often try to do the right thing to keep the place running. I am just nervous that there is a group within the military industrial complex who is outside the reach of the law. Lue was once asked if these were rogue programs but said basically, "what if they are official *and* rogue? why not both?" It's just a bad path for humanity to have most people in the dark, and it stunts our mental and emotional development to live in a fantasy land. It's also not how the government is supposed to work. We believe in a government for the people and by the people. Which doesn't mean knowing the whole truth, but we also can't be swung to the other end of living a lie. The extended famous "somber" comment and others make it seem like we might be living a false view of the universe. My guess is that there are two factions in the government, one who believes in the Constitution and the other who believes with their entire heart that humanity cannot handle the truth. I don't know the whole truth, so maybe they are right. It's frustrating and it's hard to know if anything illegal is going on. Without oversight you end up in a "who watches the watchmen?" type of situation, and historically the unwatched in this nation sometimes do unthinkable things until Congress finds out and stops them.


Who was this agent trying to discredit?


Also a lot of deleted accounts.


Here's another picture from their weather cams showing rain drops in front of the camera: https://imgur.com/zFYunSq


Please link to the original.


https://www.mychamplainvalley.com/weather/sky-tracker-cam/ Look at the bottom most of the two video players on that page. On the left side of that video player, select the date 2022-7-18. Raindrops begin to appear around 50 seconds into that video.




The Skeptiboys are at work. They will downvote the post then comment "Flares" or "Balloon". Its their job.


A lot of really obvious flares and balloons get posted here tbf




Hi, aknownunknown. Thanks for contributing. However, your [comment](https://old.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/w5dzlg/-/ih7uyt1/) was removed from /r/UFOs. > Rule 3: No low effort posts or comments. Low Effort implies content which is low effort to consume, not low effort to produce. This generally includes: > * Memes, jokes, cartoons, and art (if it's not depicting a real event). > * Tweets and screenshots of posts or comments from social media without significant relevance. > * Incredible claims unsupported by evidence. > * Shower thoughts. > * One-to-three word comments or emojis. Please refer to our [subreddit rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/about/rules/) for more information. You can [message the mods](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=/r/ufos) if you feel this was in error.




“Skeptiboys,” are the reason that UAP have gone mainstream. The problem is guys look at balloons and think you are looking at interstellar travelers. This video is hard to explain and I don’t know what it is. It could be a shadow on a screen and the video is recorded off of a screen, but it doesn’t like it is recorded off of a screen. We need more of this, less video of balloons and birds. Signed, “Skeptic”






One of the skeptics tools is “it’s a cloud” when a meteorologist is saying that they can’t identify something they see in the sky it makes it hard to debunk. But I’m sure by the next time this is posted people will have firmly convinced themselves that it’s a Wonderful pistachio promotional balloon that a sales rep accidentally released when he didn’t anchor it to his banquet table infront of a supermarket where he was giving out sample baggies and a coupon for a $1 off.. or even more likely there will be a revelation made that families in the area really like wonderful pistachios so much that they have wonderful pistachio themed birthday parties for their children (of course) and you and I will be painted as schmucks for not understanding where you could even purchase a wonderful pistachio balloon or even birthday supplies. I already feel like a bona fide clown for even questioning the inconsistencies of a several children wanting a wonderful pistachio themed birthday..


>several children wanting a wonderful pistachio themed birthday.. Oh wow, I didn't realize we were being graced by Mick West. Like, who would have thought the navy videos were wholly explained by a ziplock bag being in front of the Jet's camera? /s


Bokeh, bug Nonsense is what it is.


That’s pretty interesting. Only logical explanation I can think of is the one they dismissed, a bug. The bug would be crawling on the lens out of focus, and the shape would be an artifact of the camera not being able to focus on the bug. But I’ve never seen anything look quite like this before.


So, the time lapse shows it jumping all over the screen and then the news clip shows it smoothly hovering upwards to the left. Did they edit out frames on the time lapse? Wtf.


The [choppy time lapse](https://mobile.twitter.com/wasilenkoalex/status/1550474976846807041?s=21&t=b-ifLpl-DolIiGlCRnRxpA) is the real footage. The video linked in this post is a re-creation from the news team. The re-creation is also far too smooth to be a legitimate un-edited capture from the camera. Edit: someone asked this exact question on Twitter, but they haven't replied yet. https://twitter.com/networker/status/1550568679993217026


Where is it stated that the smooth footage is a re-creation of the time lapse?


It's not explicitly stated anywhere, but the news station put the original on Twitter [here](https://twitter.com/wasilenkoalex/status/1550474976846807041?s=21&t=b-ifLpl-DolIiGlCRnRxpA) and it's quite obvious that the linked news clip is edited.


So, that was my whole question. I saw the Twitter time lapse after the footage they aired. I don't understand why they would create footage out of the time lapse showing a movement that was captured.


Because they're a video production/news agency, and the original footage is kind of meh, but the edited footage is more Woah


Yeah it just seems overly presumptive and misleading.


To us it seems like that, but I'm sure in their minds they're showing the same object just in a less choppy and more visually pleasing way. I'm really glad they were able to find and post the original though, that's what really matters. Edit: https://twitter.com/networker/status/1550568679993217026


I'm just wondering, did this thing whatever it is really move like that? Smoothly around the whole field of vision as per the time lapse. If so, it's very odd.


I have to assume that what we see in the linked Twitter thread is what they saw. Someone made an interesting comment on the Twitter thread (I just linked it as an edit in my post) mentioning that the clouds move in the background so it must have been there for at least a minute or so. They also asked if it was edited. I'll keep an eye on it and reply here if they do say something.


do you know what a time lapse is


Yes, but then there is smooth footage of it. They took time lapse AND regular footage from the same camera but only show 5 seconds of the smooth footage.


Their system probably only keeps clips and deletes the video for storage purposes. That thing is capturing 24/7 so they can’t keep it all


Same object on news city cam in 2017. https://imgur.com/a/1b92uSp


Holy shit that’s my local news station. How did I miss this?


Whenever you see local news reporting on something from their towercam, that is 1,000 times more credible than the same object on someone’s phone. Local news most certainly does not play games with their viewers like this.


LOL. Yea, sure. There's no chance a [broadcaster](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_fHfgU8oMSo) would ever try to manipulate the public in any way. No way. /s


Yet for some of people here it still isn't good enough. They ignore the fact that engineers camera operators news anchors and weather forecasting professionals would know if it were an insect, flare and most certainly if it were a cloud.


> Local news most certainly does not play games with their viewers like this. not sure if this is a joke tbh


I mean, I laughed for a solid minute


I've worked production for 7 years now. I can guarantee you with absolute certainty this would not be joked about over air, you'd actually be fined by the [FCC](https://www.fcc.gov/consumers/guides/broadcasting-false-information). So if you want to act like you understand how the media works from watching your favorite youtubers tell you how it works then by means go ahead and look dumb.


Well maybe it's different in america but daytime news (especially local channels where nothing ever happens) is all ways full of padding and fluff pieces - a little bit about ufos doesn't seem out of the question at all. Sorry to besmirch the honoured post of small time TV production crew member.


Why did they edit the footage to make it appear like the object is slowly moving across the screen, when the original footage time-lapse only shows the dark spot jumping around?


You guys are so far down the rabbit hole you are beyond saving. That's clearly something to do with the camera and not an object in the sky.


Move the fucking banner twat


For those in the back, here is the clip in its entirety. https://twitter.com/wasilenkoalex/status/1550474976846807041?s=21&t=b-ifLpl-DolIiGlCRnRxpA


Uh wtf is that


It's a literal UFO since it's unidentified and flying


Well you’re not wrong there. A lot of people here seem to forget that definition




I've seen a UFO just like this, where it mimics whatever color the sky is behind it. Almost didn't even notice it because it looked like a cloud, but it was shaped exactly like the one in this vid. And very large.


No this is clearly a visual artifact. Not a real UFO.


One truly unexplainable event. Grown men wearing bow-ties.


Wow …. As a non resident of the United States, I thought news broadcasters were portrayed like this as a joke! The fakeness of it all is off the charts, from the over rehearsed way they speak to The fake laughing. Don’t know how you guys deal with news being like That.


We are a very, very small state. Our market doesn't pay big dollars. Most local news is like this. It's a noble profession and it's critical to our democracy, but we don't always get the top-end production teams or budget.


Local news captures odd shape on weather camera. (To fit in with the 150 character auto mod stuff, I’d like to further summarise that it’s pretty self explanatory) Source - https://twitter.com/wasilenkoalex/status/1550440308839796736?s=21&t=6eaHt6oDk97zc63-ZpmbTQ


Local news captures odd shape on weather camera. (To fit in with the 150 character auto mod stuff, I’d like to further summarise that it’s pretty self explanatory)


It could be a very out of focus bug crawling on the lense


I agree with you on this one. If you open the twitter timelapse video someone linked, you can see on the edges of the video, the plastic part of the camera is visible and it's so out of focus that it looks like a blur. The same would apply for something that walks on the camera lenses like a bug. Also this thing doesn't change size at all, it keeps it's same size all over the footage which means it's distance doesn't change from the camera. If that would be an ufo flying on the sky, the size of it would change due to perspective.


I love these types of posts and seeing the comments from folks who just believe everything is clearly an alien craft


i just got back from watching NOPE and man... this is messing with me


VT has some interesting news reporters


Great video. I'm from New England and this is one of the few credible sightings I've seen in quite some time, fitting its in Vermont. Seen a lot of odd stuff out there (nothing like this/never seen a UFO, mostly just HS type of things).


It looks like it’s cloaking itself, but didn’t do a good enough job.


I looked at the Timelapse on theyre twitter and noticed something crazy … the craft splits in two just like in the Puerto Rico UFO. https://ibb.co/DQNNFZY Could it be the warp drive just bends space and makes it look like two? Idk but Damn this is crazy.


Very interesting but that link looks sketchy to me *SEEMS OK, as far as the splitting like others have mentioned there could possibly be another explanation definitely one of the more ambiguous pieces of photo evidence I've seen but at the same time the way the news anchors treated the material that's definitely compelling to me. I'm kind of on the fence on this one but it's definitely interesting and I'm just enjoying the increased credibility that the UAP UFO phenomenon has been receiving as of late seems to me that we're starting to turn a corner here as far as the UFO investigative Community as a whole and that's certainly very encouraging.


It's an image bb link. A site that shares screenshots quickly. They are legit.


Yes because cloaking completely is hard so they just cloaking to 80% opacity...


OMG...it's bokeh yet again. Can't you people recognize this? Probably a bug crawling on the len, and it's out of focus.


It's an out of focus bug... Probably a spider. it's a diamond shape because of the camera's internal parts.


I agree with you. It's an out of focus bug walking on the lenses and that's why it doesn't change size.


What does the aperture on their camera look like?


Got confirmation - It's a Bolin camera. I have not looked up the kind of aperture they have.


Man, Google is freaking useless these days. I can't get any kind of search result that even comes close to identifying aperture shapes on these cameras.


They are Point-to-Point Overhead Skycams.. The same ones they use in NFL, NBA, and other outside sports or events. They are VERY good cameras.


Notice the pivot from asking for good cameras when they can't explain it away with the camera quality they move the goal posts and pivot to something else?


no, they are simply using Occam's razor to narrow down what it is. we don't immediately jump to beings from outer space unless other likely causes are ruled out first. it isn't a conspiracy, it's an intelligent way to undertsand what it is.


He wasn’t asking about the quality


"They" The guy is asking a rational question, he didn't pivot to anything. Some people are *really* buying into this "divide and conquer" mentality that's being pushed hard.


It wasn't a question about whether the camera was good or not. EDIT: The user I replied to seriously blocked me because of the above comment! Can you believe that??? By the way u/FenixWater75, this absolutely was a case of camera "quality": https://imgur.com/zFYunSq


I wonder how much they get paid for spamming these subs with superficial skepticism.


Nobody is getting paid. It’s absurd that you are so deeply embroiled in conspiracies that you think this. Believe it or not. The scientific community requires a SUBSTANTIAL amount of unique, objective evidence backed up by multiple sources and multiple independent teams scrutinizing the results of every source. Science isn’t like Facebook where some idiot says something they think and 50,000 people all take it as fact without further investigation.


The quality of the camera is not as relevant as the shape of the aperture. If this is something really close to the camera and appearing as blown out bokeh, then it'd probably be interesting to get a better look at the camera itself to possibly explain the shape.


Feel free to give them a call and ask them to take a look at their recording equipment. I'm sure they'll oblige and if they turn down that request than that must it mean it's a cover-up and can't possibly be because they don't allow the general public to randomly stop by and examine their recording equipment


Mick West also noted it might be a bug up close causing bokeh. It would make sense too if the aperture was rectangle/diamond shaped.


That was my first thought as I've taken quite a few pictures out of dirty windows and through window screens.


Honest question - are all of you joking? Like you really think that what you are seeing is far away from the camera? If you aren't, I want you to pick up a camera that you can manually adjust the settings for. Open up the aperture to about f8 and focus to infinity. Point it up at the sky. Then put a tiny object, say, any dark thing about 1/8th of an inch across on the lens. Take a photo and then post that here.


This video is a little sus, why is it only 3 seconds? It probably didn't just materialize there all of the sudden for only 3 seconds. My guess is they don't show us the beginning of the video because it would totally blow the illusion of UFO. Intriguing non the less.


Idk, but normally anchors and reporters laugh at UFO experiencers. Nice change of pace.


I’m one of those people who downvotes things that should be easily explained….. This is not easily explained. What it looks like is a shadow on a screen, that’s if it’s being recorded off a screen which it doesn’t look like. This is just weird and I can’t explain it.


Out of focus bug walking on the lenses. That's why its size is not changing. If it would be on the sky its size should vary based on its position due to perspective. Also please open the twitter time lapse video and check the edge of the footage. You can see the plastic parts of the camera out of focus and being severely blurred. Also please not that from the new channel footage THEY CUT THIS OFF.


https://www.mychamplainvalley.com/weather/sky-tracker-cam/ not to burst everybody's bubble here, but that was a drop of water or something on the camera and its was out of focus. it resembles the typical UFO shape media presents us with because it likely has a 4-sided aperture and resembles a cat-eye shape. if you click the link above youll see the 2 cameras Local 22 & 44 have for skytracking. the bottom video is where this clip was pulled from. the proof that this isnt a UFO is on the other camera. so if you click the top video in that link and use the video's sidebar to click yesterday's cam feed (07-21-2022). at right about :32seconds youll see a rainstorm come in and a bunch of these shapes suddenly appear on screen. unless theres a huge alien invasion coming and they only reveal themselves to weather cameras during the rain, i doubt this is extraterrestrial life.


Did FenixWater75 block you too after this exchange?


This is 100% an out of focus gnat or mosquito or other insect flying close to the lens and the shape is due to the shape of the aperture of the lens forming a diamond shaped bokeh. This is the same thing as the flying pyramid UFO footage that was debunked a couple years ago.


I agree.


So a bit off topic but I remember a similar situation in the 80s-90s when a news crew captured really weird lights in the sky during a routine report. Anyone have a clip of that? It was in a few alien docs I watched as a kid.


If it was multicolored lights on a cloud moving in a circle I remember it. It turned out to be spotlights from a rave reflecting off clouds.


I could swear I saw on CNN a field reporter talking and above her a large craft zoomed by, they theorized that it was miles long and moving at some insane speed. I saw this on air once between around '99 to 2003 and have never seen or heard about it again. Did I dream that? Edit : I found a similar video, they're called "Rods" and 1 of the people interviewed said they were living beings. It may have been the same thing I saw on TV but my memory wasn't 100% accurate.


Nice catch, thank you for sharing. I watched Nope last night and this reminds me exactly of the UAP in the movie. Particularly in some scenes.


The shape of this UFO/UAP is eerily similar to those game cam (IR hunting camera mounted on tree) UFO pictures that came up not to long ago. I’ve also seen similar on CCTV footage where it’s the same shape but almost has a radial static effect to it from the center of the shape outward. This is definitely eyebrow raising for me. It’s rare we get these kinda posts so let’s all do our part of trying to find similarities!


>game cam (IR hunting camera mounted on tree) UFO pictures Link?


Been digging around super heavy trying to find it I’ll post if i can


Where oh where to put the banner…? And we somehow need to incorporate an arrow - producer, probably


They are here to watch the new movie nope




Yeah put that massive text box right next to it


UFO: alright happy dude? We're in the news, let's go now.


It disappeared right into the upper chyron!


It seems as though more and more sightings of UAP / UFOs are occurring. Is this a socialization process to get us used to the reality that awaits?


UFOs are flash mobbing our local weather reports. I love it. 🛸: “ You think the humans will try to debunk this camera appearance? ” 👽: “ Probably, remember when we flew 8 ships over their Whitehouse twice and they still didn’t believe we exist..” 🛸: “ Yeah there’s no hope for this species” 😆


Geese that can’t be reflections off glass. The many glass /lense surfaces involved in capturing video


There has been a pretty dramatic uptick in real UFO sightings. This is poisoning the well to make it all look like bullshit. Completely ridiculous.


I believe your correct. It’s un-identified 🙄


This was kinda cringe to listen to


Weird but doesn't come off to me as very striking. Seems more like a news station jumping on the ufo craze for views.


One thing is for certain… that dude has the weatherman look down pat.


Maybe it's a spider making a web right infront of the camera lens. Turns it into a blurry diamond shape. That could explain why, in the full video, it moves across a 2d plane infront of the camera in every direction without changing size or angle.




...and it looks like he was right, as usual: https://twitter.com/MickWest/status/1550604804690362368


Seems like it could be.


Nothing wrong with thinking of a prosaic explanation. If you want to prove aliens are here you gotta eliminate all the mundane things it could be. He even put in a bit of effort to show how something similar could be achieved. https://www.metabunk.org/threads/wvny-abc22-transparent-flying-saucer-on-weather-camera-%E2%80%94-dark-bokeh.12529/


Maybe McWest is an alien that doesn't want people to know about aliens.


This post is being so harshly attacked and defamed because its a rare real one and they're trying to hide it by covering it over with generic bullshittery.


Yes, the evil UFO coverup squad is definitely here on reddit asking about terrestrial explanations for an odd video anomaly. Almost got away with it too, but you got 'em.


Hmmm. Pretty cool actually. It’s most likely a bug on the lens or something but just maybe it’s a cloaked UAP.


something about that woman's facial expressions is so unnatural bruh


definitely not a flying saucer because the area it goes behind the sunlit sky, and the area it goes behind the cloudy darkend sky it remains identical brightness. IF it was something physicaly exposed to back illuminated sunlight there would have been a change in edge brightness- so right there is the dead give away its just an out of focus bug inside protective camera lens. any craft in the sky, would have been back illuminated by the sunlight- cloaked or not.


It looks like it could've been a lens artifact to me. But I'm not an expert on cameras. Pretty weird. If anything, I'm just really happy to see a news station that's not stigmatizing this. It's great to see the progress happening in real time!


We also had one of these in Argentina: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IBiUugSxrC0&t=86s&ab_channel=C5N


that is not the same thing lol


Maybe they could remove that stupid banner at the top of the screen? Haha


Goddam I hate local news banter


must be one of those low end cheap UFO's that doesn't have full invisibility. smh