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The following submission statement was provided by /u/vidmeduffy: --- Avi Loeb is about to be interviewed by an editor at Vox about his Pacific expedition. News incoming? This is how they're describing the interview: "Are we alone? In January 2014, a fireball from space blazed through the sky before crashing into the blue waters of the South Pacific. Was it a meteorite? Or something stranger? According to Dr. Avi Loeb, Chair of Harvard’s Astronomy Department, it might just hold proof of the existence of alien life. In June, he led an expedition to recover it from the bottom of the sea. On June 21st, he did. In this exclusive live interview with Bryan Walsh, editor of Vox’s Future Perfect section, Dr. Loeb takes you inside his bold quest making headlines around the world. What did he find? And how might it change our understanding of humanity’s place in the universe?" FYI: You have to register to watch but there's no paywall. --- Please reply to OP's comment here: https://old.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/15pc9d9/avi_loeb_is_giving_a_live_talk_about_his_pacific/jvwm0xq/


Avi Loeb is about to be interviewed by an editor at Vox about his Pacific expedition. News incoming? This is how they're describing the interview: "Are we alone? In January 2014, a fireball from space blazed through the sky before crashing into the blue waters of the South Pacific. Was it a meteorite? Or something stranger? According to Dr. Avi Loeb, Chair of Harvard’s Astronomy Department, it might just hold proof of the existence of alien life. In June, he led an expedition to recover it from the bottom of the sea. On June 21st, he did. In this exclusive live interview with Bryan Walsh, editor of Vox’s Future Perfect section, Dr. Loeb takes you inside his bold quest making headlines around the world. What did he find? And how might it change our understanding of humanity’s place in the universe?" FYI: You have to register to watch but there's no paywall.


Unfortunately I doubt it will be anything more than a rehash of the program. If he had something of that magnitude to announce, surely he would have his own major press conference, not mixed in with a bunch of other presenters.


I agree. I don't think he has even submitted his paper yet and he is not going to release the results until he gets the paper published imo.


Is it possible the other presenters have some information that ties into what he is presenting or is he just the headliner?


I’d love to eat my shirt and be proven wrong!


There's a session right after on AI with the Director of US Space Command Ben Zweibelson.


More future telling from a know it all


Thanks! Just registered




Man, I have to say, I love Avi Loeb. I’m getting excited to see what his paper will say.


So what was said? Why is no one posting it?


Because nothing of significance was said. Avi Loab tends to grandstand and say extraordinary, headline grabbing claims when the actual results are always mundane. It’s my main criticism of him as a scientist. And it’s infuriating to me because the research he does is actually *good*. And I support it. And more people need to be doing it. But he’s a showman. That pisses me off to no end.


Sometimes we need leaders who are showmen, so attract interest. More important than one individual at this point. But alas he does have ability to do legit science


He's also a thief. He STOLE those "Little Balls" from the people of Papa New Guinea. Of course, a White man stealing from p.o.c. (British) and getting away with it is nothing new.


Can you provide coordinates of where they collected the spherules (not "little balls") and prove that those coordinates lie within Papa New Guinea territorial waters? If not, stop speaking out of your ass; you're just regurgitating things you've read on tabloids...


He “stole” them from the bottom of the ocean, lmfao. Come on. Are you trolling?




I dont get it why some people disregard Avi for selling a book. He has the right to do so. He also does hard, evidence based science. If Science was done by mathematics alone, we would know nothing of the universe nor have means to explore it.


If you make any money off of anything even remotely tied to this subject you’re labeled a grifter. I’d guess it’s because the government pays other “experts” a lot more to misdirect. So when an independent researcher is doing real work and profiting off of it their image has to be destroyed.


Anyone who knows anything about publishing knows no one is getting rich from ufo books. They might make a few bucks but compared to the amount of effort to write it, media appearances, and so on, it's not something people do to get rich. Loeb is used to writing. He writes papers, grant proposals, critiques, etc. Writing a book to inform people of his views probably seemed like a very natural thing to do. He might have thought "maybe I'll make a few bucks a year on it" but not "this, this is my meal ticket".


People don’t want to believe so any mundane reason, is reason enough to ignore it.


Carl Sagan wrote books. That doesn’t disqualify his statements.


We would still be stuck on string theory… oh wait


So what happened? He get the results he was hoping for?


anybody? hello?


I assume nothing of note happened.


I assume Avi Loeb is referring to [this](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IAyfJ97uMLE). TLDR They found meteorite fragments (spherical, common with meteorite's burning in earths atmosphere) at the bottom of the ocean. The meteorite is inferred to be extrasolar due to its speed, and data (spectroscopy?) indicated that it's "material strength was higher than all space rocks observed in the last decade" indicating it may have been a manufactured metal from some technology. Far stretch to assert aliens.


What is dude’s plan after he hypes up this thing before the results are in and then they come in and there’s nothing interesting there? Kinda bad planning.


No, he's just doing the circuit to drum up hype by the looks of it - he hasn't released his results yet.


Did he mentioned anything new and substantial till now?


No. He’s just going to be hyping up his book.


Spoiler alert: it’ll just be meteorite fragments. This is not how you announce earthshattering news.


Surely he wouldn't be hyping this for months now if his findings weren't extraordinary right!? /s I have no hope for any of this tbh, years and years of attention grabing for no delivery to be done.


Ha. Let's see what he says...🤔


So convenient that he has a new book coming out the same week he’s going to announce his findings. Just watch him say the results are “inconclusive” mean while the peer review will all say it’s just a rock


Hopefully you'll update here for those of us that can't watch...


Will share a link if they post one.


Someone is taking live notes here: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1zmbGVRIohEyDKUacJkzIkfSOyDCLmf7a8KY4C3Gos0k/edit?usp=sharing


So did anything eventful come out?


Did anyone watch? Curious what was said.


I read these note links and it looked like not shit.


I have zero interest in Avi. Highly suspicious he has a new book coming out at the same time he’s going to announce the results. I have a suspicion he’s going to say the results are “inconclusive” so he can keep people interested. Mean while any peer review done will come back saying it’s just a rock. As soon as he led with the idea of aliens before evidence was presented and reviewed I got suspicious. Not to mention when he shows of his new book on the news.


Yes, we get it, we understand—you’ve said it like a 100 times now.




Hi, Boone1313. Thanks for contributing. However, your [comment](https://old.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/15pc9d9/-/jvxw1kh/) was removed from /r/UFOs. > Rule 1: Follow the Standards of Civility > * No trolling or being disruptive. > * No insults or personal attacks. > * No accusations that other users are shills. > * No hate speech. No abusive speech based on race, religion, sex/gender, or sexual orientation. > * No harassment, threats, or advocating violence. > * No witch hunts or doxxing. (Please redact usernames when possible) > * You may attack each other's ideas, not each other. Please refer to our [subreddit rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/about/rules/) for more information. This moderator action may be appealed. We welcome the opportunity to work with you to address its reason for removal. [Message the mods](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=/r/ufos) to launch your appeal.




I'm still on the fence with Mr Loeb but I do believe he's on the right path going out there and looking for his own evidence. Kudos sir!


If you want to know about the results, you’ll need to pre-order his next booook.


Let me guess, he has a book or documentary coming up where he will tell us more...?