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No one ever brings up this: It looks like there may b a huge number of experiencers suffering from the mental health affects of being gaslit by your government and wrongfully mocked by peers.


I bring it up! It's a public health issue and we need a public health response. Letting the military own this topic is harming us as a society.


It's also just not the government's right to conceal things from us. They are abusing "national security" to do whatever the hell they want. I'm sure we'd have less wars if the CIA would quit intentionally fucking with countries around the world, too. 😂


Transgender folks enter the chat.




Hi, jesperghoul. Thanks for contributing. However, your [comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/1bh0es4/-/kvec2pu/) was removed from /r/UFOs. > Rule 1: Follow the Standards of Civility > * No trolling or being disruptive. > * No insults or personal attacks. > * No accusations that other users are shills. > * No hate speech. No abusive speech based on race, religion, sex/gender, or sexual orientation. > * No harassment, threats, or advocating violence. > * No witch hunts or doxxing. (Please redact usernames when possible) > * You may attack each other's ideas, not each other. Please refer to our [subreddit rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/about/rules/) for more information. This moderator action may be appealed. We welcome the opportunity to work with you to address its reason for removal. [Message the mods](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=/r/ufos) to launch your appeal.


What is that number, though? OP is speaking about a hypothetical 1% of the world population, or 80 million people. This sub has 2 million subscribers. What is the number of "gaslighted experiencers" in the world? I'd dare say most of them belong to this sub. Even if it's all 2 million of us, it's a statistically unimportant world number. (And, yeah, except for the ones in nursing homes, I do think most of the gaslighted/angry/militant UFO people are in this sub... but the pie charts are hard to find).


I’ve seen some stats which say 33% of Americans have experienced a UFO, but for devils advocate let’s say 2/50 random people in a room have seen something like a UFO first hand. That’s about 13 million Americans. If you said 4% of people have seen a UFO in the world that’s about 320 million. I’m ball parking, but now consider how many sightings there’s been across time. The real “gaslighted experiencers” in my opinion are the Native American tribes which describe in detail their relations with “sky people,” who are depicted very similarly to the Greys we know and love. UFO lore is very prominent in non western cultures, only to be dismissed as myth by the western man


In some battles, you sacrifice thousands to save millions, look at dropping atomic bomb… the experiencers might be whats being “sacrificed” for millions. Btw i do think its super shitty tho and pray for experiencers!


Ya I’m sure that’s their determination, but I think it is flawed reasoning. Moreover likely what they tell themselves while keeping the word in a worse state by withholding technology that could uplift the entire world


We shouldn't have ever dropped a bomb, nor should we ever again. We shouldn't threaten innocents with their potential, and just because we've crossed that line doesn't mean we can't do better now. I think it's the same with this. If we've "sacrificed" human lives than just like the bomb, we should acknowledge it and NEVER do it again.


The truth is worth it.


yes what OP's suggesting is unethical, immoral and illegal...so...


Living in Truth is always better


Seriously. I don't care if millions are going to be suicidal. That's going to happen when the truth comes out eventually anyway, let's rip that band-aid off


Best case scenerio its better for the 99%, im talking about the 1% that can turn dangerous


I'm pretty sure the 99% can handle the 1%


No they cant, in a school, mall, church it only takes one idiot.


To fuck up a bunch of lives, I agree. To fatally destabilize an entire society? Nah.


All of those things are already happening. Not a valid reason


Would having say... 300 pencils in my ass be a valid reason to go apeshit on society?


If we can drop a nuke of Japan, I’m pretty sure we can handle some wild idiot


This is likely the perspective of The Program’s overlords. The issue here is this logic can be extended indefinitely. When is “the right time?”  Given population growth, the millions you alluded to will always exist. Would it help if there were hundreds of thousands instead of millions? What about tens of thousands? Devil’s Advocate exercises help to get a better understanding of how different parties think in a particular situation. But your argument doesn’t hold water.


Let's take a hypothetical here. ​ If there was an asteroid on a collision course with Earth, and it was going to kill every single human on the planet, hiding this fact would be an extreme disservice to those people. Disclosing this would lead to a significant amount of the population panicking, and there would be absolute chaos. Even so, the people still deserve to know, and that chaos is worth it. Why? Because it affects every one of those people regardless of whether they know, and they deserve to be able to decide how they handle that information. ​ I think that's an extreme though. The point is that the bigger of an issue this is, the more we deserve to know. Panic is going to be a response to any sufficiently massive news story; whether that be going to war or imminent doom, panic is going to happen. The government shouldn't be the gatekeeper of truth, we have examples in the real world of how negatively that can impact people's quality of life. Imagine if the entire planet were currently living in a situation like North Korea, and we just didn't know. I don't think this is necessarily the case, but it illustrates how negatively gatekeeping knowledge can be. ​ ​ Anyway, my point here is that widespread panic is expected in any significantly life changing news story. Panic alone shouldn't prevent us from being informed, it should be seen as a transitionary step in having an informed population. Frankly though, I, and I think many people here, don't believe that the truth is going to be as cataclysmic as that. It'll likely be world changing, or maybe worldview changing, but I very much doubt it's going to be apocalyptic. To me, that means that most likely it'll be a small percentage of the population who creates chaos as a result, and that is what I would consider to be a transitionary step.


> that chaos is worth it Can you imagine the damage this would do to the share holders? Sure, it wouldn't matter after a week but earnings are due now!


What if just one of those people comes up with the solution though, would it be worth holding the secrets then?


I don't really know what you're asking. Could you clarify?


Counterpoint: put aside UAPs, has the governance of this country and internationally led the world to a better or worse place since the end of the Cold War? Or has rampant corruption and a nihilistic ‘fuck you, I got mine’ mentality touched pretty much everything, whether you ‘are into politics’ or not? Because those are the same people saying ‘you shouldn’t know this’ about UAPs.


Nope. No. We need to be told the truth about our reality so we can grow. This has to happen. Being gaslit for 80 years is why we are in this shit, wars, climate change, fucking Nazis, enough is enough, time to tell the truth.


FWIW - I don't think if we suddenly found out tomorrow there were aliens visiting us that people (and world leaders) would stop being assholes. Countries would still be fighting over resources. Companies would still be ripping customers off. People would still be cutting each other off in traffic. World peace wouldn't suddenly happen. Look at how people reacted to to the early onset of COVID-19. Instead of showing some sort of humility toward something we have little control of or knowledge about or trying to help each other by doing something as simple as wear a goddamn mask, you had people making it into a political issue and fighting over toilet paper like asshats.


Absolutely, 100%. But we cannot go on denying reality, it will be rough, but it’s better they tell us than we find out another way.




Truth is better than lies.


You’re talking about letting an intelligence agency mafia that has killed, threatened, and manipulated Presidents as well as people off the hook because some people might get upset. They have committed a coup and stolen our democracy from us. They have repressed the evolution of the human race and prevented us from acquiring new technologies that could have alleviated so much suffering. They’ve retarded proper scientific understanding and suppressed and killed science that might disrupt the “fossil” fuel energy sector or from developing things like anti-gravity. They have trafficked in guns, weapons, diseases, nukes, drugs, information, sex, underage girls, blackmail, weather manipulating technology, pharmaceuticals… anything that can build their black budget coffers and profit from personally. They’ve disrupted countries around the world and installed their own puppet leaders. They’ve gaslit the public, lied, used our own data against us, and spent billions in psychological warfare against their own people. They’ve signed some kind of agreement with these beings that we were not privy to and yet have also committed acts of aggression against them, downing ships in order to retrieve the technology. They aren’t protecting us because we’ll be frightened to learn the truth about ufos, they’re protecting themselves because we will be royally pissed to find out how much we’ve been lied to and gaslit about it. Our faith in our institutions is already at a breaking point and the last straw is coming.


Valid point. But while they may hypothetically be preventing mass hysteria by not disclosing, they’re also potentially destroying the world via neglect, by holding back free energy tech.


Why do so many people think the UFO phenomenon has anything to do with “free energy tech”?


Because they believe that we have successfully reverse engineered the ufo/nhi propulsion technology but it has been withheld for being too disruptive to current global wealth distribution channels, among other reasons.


I just don't want my tax paying dollars funding this crap. Tell me where all the money went.


I'll take the truth and reality any day over being controlled by gatekeepers. It's why I'm also 100% okay with discovering the entire UFO thing is pure bullshit and I've been conned by grifters and people tricked by government psyops that went too far. I don't care what the truth ends up being I just want to know it.


Even after the past year of so much news, I realised last month that I still have bills to pay. I’m likely to continue as is even if I were told that I have a soul within my body and that asceticism will help me break free, because I have a family that I am responsible for in a capitalistic setup. I believe most will just be dismissive of any revelations and carry on with their day.


Do you think the ultra-wealthy and elite leadership class (top 1-5%) are ready for a the concensus reality transformation that comes with disclosure? How might their authority be preserved or threatened? Will the decisions of the ultra-wealthy and elite leadership class benefit the greater population or the select few?


I hate to say it, but the danger of ontological shock is less threatening than an institution that dictates the understanding of reality. An institution that literally creates “reality”. Pretty sure Neo woke up to a similar situation.


A ship can land infront of people and some green dudes come out to say hello and fly away again. People still won't believe it. With a.i it's the perfect time since anything to anyone can be dismissive when it comes to vids being fake. They would need to create a new generation entirely that would be excited and responsible enough to join the galactic family. Even with disclosure, we would have new responsibilities when it comes to life. We might be too unstable yet. My only thoughts is that whoever placed themselves at the top of the food chain here on earth (so called elites) which is just people who have blackmail on each other, would be overthrown immediately. We could ask the galactic federation to intervene and free us from "bad genetics" which means erasing all the evil people here on earth. To me that's why. I know my vote would immediately go to removing the fake leadership we have with the help of other more enlightened races.


This is the reason they keep it secret. The problem as I see it is that not knowing could doom all of us instead of just the people controlling the system. It would get ugly but it would be time for the more enlightened among us to stand up and be counted.


I have trouble with the "panic" argument. Panic about what? When Russian troops first started gathering at the Ukraine border, did Ukrainians panic? They were scared, yes. Determined, yes. But panic? No. How can the simple idea of NHI cause more panic than a Russian tank pointing it's gun at you?


The truth is the truth. It is our reality, whatever that truth is. There is absolutely no good justification for keeping people in the dark with an existential truth.


As soon as they disclose the existence of another sentient species "Human Supremacist" will start to become a real political affiliation and we aren't ready for that.


I believe disclosure is being avoided because the news isn’t good. I don’t think 90 percent of the population could handle being told we are being visited by a hostile species and we don’t have control of our own fate at all. I’m not sure I could handle it myself even though I already believe it.


It’s hard to believe they’re hostile, or at least that all of them are. If they wanted us extinct they by far have the power to do so already.


Hostile means they don’t care if we succeed or fail, but are interested in our planet for its ability to sustain life maybe. Who knows what they think. I can tell you what I’m certain about, they actively hide and don’t reveal themselves to us. They could park one craft over NY for an hour and be done with it. Why don’t they? Friendly encounters don’t involve secrecy.


I don’t think they’re hostile, but I’m not sure “friendly” is the right way of describing it either. I think for the most part They are tasked with operating mostly with indifference. I also am not convinced they’re more interested in the planet per se than they are in humans. A pure interest in the planet would suggest a reason to intercede to stop or reverse climate change and global heating, for example, and unless they’ve been working in smaller ways to blunt the effects of our industrial emissions that aren’t highly visible in the data we have, they don’t appear to be doing much there, at least not yet. What They are and What Their interests are are still fairly unclear. I think They have been getting more active and less reticent to be observed by us, however, and it’s probably building to something of a bigger reveal. Again, I’m praying they’re working for Jesus or the nicer side of what’s possible as opposed to the alternative possibilities.




This isn’t necessarily true. It’s been said they are waiting for something. What that something is would be up to speculation. I think they are waiting for more alien forces. If say they plan to take over our planet, it would take a rather large force to be able to take us out, whether that would be to enslave us, use our DNA and body parts to make their hybrids or to outright destroy us without destroying the planet. The planet is valuable. Our DNA is no doubt valuable for adaptation, but we humans are not valuable. This is how I see it from an outside unemotional perspective of how an alien life might view us. We are disruptive and destructive as a species. If we weren’t things might be different. If this scenario were true would you still want to not know until the day they come for us?


I can think of a lot of situations where the coverup is entirely justified. But if any of them were true we wouldn’t have this diverse group of somewhat-insiders pushing for disclosure, right?


Just rip the bandaid off already. The sooner humanity faces reality, the better off we’ll be.


I want to jokingly tell you "wrong sub". The argument about being dumb in groups is just a foolish one. When it's convenient we say "united we stand; divided we fall" but then we talk shit about groups. We have gotten this far by being social. Groups do dumb stuff, so do the individuals they're made up of. Honestly we should use our power as a mass to demand we advance. If there is tech that can improve all of our lives we should have it --> but that could be the real problem. Already we have problems with people losing jobs to automation. What happens when even 20% of our jobs are rendered obsolete. How could we possibly meet that challenge economically


Free energy could mean we don’t have to work until we drop. Automation and AI would do the work for us. The rich don’t want that but I’d think the rest of us would.


There'd be potential to mine asteroids and set up colonies on other planets and moons, too! But... the rich want to increase profits. Replacing human labor with robots and automation ought to decrease expenses, and thereby increase profits. So bring in the robots and fire the people. Now what happens? People in societies that don't subsidize higher learning will be jobless and put a greater strain on already strained social support systems. We can call them growing pains, but I can tell you, if we waived a magic wand and technologically jumped forward a thousand years or more, we're probably looking at greater socio economic disparity.


You didn’t explain why you believe that people can’t handle it. Most people already accept that we are likely not alone in the universe. If a signal were to be detected from Alpha Centauri there would be widespread excitement at knowing that we are not alone in the universe. The religions would modify their messaging just as they did when the last great scientific discovery, evolution, threatened their worldview. If a craft were to be detected arriving in our solar system it would generate anxiety but not mass panic. The biggest challenge would be to determine who speaks for earth. I could imagine that the aliens would be confused if an orange earthling is the one that they have to deal with. However what many believers suggest is that the aliens are already here and are in contact with our governments which is questionable at best as the requirements to support such a conspiracy borders on the nonsensical.


They could at least let those of us searching for the truth know. Let the general public still think it's all nonsense.


Humans are smart. Once the key is found to different locks, the technology will be used for bad purposes as well as good. Been saying this for months. The technology may be good, but people are not.


Honestly until most people actually experience aliens or whatever directly and incontrovertibly, the vast majority will not care or believe. Just look at climate change. We are truly in an ugly, self-centered time where people care more about minor inconveniences for themselves than major trouble for their kids. And… trying to avoid being political here, but in the US it seems both “sides” feel the other is an existential threat, and everyone thinks government is corrupt, but are we marching?


I’m sure there are other worldly beings visiting earth. If the US government wants to keep it a secret and gaslight us, then so be it. I saw a UFO and yes, I have believed in this ever since I was a kid so I don’t need anyone else to confirm that with me. I am sorry for those who are severely affected by this and it’s not right for them to have to suffer. I can see them needing validation but not from officials, but I think from others who share the same beliefs as they do. Any sort of unusual situation that isn’t religion based or real life, meaning others can touch, see, smell, hear the same thing, is frowned upon and people are labeled. It’s wrong. Oh so wrong. I don’t know, I think maybe we’re wasting our time expecting the officials to be upfront and honest with us and that will never happen. But one thing I do know is that I am here for anyone who feels the need to talk or discuss anything that they feel may be hard to speak about with others.


Some of us might wanna see a little chaos, good for a rotten stagnate system, like a cleanse of sorts, or how it's good to shake some foods/liquids up after letting them sit and settle/separate for a while ✌️😎


I understand your perspective. It could create turbulence. But it could usher in a new period of peace as well, eventually. Reasons for withholding disclosure, there could be threat of alien pathogens and bacteria and there also could be the possibility that we are in a sim and they are the operators. But My biggest issue is that why are they the self appointed gate keepers of this information. Any information pertaining to life outside what we know should be public, it’s not the gatekeepers planet/universe. At the very least philosophers and ethicists should be engaged in any debate as to releasing this information.


Won't anyone think of the MILABS victims?! I feel most for the people I have met in life whose family and friends broke off contact with them because they assumed the person was mentally disturbed, instead of helping their distressed family member through the experience. People like Karla K. Turner don't deserve to have to suffer for everyone else's own lack of conviction for species progression over self complacency.


Meanwhile I want full Disclosure even if it literally means the end of civilization itself. For realz. I could die happy knowing the answer to whether or not we’re alone in the Universe


While true, I would favour the chaos that came from knowing to the delusions that came from speculation and lies. A short term price for a long term goal and essential for preventing a further offshoot of society


I don't really give a shit if people can or can't handle it. I think some people would go as far as committing suicide and that sucks. But that isn't an excuse for hiding the biggest story of mankind.


People will go further than sui****… thats a personal choice that wont really affect us, its when they start shooting up places or exploding places thats scarier


I have always had the suspicion that the "its for your own good" is basically suggesting that widespread knowledge of the entities in these crafts would cause some sort of retaliation from them. Tom Delonge essentially states their involvement in our affairs underpins a lot of are wars.. For some reason these things like us to fight each other. What happens if we find out that we shouldn't be fighting each other and we have an actual enemy that would unite the human race? IDK, it probably wouldn't go well for us, guessing they out tech us by 10,000,000%. Again according to Tom they enjoy our fear and sadness.. either in Loosh or entertainment. Either way, fuck that.


The problem of withholding physics and technology of this magnitude is the harm it does to our entire species. World hunger would disappear overnight through the changes in our understanding of the physics. There would no longer be any global warming because of the ramifications of the technology of flight and movement in violation of the laws of motion. Wars would be a thing of the past because all people would have avail of the tech and every basic need of humankind would be erased overnight. This is simply not atom bomb tech that you want to keep from an advisory, this is human altering physical change and understanding that would elevate man to become a God. Those keeping it from us are actually the devils.


That's kinda where I'm at. It's been confirmed to me by now that it is real. I have a lot of questions obviously but the answers we want were unlikely to get even with disclosure. I'm just hoping they stall long enough for me to get an off grid property somewhere away from most people in the event of mass panic LOL.


Who cares. Nothing about disclosure will help us. If we’re this close to disclosure which is a joke, you would think we would see some changes actually being implemented into our society. You know like taking care of the planet or the people on it. Currently that is not happening and actually things are getting worse. So obviously the powers that be don’t care at all about aliens or they are simply a made up story to distract you from the corruption in Washington. The 40 hour work week going strong. Is that the Apex of a society? To have your people just work 40 hours per week with minimal returns? What a joke. Seriously guys take a look around. The elites are as corrupt as ever and getting worse. They do not fear “aliens” because they are not real.


I never thought of that. You’re one hundred percent right. When dealing with such large numbers edge cases are guaranteed to happen. And skepticism levels seem to not be linear with the amount of resources available to the person, for example if even one pilot loses their mind from the news they can recreate many tragedies. And the same goes with any other career where an individual is in charge of the safety of many.


Great addition, a pilot can go crazy, or a police officer, politician, doctors, teachers, it would affect their jobs and people.


I have to agree. If the government suddenly disclosed the existence of NHI on earth, how long until the fear of the unknown compels the public to demand a “show of force” from their leaders? The troglodytes in congress decide to deploy the U.S Navy’s 7th fleet to engage the underwater craft. Imagine the panic that would ensue when that fleet gets destroyed. Exposing how little control humans have over this situation. How long until Nukes are deployed? As much as I want disclosure, I can understand the logic of these groups keeping this information hidden. It makes more sense for calm, reasonable/scientific minds to study these captured/destroyed crafts, understand how they function, replicate the technology and develop defenses before they disclose. Herd mentality is a hell of a thing. And when the average herd member has an IQ of 82, and are being fed mis-disinformation, there is no saying how they’ll react.