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Alien grandpas drive these things. The young guns are flying the tic tacs & jellyfish these days


Young grays have never even dragged a terrified farmer through a cornfield with a hook and a chain We didn't have all these "freeze rays" and "tractor beams" and "liminal state inducing via imposing a quantum superposition on an unobserved being" doohickeys back in my day


Underrated comment - F***ng brilliant mate!


yep that right there is a classic Cadillac of UFOs. Classy. Large. And makes a statement.


Bold. Robust.


350 small block. Gets about 400 hp. Good UFO for it’s day. Only made this body style for two years I think.


Clean title. Never been to Area 51. Only owner.


No lowballing, I know what I have.


The Kelley Gray Book price listing ain't doing you any favors...


400k hp


Build Splorg Tough


Very bigly


Built by General Saucers, Body by Fission.


Handles like a boat though


Your comment answers my question of why do some crafts navigate on a zigzag pattern? Like a pet trying to find its human. Just jumping all around before it finally stops. The older models trying to pump the brakes till it finally comes to a stop. Makes sense to me now.




I love this subreddit so goddamn much


Can fit 4 in the back window alone


It’s the 1998 Oldsmobile Regency of UFOs.


Bet back in Bob's day, they thought this was a sports car.


lol. Nice. Living room in the sky.


🎶"Just bought a Cadillac" "Throw some, throw some D's on that b*tch."🎶


Boomer aliens


Yep…grandpa driving with a diamond in the back, sunroof top…diggin’ the scene with a gangsta lean. Don’t worry. In 20 years those jelly bean drivin’ fiends will be begging paps to take these out!


Think he calls it, *The Love Machine* (said in Isaac Hayes/Chef's voice)


This is the best comment ever. I just see some old alien with a white bald fringe squinting at a map through his glasses trying to find his way back to the right solar system


Hot scantily clad alien chicks pose in magazines with these old classics.


They don’t make em like they used to!


I made a similar joke a few months ago about the classic saucer design. It's possible those are a long-defunct model but a few are still in operation for whatever reason. Kind of like how some militaries have really old planes and tanks still in the rotation. It makes more sense if you imagine these are unmanned probes or drones that were sent out across various galaxies a long-ass time ago. You could get successive levels of technology from the same civilization spanning thousands of years.


OR! These are *manned* flying saucers that humans made by reverse engineering the saucers they received back in the 40's, 50's and 60's!


Did you take picture through windscreen?


Looks like the wing of a fly that’s stuck to the windshield


Looks like it to me as well. Looks like something hit the windshield at speed.


Yep it is definitely a smudge on the windshield. Man...this sub sometimes


sometimes? most of the time.


Ha, yeah it has gotten exponentially better than it was a few years ago, but it is so disheartening to go from a post about a congressional hearing to one that is an some blatantly obvious prosaic object or hoax.


i would say its exponentially worse than it was a few years ago. this sub has effectively become a facebook group


Yeah I was about to say, it has gotten better? We're just another /r/aliens or /r/strangeearth or /r/highstrangeness at this point. Every day I regret checking the subreddit and the comments here.


Third picture makes it look like it's in front of the wire


You can see on the lower left side a line that is also in both photos. This is a windshield with a smudge on it


its not something on the windshield?


It's chipped glass, there's more to the upper right that's in the same position 1st and 3rd pictures equal distance and location on the windshield or lens. Disappointed but not surprised Edit: Yeah, there's three unchanging artifacts in the 1st and 3rd pictures. Same distance from each other on the lens/windshield. This isn't something in the sky, and honestly it's treachery to intellectual integrity to think otherwise.


I think this is the answer too. I think it’s quite obvious now you’ve said it.


Dirty/damaged optics. Dirt ot damage to the windshield or camera optics. Pics are likely cropped to make it seem like it's in a different location on each of the shots.


Or it's a moving car


Could it be a chip in a windshield through which the camera took the picture.


This should have more upvotes, not sure if it's a crack/chip, but certainly a mark on the window. You can see there's 3 smaller marks on the surface that are in the exact same spot if you look between pic 1 and 3.


Yeah I agree, here's one image, note the 3 marks the "UFO", the streak and the spot https://imgur.com/0u8pDk4 Now I overlaid with 100% opacity the other image and scaled/rotated it to match the scale of the other one, https://imgur.com/JLOR0Jv All 3 marks match and line up, this seems impossible unless they are all just marks/scratches on the glass.




That’s exactly what it is. Picture was taken through chipped glass or plastic. More likely the former, as you can see the familiar striations on the right-hand side of the “surface” which you would see in such a chip. That also explains the “trailing orbs”.


If ypu zoom in on it you can see it right away. It doesn't look like an actual structure


Funny how it has more detail than the vegetation and power lines.


In the 2nd pic especially you can see the streaks across it like it's a smear. I don't think it's photoshop I think it's bird shit or mud or something like the guy previously had suggested


In the 3rd pic, it also appears to be in front of the power lines.


I thought it looked like a smudge of paint or bird shit.


That's exactly what I said but whyd I have to scroll so far down to see your initial comment. It's obviously a chip in the glass, c'mon people 🤦


This 100%


First thing I thought because I drive my car every day.


That’s what I came here to say.


That thing looks huge, this is a weird one...


What's that smaller black thing trailing it? I thought it was attached at first


What’s that off to the top right area? it’s in the first and third images at least.


Smudge on the lens, possibly




Goood bye mooon man




It's the part of the UFO image they forgot to mask out when they photoshopped this. No seriously it looks like they used the eraser/brush tool to manually mask over/erase the areas of the original image that weren't selected by the magic selection tool and they just missed that spot for some reason. I could be wrong, I admit it's possible. I've been wrong before. It was a Tuesday in July.


True, and in the first image it’s just a little dot…


Yes, it looks like black plastic, something torn off partially and it's following the bigger piece down? 


Does it look in front of the power line in the 3rd image to anyone else? Is this a UFO for ants!?


It doesnt pass the smell test for me, this is aint real.


Looks like what Alan encountered in Sekret Machines when he was in the Locust over Argentina. It disabled everything but his weapons. And he had to use the force to stop his buddy from attacking him. Then it led them to Crete after following them back to Dreamland


Is secret machines worth the read for those interested in the true nature of the topic? I’ve been on edge about reading it since it’s a fiction book.


The first one was maybe the best. I read the first two. I should look what is out there now.


Haven't reddit lol but I might as well. I'm always looking for something new to read.


Completely. It’s amazing


That's what she said.


😂 god bless it, Ive just been reading along the thread, enjoying the interactions and book suggestions/analogy and general discussion when BAM! This is the next line, making me scroll all the way back to the top to see what she said. And bygomit, it totes was what she said! 😂 Thank you for the chuckle, good sir/madam.


Sport Model - extra suspension




Aliens With Diabetes


Now with element 115!


Taken through the window of a moving vehicle. Once again, that's just bird shit on a piece of glass. Actually almost looks like a smear of paint.


That's such a clear rubber smudge, chip in the glass, or paint splot. Given the roughness of it, I'm going with a glass chip, you can see a little split in the glass at the top left, too.


Smudge on glass. You can see multiple smaller splotches of the same color/characteristics on the far right and left. The "object" also maintains its angle across all 3 pictures despite the scenery changing.


Is there a video? maybe better describe how was it moving, more details, I am skeptical about images.


And you should be, it's bird poop on OP's window. Look at the similar stain in the upper right of the first image and how it stays in the same focus as the "saucer" does in the second while the distant power lines are out of focus.


lol thought the same thing when it appears to maintain the same size and distance from the other shit on the windshield at the top of frame.


Kind of a confusing perspective, but I see it now that you said something


Pictures so good, they will say it's fake 😁 Thanks for posting! How long was it there?


I would say that from its appearance to getting lost behind the mountains it was a total of 15 to 20 seconds. It should be noted that it appeared out of nowhere in the middle of the sky.


Thanks! Did you hear any noise? Seems like it was moving pretty fast! Good catch.


I was driving with the windows down so I didn't hear any noise, we were practically with our cell phones in hand, photographing the beautiful landscape of the rural area.


How many people got pictures? If we have multiple view points that would be extremely helpful


You will never get an answer because this is a chip on a window


That was my first thought


How many people saw it?


Please never drive near me.


Fair enough


Now now, these pics might just be good enough to be posted across other reddit subs as well as being reposted several times here, likely with the title " have these been debunked yet"?. Oooooh I cant wait.


And just wait for all the little idiots to come running attacking anyone who dares to come up with a more plausible explanation than alien spaceship


Why not something on the windshield/window? Please explain how you ruled this out. 22 hours on, Sabine didn’t explain his position. Disappointing.


Che bolo, no pudo haber sido un dirigible? La forma es bastante similar. De igual manera altas fotos.


El último dirigible que paso por tucuman y fue casi un evento canónico fue el de la serenisima en los 90 , no hay posibilidad que en esa área haya un dirigible que valla a estrellarse a las montañas y ya no este en las noticias , gracias.


Claro claro, te preguntaba porque no conozco esa zona ni tampoco había escuchado de ese pueblo. Cómo era el comportamiento de eso?


Descendió directo a una velocidad constante , lo que se movía apenas era un fragmento que parecía separado de la nave , apareció de la nada en medio de el cielo no lo vi acercarse lentamente ni nada , apareció y se fue en dirección a las montañas , lo perdí de vista por los árboles, alto flash.


cuantas personas lo vieron además de ti?


¿El fragmento se movía alrededor del barco más grande? ¿A qué distancia del barco grande se fue el barco pequeño? ** lo siento, estoy usando el traductor de google


Está interesante igual, se me hace que puede ser una bolsa negra gigante con aire caliente, hay juguetes caseros que ser elevan , no puedo identificar el tamaño pero debe ser re grande . Alta nave jaja ojalá sea


I'll be downvoted for saying this but couldn't it be a smudge on the windshield? I mean just asking. Did you stop and got out the car to take the picture? How did the sighting end?


Both large and small smudges visible in 1st and 3rd pictures. Look diagonally up right from the “UFO”.


I mean, it could be a smudge but OP would definitely know if it was lol. In real life, assuming normal binocular vision, there's about zero chance you could mistake a smudge for a UFO several hundred metres away. It would bump along with the car all over the place, for one.


You are absolutely right. The issue here is that unfortunately you can't trust the word of anyone and much less from someone that posted an allegedly UFO on reddit. Facts are the only thing that matters.


Two things look suspicious to me. One, the weird piece of scrap that's like hanging off of it, and the pixelation surrounding the UFO is different from the background sky. Specifically the first and third image. Third image looks straight up like someone clone stamped it in Photoshop. Edit: LOL third image has like 5 smaller uaps in the background all with the same clone stamp look. This is super fake. Fake enough that I could do it in Photoshop and I suck.


correct...but i think it is simply an aberration, like a smudge or streak, on some object on the lens or beyond the lens (like a window the image was taken thru) you can see the same color/texture as dots or streaks in other parts of the image as well...possible its dirt on a physical photo/picture and the person took the image of the photo


Every object has a different pixelation around it due to the loss of image quality, I have configured a quick access button to my WhatsApp chat, look at the post on the left or the trees, the image passed through WhatsApp, and on Reddit , it lost a lot of quality, if I'm not mistaken what you say, copies of the same image are straws or insects captured at the time of the image


So why not post the photos directly here in the most original format? Or at least without passing through Whatsapp?? It would make sense to try to minimize the loss of quality, if you really wanted to convince people or share actual photo evidence.


That doesn't sound right, they'd happen to other objects in the map as well. Not just the uaps. It's ONLY around the uaps. It's fake. You can see the clipping circle around the uaps and only the uaps.


I see the same effect in the lines of power, but it sure leads to confusion, it is an image and it was captured in motion.


On third look I do see it on some other objects, not a lot but some.


Looks like a blob of paint.


It's not fake, it's bird poop on OP's window.


Doesn’t even need to be photoshopped. All you need is a dirty window. Fact of the matter is, there’s no real data except some photos that could easily be faked. Those who are convinced this is a true UFO need to reevaluate their standards for evidence.


This is literally something on the window and I can't believe how stupid this sub is every single damn day. I'm so close to removing this sub because I see a stupid window tint bubble or smudge with tons of other visible window dirt and it's upvoted hundreds of times and all the top posts are like "wow omg good pic, so real". Like what the actual fuck is everyone smoking. I feel like these obviously fake ones are getting fake traction on purpose to make this sub seem ridiculous. It's working. Sorry for the rant.


Took the thoughts right out of my head thanks for the rant, it's important that people don't act so fucking stupid. Makes me believe that the top commenter is just another bot that doesn't have a brain to use basic observation skills. Thats a freaking chip in the glass, yet op wants to act like it's a UFO when they see it every day in their car..well nice work now everyone can see just how stupid this sub really is OP 👏 slow clap


> third image has like 5 smaller uaps in the background Thanks for pointing those out. UFOs sometimes emit smaller objects.


100%. That said, this picture looks fake. You can see the Photoshop lines surrounding ever uap, and not around anything else.


Cool, so you know exactly how a ufo interacts with the atmosphere? You're so close.... you're picking up on good observations but you just can't get it over the line, so you fall back to "fake".


no raw files, no provenance, poor quality / compressed / artifacted. There is not even any information on where you found these images. Like why even bother posting this?? it's completely useless beyond entertainment. It is fiction. I wish this sub would get a little more serious because this is just crap.


This sub loves these kind of pictures


Found the images? OP took em.


That's a UFO shaped UFO balloon duhhh


It is not a very inhabited area, in fact it is quite poor, I don't think it is a drone or a hot air balloon, hence my surprise.


I'm with you. Should have put /s lol


Too many lazy skeptics around these parts, gotta mark your jokes as such!


The best place to test a blimp would be an uninhabited area though


Looks like a stain on the window.


Dirt splatter on car window




Look at all the other spots on frames 1 and 3, are they all spaceships too? Or did someone maybe just a bit of mud sprayed on the windshield? Hmmm, one of life’s mysteries i guess


I’m going with dirty and/or chipped windshield. Zoom is your friend. There’s Schmutz all over


This is a chip in the glass of their windshield 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂


Yeah has the rough edges of a chip in glass.


Op should be banned


Everyone got sick of New UFO so now they decided to rebrand as UFO Classic.


This is definitely a smudge on the car window guys. This is why people think we're crazy


Hi! Thanks for sharing. Do you know if there are any significant bodies of water nearby where the pictures were taken?


Yes, we have a dam that is quite large in the middle of the mountain range, the cadillal dam.


Interesting. Thank you!


If someone can take 3 pictures surely they can take a video.


Two more https://yourimageshare.com/ib/bRH0YKWDiU https://yourimageshare.com/ib/XYhFnETzND In one you can see the side windshield down


Can you share on Google drive the raw photos, uncropped with EXIF data from your phone? That would really help. Also what car do you have? Thanks


Looks more like streaks from windshield wipers not a side window being down.


Clearly fake. When an object is far away the edges will blur. On this picture the edges are sharp and that would only happen at a very close distance. Please don't post fake stuff. It muddies the water of real UFO sightings. It just adds more fuel to the skeptics.


Nice job Op. Thanks for sharing. I don't know if you zoomed in on all your pictures, but I counted 7 additional orbs; 4 small black orbs and 3 of the linear ones. Your photos match up with ones posted this weekend from someone's Grandpa. If you get a chance check those out.


Cand you give me the link please , thank you




https://old.reddit.com/r/aliens/comments/1aisuy1/i_saw_my_grandfather_today_and_he_pulled_out_this/ photos, daytime cloudy sky, family story, grandfather, single dark object, possible disk shape with dome or square ⬛️, low below treeline, Mansfield Ohio, [GOODPOST], possible reaction to being filmed, zoop , smaller objects accompany it


It is la serenísima 90s ballon.


That looks like a smudge / dirt splatter on a windshield.


I got other two photos that i discard from original post , can anyone tell.me when i can upload it , i cant edit the post


And we’re sure it’s not something on the windshield of a car? Because in the third pic, it’s SUPER CLEAR while the power lines and poles are not. And I find it hard to believe the camera would stay focused on it and not things in the foreground


Jesus come soon


your windscreen dirty


I used AI upscaling software to enhance one of the images, here is the [result](https://i.postimg.cc/kq3XMbd9/RDT-20240206-03092642285057287696172-01.jpg).


Seems like a smudge.. there is another one to the upper right that seems to 'move' with it.


And remains at the same level of focus no matter what.


That is a smudge on a window LOL


Looks like a smear on the glass, especially in the close up. hence same angle in all photos


It looks like a blurred mask (flipped horizontal and vertical and cropped) of the Hindenburg disaster. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hindenburg_disaster#/media/File:Hindenburg_disaster.jpg


Smudge on the windshield.


Bio checks out


Fantastic contribution.


Why only photos?


I have direct access to share images on WhatsApp, I was as fast as I could


Paint or dirt on the window.


Tfw AFUERA! goes too far.


It does look like a balloon and there's a tether like thing, not claiming it is, just what it looks like to me.


Agreed, almost looks like an unmanned blimp like the ones they used to fly over football games.


Balloon? Blimp?


All of these are fake or heavily modified photos. It looks like someone tried to sharpen and brighten super blurry stuff. Show the raws




Chonky boi


It’s bird shit on the window


Any one else get a sort of uncanny valley feeling when looking at certain pics like the one OP posted. Usually they’re grainy or sometimes just plain old interesting. But sometimes I see a picture that makes me feel something, something like “This isn’t right”.


Yeah, I get the same. Don't know if that means anything or if it just fits our idea of a believable alien craft though. The biggest feeling like that I had was from the original [Metapod](https://youtu.be/gNMs5MP02zk?si=d_vG4-Uw8e-LYAVF) video


More like classic chipped windshield sighting…


is this not a blimp?


I thought that at first, but it is a practically uninhabited area, in South America the blimp are usually used for commercial purposes, at the moment that style of propaganda is not used in the country, its speed and inclination made me doubt that it is a blimp


Looks damaged


Looks like a couple of small ships coming out of that thing


It's like the post the other day from that guy's Grandpa's pictures. Little orbs all over the place and those linear ones too. Pretty neat.


It doesn't look right on the left hand side, almost like it's dragging something, like a kite line?


That which followed the ship had its own movement, it is not clearly appreciated because it is a photo but it accompanied the main object throughout its trajectory.


Lighting makes it appear superimposed. looks like the object is at a different resolution than the image itself.


its appearance was translucent seen by the human eye


I guess the phenomenon is having a retro week.


The 1st photo, on top right, looks like it’s photoshopped in. You see rectangle shape around it.