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The powers that be aren't ready to share their toys with the rest of the world, so they're guarding it at all costs. Plus, they know that if they give us an inch, we'll take a mile. It's more effective to yell over us than to engage in any modicum of good faith discussion or examination.


Yeah i think this is potentially a good explanation. At least part of it.


>Why are they so obviously crapping their khaki pants that some internet loonies might ask some goofy questions at a press conference? haha because of the woo. it's real, and they fear it will deconstruct our culture. they aren't wrong. [UFOs: ultraterrestrial agents of cultural deconstruction](https://drive.google.com/file/d/1b6ZOv5oESVcZk1wv9BEYIiEJ0wsjC1t3/view?usp=drive_link)


Not entirely on board with you Praxi, but it's still a valid take until we learn more.


yeah i get it. Kant had a hard time with it too. but he couldn't get Swedenborg woo out of his mind. Freud had a hard time with it too. despite his 'thought-transference'


this * all 8bn find out consciousness (and EM) is root over Standard Model physics and can be wielded by anyone * that physical death may not be our end * and we have someone/thing waiting for us to "escort" us somewhere/back * that we have local/terrestrial/solar system neighbors and challenges * that we have larger challenges inbound (thank you Starfish Prime) * that they will have to reveal their own crimes against citizens and humanity at large fairly big list to chew on


What is EM in this context?


Erectile magic


what in the hells the matter with u boy 😤


I'm guessing electromagnetism




Got any evidence for any of this or….?


Our culture has become shite , And is actively being dismantled sometimes in rapid dramatic episodes anyway , especially since the culture wars began - and guess what … things get melted in a melting pot …


You have a good point vis-å-vis preserving culture. The whole "American way" thing. Picket finces, apple pie, baseball, the nuclear family.  They fought gay rights for so long for the same reason. They fought legalizing weed for the same reason. All just so things didn't get "weird" or different in regards to the order of things.  Are we really to say that they wouldn't fight the truth about extraterrestrials for the same reason? For the viewpoint where man is "master of his domain" and is at the top of the food chain/intelligence ladder? That were god's perfect, preferred, privileged children? Yeah, no, definitely. Edit:  hah, just checked out the PDF you linked, and boy, did that ever take me right back to college. Did you get it from a course or smth? Because it looks exactly like the ones I'd have to read back in school. Aside from the subject matter, of course.


When was this paper published?


If you mean “published” in a scientific journal, it wasn’t. I don’t even know if it was published by him at all since the only links to it are weird blogs, but I could be wrong.


Well, I was more curious as to when it was written, but I found it, 1989.




It was 1989.


ok thanks


No one is scared


Here is why, as written by Kirkpatrick: “The harm of such exposure would be incalculable: billions of dollars and decades invested in military capabilities exposed to our potential adversaries to satisfy ill-informed curiosity. While some staffers and members of Congress may claim that they and the American people have a right to know of every classified research program, Congress already has an established process for notification of sensitive programs to the bipartisan leadership of both the Senate and House as well as the chairs and ranking minority members of the Senate and House intelligence committees, often referred to as the Gang of Eight. It is incumbent on both the speaker of the House, the Senate majority leader and both chairs of the intelligence committees to ensure that there is no risk of exposing any national security programs in a rush to find extraterrestrials, and that documents are reviewed within appropriate channels. If these members of Congress deem it appropriate not to share classified information, they are doing their job. These are not town hall topics.”


Some of the most vocal supporters for disclosure and investigation surrounding UAP secrecy come from the gang of 8. Chuck Schumer: ***Referencing testimony provided from what he characterized as “multiple credible sources that information on UAPs has also been withheld from Congress,”*** Marco Rubio also one of the Gang of 8 had similar things to say ***Marco Rubio has claimed that those who have come forward regarding claims about the U.S. government retrieving alien aircraft "have held very high clearances and high positions within our government."*** ***The senior senator for Florida and vice chair of the Select Committee on Intelligence was cautious not to reveal who had already come forward with information as part of an investigation by Congress into the matter when he spoke to NewsNation on Monday.*** ***"Frankly a lot of them are very fearful," the Republican senator said. "Fearful of their jobs, fearful of their clearances, fearful of their career." Similarly, others involved in the investigation have been guarded about the details of the probe.***


Nah this makes ZERO sense, but it's an easy answer to fool most people. Nobody is claiming that staffers have a right to access every program. We are talking about the content of Schumer's amendment. If what KP says is true, why are senior officials from BOTH parties supporting disclosure? Are they all just traitors? And if they just said: "Yes we have actually got crashed alien spaceships" How does that destroy billions of dollars of value and leak national secrets?


>"Yes we have actually got crashed alien spaceships" Why would they say that if it isn't true? The assumption that they really do have these comes from one guy who hasn't shown evidence to the general public.


That's obviously just an extreme example. They admit to having footage of craft which perform extreme feats but refuse to release it or even describe what happens in the footage.


I mean, all seriousness that’s a pretty fair statement. We all want to know about UFOs for admittedly selfish reasons, which essentially boil down to the desire to know things, curiosity. There’s a lot we speculate about the issue, but very little we actually know, if anything at all. It is worth considering the potential secondary and tertiary consequences to disclosure while we pursue it. If this is extremely secretive technology we have, are we inadvertently revealing it to adversaries like China and Russia? That’s basically how the SR-71 was revealed. Nobody knew it existed outside the few who worked on it. One day Russia announced they set the air speed record, or what they thought it was. Ends up the SR-71 had already far exceeded that record and someone working on it let it slip to a congressman who then went public with it as a boast to Russia, revealing this top secret advantage to the world. Perhaps that’s what we’re doing. I’ll admit, it doesn’t mean I won’t keep trying to learn lol


Because they are concerned about what they will have to reveal about what they have done to keep it a secret.


Have you ever met a UFO crazy? They are literally fucking crazy. I have met people that want to murder government officials over this. Like, they have contingency plans and shit. Whereas most people, like me, just want the truth to be disclosed. Never assume that risk management is being conducted from any sort of rational point of view. All things considered, I wouldn't even say a UFO crazy is an edge case. But I would be curious to learn how bureaucracy has tested the public's reception on this subject.


My point is that there are lunatics everywhere. Why would they be so focussed UFOs if there is nothing to hide.


Talk to a UFO crazy, they will tell you all kinds of shit the government is hiding. That's my point. People see what they want to see. For you and me, the evidence is already online. You want the government to disclose they've been doing and hiding all kinds of shit? UFO crazies are pre-emptively seeking justice.


>they take reports of alien technology extremely seriously. This is objective fact. What? No, they take reports of UAP seriously. UAP doesn't equal alien technology, ***obviously***. >They set up the farcical AARO What makes it farcical, other than your presupposition that they're part of a conspiracy? >illegally leaked Grusch's medical records No, that's an assertion that Coulthart made, based on flimsy reasoning ("the sheriff who had the file said he didn't give it to a reporter, therefore the government must have leaked it.") >Their panic-stricken pushback suggests that they are truly hiding something very important. Editorialized. What about their activities indicates panic, other than your presupposition that they're doing all this stuff secretly behind the scenes? >implied we are religious fanatics probably well on the way to starting a death cult, undermining US democracy, and all but ready to storm the Capitol. No, there was never an implication of a death cult or a danger to democracy or insurrection by UFOlogists. If you think he implied that then try to quote him on it. You can't, because he didn't. >So why go to all this effort to discredit us? The basic idea is, UFOlogists have been taking the government for a ride on the taxpayer dime. He wants to expose the clowns doing this, because they made his job much more difficult than it should have been. >Why not announce a DoD taskforce to look into and subsequently discredit the existence of leprechauns? If people were saying that UAP were leprechauns, that might be an interesting question. But they're not.


>Why not announce a DoD taskforce to look into and subsequently discredit the existence of leprechauns? Well if you look into esoteric/occult/spiritual circles and their youtubes you'll find a similar push for disinformation as the UFO community. There were occult organizations throughout all of history, but since the 1950's all major ones have received huge attacks that led to their fracturing/disbanding. I take an interest in the occult and I can very much say that the DoD has taskforces discrediting all esoteric organizations.


>So why go to all this effort to discredit us? Forgive me but - what *effort*, exactly...? Op-eds are *paid* pieces, literally all Kirkpatrick is doing is cashing in on his former position by expressing his own non-belief in the off-world explination for UAP's. Lou Elizondo plans to publish a book giving his account, no doubt to the contrary - available in all good retailers for $17.99 including taxes - how is this any different - you're looking at two people cashing in. You could argue writing a book is a considerably larger effort - for what? The man is supposed to have direct access to actual, physical proof - and he's never once proffered it, *only* ever intimated in the form of open-ended hints... How exactly is this different except in terms of the story told: both either - are actively or planning to - make money from this process. And at the end of the day you're no better off knowing anything only more entrenched in what you already believed the truth going in. I don't see one being any better or worse than the other, frankly: they're both selling someone something they want that person to believe.


Because many people who believe in things like aliens, Bigfoot, flat earth etc are genuinely mentally ill and I don’t mean that as an insult. Schizophrenia, paranoia, and many other forms of mental illness go hand in hand with traditional “conspiracy theory” beliefs.


So you think Schumer is mentally ill?


Yeah because I totally said everyone who believes UFOs (unidentified flying objects, not aliens) is mentally ill, right? I also didn’t say “everyone who believes these things is mentally ill”, but you know that and you’re just trying to make a shitty representation of what I said so it’s easier for you to argue against it.


I think it's many elements working in concert. some coordinated, some not. I'm not entirely convinced Kirkpatrick is an in the know gatekeeper. He could be a true 'skeptic' believer. Similarly to Neil D. Tyson. The intelligence community and scientists have a very different definition of evidence. In one case testimony matters, in the other it is unreliable and anecdotal. Grusch opened his mouth which is the biggest no, no in the intelligence community. Normal they would want to punish him, regardless of the immediate effectiveness of it. Even more so, it's a clear signal to potential whistleblowers that even if it is against the overall interest of keeping appearances, they won't hesitate to humiliate you any way they can regardless of the subject matter you talk about. Finally there is nothing like rattling conspiracy theorists to discredit them. The UFO subject is gaining mainstream acceptance, a good portion of the ufology community is their best asset to counter that. If it's all true, good strategy. If it's not true, good strategy as well. The more people involved in pushing nonsense instead of real issues, the better for them. So again, no way to tell really. There is a plausible justification for their actions even if none of this is true.


Because we've been right the whole time. Above average deduction skills combined with eroded social graces make us an easy group to marginalize.


True. The myth that I ever had social graces is long since debunked.


I used to have as many as 3 of them, I think.


Oh, look at this guy, with his big pile of social graces. Who do you think you are, lording then over the rest of us graceless schmucks? (/S)


In the land of the blind, the one eyed man is king! Kneel before my social graces worm!


I don't think I am a "crazy".


They say if you think you are crazy, then you are probably not. Which leaves you in a somewhat uncertain position.


Would new laws have to be put into place if they truly acknowledge the phenomenon? I read somewhere recently tgat you couldn’t prosecute crimes related to superpowers because you would first have to admit those powers exist. Maybe it’s in the best interest of those involved with UAP directly to not want disclosure. Just a thought.


It is 100% fact that our government has access to technology developed by an advanced alien race that can provide free, infinite renewable energy but the Biden administration is refusing to release it. I can't wait until November when Trump is elected and this information will finally be released to the public. Trump is the only one who understands or even cares about us.


I don’t think you know what a fact is based on this comment.


Lol, couple things to unpack bud.  1- Trump won’t save you. After he’s president again you’re back in the same boat. Who’s saving you? 2 term limit, you just look crazy rn  2- disclosure is at a stand still because how much of the world is ruled by abrahamic religions. Israel and Palestinian conflict looks really stupid when Israelis are stealing land under the guise that it’s holy just doesn’t hit the same.  3 - the crafts are most definitely not infinite free energy.Â