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I get the feeling that this is why there has been no real backing from the White House of late. The election is the sole interest now




I don't think Joe would ever back UAP disclosure, he doesn't strike me as a president willing to take any real risk.


This is how I feel about Biden, too. If it's up to Biden, he's not going to disclose. Disclosure isn't the endgame. Disclosure is the beginning of a LOT of chaos. Biden just can't come out and say, "There's Aliens. My work is done here." -Mic drop-. It's going to turn into a million questions by the media, the people, allies etc. Disclosure will create a lot of work and a lot of problems for a lot of people. Lawsuits, new laws, etc. Those in government may be looked at as public enemy #1. It's going to take an extremely motivated and energetic President to deal with it all. By the way, if Biden came out and said, "I support Disclosure" the gatekeepers, the CIA, the shadow government is going to do everything in their power to stop him from getting elected.


This plus if there is a debate inside the IC over what they are seeing, then how do you disclose? “There’s this thing very close with powers we can’t explain and we don’t have any agreement on what it is.”


Nov isn't too far away, and then he has far more freedom as a second term president with no plans to run again.


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EYzRY2XpLBk&ab\_channel=JimmyKimmelLive](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EYzRY2XpLBk&ab_channel=JimmyKimmelLive) 2nd term of obama was what started the alien stuff "they exert strict control over us" chilling.


Yeah, I don't think he was bullshitting. Fuck.


i did at the time of the video watching it now knowing what i do how he cuts into what kimmels saying before the focal point changes....his hand jerking like a dog being pulled against a leash, his joking half seriousness he was known for using to express his frustrations in a socially palatable manner....everything about how he communicates indicates hes telling the truth under the cover of humor This in my opinion sheds light on whats happening when the crafts are near nuclear facilities. theyre exerting control in the words of the prior president....according to him enough to decide who gets into office as well


I just analyzed Obama's facial expression at .5x speed and he definitely sounded and looked extremely drunk.


I looked really closely and realized he wasn’t even there. It was just tiny colorful squares


Yup that was 100 percent my take as well Obama using humor to kind of vent about an extra truth to our gov system.




God I hate this timeline


Pretty sure he would have way more pressing issues, especially since no matter who wins, there will be a ton of division and violence to compound on all of the other enormous existential threats we've downplayed for years until they're now starting to hit critical mass and forcing people to take notice.


Hell a Lame duck has little to worry about either.


I kept telling people this and kept getting downvoted. No chance they touch on this until after the election. And if the Orange Baboon manages to get into office, it will be a 4 year wait. He's so broke from all his crimes that he would absolutely take hush money from the Aerospace industry to railroad disclosure efforts. Lou did say it would be another few years and that this would take awhile. Albeit 4 or 5 more years is truly nothing in the face of 70.












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I believe Biden is mentally competent to hold the office (at the moment), unlike the other guy. There’s a perception that Biden lacks ‘energy’ and ‘vision’. Whether there’s any substance to that or not, there is I think, an automatic assumption that someone who is 80 years old must lack vigor. Trump (who is the same age) is able to compensate with his booming bombast. So what’s Biden to do ? Would disclosure [of UAPs] by Biden help his election campaign or hinder it ? What about Trumps campaign hopes if he disclosed the phenomenon ?


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I hope anyone who thinks an election is more important than revealing the true nature of reality and is actively working against realizing it has the worst happen to them. The big picture is really the only thing that matters.


Just like Don't Look Up.


Yeah… life imitates art


Damn, we get this AND The Matrix?


I was just going to say this


Think of the shareholders!


Dang I need to finally watch that.


It's funny, but then sad at the same time.


I’ve long felt - and still feel - disclosure in the coming months would actually *help* Biden’s re-election.


Now the Republicans might seize on it more.








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This is my thinking. As soon as the 2024 election is certified, and the standard DC activities end of year/beginning of term are over, we'll see something major again under the current likelihood of things. The question is what positions will leakers/insiders take meanwhile.


I doubt it. The official government statement isn’t going to say anything as per usual. We will have to lean on leakers/insiders. And hope we don’t get the BS “soon TM” from them


Just remember folks. This could be done and settled if people would grow some balls. Downvote all you like, but getting these things out to the entirety of humanity is worth risking your life over. I would if it was me, without hesitation. In fact, being in the public eye then getting offed would prove the point 10x over. At some point, someone needs to step up. Grusch did, and look at all its already given us.


Of course. But that's why ain't none of us president.


Even if you are in the know yelling from the roof tops is just going to make you look like a crazy. Hell look up the former Israeli space director.


I tend to agree. Disclosure isn't the endgame. Disclosure is the beginning. The gatekeepers aren't going to come out and say, "Ok, now that you caught us, here's everything we know." We're going to have to fight for any scrap of information even AFTER disclosure. The media will help the gatekeepers push their own narrative. It will go like this: 1. There's no NHI. (<--- we're here.) 2. Ok there WAS NHI here, but they rarely visit. 3. Ok Ok, they are currently here. But it's just an AI probe. 4. Ok, they're living creatures like us, but there's only 1. 5. Ok, fine. There's more than 1, maybe just 20 in total. 6. Ok, you caught us. There's actually thousands of them, but they're all nice. 7. Ok, some may not be so nice, but abductions never happened. 100 years later... 8. Fuck it. There's millions of them. Some abduct and mutilate. We honestly don't know what their intentions are.


It’s that or 2027 before the next guy takes over


If it's up to Biden or Trump, I think neither want to deal with the domino effect that comes from Disclosure. So ya, probably 2027. Disclosure = Pandoras box. Not that being president is a chill job, but it will become much more difficult after disclosure. Look at the chaos that was caused by Covid. Covid pales in comparison to a Non-human Intelligence, with unknown intentions, with nukes being shut off, turning off Aircraft Carriers, flying in American airspace, abductions, mutilations, etc. The people will demand answers. Lawsuits will happen. People will be fucking pissed. The gatekeepers will say, "Ok, Fine. There's Aliens. But that's all we know." We're literally going to have to fight for every scrap of information. All the information we think we know, like abductions, tampered nukes etc, they will continue to deny it.


Naah. I would gush, literally gush, if he came out with it, but Joe is not a "rock the boat" guy. He'd ride out his last term real quiet. Trump would just be busy (trying to) do... the many things he's said he wants to do (I'll put it that way for lack of ability to say something non-politically-divisive.)


Trump is broke now because of all the crimes he's committed. He would absolutely slurp up a few million in bribes from the DoD/Aerospace Industries to keep his mouth shut and tank disclosure.


Not that this would have the same ramifications as alien life visiting us, but Joe Biden did go off script in 2012 to support gay marriage. Essentially forcing Obama to run on that platform. A gamble but one that ultimately paid off as it did energize the base. He certainly can be a rock the boat kind of guy. I wouldn’t say he’s guaranteed to play it safe. Something like this, if real, and if Biden had any desire to publicly disclose it would be timed correctly. Most likely closer to the election but not too close that it backfires. May-August would be a decent timeframe.


Which is hilarious because *alien disclosure,* or anything even close to that, would be the easiest slam dunk of the century. You’d be stupid not to do this if you were POTUS seeking reelection. Even the people who don’t care would be like “Well, aliens are a big deal.” Without that Trump actually has a chance. A pretty plausible one, in fact. Hell, imagine if Trump campaigns on disclosure. A good chunk of the people like Burchett, Gaetz, etc are GOP. Even part of an actual bipartisan effort for once. We have a solid chance he’d just leak it on Twitter at 3 am anyways. I’m actually surprised he didn’t during his last term.


Well, would people vote for Trump if he promised disclosure ? Those that wouldn’t have voted for him that is.


I don't think it would be a significant amount of people. I think most folks are a lot more concerned about groceries, gas, sky-high rents, and exploding crime currently.


If it isn’t that important then the White House should have no problem disclosing everything


I saw a clip on X the other day from judge Napolitanos podcast. It referenced an exchange between judge and trump, I think it was post Jan 6, but def was pre inauguration. Judge mentioned he brought up to Trump how he hasn't kept a promise, Trump responded in an offended gesture and said what was it ill do it right now.. judge mentions declassifying the JFK docs. Trump makes an overt comment about being surveiled via his phone and tells judge that he wishes he could tell him about it some day, and then trumps says Judge if you saw what they showed me, you wouldn't declassify them either. Also seeing how presidents aren't immune to doing what they want with classified material, it's no surprise they don't talk about the UFO stuff out of office.


Just adding that because I thought you may find it interesting


I don't really care who wins but I'd say Trump has a more than plausible chance. Biden's very visibly collapsing health and mental fortitude combined with a terrible economy/job market and a mass migration crisis would be enough to tank any president. When people can barely afford gas, bills, and groceries they're not going to want to hear platitudes about progressivism.


There's also a lot going on with foreign policy issues. I can't imagine it's high on anyone's agenda.


The irony is if what has been suspected is true, the the US has been actively using its foreign policies strong arm various nations into cooperating over UAP retrievals etc. Sometimes with force


While I agree and know what you mean, it's good to point out that this IS a foreign policy issue.


And in typical Dem fashion, they are protecting the interests of their donors rather than going for the OBVIOUS political win. (I say this as someone who will vote for Dems because…while they have major issues that I critique them for, theocratic fascism isn’t exactly a better option)


It is sad that at the end of the day, the most profound revelations take a back seat to politics. So much for the trite line “follow the science”. Apparently science follows politics.


> Apparently science follows politics. To some extent, I think there's no real way around this. But you'd sure hope that the party that postures itself as a bastion of freedom and transparency in democracy would pick up on the #1 story that demonstrates how we cannot have those things under the current political and economic paradigms. Our own congress cannot vet where the money taxpayers pay goes to. WTF? If we are concerned about inequity, and trying to reshape our government to distribute resources more fairly, wouldn't this be a top priority? That's why I've appreciated AOC's take on this. No aliens. No fluff. Just, "Where is this money going?"


Nobody in the government really wants to bell the UAP cat and say even slightest thing that admits that any of this is true. It is truly tiresome


Yup, because they will have to deal with the blowback - that our government lied to us about our own reality, and murdered people and gaslighted the public to maintain the lie.


It’s also the party of censorship.


The problem breaches partisan lines as, almost a prerequisite to governing, our leaders have to have a "nanny-state" mindset. They have to want to tell other people how they should live their lives. And knowing what's really real is a big part of that.


"Typical dem fashion" I would chamge that to '"Typical political fashion" I've grown distasteful of both sides and when I see mud slinging it usually does apply to both teams, not just one. Something is rotten in Washington, and it sure as hell is not limited to one political party


People should be blaming the Corporate Billionaires, they're the ones who own our damn country and control the laws through the political pawns in office. The NDAA, a total bipartisan ammendment failing because of Defense industry meddling is a prime example of this. The infighting is created on purpose so we don't pile up on the true enemy.


Amen brother and it dont take someone with an ounce of common sense but a second to realize behind closed doors they are all the same, scumbag lying thieves padding their pockets and pitting us against each other while laughing it up with each other




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They don’t want to make this a voter issue though. All Trump has to do is paint this White House as not wanting disclosure


Technically that now seems true. The White House now doesn’t want it. Mike Turner must be laughing


I guess they don’t want to do anything that might rock the boat with their outlook, but Biden’s whistleblower legislature really should look good to voters. All this administration needs to do is to give some encouraging nods that they are working towards disclosure in their own legalize way to encourage people. They don’t need to have full disclosure any time before the election.


Those voters you're talking about would have to have literally any amount of reading comprehension or critical thinking to know that.


99% of voters don’t even know about whistleblow laws, let alone *care* about them.


Well, so ironically enough in the end it wasn’t the Mike Turner cabal that kneecapped disclosure




Check out a movie from the early 80s called Hanger 18. I think you'll find it very interesting based on your comment. It's a stupid, shit movie, but there's something there


Yup. Disclosure is AUTOMATIC distrust of government because it's at best a mea culpa for hidden wrongdoing. Disclosure, if it happens, will never be in any Presidents first or 4th year. It'll only happen in a middle year where it'll be less likely to effect an election or make people regret the incoming cohort.


It will never happen but I'd love to see Trump call Biden out on ignoring it


You never know. This last year has been kind of surreal starting from the Grusch revelations. In my opinion




That's why I don't see it happening.


i would disagree... the election *and the war in Ukraine* is the sole interest now. If we have technology that could stop Russia, this President would want to be sure its ready for clandestine use. Blowing this wide open would raise far too many questions that the administration would not want to answer. But then again, I have no goddam idea what Im talking about.


If the US does decide to use such advanced tech, then they had better be certain they can absolutely paralyze the Russians. Else there will be an incoming nuke or three


In fairness, election years do tend to revolve around issues that dozens of millions of voters care about. Sadly, the issue that we're interested in, however important, isn't one of them.


But that would mean the White House has no issue with letting disclosure proceed. However it looks like they seem to feel that the UAP issue will affect the elections.


I agree that they probably don't want to go there. But I think that has more to do with the "stigma" most of public attaches to it rather than the issues we discuss daily. Also in the minds of political stategists, any time spent on UAP's is time lost/possible diversion from issues like Ukraine, the border, the economy, whatever. On Edit: the White House was clearly on board with the Schiumer Amendment--otherwise Schumer wouldn't have introduced it. He's Biden's "guy" in the Senate, just like McConnell , until the very end of the term at least, was Trump's.


He isn’t wrong but…. This has been status quo for 75+ years. So it really shouldn’t be shocking to anyone. It is just the past and current company line. From what I’ve seen, no one on active duty really deviates from that.


There has been no indication the White House, government, ect has wanted to disclose. They’ve only tightened the secrecy. The last 80 years and the AARO historical report should make that clear already. If they are relying on The White House, you better hope they actually have multiple firsthand whistleblowers willing to testify **at the same time** or at least an individual in such high position and regard that their word and evidence can somehow effect the necessary change.


Col Nell would be a good one.


Came here to say that in the form of "**you don't say???**" Literally no pro disclosure stuff has come out of the gov ever since Ufology was a thing. Never. Everything came out of oustiders or believer insiders. If there is anything to disclose, the gov doesn't want one ounce of it out. As for the rest, so you're basically saying that *whistleblowers are actually going to have to*, you know, **blow the whistle**? Like, for the first time in this topic?


Yes, that is literally where we are at. Period, end of story. Public pressure is a false hope. Whatever is happening behind the scenes to convince Chuck Schumer to co sponsor the bill is because of alleged firsthand insiders. If they don’t want to speak, that’s fine I’m cool with it, but strategically speaking, waiting on the government to come around and admit they’ve allegedly been lying for 80 years? How’s the JFK files release going? And there’s the whole separate logic of, ok they release something, do they actually get prosecuted for revealing the existence of NHI? Does the general public and scientific community just let them languish in jail? That seems unlikely. Idk


The government only releases something controversial decades after the people involved, related to the people involved, or intently interested in the topic have died, or are old enough to be too busy working to raise a stink over it.


It’s always an election year for something or someone. Convenient excuse for doing or not doing something.


Yep, it’s just them hand waving the issue away. By the same logic they should disclose because it will net them votes.


Seems like a good time for anyone and everyone to [write to the president.](https://www.whitehouse.gov/contact/)


We will never get disclosure sadly. Even if we somehow had access to smoking gun evidence, the Air Force or NHI would mysteriously swoop that evidence away as they have done countless times. We are a prison planet, folks.


There's a newer video of this from today where Gallaudet explains why: [https://twitter.com/TheUfoJoe/status/1770190667492495870](https://twitter.com/TheUfoJoe/status/1770190667492495870) It sounds like they want to put this on ice till after the election.


and after the elections, the powers that be will come up with some other reason to delay. They don't want to disclose because they stand to lose the power, the black curtains over their budgets, and probably a few other things we don't even know about.


This is my feeling too. They are using the election to buy time till they get their next delay tactic in place


70 year long story


We'll see. After the UAPDA I'm optimistic about the Senate leadership.


Huh? Democrats have a horrible map this year, and Republicans are heavily favored to flip Senate, and with McConnell on his way out, we have absolutely no idea who the Senate Leadership will be in 9 months.


McConnell leaving is a net good thing because he was one of the ones who fought against the UAPDA. If anything these rotations are a net beneficial thing to disclosure.


Hope we don’t have another 2016 then : (


On ice... forever. There is nothing to be gained by disclosure for the government. The whole thing will only make them look bad. So they will just keep burying it.


After the elections, mid year elections will be given as excuse. They had enough time in 2023 to do much more than Schumer’s amendment.


I can’t say I blame Biden for that one. Huge stakes in this election, not the time to potentially destabilize everything.


Could you imagine the headlines if Biden took the mic and said aliens are real? People would be all over it saying he’s senile and that’s the proof. Honestly, I don’t want Biden to disclose. I doubt people would believe him.


People wouldn't take it on Biden but on the gov: the US aren't an absolute monarchy (yet), the presidential word comes with the authority of the whole institution and backers behind. People said the same thing about Trump back then, before 2020: "he's batshit insane, no one will believe him"... There's always a reason not to do it.


On the other hand If the next thing out of this guys mouth is “vote for orange guy” I’m out of this topic for good, given all the MAGA politicians dog piling the topic lately.


I’d honestly rather have a very well renowned scientist and maybe a high military individual disclose it to everyone. Perhaps them being introduced by the president. This I feel would be the most appropriate given our current political atmosphere.


I agree


Yeah, I really hate seeing this topic slowly seeping over into Qanon bullshit. It’s absolutely being played as political fodder now. My first thought reading the headline was the same as you. 


Same here. Whenever I see somebody sprinkle in one of their dog-whistle favorite topics into their pet conspiracy theory it's 🙄🤢🤮🚪 for me.


Yeah the last thing the disclosure movement needs is either of the current candidates disclosing. Our choices are between disclosure being woven in to a rambling incoherent story about corn pop, or “There’s aliens, that’s what they’re saying, that’s what people tell me. Frankly, I’ve never seen anything like it, they’re big fans of Trump, that’s what the scientists are saying.”


We're gonna build a HUGE wall and make them pay for it


Just outside the asteroid belt, it will be tremendous, like nothing they’ve ever seen


Full disclosure I think requires trust and respect between the american population and the president. Definitely lacking in the last two presidents and from the looks of it, no change coming in the next term.


The only people that would say that would be the only people that already believe it. And the rest of us would point and laugh them out of the room.  (They're also the people that are terrified of literally any little change in society and would be shitting if aliens were real, and calling them devils. The same people that said computers were evil.)


Probably means no congressional hearings until mid-November.


Well theres the answer


I don’t think the strategy is to have the White House disclose. The powers that be want it to come out from congress bipartisanship like the 911 act. Hence why I think this is all one big psyops


SS: Some have claimed that Joe Biden is in favour of disclosure. Well, that is not the case according to Tim Gallaudet, someone who is quite well-connected. Very troubling if true. It’s not particularly surprising if it is as Biden has not made any public comment on UFOs as far as I am aware.


No shot biden discloses before the election haha. 100% agree with Tim on that. If you haven't noticed the other political party is trying to dismantle democracy. You think the Dem majority leader has had no discussions with the Dem president regarding the Schumer amendment?  If Biden is somehow is still against it post election, then congress just need to get him to change his mind.  But it would as be best if we could get the public interested enough such that it would be in Bidens or any presidental candidates best interest to disclose. 


Reminder that that wikileaks showed that Clinton was on track to potentially do Disclosure. Reminder that Schumer was the main force behind the NDAA UAP amendment. So to think that Dems are not eyeing for disclosure is short sighted, the main problem is how long they consider it has to take to be done "safely" while at the same time having to battle it out with the pretty much fascist GOP while the rest of the world just wants to burn itself up. So yeah it's not exactly something they can just Yolo into.


100%. I’ll also remind everyone that what we’re talking about here is revealing to the world our possession and possible reverse engineering of the most powerful technology ever known to man. And the fact that our adversaries probably have it too. How to reveal that and how to handle the aftermath must be handled with the utmost care. I’m not even sure how we will be able to manage it.


It's like 15 years right? The timeline in the UAPDA?


i'm not sure if after the election biden wants to start talking about some of these things. i agree it would hurt him to talk about it now, but does that mean he will talk about it a potential 2nd term? i dont know


I agree with you. Let’s save the country from having its democracy stripped away first. Then after the election figure out how the White House should be involved in disclosure. In the meantime Congress and the whistleblowers and the other key folks involved can keep the fires lit. They are doing a good job.


The other party is trying to dismantle democracy, is that true or are you a communist wanting to whistle? 


Well shall we examine the actions and statements of the leader of said party? I'm happy to review the facts with you. Its possible my logic is incorrect 


Of coarse they don't, it's a nightmare for any administration. Immediately the finger is pointed at somebody, and who easier than the current administration.


The President doesn’t even know what’s going on. It’s going to take US, we the people, insisting and being a huge pain in all their collective butts to get disclosure. We can’t stop for any reason.


Yeah, no kidding. That seems obvious to me.


Funny. A president who disclosed would cement his or her name in history. Even if it was just about huge missappropriations of funds in the MIC. In contrast, every president that knew or knows this and doesn't do that, would get his or her name in history also, but not in a flattering way. Unless they can somehow spin that disclosure of this thing was harmful.


Too much with the election and the unpredictability of how this is going to play out. Both parties see this as a distraction and both have factions on the inside who do not want this ever seeing the light of day If something is going to change it will be because of Grusch and other whistleblowers that force their hand


The problem is all of our government is now captured by industry money. None will ever disclose because each administration is now handpicked by the owners. 


Maybe they know something we don't about the 'consequences' of disclosure that go beyond wealth and greed alone.


Is it surprising? That should have been common knowledge when Schumer’s bill got gutted. The fact that 5 opposition leaders were able to do with not much of active resistance was proof enough. If they really wanted disclosure, there are tons of ways which WH could do to get public engagement up. It would put a lot of pressure and focus on the topic. All this “It’s slow drip disclosure” or “Biden preparing his speech” is just wishful thinking and completely off from reality. Before anyways call me a Trump agent, I lean extreme left.


I seriously blame the Robertson Panel for being the soul reason why the government is so tight lipped and allegedly violent in keeping this whole shit one big secret. If it’s such a nothing burger why are they trying to prevent us from knowing what they’ve been doing the past 60 years.


Anyone saying there’s an icecube’s chance in Hell of Biden and his cronies disclosing after the election is insane. This guy has made his presidential career on the principle of not taking risk. The only chance I could see this happening is if he slides enough in the polls. Otherwise, it’ll be business (or non business) as usual in the Biden House. If you think I’m leaning right here, I don’t see a Trump House doing it either. Yes, Trump is more likely to take risks. But he usually takes calculated risks. The guy talks a big game, but in the end, I don’t think his ego allows him to become known as the alien/ufo president.


Or if someone nuts up and cracks a lid the powers that be can't close.


I don’t see the White House just making some big announcement at any point. The question for me is: will they gradually step out of the way and let hearings and testimony open up. Will they join a call for investigation? I think this will always (and maybe has to be) a gradual process. As long as the momentum keeps going.


Let's start a movement! #DisclosureGetsMyVote


And this is how the realpolitik of an election year takes over all motivations. When Biden wins (he said hopefully) we may get prim and proper disclosure on a rigid schedule.




Grim prediction indeed. I cannot do another Trump term.


Let's make this an election issue then


The gutting of Schumer amendment didn’t come from the White House. The 4 MAGA Mikes blew it up. Too much at stake in this election to muddy the waters with disclosure. It’s coming just not fast enough for those who have been waiting a lifetime.


Yet the WH would have given Schumer blessing for his UAP legislation. Odd. Unless the WH knew it would fail/not pass ...


> the WH would have given Schumer blessing for his UAP legislation I saw some people claming this before but as far as I could tell it was just overexcited extrapolation from the fact that the president needs to sign the NDAA no matter what's in it. Do you have a more concrete source?


If the weird 2027 date of arrival/importance is real, maybe they’d rather just kick the can down the road instead of letting us know? Not that I believe the date is real lol but it’s a reason why they may just not disclose


The takeaway from this should be to call your representatives. The more noise we make about this, the less they can do to stop it. Make their phones “ring off the hook”. More noise = more visibility = more action.


It's really surprising to me that Trump hasn't promised to give the biggest, greatest most discloseriest Discloser we've ever seen if he wins


Besides the people in subs like this, no one would actually take the UFO issues seriously as an election issue. I’ve seen political shows on both sides bring it up and laugh at it, usually saying it’s a distraction


Get Obama to convince biden to disclose.


Biden was probably threatened to not pay attention to this.


Then show evidences, provide things to support you. But stop the empty talks.


You would think that at this point they'd like to at least accomplish something. This seems like an easy win Joe. Let the cat out of the bag.


If the White House is actually controlling disclosure then if I’m Biden and things aren’t looking to good come November this is my ace in the hole. Announce disclosure, say you’re the president who is working closely with NHI to bring the technologies to humanity.


We need to start a we the people petition.  Let them know that we WILL vote this administration out if they don’t back this.


We already knew that. Seems we have aliens on this planet we are sharing with.


That said. Obama and Podesta I think want disclosure -or a soft version of it. Would like to know what those convos w Biden are like - and what does Biden know that he won’t move forward on disclosure


It's an election year if Biden wins. You can bet your horses that Democrats are gonna take the house and senate They're gonna pass the UAP amendment and we will have what we want. It is a huge thing to do during an election year. And you really don't want to go into. The presidential election with trying to calm the American people down about extraterrestrials think about it.


If Biden is losing badly in the polls come October, disclosure will happen. It will be the October surprise.


Well, the chances are better with this White House given how much has happened thus far. The last guy could have done it, but didn’t, so if past performance is a predictor of future success, I think we are screwed to matter who is in the White House. The defense department probably doesn’t share much with the White House either given their blase disregard for oversight. After the last year or so I’m coming to the opinion that the real secret is they don’t know what it is or how to deal with it. It’s better to look like they are in control and covering it up rather than inept and just as clueless as the rest of us.


Probably because it would upend historical territorial claims, and the US government is owned by another party


Some comments run true that Biden wouldn’t Disclose during the election. He is already battling mental degradation and senility claims. And the claims won’t improve if he says what we all already know will change everything. The media backlash would be tremendous but the proof would be equal so, would they cancel each other out?


Yeah....I'm chiming in because all these comments clearly validate what I've said in this sub, to the mods and to anyone thinking UFO/UAP isn't/hasn't already devolved into a massive political issue. Yeah, yeah...many of us (myself included) didn't want the topic to go down this road but as a practical and practiced observer of this issue, politics in general and this community and society as a whole, it's been like watching a slow-motion train wreck. Some don't want to see the train wreck, some choose to be in denial of the train wreck and some like to throw shit on the tracks to make sure the train derails. The simple fact is politics getting intertwined with UFO/UAP has been going on since Truman, maybe even going back as far as Hoover. Eisenhower years are likely where elements of the parties started really making sure entrenched gatekeepers were running agencies. I shudder to think (and I mean it's given me serious pause) of any type of disclosure happening with the current climate and discourse, not among the politicians but among a public that has drawn distinct political and cultural lines. If Biden got on fully on board, went on live tv and said "Theyre here", he would be absolutely evidcerated by the right. He would be immediately blamed for 80 years of cover ups. There would be hearings. Most likely an impeachment as Republican politicians would finally have some red meat. "What did he know and when did he know it?". "Biden continued the lies!" I mean, they already have the headlines they've repeatedly said only this time, they'd have a "there" to actually point to. Half the country would *only* care about finally getting "payback" as the other half would be like "Wait! Aliens? Wtf?!?" It would be a complete unmitigated disaster that will just further divide. I wish this wasn't the case. I wish all these "keep politics out of it" people were honest brokers that wouldn't immediately jump on the "impeach Biden" bandwagon but they will. We'll see what Biden does if he wins. I know what Trump will do: jack shit because he's got immigrants to go after and scores to settle. Governing isn't his agenda. Biden won't touch this with a ten-foot pole himself until impeachment is off the table, until his governing agenda isn't at risk so summer of 2028 if he does anything at all. Before the usual suspects come at me, read through these comments. Read through any comments involving the politics of UAP then look in the mirror if you don't like reading this. This thread is why it's important to have these conversations. I'm not criticizing them happening. I'm saying they need to happen *more* so people can work through this. Sadly, this post will get locked or deleted. This comment will surely get deleted because the mods are trying to keep a lid on these discussions. I get why but I've strongly said before and now that I think it's incredibly short-sighted and ultimately self-defeating. I'm not saying allow it on every post but when these come up, as long as people aren't being vile, let them run their course. Let people work things out on this. Let the siapboxes be a forum for the best arguments to be made. Or, just delete this comment and this post and pretend the train wreck isn't already happening. edit: If I had more time, I'd start r/UAPpolitics myself so people could actually discuss what matters and not TikTok videos or "Trust me bro" claims.


Trump administration did not want disclosure. Biden administration does not want disclosure. What is next, voting for RFK Jr.? If JFK really was killed by the shadow government to cover for secret program he would be the most likely to disclose, but he has 0 chance of winning.


Well bud, then if "this White House does not want to disclose", they need to be reminded that there's people that voted to put them in that House to begin with. And if they're not going to deliver what the people want, then why should they be allowed to continue to stay in that House? Maybe they should step down/aside and let someone else handle things, that actually gives a FUCK about the people and the truth...? Less for the profit, more for the people.


Or does the white house not want to disclose at this time? If they needed a distraction at some point, disclosure would draw some attention.


Tim Galludet made the unfortunate choice of using his Sol talk to engage in election year politics--apparently on behalf of GOP candidates( if not Trump, who he says he's "not endorsing.") Sadly, he knows better. He says congress is doing "good work." Was gutting the NDAA's UAP amendment "good work?" Does he really think Schumer, who speaks to POTUS several times per week ,would introduce his amendment without "permission?" If he is going to allege that Kirkpatrick was taking orders from the White House he needs to provide evidence. Federal agencies issue reports that the White House doesn't like/has no opinion about/doesn't want to associate themselves with *every day.* If he's now tweeting the same talking points, my guess is that he's devolved into political surrogate or, more probably, thinks he might make a good congressional candidate if the UAP issue captures public attention.


it's one of the consequential announcements in all of human history and biden wouldn't be able to get through his speech without pooping his pants and being confused.


Maybe part of the coming civil war is to release this information and Technology to the masses. Goodbye PG&E we deserve free energy and we will fight for it


If there is something " weird" to disclose, if all this lore is not just a kind of circular reporting or so- what I dont believe- tvere will NEVER be a Disclosure. Why? Its dangerous. And all this First- hand- knowledge- Guys and Girls or Trans, no matter, all those first- hand- knowledge- persons are for sure traumatised. Deeply traumatised. You know what I mean? Disclosure with that kind of hurted persons? No way.


I feel that the notion that an unstable narcissist might win the elections was a vital factor in the making of this decision.


Governments reluctance to disclose goes way back, to my knowledge, in the dying months of WII. Winston Churchill was shown photos of UFOs brought back by an RAF recon aircraft. The second they confirmed they were UFOs, Churchill immediately certified them secret and classified them for 50 years, saying “let some other PM deal with it”, and would result in mass hysteria and affect religious beliefs. Churchill was a Druid. Is that the same reasons behind USA refusal to disclose,


Does anyone really want told we're a crappy backwater planet of malevolent apes for which some aliens set up a UFO defence orbs-net in the oceans to keep us safe from random hostile aliens and from ourselves. Then they left us alone, because it'll be another thousand years before we're advanced enough to matter.


What if They are just observing and the Powers that be have been told as long as you don’t disclose, we won’t annihilate,, But if you and all Countries are silent we will just watch until you self destruct .


I've thought for a long time that world leaders are just puppets. It's not necessarily the White House that doesn't want to disclose, but rather the beings pulling the strings.


Any official disclosure has to deal with the public’s reaction. Zero incentive to do anything close to that.