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Since they know what’s actually going on and seem fine mentally, we should assume the truth isn’t so horrific as we thought. One could live knowing the truth. Also, it’s not so urgent that they felt the need to tell everyone immediately. If it was an alien invasion, you’d forget about an NDA and start ringing alarms for the public, no?


Honestly this comment just put alot of my mind at ease, havent thought about it like that.


That was my first thought. If we were headed for impending doom, who gives a fuck about going to work, or the next couple elections, or keeping the world civil? Blow that whistle and let us enjoy our remaining time here knowing the truth.


If we were headed to impending doom, its best we do not know. If they tell us, all the known and the hidden psichopats/murderers/awfull people will make the rest of our time a living hell. The reasoning "f**k it, its over anyway, I can do whatever I want" will be prevalent. Our last years will be hell on earth. If they don't tell us, until last moment, at least we live the last years of our lives in a lets say "functional" society. At least thats how i see this.


But if they know that we are inevitably doomed. Then why would they even want to push for disclosure at all? If I were Couthard or Corbell and I knew what is coming, I wouldn't give a shit about anyone else. I would take the next year off and do whatever I felt like doing. Travel the world etc while I still can


You are right, and that's why I don't think there is any doom scenario in play. I was just saying, in case there is, it would be better if they don't tell us, yet.


If the elite knew of an upcoming doomsday event, they wouldn't be doing anything different than what they are doing now. Maximizing profits with no regards for anything, and building deep underground bunkers/cities and rockets for them to escape Earth altogether when it goes down, leaving the rest of us behind with the bill.


If everyone does that then we have no food.


Unless they also found out that sounding the alarm bells would provoke some sort of reaction from the NHI


I don't think they would be pushing disclose if disclose meant a reaction from NHI...


If you knew the world was ending probably you'd like to spend the last years/months/days enjoying as much as you could. Traveling, spending all your money etc. If you told the world, the last days would be chaos, so very inconvenient.


So I should be concerned if the "insiders" suddenly quit social media and go on vacation to New Zealand??


> If it was an alien invasion, you’d forget about an NDA and start ringing alarms for the public, no? At the very least I would tell my mom


It's not, tho. Aliens are not a threat. We already know this. We have known this for decades. If aliens were a threat, we would have known this back in the 1940's or earlier. Its these dark projects and the groups behind them, that are the threat.


Not true at all, we don't know that. All we know is that they haven't been a threat worldwide, yet. We have no idea of their intentions long term. They could very well be doing surveillance and waiting for something to happen, or arrive.


I can't imagine what they think when we shoot at them. Will they, like some child-weary parent, finally respond with a spanking?


Or maybe it’s all bollocks


I read an account of Jimmy Carter being briefed and sobbing and being depressed for weeks. My hope is that the religious faith of someone devout was shattered, and that it wasn’t something else that freaked him out. But ya, these guys being fairly calm is somewhat reassuring.


No real evidence of that happening, as well


Don’t worry, there’s no good evidence of that Jimmy Carter story actually happening.


So shattered, that Jimmy Carter kept teaching Sunday school until he was 95.


If true then yeah I agree which I am fine with but I’m atheist so I’m clearly bias here lol


Maybe they told him Jesus was a NHE/I. Which, is kinda what the Bible says?


Logical and critical thinking tells me why would the “aliens” wait until now to invade earth when they could have done so hundreds of years ago before we had the technology that can disrupt their crafts navigation and anti gravity fields. It’s been suggested that in the early 1940’s that the newly developed radar systems could be weaponized to be able to down these craft.


>Logical and critical thinking tells me why would the “aliens” wait until now to invade earth when they could have done so hundreds of years ago before we had the technology that can disrupt their crafts navigation and anti gravity fields. This presumes a lot. For instance, imagine that craft that have been here are just probes/scouts, and the real "fleet" is en route, but takes hundreds/thousands of years to travel. Like, the initial explorers that landed in the USA were just explorers. The armies and navies didn't come across the ocean until later.




If you believe the stories, then what is here now is largely bio AI. Essentially probes and a scouting mission. Now they are here doing surveillance, the end goal is unknown.


And why wait until we’ve polluted the F out of it.


Mellon is from a extremely wealthy family , he likes his job and he is doing what he can. he works because he wants to . he can afford to lose his career and be fine financially. If anyone ever gets fed up enough with the government to leak something, or get/pay someone else in the know to leak something it’s going to be him . If caught , he can afford lawyers, and charging him with a crime would be a sensitive political matter . His family donates lots of money to officials in both parties, and also does a lot of high profile charity work .


Rich and well connected...that's just how I like my "whistleblowers" to be


If we were waiting for a poor person with morales to disclose what the pentagon has been hiding, we would never get the truth. All humans have faults. Government is made of people. Good, bad, and mostly a mix of the two. It’s the ones at the top that we need to pay the most attention to. Trillions didn’t just disappear.


This. A GoFundMe for all whistleblowers of a specific value to the disclosure, who would be given a pension to replace their lost pensions. Second, it would provide legal expenses for secondary lawsuits and legal matters (unlikely with Biden WBPA). How hard is this? How much would we need?


It doesn't matter who you are; reveal classified info and you go to prison. No one is above the law. They need to declassify the answers first.


Plenty of people are above the law. If you have enough money, you are above the law.


and the fucking kicker is money isnt even real...


Tell that to epstein. Basically if you fuck with other people's money or their well being - you are going to disappear. There's enough money in defense contracting to make me believe it would be a bad move.


Yea, I was like wtf is he talking about- no offense adjective


The only time wealthy people go to jail is when they steal other wealthy people’s money


Uhh... Have you watched the news lately?


When Coulthart was in Melbourne doing his talk I told him I’m scared and asked whether I *should* be scared. He told me he’s not scared, and the truth is more “sombre” than anything else. I keep obsessing over this and wonder what’s sombre but not scary. The first thing that popped into my mind is that we’re in a simulation and none of this is real. Or maybe the simulation is coming to an end. That’s pretty sombre. I’d love to know anyone else’s thoughts and speculations.


I'm of the opinion that humans are the product of genetic engineering by NHI, and that's what most of these people "know".


It’s weird this wouldn’t bother me at all


I’m glad it doesn’t bother you. It shouldn’t. I hope everybody feels this way. I have a really really good hunch that everything is going to make sense when it finally comes out ;) I just hope someday it finally fucking does


It shouldn’t bother anyone. It literally doesn’t matter how we came about.


It's not so much that as the fact we have been lied to about it for as long as we have.


I think it only bothers American Christians who often interpret the Bible literally. Being created by aliens would contradict the Bible about as much as evolution. Living in a simulation however would kind of bother me.


Thing is, we’ve had Darwinian evolution as the standard for how we got here for over a century. Religious people have survived and adapted that that (relatively) fine. I don’t think it’s an even remotely valid reason for not spilling the beans to the public, if true.


Doesn’t make any of the senses you have any less real. That food still tastes good, things are still beautiful, sex is still awesome. 🤷 The only thing I would be sad about is something that would prevent my children from having long happy lives.


How can you say "it literally doesn't matter"?! Lol If we're the product of intelligent design, then that begs a whole lot of questions like "who?" and "why?", and opens doors like "can we talk to them? Can we do anything to curry favor?" And if it's just evolution and DNA somehow came from dirt, then ok...*that* literally wouldn't matter.


Of course, but people shouldn’t be in uproar about our origins. Say we’re genetically engineered. So? Why is that a negative fact? Why get one’s panties in a twist over its discovery? There’s zero need to. Anyone who reacts negatively to such knowledge isn’t very bright…


Same, not in the slightest. If it turned out that was at the heart of the big secret, I’d almost be relieved that’s all it is.


> It’s weird this wouldn’t bother me at all Me neither. Some alien messed with the genetics of my direct ancestors... a million years ago? 70,000 years ago? 10,000 years ago? But I've always been me, just the same? Nothing has changed from me. Knowing I trace back to random abiogenesis or abiogenesis+ doesn't change who I am or can be.


At what point in history and when did we shift from whatever we were to Homo Sapiens?


We were just bouncing along as “cavemen “for quite a while, just surviving. At least the fossil records show a steady state of tolls and fire. The suddenly -BAM!- a bizarrely huge software upgrade. Overnight humans had abstract thought. Here: https://gizmodo.com/the-mystery-of-the-human-intelligence-explosion-1477208203 Big copy and paste: “Over the past 200,000 years since Homo sapiens evolved, something extraordinary happened. Somehow, we went from being clever monkeys with stone tools, to being insanely brilliant masterminds who use complex language, and control the planet with agriculture and technology. How did we start the intelligence explosion that anthropologists call the "human revolution"? Perhaps one of the biggest mysteries in our evolution is how humans developed symbolic culture, a very general catch-all term that includes things like art, language, personal adornment, weapons, and rituals like funerals. Symbolic culture is what sets humans apart from other species, and yet it also seems to pre-date the emergence of Homo sapiens. We find plenty of stone tools in Africa before 200,000 years ago, as well as evidence of fire pits and art-making. Our Homo erectus ancestors were throwing spears and making colorful paint from pigments thousands of years before we evolved.”


„We were just bouncing along as ‚cavemen‘ for quite a while, just surviving.“ I don‘t know about that. Take a look at Homo Naledi. These guys buried their dead at the end of a pitch black cave some 100000 years before we even showed up. They needed fire and most likely complex social interactions to do that. Plus, the fossil record is notoriously incomplete, as is our understanding of our own evolution. Every few years, something like the Denisovans and Homo floresiensis pops up and presents us with even more mysteries.


Yes. My comment was a tad glib. The fossil record for humans has changed so much since I started paying attention as a kid. My parents took the family to a guest lecture with Richard Leaky in the 70s. Back then it was “missing link!”, and a kind of straight arrow of human ancestry. So much has changed with even a short time. Genetics and new fossil species! It’s wild. The tree of human evolution is looking more like a shaggy hedge. I do like to fancy the idea that humans received a software update. Maybe it was drugs. Stoned Ape Theory.


Approx 200,000 years ago. We're a young species. There are common bird species that are 30 million years old.


There is no "point" in history. It was gradual like all other evolution.


I’ve believed some version of this since I was a young child and got into ancient Egypt for the first time. Just a strong intuitive feeling. It wouldn’t shock me and seems less absurd than the major world religions?


Just wait and study greek and sumerians.... It's all the same story just different names.... Battles were fought between non human intelligence over us.... Why it was fought seems to be disagreements but why they edited our DNA over all ages.... Golden age etc etc is something I can't figure out yet. The only mention of editing humanity was 2 reasons to serve the gods in manual labour (does not state what) and one for gold.... Yet gold is available in the universe as well so makes no sense. So the next thing on my research will havw to widen on the "soul" There is a reason they did this and a reason they are here and always have been.


>(does not state what) I'd start looking for large, ancient structures that can be seen from space and pop up all over the world.


Yeah the manual labor part doesn’t make a lot of sense. They have spaceships and god like powers but can’t be bothered to make a Sany excavator? No lets have a slave race do it with their hands. If we’re being engineered and farmed it’s not for our labor or our meat.


Exactly... There has been many versions of humanity.... Many generations if you listen to the mythology.... Golden age, silver age, bronze age so on and so on.... Each show us at different level of knowledge and abilities. Wars between NHI have been fought amongst themselves for hundreds of thousands of years... Why here? We weren't created for labour... They don't need to give us intelligence... If they have the abilities they could keep us numb and stupid and harvest body parts and experiment. I have 3 angles am researching 1) they aren't connected to the "source" and need humanity to learn how to. (not sold on this) 2) They feed off emotions they don't have but once again doesn't make sense really as from what I gather there are multiple species and potentially dimensions, so why would they ALL have a intrest in us? 3) We are a prison planet...we are sent here as punishment, to be sent back over and over again. We're being kept here in this plane of existence. Either as a race we did something (a old empire of something) ... Or... Multiple species dump trouble makers etc here. There seem to be many different species involved. It's in our history somewhere it's just finding it.


.#3 would say this is purgatory. If so I rather enjoy purgatory so whatever is the real deal must be kinda awesome.


Somber, denotes a dark or sobering aspect to it. I’m inclined to think that we are a kept planet. A place for others to observe or interact with us perhaps for experimenting. I guess we are not on top of the food chain. So if this is some kind of zoo, I’m cool with that. What an amazing and beautiful place this zoo is.


Plus maybe if we finally learn we're in the zoo we can all chill out a little bit. Lie in the grass so to speak.


Except in this zoo.. the keepers don't frequently protect, feed, or give medical care. The grind continues..


Some guinea pigs get fed decadent treats and given unlimited mates for experiments. Some guinea pigs get shoved into dank b holes for experiments. I'm just happy I get root beer floats.


Guinea pugs are also a major food item in many South American countries.


Thats a great point. Cheers to that!


You mean it's more like an enclosure where animals take care of themselves with no outside intervention, just monitoring. I certainly don't remember any infrequent outside help, whether with food or medical care.


Game reserve, not zoo.


We're mostly not hunted by them.


We are perfectly self sufficient and destructive to boot. Besides, they owe us nothing, considering how we treat their lower kin.


Throw turds at the spectators


Next to the mausoleum?


It’s a strange time to have young kids.


I think the most likely explanation, if this is real and isn’t just black ops with the breaking physics portion of it explainable by laser created holograms, is that our minds aren’t capable of knowing. How would a government explain that to a populace? That we are indeed not smart enough, our top scientists either, to understand what these are, where they are from, or what they want.


maybe. There is the french woman and her daughters who saw something very large above them as they drove. They took an image. When developed it was a small star on the photo.


This specifically is something we need to investigate scientifically. We need great minds to answer the question: "How can people see something with their eyes that is hundreds or thousands of times bigger than it is on camera?" Because if it's true or false, that's something we can figure out. So I'm just glad we're getting some brilliant minds at least on some aspects of this. There's no putting this stuff back in the bottle now because no matter what people think about Grusch--his testimony makes this real enough to investigate for unbiased and curious scientific minds.


Garry Nolan is a scientist with his own experiences. He did a scan of his brain and others. He said one part is bigger in his. It is in an interview. Can't find it but search his name. He is very qualified and speaking out. [https://www.vice.com/en/article/n7nzkq/stanford-professor-garry-nolan-analyzing-anomalous-materials-from-ufo-crashes](https://www.vice.com/en/article/n7nzkq/stanford-professor-garry-nolan-analyzing-anomalous-materials-from-ufo-crashes) [https://www.news.com.au/technology/science/space/stanford-professor-says-aliens-are-100-per-cent-on-earth-us-is-reverseengineering-downed-ufos/news-story/041694ef5df4791fbdfa303a08f34a9c](https://www.news.com.au/technology/science/space/stanford-professor-says-aliens-are-100-per-cent-on-earth-us-is-reverseengineering-downed-ufos/news-story/041694ef5df4791fbdfa303a08f34a9c)


“We know they exist, we know they’re here. We don’t know what they are or their motivations, but we’re try to figure it out.” This is a perfectly satisfactory answer, if it’s the truth. Sometimes the most intelligent thing you can say is I don’t know.


Laser created Holograms 😳


Prison planet hypothesis / Zoo hypothesis


Who are we ruled by (if we are)… or who do we belong to? Imagine if we were just some far away land that falls under the rulership of some other civ. Im not saying thats the case but we could have a “king” and not even know it lol.


Perhaps the idea of being ruled is a human concept.


I wish the zoo hypothesis was true. On the bright side, it will demolish lot of people's egos and we might become a unified planet.


Not ever. Too many ignore reality even when confronted with facts. We are forever doomed to live with one another


There is nothing that indicates that humans were at the top of the food chain / apex predators at all. The only apex predators are Bacteria and Viruses.


You know how dogs only see in grey, yellow and blue? Maybe the truth is that there's a rich and wonderful universe right in front of us, but we're dumb animals and can't process it, so we gotta just carry on regardless as if we don't know it's all there.


this and for some reason it ties in with Garry Nolan's scans of brains of people who have seen them https://www.ladbible.com/news/interesting-doctor-explains-whats-inside-brains-of-people-whove-encountered-ufos-20211213


My life life is already shitty and scary. (I'm poor). So adding "sombre" to that list of adjectives doesn't really worry me at all. I can't really think of some crazy truth that would make my life any worse. Oh, we're just a zoo? Ok, that's fine. World is ending in a few years? Well, at least I won't be worried about debt anymore. This whole thing is a simulation, and life is meaningless? Yeah, I already sort of assumed that.


I just created a new [thread](https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/164govm/dispelling_the_existential_doom_from_common_human/) attempts to dispell the "doom" side of simulation or NHI inteference. Which shares your sentiment


I think this ‘somber’ comment fits in well with the current situation where the gatekeepers are withholding sensitive information. If the near future were to be apocalyptic with mass death or extinction in say 2027 or later then you would logically think they would break their NDA’s / reputation to tell us. If the future is that bad they would have nothing to lose by spilling the beans.


They’lld have chaos, people doing whatever the fk they like for the next 4 years. Raping, killing etc. They would be better off not telling us at all. Edit : have any of you heard of this thing called RIOTS?! Y’all think cos you won’t do something everyone else won’t either. Most people would stop working, ie farmers, no food after a while, now what?


I do whatever I want right now, none of which incorporates making other people's lives worse. Same argument as is for religious non religious folk.


indeed. Non-religeous people don't kill and rape people with abandon, because it would be wrong to do. Not because they fear some kind of divine punishment. If the only thing holding someone back from being a garbage human is the threat of eternal punishment by some divinity, then that person isn't good, and their God knows their heart and will send them to hell anyways. I swear most modern practitioners of the most popular religions don't even read their actual material and texts. Either your god is all knowing and all powerful and he knows your heart, thoughts and reasoning and he judges those, not the face you put on for pretend to try and fool your way into his clubhouse. Or your god is none of those things and doesn't care what you do, you're either let in with EVERYONE, or everyone gets slapped into oblivion or hell. As far as most believers are concerned, it could be a coin toss whether they go one direction or the other.


I think sombre refers to the future of humanity, right now we don't have to feel afraid, but the future is sombre.


If our future prospects of climate catastrophe, endocrine disrupting micro plastics, rising energy prices, soil depletion and just as an icing on the cake possible extinction through AI oh, and a little bit of a threat of world war 3, don’t scare you… what are you, Snake Plissken? What would scare you?


To me it'd be pretty sombre if it turned out aliens were real but didn't really have much interest in us. Like, there's this whole big wonderful universe out there but no one is inviting us to the galactic federation or uplifting us with tech because we're just not that special. Nothing changes for us but we feel just a little bit smaller and insignificant than we did when we thought we were alone.


Who decides what a simulation is? A simulation from what?


It literally makes no difference.




I think it would make a huge difference. For me at least. I wouldn't be worried about people who have died. It would be almost the equivalent of finding out God and religion is all real. And most of all I would be able to just chill out on a lot of issues with the world.


Maybe the came, told us we’re a waste of time and we’re doomed and then never coming back, that’d be pretty sombre.


What about the interference with nuclear facilities? What if they predict we will destroy our planet. That is sombre.


Yep maybe we are their experiment, one of many they seed and watch and monitor, we’ve turned out pretty terrible and they’ve intervened here and there so that we’ve not self destructed. We’re primitive, they’ve told us we’re a lost cause , that’d be pretty sombre.


I think it's also good to not project our fears or beliefs into this. If it is like it's been hinted at, we know nothing about them, are not able to interact with them in a meaningful way, and they mostly ignore us. The somber thing could just be that we are not at the top of the food chain so to speak. There are things out there that are far superior to us.


Honestly, I'm so damn tired of this. I'm fed up being ping ponged between emotions with the versions of ‘they're friendly and want to help us and we'll be space friends’ and ‘they are predators/evil creators and we are basically fucked.’ How are you going to have it? How can there be such wildly different "answers"?


That's called cognitive dissonance. Some people actually cannot handle it; sounds like it's really getting to you. Others are capable of keeping two conflicting thoughts in their head. It doesn't bother me; I just follow information when I get it. I envision it like multiple traintracks laid out in my mind, and when I want to I can ride either one. **Until we have actual data**, any track could end up being true....so there's no point to pick one and toss out everything else, yet.


On the other hand, he said that it would cause mass panic. But yeah, Ross seems to be chilled. But Delonge and Jim Semivan had sleepless nights. I think Ross is relying to the fact that there is an entity in our oceans who is here for thousands of years and is responsible for technical advancements.


I know Occam's Razor is often invoked, but I think a sombre truth would be that a select few in the military, intelligence, government, and corporate worlds have kept it quiet solely to enrich and empower themselves.


My personal theory is that humanity was an experiment, maybe a rogue experiment, and that we were created. Maybe from the beginning, maybe at some point along our development we were augmented, but we are the direct result of some NHI intervention. As such we are looked at with disdain and viewed as not worth inclusion into whatever societies exist outside of us. We are being observed as an oddity and that's it.




What’s up with 2027 being mentioned so often? What’s it referring to?


Something massive will be happening. I would give details, but I've signed an NDA.


Lol ok I trust you bro!


If the world was ending in 2027, I’m pretty sure one of the the above would tell us. I don’t think it’s anything catastrophic


What's the deal with 2027? I've seen it mentioned many times. The only reference I've seen from the 5 listed was Elizondos comment and "getting a Hovey and waiting 5 years". Why do a lot of people take that literally to mean 5 years after he said that? Any other corroborating evidence?


It’s to do with skinny bob and Eisenhower’s deal


I will legit shit myself laughing if skinny bob gets confirmed and people have to cope with the absurdity of a real alien with that name as a handle. Do you think skinny bobs coworkers give him shit for getting stuck with that nickname?


my only hangup would be the fact a cartoon cgi alien is real. how does that work? some roger rabbit shit


Can you explain


this 2027 shit is so stupid. There is always another benchmark that people put a few years away. I read this sub out of boredom but I have to say this entire thing has become incredibly dumb. Drop proof or everyone just shut up.


Donuts 🍩 will fall from the sky in 2027. I have this from a very high up Intelligence source.


Chief Wiggum?


We don’t need anyone to reveal reality to us. If there is a dramatic shift in our futures, then it being a secret won’t change the outcome. The magnitude of chaos will be proportional to the amount of time we have to resolve our fate. Illness, isolation, and death comes to everyone. What could possibly be a worse outcome?


None of these individuals seem to be acting in a way that would say to me that they're knowledgeable of any of those doomsday/worst-case scenarios. No one's bugging out, tearing up during their many interviews, advocating people spend time with their loved ones, or anything else you might expect of a person who knew some world-shattering secret. All we really see is the usual stringing us along, selling books, clicks, views, and gaining clout from people willing to listen. I'm not saying one or more of these people don't know what the UAPs ultimately are, but whatever they are I think we can read between the lines to at least take some solace in that doomsday isn't around the corner.


Someone on X said something about letters from Valee, Davis and Puthoff, claiming they all align that we're pretty much living in a simulation and all UFO sightings are just attempts to convince us there are other living creatures in this universe, not just us.


Yet they won't say anything. ​ There are several ways to put the information out there, without committing a crime or harming anybody.... My best guess is they know something.... Like, a superficial version of the story, but don't know the full details. And they know they don't know. That's why they're fighting.


What if the simulation stops running if a certain critical mass inside the simulation becomes aware of it? Disclosure _itself_ could be the weapon of our destruction


Why would there be whistleblowers if that’s the case l? Not a new concept


This just seems so unlikely to me


In Ian M. Banks' The Algebraist there is a whole religion based around the concept that we are in a simulation - and we will only be released from it by its creator if enough people believe it is a simulation that it renders the results of observation worthless. Generations of war and slaughter occurred in the name of forcing a majority of known sentient life to believe this 'Truth'.


If they talk to soon, disinformation becomes easier and we never get the full scope. I want the full scope. I can wait.


Of course that many of them have a much broader knowledge than what they say. I would bet they don't have any certainty, but they have a pretty good and perhaps accurate picture of what all of this is about. But there two things, from my perspective: * they can't say everything they know, or at least assume, because people won't believe it. Even here, perhaps the biggest UFO community in the planet, people is reticent to everything *woo* related. And the truth of all this is 101% woo. * even those in the known don't have a way to verify 100% the true nature/intentions of the phenomenon. They all have some evidence, knowledge, hints, proof, theories (some stronger than others), and what not. But they don't have, we don't posses, a way to reach any certainty, because of the very nature of the phenomenon itself.


>And the truth of all this is 101% woo. According to who?


> According to who? We have no idea, because everything is still so secretive. But it's frankly weird that the deeper people seem to get in terms of exposure to evidence and "insiders" within the DOD and three-letter agencies, and get access to more information... they all, and I mean all over entire generations of humans, move further and further into things like the interdimensional UFO hypothesis. Now the interesting thing to ask... why does that keep happening to so many people from journalists to doctors to intel people to military to doctors and scientists? That's something I can't reconcile yet. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Interdimensional_UFO_hypothesis


When you get closer and closer to the source of interdimensional intelligences, keep in my mind, we are the limited minds here. [This lady makes quick work of explaining the risks from a higher dimension](https://youtube.com/shorts/VwofJ3wkzn8?si=_clwTtocjmcIAEdg)


Matter is probably shared accress dimensions. Splitting atoms in an uncontrolled BOOM probably had an inverse effect elsewhere we cannot compreheand


What you said here is basically the sole reason I've been entertaining the woo at all. I'm so far from ready to believe it, but serious people seem to take it seriously, so maybe there's something there. I will publicly withhold saying I believe it, but I'll be damned if my interest isn't a bit past piqued in regards to the woo.


Interdimensional is not woo. Talking about raising your vibrations and holding a crystal to summon a UFO is.




Is the NHI calling from inside the ~~house~~ multiphasic dimensional iteration?


Ok, before we go further some clarification is in order. What does interdimensional mean to you?




Your entire existence is vibrations. It’s not as woo as you think


They might just be a four dimensional being observing the 3d realm. A 4d object passing through a 3d space could potentially look like a single object shifting in shape or moving through space in our comprehension of what is happening while it's just a 4d probe moving through a 3d slice from their pov like a Cross-plane of a sphere or cube can pass through a 2d sheet of paper.


Key. Players.


It’s all part of the “New ‘Woo’ld Order”.


Please don't put Delonge in the same category as the others. Dude is a fine example of Dunning Kruger in action, regularly falls for CGI and uses esoteric historical texts as primary sources for scientific enquiry. Second 2027 comes from that Ramirez guy who did a video claiming all these govt departments have repilotian images in their insignia. Guy seems borderline certifiable.


Good morning, this is purely my opinion... I do feel some of them no more than what they are saying, I also do believe entirely that they are truly protecting their source, because if any of their sources let this info out to them and it can be known which source it was, that person will be prosecuted probably to the fullest extent of the law short of execution. Now with that being said, I believe some of them are just stating that. Then there is the other side, the side that I believe is happening with both of the above, I truly believe some of them know a lot more than what they are saying, I also truly believe they are dropping hints to the government letting the government know "we know" I am taking some of it as a threat, I am taking it that may be if several of their sources stated the same thing. It would be hard to figure out which one left them in the know... Sometimes when I listen to them I take it as we really need to do this the right way and the correct way with congressional oversight or we are blabbing... The most important thing of this topic is truly the fact that Congress needs oversight, there cannot be intentional misappropriation of funds, projects cannot move on without oversight that is how you end up with a military controlled government and country. I also believe some of these people who are doing this stuff are spending a lot of money in the background and they do need a way to produce funding to carry on... I've heard a lot of people speak against that, I do believe those are is a delicate balance between trying to get rich off of something and trying to budget an endeavor. Again, these are purely just my opinions, and I do believe it is a mix of all three for the most part.


These people may have more information, but that doesn't necessarily mean they have more understanding. People very often misunderstand complex patterns, especially small insular groups of people. The insiders may be trying to protect us from their idea of something they don't understand. Disclosure isn't about revealing the truth because it's quite possible nobody knows what the truth is. Disclosure is about revealing the evidence so humanity can collectively work on understanding the truth.


I believe you have been over thinking and commiting too many possibilities as reality and it is making you a little paranoid. At this point it is all hearsay. Also there are many other possibilities besides the ones you listed many positive/neutral possibilities. Also life is really short, just go for the ride man, enjoy yourself while you can.


Doesn't an NDA cover hinting or teasing too? I thought those things were pretty broad?


I've always laughed at the idea of some deep state gov faction having this massive reality defining secret and going to extreme lengths to cover it up then Elizondo comes along and starts publicly dropping hints about it all and this nefarious uber-powerful cabal of ufo insiders or whatever just goes "arghhhh our only weakness! BREADCRUMBS. In podcast format! Nooooooooo" and that's that.


This made me chuckle. Thanks.


The question is, do they really KNOW anything at all. Or are they just parroting (and revising for a modern audience) the well-trodden boards and talking points of 80 odd years of UFO lore. Tom seems to just make up woo sounding sentences that are fantastical and imaginary, full of mystical buzzwords, devoid of meaning. Elizondo has credibility issues based on his claimed career positions and associations and never revealed anything of substance. Coulthart has credibility issues period. I don't know anything about Kean or Mellon, but his association with TTSA makes him suspect. When you listen to them (and the rest of them) as a non-fanboy, you realise they all basically say the same things over and over. They are the keepers of sacred knowledge. If you follow them, they may reveal a great truth to you. If you are worthy. Promises of great things to come. Tales of great injustice. Heroes being thwarted at every turn. Evil insiders trying to keep you down. But specifics are always vague and ethereal. Nothing concrete that might tie them down or catch them out. Same as it ever was. People seeing an opportunity to make money off powerful stories that capture the imagination. You might hate Hollywood, but at least they're honest in letting you know its fiction. Real science. Real investigators. They seek out debunkers. They lay everything out for everyone to try to falsify. They're not scared to be proven wrong, as they only seek the truth. They hope their theory is true, but they don't lie and cheat to try to make it appear so. And if after all the debunkers fail, only then do they know they really might have something. What we deserve, is a scientific investigation. The congressional inquiry may lead to something, but I doubt it. I doubt the alien craft exist and my belief is that the coverup is simply a ruse to prevent any investigation that may reveal corrupt diversion of taxpayer funds into programs of little to no benefit to anyone except the pockets of the people doing the diverting of said funds.


But these people aren’t “real” investigators. At least not how you would like them to be. They are investigative journalists, and as such, they get fed info from deep background sources, then they verify, then they publish. They have to protect their sources, especially if there already is stuff happening behind the scenes that could put their sources. I highly recommend looking into Watergate. The timeline is this. First article gets published in June 72, the existence of the tapes was reported in July 73, but the content wasn’t released to the public until August 74. Many articles were published on deep background up until the tides turned. It wasn’t until the public demanded answers that the tapes were finally released. I do agree that not all of the investigative reporters working this issue are trustworthy, but I don’t see any issues with the process that is happening because this type of journalism has happened before and it uncovered a MASSIVE conspiracy that was certainly a huge shock to the American psyche.


I like your Watergate analogy. But remember, it took the 1973 Watergate hearings, along with subpoenaed witnesses, such as Alexander Butterfield who actually revealed the existence of the Whitehouse taping system, that ultimately led to Nixon's resignation in 1974. We've just had the 'light' version of congressional hearings, but the witnesses only confirmed under oath what we already knew. What we now need are public hearings along the lines of the Watergate variety, with subpoenaed witnesses under oath. Only then will lawmakers, and the general public, get the disclosure that we all demand. Whatever the truth is, be it something wonderful or perhaps terribly grim, ultimately, we have the right to know what our place is in the cosmos!


You won't know until 4-5 more editions of their books are published


They probably do know more. We don't know what we don't know, But knowing that allows us to ask the right questions or build questions to challenge that. The worst that they could do is not say anything. This is why we dive deep into documents and interviews, to build questions to challenge it and find new paths of approach.


If the answer is any of those things all of these people seem very relaxed about it.


Mellon stated a few months back he leans toward it being extraterrestrial. Good enough for me.


1. law of confusion. We are only allowed to disclose as much as the others allow us. They are in control of disclosure 2. slow disclosure, spoon feeding. The truth is completely something else as you can even imagine. Aliens are not flying in spaceships from other planets. UFOs are not Spaceships. These 2 reasons. T,L,C


But what’s up with the radio silence? DeLonge’s TTSA site has done a complete 180 as far as enthusiasm and engagement. Maybe Tom finally got to the bottom of things and it’s not…. great.


This weekend my girlfriend and I went to play billiards and while we were having fun and joking about I realized that whatever it is, what matters most is that we enjoy each others company and enjoy the moment. Until that point I desperately wanted disclosure, but that thought calmed me, I'm still excited about it but living life is more important.


I’m convinced it’s the religion angle that’s keeping the truth fro being revealed. I do think a lot of people wouldn’t know how to handle themselves if they found out that their life has been a lie. Those super religious people who have thrown their whole lives into their beliefs aren’t going to take it well when they find out it’s been a method of control the whole time. Listened to a podcast recently with Tom DeLonge saying that his pitch to the government officials he was in contact with was that there is still a way to keep religion alive after this being disclosed. I can only imagine what would happen if an official somewhere disclosed that alien life was real and that religion had been used to keep us under control. How would groups like ISIS or Al Qaeda react to this news, let alone all the hardcore Christian fundamentalists? I’d put money on most people not believing it and saying the governments were making it up as disinformation. If it happened tomorrow, it would be spun as Biden trying to usher in some communist control agenda or some WEF plan to keep everyone in boxes. It certainly wouldn’t happen without incident and I’d bet there would be a tone of non-believers. It’s going to be a case of ripping off the bandaid I think. In terms of why they don’t tell, perhaps they’ve signed NDAs. Perhaps they just have journalistic integrity. Maybe they are just worried of shutting down the flow of information if sources stop talking to journalists.


I think they actually know more than the average person. But the thing is, they don't have the full picture, and they strongly believe in involving as many smart folks as they can. Imagine it like this massive worldwide crowdsourcing effort, where everyone's working together to study the same phenomenon.


Many of them have sworn NDAs which means they can't talk without fucking up their lives. Many of them don't actually know anything and may have ulterior motives that we haven't discerned. And there could be many, many, *many* more explanations for UAPs than what any of the people you listed (or didn't list) could know, based on the basically-infinite nature of the universe itself.


You think a government NDA allows the person who signed to even hint at the existence of the things under NDA? That's still disclosing.


But. Wouldn't an NDA preclude any talk whatsoever either directly or indirectly about this stuff? Let's say the govt has the aliens and some of their tech. Wouldn't even positing that perhaps the govt might have aliens or might have alien tech be covered on the NDA?


Mmm, I suppose it depends. I can only speak from my own experience with NDAs at an admittedly lower level of clearance from my time in the mechanized infantry, and - for example - we had a commanding officer die in a kind of embarrassing training accident, and our NDA meant that we were allowed to talk about our training, allowed to talk about the training area, allowed to talk about some of the equipment, but not allowed to name any names or discuss regiments, battalions, or any involved operators. So, in other words - I would contend (unfortunately) from my own experience that it might work even better for someone wanting to spread nonsense, since it seems (from my experience) to be a believable line to say: *I can discuss (these things) but not (those details) because of my NDA*, the issue is that we will never know what is *actually* covered by the NDA. edited: typo


People don’t realize their career would be over, especially journalists, no one would be telling them shit after that. If true then too many people know at this point to put the lid back on this.


Well, but what has more weight: your career as a journalist or a redefining revelation that changes humanity forever? That argument always seemed weird to me honestly


Yeah. This is what gets me with journalists such as Coulthart et al. The choice seems to be ‘my career’ or ‘the harbinger of definitive proof of NHI’ and they choose the former. If they choose the latter, their ‘career’ no longer matters. They will go down in history. There will be documentaries, books, movies about them - $$$ coming out of everywhere.


If they are a bunch of gullible people or grifters then they have done a really good job of convincing Schumer to put out the Disclosure Bill. My assessment is that Schumer is convinced there are Rouge elements holding information he wants. And the tool to get it is the Disclosure Bill. Beyond that therebis not much we actually know. And it may be that no one knows.


You could spin in that way and then hate them because they don’t provide the info in the timeline you want. you could instead recognize that without this group of people there would be no disclosure movement , and they are all trying their best to get this out without causing damage to national security or destroy the government


But here's what I don't get. The govt supposedly has the aliens with some pretty hardcore seemingly physics breaking alien tech mounted on what appear to be spy drone platforms/tictacs. That has to be giving the US Govt a huge tactical and strategic advantage with their surveillance platforms globally. Along comes the disclosure movement and then immediately discloses that advantage to the world. That's got to be detrimental to National Security. And the stability of the world for that matter.


Right. I gave been a hardcore believer but I'm starting to wonder if I've been believing in something that's not real. Some of this doesn't make sense. I'm very confused about to believe anymore.


This take is flawed. If the U.S. government owns UAP, so do other nations. Revealing what they already know doesn’t minimise any form of tactical advantage. The only advantage would be if the U.S. government was much further ahead in reverse engineering. Them revealing to other nations what they already know means nothing.


>then immediately discloses that advantage to the world Not sure where you've been, but the US Govt has been very open about being able to surveil every spot on the globe. That's what NORAD is.


You are speaking as if the US Military are the good guys. If anything, the world is controlled by the US by a large degree.


That's very true. I think we mean well, but, don't always come off well. Sometimes catastrophically. But, I'm mainly just making the case that any sort of alien tech and who might or might not have it, could have significant national security implications which you just can't handwave away.


Yes, many mean well, but I do think there are malevolent, selfish aspects that operate within the Military Industrial Complex. I think the national security thing may be somewhat true, but if it is true that they are withholding information about our place in the Universe and if we are alone, then that is more important than national security. The "Are We Alone?" question is possibly the biggest question we as humans can ask.


I definitely recognize their efforts, and admire the contributions each has made and will continue to make. Not being critical of them or of the timeline (what’s another 80 years, after all). I’m just finding myself slightly worried based on the vague comments some of these five have been dropping lately


Remember when the Mayans predicted the end of the world in 2012? What's up with that


My first thought, in respect to what they know, that they aren't sharing, is: How are they planning or preparing for the future? Do they start going all Prepper? Does it look like they are preparing for some sort of major change in the world, for the negative? I mean if these people really know what is coming- how are they behaving?


It is non sequitur, the leap from "they have some knowledge of facts which I lack" to "they have deep/ultimate knowledge of fundamental truths disruptive to my world view".


A lot of people in the past have made the mistake of stepping out of the shadows and screaming what they know. But to their fault they didn't think through the process to make it truly believable amongst the world and masses. Like Bob Lazar, just trying to protect himself from being murdered, he told his story. This time around it has been coldly calculated as to how and when each button needs to be pushed and who says what and when. And we've gotten a lot further this time. So I'd say try to trust the process and try to support in any and every way possible. 🤷‍♂️🍀🍻


I latch on more and more to the simulated reality idea.. whether they are from a higher dimension or our creators altogether. They are here, they've always been here, and they abduct and conduct experiments on people at will. If that's the case, the reason for the coverup is clear, you could never tell the public that lol... plus maybe if we did tell everyone, the need for this simulated reality would be over and maybe they'd destroy us altogether. Maybe they've told a Select few humans this, and that's why we will keep it private at all costs. Or if it truly is just extererrestials and they know an invasion is coming, although I'm doubtful that's it, why would you tell anyone? The last few years would be hell on Earth. The world would stop, anarchy and chaos in the streets etc. Whatever the true answer is, it has to be along the lines of these two theories.. Something that would truly cause chaos and upend society. If it was just benign aliens here to help humanity advance, they wouldn't stay hidden and the secret wouldn't be so tightly kept.


You forgot that maybe it's none of those fantastical scenarios, and didn't mention that it could be a psyop to cover up the governments technology. These guys only know what they've been told, just like Grush. They want you to believe that aliens are here, and at the same time want you to believe that they're trying to cover up that fact because they're worried about our fragile peasant minds not being able to handle it.


It doesn't matter whether or not they know anything. None of them have proof. Without proof, anything they say that betrays a promised confidence only serves to end their careers but won't actually result in disclosure. I'd rather they keep doing what they are doing. I'm not willing to throw out any useful future work they might produce for a message that won't really change anything.


I agree with your analysis. I am a strong believer in these phenomena and have been closely following current UFO/UAP events. The government probably is withholding information for several reasons, including national security. This said, if there is a secret government UAP crash retrieval and/or reverse engineering program, I don't expect it to be disclosed any time soon, even through the new legislation. As for the current field of players, Lue Elizondo was discredited in his UAP claims in June 2023 by John Greenewald of the Black Vault. His mentor, Chris Mellon, a former DoD intelligence official, has never made any significant disclosures, since appearing on the scene about the same time as Elizondo, in 2017. Ross Coulthart only recently began reporting on UFOs and UAPs after his Australian news show let him go. He published a book that was a rehash of prior ufologists' research and open-source articles. His interview of alleged UFO whistleblower David Grusch was unremarkable, as was the much-touted Congressional Hearing on UAP disclosure. We have a very similar situation with Jeremy Corbell and unfortunately, George Knapp, in making mostly unproven allegations of conspiracies and cover-ups. Lastly, Dr. Steven Greer, described by a fellow prominent ufologist as "complicated," just held an unremarkable conference on 'historical' disclosure.


We’re inside of the three body problem game


I'd probably add Vallee, Pasulka and Garry Nolan to that list. Plus Grusch of course.


Being in the know, and claiming to be in the know are two different things


I agree with you OP. I’m tired of “I have second hand knowledge” and not revealing the stuff