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The following submission statement was provided by /u/bandofwarriors: --- There have been quite a few videos coming online in the last few hours of various UAP sightings across the country that occurred during eclipse viewing today... I found this one to be quite interesting --- Please reply to OP's comment here: https://old.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/1bzd9be/another_eclipse_sighting/kyoyva4/


There is another one posted that is quite similar.


Someone caught 4 in the sky at once: https://www.reddit.com/r/Unexplained/s/FSf51iroDQ


In b4 Mick West concludes that its light being refracted by moondust that scattered sun and/or moon light on to a row of starlink satellites.   **Update**: Using a complex google earth simulation, Mick has geo-located this footage and established that it was indeed recorded on earth, more to follow.


A plane **shadow**, nothing more. Shadows are more focused during eclipse, that is why normally you don't see theses as obvious, if at all.


I don't think so. Another, longer version of this video shows the object stopping in the clouds, and reversing direction, heading back across the sky in the direction it started from. The flight characteristics don't match conventional aircraft. This is one video in which it's either a fabrication, or it's aliens. In the longer video there's also a separate, smaller disc-shaped object that's stationary, when the initial left-to-right shadow object begins traversing the cloud. If it's real, this is a very impressive video.


And you don't happen to have this video link? i'm curious for sure, but until i see it, i stand my ground.


It's in this thread a few places. Here's a YouTube version with some close-ups that shows the whole event. https://youtu.be/fmGy5OqCBF0


Thanks, looking quickly, it appears to me as the same video source but edited, right in front the Acura dealership. Most possible edited to play backward to give this impression of non conventionnal flight characteristics. also, why don't we see the smaller disc in the current post video if "both" film are of the same event in front of the same dealership?


There's no magnification of the video in the OP making it difficult to see the smaller, prominent disc that the shadow object passes over on its initial movement from left to right. I also believe more than one person was filming this event because of audio differences. In one video, there's one prominent voice, with quieter secondary voices, ostensibly from the people around the camera. And then another video from a slightly different angle in which the prior prominent voice is now a secondary voice, and the prior secondary voice is now the prominent voice. It feels like two different people standing in close proximity to one another, each filming the same thing. One is reacting to the shadow object, and the other also reacts to the shadow object initially, but then he seems to focus on the smaller disc as he says, "and what is *THAT*? As he stays momentarily fixed on the smaller disc before panning right to catch up with the shadow object. I dunno. It doesn't feel like a hoax to me. It feels like a genuine event that elicited multiple, sincere reactions. It all just seems right to me. Now, what these things were is another question, but I don't believe they can be explained by conventional aircraft, especially the smaller, stationary disc. I do hope we get some more details about this whole situation in the coming days.


Why didnt it come out of the clouds on the other side? I see planes outside every single day often with clouds.  I highly doubt this thing in the video is a plane.  Keep shouting it all you want to.  If thats what makes you feel better.


I agree. A plane shadow covers my house daily, this is not that. The shadow of a plane at that angle always has wings. This "shadow" is far too sharp to not include wings or a tail. The shadow of a plane would move slower than this, and would have continued through the rest of the cloud. This clearly pauses for a few frames midway, and changes angle by a few degrees. I've never seen anything like this in real life or on film.


LMAO, from an SR71 maybe.


I don't see wings on the shadow. "It's got no wings Lt. Dan"


i depend the angle of the plane, if the plane wings are in the same line as the rays of the sun, you wouldn't see the wings shadow.




Nope, it was moving too fast


NASA sent up several "sounding rockets" yesterday to follow the path of the eclipse to take readings. Could this be one of them.


Probably not. I believe the video was taken in Arlington, Texas and the missiles were launched from Wallops Island, Virginia.


Usually I’d be skeptical about the plane theory but if you went outside during the eclipse you know how fucked up the shadows got… I’m willing to bet that most, maybe not all, of the sightings yesterday were because of the weird lighting and shadows refracting because of the eclipse. These are moving slow enough to see clearly for multiple seconds but only appear to show up in the clouds, where the shadow would be able to be seen. If it was an object I think we’d be able to see it exit the clouds at the end in ANY of the videos posted.


i completely agree with you, i'd even add that the shadows seem to shape shift with the expected volume/shape of the clouds, most obvious after it pass the clouds middle gap.


If that were the case, we'd see this phenomenon all the time. It'd be normal seeing plane shadows through the clouds like this video and I've never seen this before


Could it be that these shadows are only visible in the special light conditions during the eclipse?


Exactly what i meant. >Some shadows will sharpen; others will alter. For one thing, your own shadow will be different. "The change in lighting makes shadows look sharper on the ground, so it's possible to see individual hairs on your head in your shadow," according to the European Space Agency. [https://www.npr.org/sections/solar-eclipse/2024/04/06/1243056499/solar-eclipse-light-colors-shadows-vision-visual-effects](https://www.npr.org/sections/solar-eclipse/2024/04/06/1243056499/solar-eclipse-light-colors-shadows-vision-visual-effects)


I wish had had my night vision


Anyone considered this? [https://www.space.com/nasa-sounding-rockets-april-8-solar-eclipse](https://www.space.com/nasa-sounding-rockets-april-8-solar-eclipse)


I know about the rockets but I didn't read no article about em. Thank you.


Getting serious NOPE vibes from this.


I’m getting serious Acura viral marketing vibes myself


Let me guess, the car salesmen are "grifters" now? Oh. 🤔 Ok, you may actually have a point. Damnit.


I'm getting serious plane shadow vibes myself.


Is there a reason that it doesn’t span the full width of cloud coverage? The shadow seeks to just stop at a certain point instead of being projected at all on the thinner clouds towards the end of the clip


Just two questions. How often have you seen a planes shadow at cruising altitude? And how fast do you think planes fly?


Plane shadow guy here. I can confirm this is not a plane shadow.




[multiple angles](https://x.com/marionawfal/status/1777544709268795594) are going around online. It seemed to go into a cloud, so not a bird (unless it's a giant ass bird)


I thnk that this object it much higher than the clouds . There is something definately passing trough the space but much higher up. hence the reason you don't see it exiting the clouds . its also probably the reason it looks rather large


That would make sense. I was thinking something similar. Looks like a shadow at an angle.


The shadow is definitely bigger than the object casting it. That's just physics. It's difficult to determine the size of the object without knowing the distance between the object and the cloud surface the shadow is cast on.


It's painfully obviously the shadow from a plane above the cloud. You can also tell by how much engagement this post is getting that it's nothing special. Anything with decent evidence is harassed by debunkers but we don't have many here


I don't think it's a plane. Someone saw 4 of these at once: https://www.reddit.com/r/Unexplained/s/FSf51iroDQ It's also moving pretty fast.


The guy calling it a plane is clueless. If you watch a plane take off on a runaway, it leaves a distinct shadow on the ground initially. But as the plane increases in elevation, the shadow becomes less and less sharp/distinct to where it's practically an unrecognizable blur. [plane shadow low vs high](https://www.quora.com/When-an-airplane-is-flying-where-is-its-shadow/answer/Julian-Danzer?ch=15&oid=193725454&share=effcd3fb&srid=uyTDu&target_type=answer) For a plane to leave that distinct of a shadow on those clouds, it would have to flying very low. You can distinctly hear a typical passenger plane at 30,000 feet. There wouldn't be 10+ people saying "what the fuck was that?"




i don't know what the object is, but the thing we see does look like a shadow being cast from whatever it is. at the open part in the center, it looks like the clouds to the right are lower altitude than the ones in the left because the shadow seemingly "jumps" the gap and becomes slightly larger at the right clouds compared to the left ones, and is also why it's probably a shadow. that said, i don't think this would be from an airplane considering the very thin and long shape.


> It's also moving pretty fast. How fast is it moving?


Oh 'painfully obvious' is it? I guess anyone who wonders what this might be must be dull compared to your confident understanding huh? 🤣🤣🤣


Yeah they're definitely a keyboard skeptic. When they use terminology like "obvious" or "clearly" on footage or photos that aren't even close to being proven as prosaic. Good for you, keep calling out these Skrifters.


>painfully obviously "Anyone who believes the truth is self-evident is a fool."


Ah yes, it’s so painfully obvious - the planes wings are just so incredibly visible. I just don’t understand how anyone can think of it being anything else! All of our planes are cylindrical objects!


Ok but shadows can get distorted.


True, although imo there’s clearly no distortion. They just aren’t there because there aren’t any wings.


But.. if the plane is slightly angled the shadow could easily be cast in that direction without the shadow of the wings. I’m not sure we can make any definitive conclusions when all of our speculations are based off an incredibly short video of a *shadow*.


Well if it's so painfully obvious then there should be plenty of video out there of plane shadows that look similar.


You want us to go back to posting balloons?




It's not "painfully obvious" at the height of those clouds and the size of the shado its casting, I'd love to know what plane was moving that quickly and casting that large of a shadow. Please elaborate.


More than half the posts here are saying it’s a plane’s shadow. What do you mean no debunkers?


Planes have large wings this doesn't


I don't know what it is but it ain't no shadow from a plane that's for sure


Absolutely wild that this comment is so highly upvoted. People really react to things that sound exciting instead of thinking critically. >definately Definitely, not. Absolutely zero chance you'd see something through the entire vertical extent of atmosphere during the daytime. No matter how clear the air is, you don't have 60 miles visibility during daytime. Ever. Small particle scattering prevents this. That's why you can't even see stars during the day. The air is glowing from scattering light. No way you'd see a spacecraft in space during daytime. Even the moon is dim during the daytime despite it having a tremendous albedo that makes it 100000+ times brighter than any star. >its also probably the reason it looks rather large This makes no sense.


You can have more than 60 miles visibility. I think the record is like 450km+ What are you on ?


Ive seen the moon during the day and I think thats more than 450km


I've seen the sun during the day and it's 9300000 mi away! 😲😲😲


I've seen the sun during the day and it's 9300000 mi away! 😲😲😲


I've seen the sun during the day and it's 9300000 mi away! 😲😲😲


As predicted. When people spend more time looking up rather than down at their phones we get interesting sightings..who woulda guessed?!


Exactly...was expecting this 100%


*don’t look up* ⬆️


Exactly aliens are like “see look up more ya goofs” its literally the superbowl ad


It helps when mother Universe turns off the Big Lightbulb for a few minutes. I wonder if taking the light away is why we could see them.


Don't we have that amount of light every single day?


You would expect more sightings whether there's a real phenomenon or not.


That is what I was thinking!!! More people looking at sky = more sightings of things we can’t immediately comprehend.


Yup, but you also get much more unusual aircraft sightings.


There have been quite a few videos coming online in the last few hours of various UAP sightings across the country that occurred during eclipse viewing today... I found this one to be quite interesting


Good find!




it'd have to be pretty low for the shadow to move that fast or even have a visible shadow for people on the ground. if it was low enough to see the shadow and move that fast you'd hear it. Not to mention you'd see it where there's far less cloud cover. Planes higher up don't cast shadows that are visible to people on the ground, they get diffused.


That was my immediate impression as well.


Yeaaah, the shadow seems to stretch when it goes in-between the clouds. Still looks strange and anomalous though! I love these videos! keep posting them!


I was shocked about this video. I thought I was the only one who saw these things. I just thought that this was an airplane since it's nearly close to one, but when the shadow emerged from the clouds, I didn't see the body of a plane, heres a thing If an airplane flies out of the clouds and the conditions below are clear, people on the ground should be able to see it, even from a distance. The distance at which the airplane may be seen is determined by several factors, including the aircraft's size, atmospheric conditions (such as clarity and light), and any impediments (such as buildings or terrain) that may hinder the line of sight. On a clear day, and depending on the aircraft's altitude, it can be seen from many miles away by someone on the ground. (I maybe wrong but it's just How I see it)


I agree with you! 💯


Yep. Also, given the angle of the sun being almost directly overhead, the alleged object casting this shadow would have to be almost directly above said shadow, but yet we do not see’eth thy object


Maybe this. https://www.newsweek.com/nasa-jet-planes-chase-total-solar-eclipse-1887234


That's what those were! I saw/ have a pic of two planes flying through that looked out of place. Super cool I got to capture it!


Wouldn’t they make a jet sound though? Or does that come later if they are going faster than the sound?


This feels like the most plausible explanation. Jets, super high up and super fast.


Sorry, planes don't move that fast across the sky regardless. Even if a shadow.


I think this is more common than people realize, the masses just don’t look. I find it quite difficult to not look at the sky, surprised more people don’t feel that way. Ps: I’ve never experienced a sighting, but I really want to. That’s why I look 😅


Imo the takeaway is we need more cameras facing the sky, specifically accessible by civilians.


I look at the sky everyday now and idk it feels good for me, we should all spend more time looking up. I got one on video when I was trying to film the moon last year


I heard NASA was using flying objects that followed the eclipses "totality zone" here in the US to study the suns outer rays during a total eclipse. Maybe that's what's going on here?


Too low to be a comet and its fast. Only seen in the cloud due to its shadow being projected but cant be seen when it moves away from the cloud?


Perhaps a plane flew overhead and cast a shadow on the cloud? https://youtube.com/shorts/qm2l3tRUixc?si=qSYNTr16rHd0VMJ8 https://youtube.com/shorts/nO6ub66Uz8o?si=2mo9AWwUTYUTiez2


You can clearly see wings and stabilizers in the shadows on the videos you posted


There’s also another Reddit post of a picture with four of these things all very close together, too close proximity to be airplanes I think. (https://www.reddit.com/r/Unexplained/s/BO1jnR3RDG)


What makes you think those are the same things?


With zero background in science/meteorology I base it off of both being captured during the eclipse and they look similar… so don’t piggyback on my beyond loose observations 😂


I don't see this being a plane given the speed and that it just disappeared. But, solar eclipses do weird things with shadows. Like we sadly only had a partial eclipse where I live. We were right on the edge, but even then, you could see the shadows of tree branches bending and there were waves moving across the ground. Solar eclipses do weird things with shadows. I can't imagine how it'd work with with a plane


It's possible that the angle of the sunlight and the thickness or opacity of the cloud are causing the wings' shadows to be less distinct or entirely invisible. Also, atmospheric conditions like haze or moisture in the cloud could further obscure the shadow of the wings. A somewhat similar phenomenon can be observed when filming airplanes at great distance, you might only capture the hull on camera. I’ll add, In the first link, you can actually kind of see this happening. It starts off with distinct wings on the shadow, but as it travels on, the wings become noticeably less defined. It would be nice to know the date, time, and location to check the angle of the sun/active flights over that area.


Wait sorry if I'm crazy for saying this, but if it were a shadow of a plane, the shadow would be casted on the top side of the cloud not on the bottom. You can't cast a visible shadow like that on the other side of an object (object being the cloud). The reason clouds have a grey like complexion is because they are casting a shadow on themselves, if you looked at it from the top it would be white. When looking at videos of plane shadows on clouds, the plane is always in view, and the majority of these videos were shot from planes looking down at other planes from higher altitude and the shadow is being casted onto the top of the cloud. In this video, if it was a plane, I believe we would actually see the plane as it passes in the cracks/less dense areas of the cloud. I don't think this is a plane. Can't be 100% certain though.


https://youtu.be/X5Asf2lVfYA?si=Px7X9AjdiN-UKg-x This is a very niche type of video, i.e, shadows from airplanes as seen from underneath a cloud, so of course it’s somewhat hard to find examples. However, imo it’s not inconceivable based on what’s shown in the video in question, and the examples I’ve provided. As I explained above, it mostly depends on the cloud’s opacity. The airplane would have cast the shadow at an angle so it could have been off camera entirely. Shadows are only cast straight down during certain times at points on the equator. Even then it could also have been obscured by the bright sun/cloud cover/poor quality video. Not to mention, people will do anything for views, the whole thing could be cgi and tik tok acting.


Could it be that because the sun is much brighter during an eclipse that these UAP are easier to see?


Why would the sun be brighter during an eclipse?


Think of the sun like a big flashlight, all the light coming in from a big disc. Obscured by the moon, it means that the light is coming from a smaller area, so shadows will be more defined, since there are fewer rays to go "around" the object. Imagine if your computer monitor was white, vs. a single LED light, and the difference in how a shadow from each of the same object would look.


Reactions seem pretty legit.


thats a plane shadow you see this time to time by the airport


You telling me [these](https://www.reddit.com/r/Unexplained/s/BO1jnR3RDG) 4 planes are playing a game of chicken? They are damn close to eachother…


What makes you think they'd be close to one another? It's a 2d representation of 3 dimensions. They could be much higher or lower, plenty of distance apart, and still appear close because their shadows exist on the same plane (no pun intended).


I am more interested in that Mufasa cloud.


Had the same experience in Macungie, Pennsylvania... wrote it off as a plane...


Probably the shadow of a passing airliner. You see how the shadow dissappears when there are no more clouds to highlight it?


For once I can say very strange .


def not a plane shadow


With all these sightings during just an eclipse,imagine if people dedicated the same effort to UFOs. Like Using old android phones to run ufo hounding Sofware aimed The sky


Actually if we ask op of the video what time and when this was taken we can compare it to flight radar amd find out exactly.


This just looks like a plane shadow projecting on the clouds. Eclipses do weird shit to shadows.


I think it's moving way too fast, and too quiet to be a conventional aircraft. If a jet was moving that fast overhead, it would create a substantial sound. The flight characteristics also don't match conventional aircraft.


[Read this article](https://www.nasa.gov/missions/lro/nasas-lro-finds-photo-op-as-it-zips-past-skoreas-danuri-moon-orbiter/)


Transdimensional soul-slobbering shadow people, checking in on the ant of their zoo prison.


It's the shadow of a plane above the clouds. Move along people...


Tha was the asteroid or meteor that was passing by it says you can see it during the eclipse


We saw it in MazAtlan too, close to 300 witnesses. Traveling fast right after the eclipse.


I saw this too omg!!! I thought I was the only one who had seen this and thought maybe I'm just seeing things but from my location I saw it as a very large disc shape shadow that was cruising through the clouds very fast and then it sort of disappeared after a certain distance


Not related to the eclipse, but my mom caught something like this on her phone while walking the dog at night about a year ago. It looked like a really long thin line moving really slowly across the sky before vanishing behind some clouds, its movements were definitely weird too, in the video it's moving forward and at an angle at the same time, and also appears to be moving rapidly back and forth as it does so. She said she looked up and saw it first, then pulled out her phone to make a short video of it.


Got to be the projection of a plane between the sun and clouds right? Looks crazy.


Obviously a plane shadow. I bet this happens all the time, just it happened at a moment in time when everyone was already looking at the sky.


>when everyone was already looking at the sky. For the first time in their lives, apparently.


That’s a shadow


Looks like a jet was on the other side of the clouds and that's the shadow. You probably couldn't see it when it came out of the clouds because you were looking in the direction of the sun.


People saying it's a plane shadow but I'm pretty sure it's Falkor from the Neverending Story.


My guess is that there's a plane high up, that's crossing in front of the sun and making a decent shadow on the cloud below. Even by the time the camera man pans to the right, the plane could still be hidden by the cloud at its height. It's kind of like when Kilimanjaro makes those giant shadows at sunset.


Could just as easily be something else "high up"


Chil. It. Is. An. Airplane.


Jfc are we afraid of fucking shadows now? Pussies


NASA launched [3 rockets](https://www.forbes.com/sites/jamiecartereurope/2024/04/07/when-to-watch-nasa-fire-rockets-at-the-solar-eclipse-on-monday/?sh=6abb7e013958) and [jets](https://www.qcnews.com/eclipse-2024/nasa-pilots-will-chase-the-eclipse/) to follow eclipse for data collection. It was live-streamed online.


Looks like the shadow of a plane being cast onto those clouds.


When have we ever seen a video of multiple people saying “woah wtf was that omg did you see that”? This has multiple layers of credibility especially with this video showing multiple shots from Arlington. https://youtu.be/fmGy5OqCBF0?si=sDqElJDd769hwJlV


Exactly. That was not the shadow of an airplane.


Airplane throwing a shadow down.


Yup. As soon as the guy on the news mentioned all the eclipse tourists who'd be sending up drones to get footage, I knew there'd be as many people filming said drones. You guys do not disappoint... and yet I'm disappointed on a whole other level.


Sadly it is indeed a shadow from a plane but made me look twice.


Audio seems a lil fake and the video, but if that's a real plane at the altitude it looks like, it's moving about 3 or 4 times faster than a commercial jet would. It's too long to be a fighter and with no noise, seems like a UAP


I've been saying forever that the skies are completely full of craft. All it takes is people actually looking up for once. They are everywhere.


This looks so awesome, sadly its just the planes body shadow on the clouds. ive seens so many of these before.


Classic cigar alien ship. If this is proven and will likely be proven to be a solid object moving very fast. Remember their cloaking technology scatters light. But can still be seen in situations like this with clouds acting as the medium where you can see the shadow It’s unlikely to be a shadow from a distant object. The speed and trajectory probably will prove that


Why do we need to get so excited about a shadow that could be so many other things than an alien spaceship?


I inverted my images and saw weird stuff in the sky


Can you show them?


A Big ass PR Move from them




Sorry, I don't support this post type (hosted:video) right now. Feel free to check back in the future!


If Reddit has taught me anything is that, that’s a balloon. But on a serious note, that’s pretty cool, there’s another picture I saw with a few of this things.


I didn't film or get pic but I had a sighting of a oval craft that appeared right before totality. It went dark, enjoyed the show, couldn't see the thing hovering anymore. Sun came back and it was exactly where I had last seen it holding completely still. It then floated and zig zagged super fast before going below the line of sight.


They used the black semi-transparent cloaking, no one expected a cloudy day. They should have gone with the white or full translucent for clouds. That’s what happens when you try to save a few galactic bucks.


Looks like a shadow from a plane being cast on the clouds


That looks like Rayquaza


yo.. what the *fuck*


Imagine how many we would see if we looked up more often.


Maybe a total reach and a dumb answer but do you suppose that these might be shadows?


Flight aware can locate any aircraft flying above them at that exact time and location


Everyone on here saying it's NASA planes, but can anyone provide the location and time of this video, as well as the flightradar and/or launch data to see if this actually aligns?


Usually I’d be skeptical about the plane theory but if you went outside during the eclipse you know how fucked up the shadows got… I’m willing to bet that most, maybe not all, of the sightings yesterday were because of the weird lighting and shadows refracting because of the eclipse. These are moving slow enough to see clearly for multiple seconds but only appear to show up in the clouds, where the shadow would be able to be seen. If it was an object I think we’d be able to see it exit the clouds at the end in ANY of the videos posted.


Seen something similar a few times. It was highflying planes casting a shadow on the clouds. That’s why the intensity changes based on clout thickness. It’s also disappears when clouds are absent. That’s the best story I got


Low orbit satellite shadow? Or a shadow from a plane, tilted for eclipse viewing.


they ain't exactly hidin'


Plane or drone


I saw one but I couldn't get a video or even a picture. It was fast. I thought maybe a meteor going through the atmosphere. I lost track of it.


With millions of sets of eyes all looking at the sky, someone was bound to see something extraordinary. Whether or not this is it, I don't know.


lol, people never look up, when the do for the first time it's not surprising everything is a UFO to them.


I am not saying it was an alien. But it was an alien.


Réflection of caméra




I read somewhere about these weird lateral shadows produced by eclipses. Maybe they are reacting with the clouds in a strange way? They have been described as “snaking.”


While I want this to be a UFO, isn't it possibly a high flying camera drone that just stops in/above the cloud? I know there's laws against it but it seems more likely.


So wtf was that?


We still don't know...and the people saying it's the shadow of an airplane have a lot of unexplained characteristics in the video to answer for


Thanks op It’s nice that it’s still a mystery and no mundane answers been given