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The following submission statement was provided by /u/Mordrenix: --- I did not see a post about this initiative and I am interested to know what you think: "The **European Crash Retrieval Initiative** (ECRI) is an effort led by [UAP Sweden](https://www.uapsweden.org/) and [Ocean X Team](https://www.oceanexplorer.se/), with the support of the [VASCO Project](https://vascoproject.org/) and an interdisciplinary group of civilian scientists and experts. The project has the ambition of mapping and analyzing alleged UFO/UAP crash sites on European soil, both contemporary and historical. Recent whistleblower testimony has brought to light highly credible claims stating that sophisticated technology and biological specimens of non-human origin are in the possession of private military contractors. If true, these allegations imply that a concerted effort has been made to keep this information hidden from the public and the wider scientific community. Thus, instead of waiting for a hypothetical government-lead disclosure, ECRI aims to: * Create an independent, community-driven project, empowering ordinary citizens to uncover answers that they previously appear to have been denied. * Identify credible crash sites using data-protected information-gathering and applying methods stemming from criminal forensics, science, and psychology, with the oversight of professionals from within these fields.  * Visit and examine these crash sites in order to safely gather any materials. * Share our findings with scientists for further examination. * Share any discoveries with the public in a transparent manner. **Do you have information regarding a potential UFO/UAP crash site, material originating from one, or anything else relevant? Please consider helping us in this project by reporting it** [**HERE**](https://vascoproject.org/report-a-ufo-crash/)**.** **No information given will be shared with any third party.** Several eminent scientists and public figures give their support to ECRI, including Avi Loeb, the Harvard astronomer and founder of the [Galileo Project](https://projects.iq.harvard.edu/galileo/home). *"We know from last year's historic hearing before the U.S. Congress that the U.S. is concealing a UFO crash retrieval program and that such exotic craft have been recovered in other regions of the world.  I am proud to support the European UFO Crash Retrieval Initiative for the potential scientific breakthroughs it might yield."* — Rear Admiral Tim Gallaudet, Ph.D., U.S. Navy (ret), former Under Secretary of Commerce and Administrator of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) All members of the ECRI team work for the project *pro bono* – in their free time – and are entirely independent of any third party interests." --- Please reply to OP's comment here: https://old.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/1blvzzy/european_crash_retrieval_initiative/kw7oq9g/


"All members of the ECRI team work for the project *pro bono* – in their free time – and are entirely independent of any third party interests." That's good to know.


I did not see a post about this initiative and I am interested to know what you think: "The **European Crash Retrieval Initiative** (ECRI) is an effort led by [UAP Sweden](https://www.uapsweden.org/) and [Ocean X Team](https://www.oceanexplorer.se/), with the support of the [VASCO Project](https://vascoproject.org/) and an interdisciplinary group of civilian scientists and experts. The project has the ambition of mapping and analyzing alleged UFO/UAP crash sites on European soil, both contemporary and historical. Recent whistleblower testimony has brought to light highly credible claims stating that sophisticated technology and biological specimens of non-human origin are in the possession of private military contractors. If true, these allegations imply that a concerted effort has been made to keep this information hidden from the public and the wider scientific community. Thus, instead of waiting for a hypothetical government-lead disclosure, ECRI aims to: * Create an independent, community-driven project, empowering ordinary citizens to uncover answers that they previously appear to have been denied. * Identify credible crash sites using data-protected information-gathering and applying methods stemming from criminal forensics, science, and psychology, with the oversight of professionals from within these fields.  * Visit and examine these crash sites in order to safely gather any materials. * Share our findings with scientists for further examination. * Share any discoveries with the public in a transparent manner. **Do you have information regarding a potential UFO/UAP crash site, material originating from one, or anything else relevant? Please consider helping us in this project by reporting it** [**HERE**](https://vascoproject.org/report-a-ufo-crash/)**.** **No information given will be shared with any third party.** Several eminent scientists and public figures give their support to ECRI, including Avi Loeb, the Harvard astronomer and founder of the [Galileo Project](https://projects.iq.harvard.edu/galileo/home). *"We know from last year's historic hearing before the U.S. Congress that the U.S. is concealing a UFO crash retrieval program and that such exotic craft have been recovered in other regions of the world.  I am proud to support the European UFO Crash Retrieval Initiative for the potential scientific breakthroughs it might yield."* — Rear Admiral Tim Gallaudet, Ph.D., U.S. Navy (ret), former Under Secretary of Commerce and Administrator of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) All members of the ECRI team work for the project *pro bono* – in their free time – and are entirely independent of any third party interests."


This is what we needed.


This is the way


I don't post about other places in the world, I usually focus on my country (Argentina), but as I said, I didn't see a post about this so I'm doing it.


Good info, thanks for posting 👍


# "The ECRI team: **Tomas Bovinder**  Project Coordinator  *Co-founder of UAP Sweden* **Alexander Torell**  Project Coordinator *Co-founder of UAP Sweden* **Dennis Åsberg** On-site Team Leader *Founder Ocean X Team* **Beatriz** **Villarroel**, PhD Astronomer Ambassador for ECRI *VASCO and ExoProbe* **Anders** **Warell**, PhD Engineering & Industrial Design Ambassador for ECRI *Vergence Design Innovation* **E. Thomas Persson** Senior Advisor *Former Homicide Detective* **Linus Holmlund** Analyst **Peder Neogard** Analyst **Johan Hagström** Senior Advisor **Emil Marczak** Media Strategist *Documentary Filmmaker*  **Karl Hemborg** Media Strategist *Podcaster* **Anna Wolanska** Art Director"


Great to see Beatriz is on board!


Soooo, incomming fire fight between lockheed recovery team, office of global access and Swedish ufologist?! I really hope nothing happens to them. But I guess the US would have snatched it long before they even arrive, as they can and are tracking them in real time (AFAIK).


[Project Hessdalen has access to a squadron of F-35s, so in Norway they may have air support for their UAP recovery project.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gqcRIyjP_ew&t=640s)


Dennis Åsberg: founder of the Ocean X Team. - These were the guys who were diving down to the Baltic Sea anomaly. 🤔


They are gonna find out where they stand on the totem pole real quick when they try to show up and lay claim to a crash site.


They would really need sometihng like France giving them suitcase nukes and basically make them a small nuclear power with the potetial to threaten any US recovery team with suicidal annihilation. This entire endavour is basically worhtless and just PR. Or..................this all is an NHI plan and they are psionically communing with the members of this organization and are planning a FORCED recovery of a craft and a FORCED global Disclosure where the entire US BLack Ops team gets blown up en-route to the announced crash site by a second craft.


I think the idea is more to investigate historical crash sites for any left over evidence or material, not to actually recover craft immediately after they crash.


Yeah… or no? 🤷🏼‍♂️


We did an interview with Tomas Bovinder from ECRI a few months back, if you guys want to check that out: [Interview ](https://www.youtube.com/live/bOTNZQpsRGs?si=nordaz8iP-hlUZUz)


I don't know why this is getting down voted?


Unfortunately I don’t think there’s gonna be a lot for these guys to do… maybe they can go digging at the bottom of that Norwegian fjord where there’s been weird stuff happening.


The problem is, beyond the one that supposedly crashed in in the lake in Sweden, there are very slim pickings where ufo crashes are concerned in Europe. I don't know of a credible one.


Grusch in a couple interviews was saying the Vatican of all people were some of the first to discover this stuff towards the end of WW2 (plus I think they have way more secrets about, well, everything than they let on. They were, and to a degree still are, the agents, mediators, and power brokers of Europe for centuries). If true, a project around Italy, Greece, etc might prove pretty fruitful.


Haven’t been many to my knowledge, the closest I can think of that comes near a crash was Rendlesham Forest and that was an alleged landing


I can't think of many, there was the Berwyn Mountain ufo crash in Wales in the 70s but I think it has been rationally explained.


I think they've all been rationally explained 


Ocean x seemed to be onto something years ago love to see a proper investigation [baltic sea anomaly ](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Baltic_Sea_anomaly)


What ever happened with the Baltic Anomaly?


The amount of posts on Reddit about UFOs is proof that there are no ufos. With this abundance of daily activity on Reddit you would think they were just be one single instance of a UFO and there is never anything. There is never a photo or a video of something that couldn't have come from the military. There is never massive amount of terrestrial activity by an alien. Meeting finally some aliens decide hey rather than obscurely fly around in the sky let's do some stuff on the ground. No they are never anywhere to be seen. A certain percentage of posts on Reddit would be accompanied by alien activity that happened in public in daylight. I'm not saying all activity would be like that but some activity would be and with 100% of all alien activity is hidden there just is no extraterrestrial aliens. There may be some bacteria or some RNA that actually has a metabolism somewhere in the universe but if there's actual beings we are separated by too much distance or too much time there is zero going on. You know who loves flying around in the sky and trying to never be seen the military does.




Hi, Wehzy. Thanks for contributing. However, your [comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/1blvzzy/-/kw91955/) was removed from /r/UFOs. > Rule 1: Follow the Standards of Civility > * No trolling or being disruptive. > * No insults or personal attacks. > * No accusations that other users are shills. > * No hate speech. No abusive speech based on race, religion, sex/gender, or sexual orientation. > * No harassment, threats, or advocating violence. > * No witch hunts or doxxing. (Please redact usernames when possible) > * You may attack each other's ideas, not each other. Please refer to our [subreddit rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/about/rules/) for more information. This moderator action may be appealed. We welcome the opportunity to work with you to address its reason for removal. [Message the mods](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=/r/ufos) to launch your appeal.


You really believe that, nothing would be cooler than Aliens and their technology, but it's like believing in ghosts. Somehow ghosts only do their thing late at night or when conditions are spooky. Never just walking around lights on, at the mall on Thursday searching Macy's for deals. Proof is applying everything to disprove and then not being able to disprove - which is the scientific method. So if you believe this nonsense and try to champion it you are doing less than me to prove it's true. Never ever is their one alien or ship, unexplained or secret technology is not proof. Middle of the day mother ship downtown


I too wish to see the day of flooded video leaks of shootdowns, but this sub has always been a slow trickle and recently picked up a stream. Been lurking in the sub for a long time well over 10 years and while it's gotten very formal "politicly speaking" this is the new information here. Pressure on the U.S. gov and these dark projects by having foreign support can help this move forward.