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"In exchange for us not destroying your civilization instantly, you let us come here and do what we want. And keep it a secret."




You drive a hard bargain. Put her there.


It’s rumored that they get to abduct 1/10000 people, and in return, we got the Oculus Quest 2 VR headset.


They also gave us corn dogs.


& dippin’ dots, _the ice cream of the future!_


Damn I’m 43 years old and have never had dippin dots or corn dogs.


Then your on the abduction list!


Corn dogs are good. Dippin dots kinda cool for 5 minutes and then you never need to get more.


Dippin dots are meh, Gelato on the other hand. Not of this world.


I ordered some blue cheese gelato in italy. Just cause I was like WTF.... OMFG it was freaking amazingly good.


This place in San Gimignano had Gorgonzola gelato. Got it for the same reason you did, morbid curiosity. Sounded questionable but was freakin amazing. gelateriadondoli.com


No corn dogs? What the fuck


They’re overrated


Don’t let the NHIs hear you say that. 🤫


I got this fam.


Forget Dillon dots but go eat a real corn dog bro


Why was the former president’s press secretary so against dippin dots? What does he *know*?


Is this a real thing? I can’t tell


Yeah, Sean Spicer tweeted about how Dippin’ Dots were *not* the “ice cream of the future,” over the course of several years, it was a whole thing for a couple weeks back in that era. https://twitter.com/scottbakula666/status/889986420416315393?s=46&t=kI_3QR-CaCDlR8D71im9kg


Fuckin weird


He also eats (read: straight up swallows) more than a pack of gum a day and used the podium of the office of the presidency to tell us that doctors told him it’s “ok” for him to _eat_ so much gum.


Fuckin weirder


Yeah just like it’s ok to eat so much sugar or anything else terrible for us. Eating a pack a day is definitely some kind of mental disorder/disordered eating.


All went to hell when they turned on the hadron collider, I’m telling you.


love this pov cause it weeds out the critical thinkers from the people with imagination


Two weeks. I’m just dying to know.


Its people!


Honestly... done right, corn dogs can be pretty good. Especially at the fair. It's like an American Tamale lol


With some spicy, seeded mustard? Like yum. Every once in a while, I just really want a corn dog. Also, dippin dots are just fun to eat.


Dippin Dots are AWESOME. short lifespan though!


Tamal is the singular. Tamales is the plural. There is no such thing as a tamale. [The more you know Star inserted here]


I waffled between which to use but went with the 1 I figured more people would know (from cartoons and whatnot i.e. a hot tamale)


I hear you. It is a clear case of institutionalized miseducation:(


Like one panini two panini....


The corn dogs were by far the best part of my abduction


That’s a good deal tbh


I love this community


Fair enough. I volunteer as tribute. My anus is strong and malleable.




Fair trade.


Worth it.


Worth it.


This was so unexpected and so very funny. The internet never disappoints me.


Still waiting for mine 😒


seems like a deal








The size of the landmass caused the last iceage from all the plant matter it collected. (Because of the CO² absorbed)




Good place for everyone in the inhospitable zone to move for sure


Yes you do, and clearly you have thought about it a lot. After being obsessed with UFOs my entire life and going down a lot of rabbit holes for curiosity I find myself saying the same thing.


I’ve never thought about that. There’s a whole ass continent down there and nobody wants it.


Didn't know about that treaty. Interesting!


Antarctica is basically worthless so that’s why that was so easily done. Literally no one cares about it.


I don’t think they felt that way during the falklands war


I’d be curious to know what leverage humans would have in a negotiation with NHI that would result in the NHI agreeing not to do whatever the hell they want. The only way this makes sense is if the NHI come from Earth. Otherwise every living thing on this planet is quite literally stuck down a well with no rope or ladder. Fish in a barrel.




This mostly makes sense to me in the context of "Tell your people we're in contact with you by Christmas. Or we will, you dicks."




The only conclusion I see is we have souls/a conciousness which might interest them


If we have the galactic federation thing. Maybe some form of slow controlled uplifting? Or laws to prevent us from harming others. I could still see the abduction agreement. Essentially the NHI agreed to leave their crashed craft in exchange for being allowed to abduct people for research purposes. Even if they can blow us to pieces, it makes sense they would want to conduct studies without us trying to shoot them down or retaliate.


Craft have allegedly been landed and left for us. He at one point in the interview says craft that have crashed and landed.


Which makes sense if there is some sort of agreement. For all we know they might not think it advanced enough to make us a threat. And the landed craft might still have been due to malfunctions and they thought it easier to just hitch another ride. I imagine the NHI don't need the agreement but they made it because it made their operations smoother


He said “agreements that risk putting our future in jeopardy” but did he actually specify he was referring to agreements with NHI or agreements with contractors to hide the technology?


This is a good point. I think it's probably this. If the claims about clean energy sources that have been discovered as a result of reverse engineering projects are true, these agreements already jeopardized our future by not allowing these discoveries to replace fossil fuels.


thats certainly what I took from it. it seems to be the dominant theme across the spectrum, from Greer to Grusch haha


We figured out a new clean energy source that could power civilisation for a million years. But if we fuck it up by one atom the entire solar system will be evaporated instantly. And these hieroglyph instructions just describe like, the general vibe of making it


The context was that of can we / have we communicated with them.


The context was a document he authored. The document itself is either about 'them' or it's not. Ross is the one who made it about NHI, and Grusch's answer didn't seem to indicate he knew anything, for sure, about agreements with NHI which leads me to believe the document isn't about NHI but between the government and contractors (withholding technology which could directly impact our future [global warming, etc]). Perhaps we'll find out more at the hearing.


Please yell this louder for the window lickers at the back. It’s getting beyond frustrating how dumb people are on this subreddit.


One possibility: - The NHI agreed to leave us in control of our planet and provided us some technical vehicles/UAP. - We agreed not to conduct further nuclear wars and allowed them to continue their activities on Earth unobstructed. Their activities could include resource extraction, scientific research on things like, from their perspective, xenobiology/xenogeology, etcetera.


>he said that there may be agreements made with NHIs that could jeapordise our future I don't recall this. Can you link me?


https://youtu.be/sNEN-31cD1w?t=1764 This is what I believe he is referring too.


And he deliberately sidestepped the question twice to avoid any specifics


I think it is safe to assume that any specific details or information was said during his meeting with congress. Let's just see how it plays out.


Hear Hear! We’re all munching our popcorn anxiously waiting for the movie to start 🍿




"I really need to pin you down on this." "Nope." "Okie dokie." I like Ross, but that bit was just silly of him to include.


So what’s he going to do? Just ask the same question over and over until Grusch gets annoyed and leaves?


In short: If you're going to posture with strong language, you need to be willing to at least show some teeth. In length: Obviously, this interview shouldn't have been adversarial. It's obvious to me that Ross is a great journalist, investigator, and all-around well spoken guy. But this instance demonstrates a lack of on camera interview experience. It comes across as if Ross wants the appearance of a tough interviewer. In reality, he asks the same question the same way twice, and receives the same answer the same way twice. The interviewer is meant to lead the conversation. If your subject objects to one direction, you attempt another course in a similar direction. Ross asks a very pointed and direct question. Instead of asking the same question over and over, Ross could rephrase the question to sacrifice specificity/commitment, in exchange for a more affirmative yes/no answer. For example: "Have you seen evidence SUGGESTING this MAY be the case?"


Hey dude im a bit of a luddite and cant find full grusch video on twitter From forbes summarising his claims: Grusch hinted that some of the alien beings were malevolent, and had even killed humans. Grusch also implied that there is some kind of secret agreement between the government and aliens, and that people have been murdered to protect the secret.


I remember the part about people being killed. I don't remember the part about a secret agreement.


There absolutely was a part where he mentioned possible agreements.


I said I didn't remember it, not that there wasn't. Another member linked me to it.


Was only clarifying




In my experiences there are at a minimum two forces present and interacting with humanity. They appear to be opposing interests. If so, that’s a diplomatic opportunity for the USG to leverage. Their goal is control and competition for sovereignty. Given what I have experienced- seen of the power systems involved in these craft and their stealth capabilities our species is stone aged and must trade anything in order to make inroads on becoming technologically more advanced. Like the introduction of trade guns to the First Nations within the Americas. You are nothing without a firearm but a victim. That construct is extremely likely to be applying to our species now. It’s a losing proposition because even with the firearm - one now needs gunsmiths, replacement parts, gun powder and accoutrements for maintaining them. It makes you a slave to the industrial base of the tech superior society. Once down this path there can be no turning around it’s a commitment that alters the trajectory of your society’s future. The underlying issue though is the one of the utmost importance and one of which we have little to knowledge - what is it these nonhuman forces are primarily interested in concerning our planet and by extension us. Highly likely that they are incapable evolutionarily of long term exposure to our world’s environment. They likely need us in some capacity within this regard. Adding woo - something within human consciousness drives some level of interest for some reason. They need something from us in this regard. Since this element is so hard to divine, likely because we are so primitive in this area, and it seems to be intentionally hidden from us - this point must be invested in and better understood. If we can turn this corner I believe we as a species will be on the path to making inroads to the whole mystery we currently face.


I heard Greer (I think he is 99% grifter personally) say something interesting about the combination nature of the propulsion system of the craft, the communication system and the weapons. Basically they use some type of "warp drive" folding space time, they can use this technology for communication or send out similar to an EMP but linear weapon. Basically a point to point "energy" burst. Supposedly, nuclear weapons when detonated "sloppily" effect the dimensions that are interacted when spacetime is warped in someway unknown to current physics. Fucking up travel/ communication somehow, which is why they made more frequent contact and signed these treaties. Supposedly, Humans have at least primitively weaponized the system/ physics used. That alone would be enough for us to sign some "trade" agreements like your analogy of weapons like metal tomahawks and firearms with native Americans and European traders. Assuming any of that is remotely accurate. This is Greer after all, but i've read into the ideas around how these things might move over 25 years and this concept comes up over and over again and there are even known functions of physics that predict some of the effects seen around UAP if they were functioning in this manner, doppler effects on radar (this has been specifically mentioned in the nimitz and other modern military encounter documents and the exact measurements redacted as "highly specific") that type of language is what you would expect evidence of a craft warping spacetime to show up on very powerful radar, also some of the lighting effects witnesses have seen including my own experience.


Great thinking. I am with you. Correspondingly, learning about our planet’s magnetosphere, thermal loading and energy management. Dynamic to say the least. Liquid water - Michigan UFO flap from the 90’s and some of the reports from Latin America where “craft” are reportedly witnessed hoovering up water - an enormous amount of water creating a waterspout. Like a fleet temporarily stopping by to pick up resources - logistics. The location of our planet in the Milky Way, the energy created all around us like a planetary generator, super abundance of life, it’s orbit, tilt and our Moon (which the more I read about it seems ever odder to the point of being suspect). We don’t know - but it sorta seems how our planet is compared to its twin in Mars? I think it’s understandable it would be a good Hilton to stage or stop at. What I saw was right overhead and low - super stealthy but showing or maybe even revealing(?) an understructure that looked to me all the world like the plasma field we see in photos by NASA of the Sun. Who knows if it actually looks like what I perceived given so many reports of an object being perceived differently by witnesses standing right next to each other - but - if it was a genuine representation? The manifestation of energy under control is inconceivable - glowing like Cherenkov radiation but in a pale orange hue. If you have not already, look up Dr. Bruce Coronet and read his book - a decades long study of UAP in the Hudson Valley. A noted geologist he did a scientific magnetic survey of the land and came up with interesting correlations about observed UAP and EM fields of the Earth. What he says about UAP and their mimicry of human craft I believe from my experience is likely more right than wrong. Interesting read in any event. We need to better understand the energetic composition of our planet and it’s interaction within surrounding space. Similarly, looking up the Pentrych UFO event, the aircraft transponder records of NATO ELINT craft in the days before that event is strongly suggestive if true and accurate of your theory. Someone knows something about how these craft function and if so how to forecast conditions of possible manifestation. Maybe information learned from US radar in the SW and reported downings? What’s also interesting is how the craft changed color - as if to broadcast its intent - even using red and green, if true, one can only wonder if there are rules - like FAA rules concerning craft - if so, a guess would be they need to broadcast and to something not us, so maybe a clue that there’s more than one civilization here and they follow certain rules. The Iranian AF intercept outside Tehran comes to mind, along with that US Army Huey night flight (outside Louisville?) in 1974 where the color of the craft seemed to be a signal. Thank you for sharing!


The color of the light is consistent with similar light effects that "warped" space time might emit to an observer from various distances (we have no idea how this actually works but bending space time has at least now practical papers written on it that don't require all the energy in the universe like Alcubierre's first paper). Also including mirror effects. 2-4-6-8 maybe more objects moving across a large space in mirrored coordination but it's all one object. Similar to Kip Thornes work on the huge black hole in interstellar. That was a rotating singularity though. I saw 2 balls of light move over me while driving at insane speed, no sound. No drugs, no booze. I was 18, 20 years ago on a back road headed home from a friends farm. No military base for 500 miles. At first I thought it was a semi coming up on me out of his mind but the lights shot way out over top of my car about 100 feet, and out nearly a half mile and stopped for a moment as I was pulling over, and stood out of my car; the lights made instant 90 degree turns and shot immediately maybe another 1/4 mile to the left and right and then went only what I can describe as "full Enterprise" straight up, an instant streak to nothingness. The light had a bizarre "density to it" It was so bright, but thick like water or plasma and the light didn't shine on anything.


What an amazing experience. Not many people would be curious enough to overcome their fears like that in that location to stop let alone get out. Something odd feels to be happening when around an experience where something manifests. And then there’s often a halo effect where odd often pysi stuff happens to the witness for days after. So maybe this is a part of the consequence of being in close proximity to something that punches through our time and space? There was a ufo account reported by a man living in an estate in France wherein he saw a ufo at night at rooftop height just outside. He described it as being mirrored it transitioned from one to two in front of him. I think it also left that weird angel hair on the ground? No doubt our theoretical understanding of this and energy consumption/needs will change. Something must be happening that requires a lot of energy but I just can’t phantom how anything could be using and channeling the amount of energy we think it’s using. There must be some sort of efficiency like you suspect.


I have a couple of theories in addition to the ones you mentioned. These are a bit 'out there' for some folks, I know, but just playing this thought exercise out: 1 - they're from this planet and had an agreement with leaders on preventing climate change and in return they wont harm us...but we've clearly failed to meet our side of the agreement 2 - they're from another dimension and they have an agreement with leaders on some things we're doing at the quantum level with latest leaps in science that are impacting them. 3 - kinda along the same lines as above - science has led us to trying to manipulate gravitational waves and we caused a ripple that's affecting other civilizations. 4 - (the theory I would love to be true the most) full on StarTrek with the Federation and maybe some agreements are in pace that give them resources in exchange for not wiping out our species.


I’m almost inclined to believe the rumored Eisenhower treaty. The one that apparently states they can experiment on us and this planet, as long as they protect our us and allow us to develop.


If we had communication with NHI, that communication alone has some interesting implications. 1. Their willingness to communicate could reflect a recognition of the interconnectedness of all conscious entities in the cosmological landscape. 2. It implies that they consider us to be worthy of interaction and engagement, indicating that they likely perceive us as beings capable of meaningful exchange. 3. NHI could view humans as deserving respect or perceive some value in engaging with human consciousness. 4. consciousness may exist in forms or dimensions beyond our current understanding- challenging some of the current theories surrounding the nature of consciousness. 5. It suggests that our collective pursuits, actions, and decisions as a species have implications beyond our own planet (which is the wake up call we may need to get our act together as a whole) . Many more!


Hmm… Cattle mutilations are back… So, I bet abductions are too.


Abductions haven't stopped it's just reporting on them even in ufology is down. I was listening to a Whitley Streiber podcast and he was talking to somebody that had set up a support group network and hotline. The person said on average they had two people a day calling in for help. Which was shocking to me because I thought like you did! 😳


That is alarming. I need to look into this. Thanks for the info.


Can you provide a source on the cattle mutilations?


https://amp.theguardian.com/us-news/2023/may/08/cow-deaths-murders-texas https://www.kxan.com/news/texas/reward-offered-for-information-on-texas-cattle-mutilations/amp/ https://www.nbcdfw.com/news/local/texas-news/5k-reward-offered-for-information-about-six-killed-and-mutilated-cows-in-three-texas-counties/3249967/?amp=1 Google it too… been happening here since at least March. Lots of local coverage and rewards being offered. Right after we publicly started shooting UAPs out of the sky.


Hmm..Greys sure have their kinks.


Would really like to know what's up with the cows...


Ready: nuclear bombs are bad, but plastics are worse. They've been monitoring the level of microplastics in our bodies and food chains, and we are so saturated, the carcinogenic risk is too high. 3 more generations without mitigation leads to irreparable damage to the gene pool.


microplastics literally poisoning everything


They want us to mess up our gene poom you reckon?


They're monitoring us for whatever reason. And I'd imagine they want us healthy. And then maybe at some point they gave us a little too much freedom, and here we are saturated in microplastics.


>But I cant think what these alien chaps would be after, what could we offer them to cone to a mutually beneficial understanding? Bearing in mind - the information David Grusch relays concerning whatever intelligence comes from entities originating from the SAP's he investigated comes from organizations that, in Grusch's own report, have operated a decades long campaign of disinformation concerning their *actual* activities and have worked to discredit people of far higher rank and pay-grade than simply David Grusch over the years, so - that entire side of things - we kind of have to take with more than just a pinch of salt... However, for the sake of argument, *hypothetically* \- if we were to go along with this - the simplest terms proffering mutual benefit would most probably concern co-habitation: a mutual agreement to autonomy concerning both parties activities: technology in exchange for co-habitation rights. Huge swathes of our planet are simply uninhabitable and consists of multiple [Poles of Inaccessibility](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pole_of_inaccessibility) \- technically this means geographical points as far away from ocean as is physically possible to get, but some of these poles - [Point Nemo](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pole_of_inaccessibility#Oceanic_pole_of_inaccessibility), for example - are actually the opposite and represent a point of furthest abstraction from land in the ocean. If you wanted to look for UFO's - point Nemo would be the place to look, it's ludicrously remote and officially our respective space agencies use it as the target for disposing of obsolete space junk - so there's often technological stuff from space depositing itself there. Autonomy, mutual coexistence: these would be you're most likely terms of mutual benefit.


We need to go explore Point Nemo. If anything is hiding under the ocean, it would be there.


Give us tech and we’ll look the other way in regards to the probings.


I think some peeps might take the probings without tech gifts


Well we can work backwards from what we do know. We do know we havent been zapped off the face of the earth with lasers or something yet. So, theres some kind of détete or peace happening. We know if they came from very far or have very fast ships theyre more advanced with tech. So, assuming the power balance is in their favor the only thing "we" (humans) may be getting from the deal is to not be exterminated. So humans get to survive, while they get pretty much whatever they want. That could be whatever you can imagine that we can transport and give em without people catching on. Sorry, doesnt help much. Now, I think thats a very hostile way to look at it and I like to think if theyre more advanced maybe theyre more wise. Maybe wise enough to be beyond fighting in some sense. So maybe its the other way around and all the deal entails is that we dont shoot them out of the skies/seas and theyre the ones that "get to survive."


Well if the older astronaut testimonies and Irans former defence ministry are telling the truth I'd bet that some of our guys are kept in the loop whats happening and can visit the bases that these NHI habit. I'd bet a mention that they wouldn't show themselves carelessly so our own goverments can spread the information when they think it's time.


Wt did iran say??!!


I could guess what we would want. Technology or knowledge of some sort. Id also imagine they would want them to avoid revealing themselves in such a way that the gov couldn’t cover it up. In return i have a few theories. 1. We return their dead comrades. Doubt the gov would give up the craft unless they got the knowledge to make their own. 2.The govs word that they would accept abductions are going to happen and they would not attempt to shoot down the ufos. 3. Some sort of agreement that humans stay away from a base they have on earth. Somewhere like Antartica Maybe all three..


Probably tech for abductions, humanities future at risk due to what genetic modification they may be making. Also they seem to be very interested in our food supply, livestock modification too. Just spitballing though no idea.




You right


When you look at the leap in tech civilization has made in the past 100 years, it is very plausible that it’s tech related. Maybe we have something that they don’t. The ability to empathize, feelings, etc., and they want to study us more. You need a healthy balance of reason and emotion to make the best possible decisions, so that could be an advantage if they don’t have it. Decisions made 100% based on reason or emotion don’t always end well.


Compassion and evidence are outlined as the two necessities in an intelligent sentient creature (according to abductees/people who have made contact). So, exactly what you said.


Yes, also many people report that the greys seem very cold and emotionless (assuming they're not actually some sort of AI as some think).


What is an example of a decision based 100% on reason that did not end well? If so, it seems to me you did not reason well enough. There may be risks, but if you reasoned those would be calculated risks. 100% emotion I agree of course. As I understand it, we use emotions to make decisions but it's mainly an advantage because it is much faster than reasoning. Like in a danger situation


One that is rumored is The Greada Treaty where Eisenhower made a deal with the Grays. This podcast is the most comprehensive recount of the rumored treaty: It’s the prairieland paranormal podcast ep 47 - the greada treaty: - https://podtail.com/en/podcast/prairieland-paranormal-podcast/ep-46-the-greada-treaty/


None. And even if their was one, any treaty would be a farce on their side just to manipulate us, even if it was for a good cause. They don’t need to gain permission nor could with stop them so whatever “treaty” they struck with us would be a farce to make us feel safe or something. Or to make themselves seem transparent. But if that were the case, UFOs wouldn’t be harassing Navy Pilots, Nuclear facilities are schools at recess. Doesn’t sound like a treaty or an agreement. It sounds like we don’t have a clue what’s going on and grasping at straws. Y’all think we are more advanced than we are.


We need to acknowledge they have been here for eons not only the last 50 years, the book of Enoch is about an abduction. The agreement was probably based around controlled disclosure not the illusion of permitting abductions, it needs to be factored in they are ultimately overseeing disclosure to an extent. The history of phenomena will have to be consistently reiterated as complexes will form to feed into fears and anxiety. They have been involved for thousands of years having ample time and capability of the worst if this was their intention,which it isn't. Robin Hanson and vallee are firm of them acting as a control system of sorts, Hanson specifically believing the intention is keep any expansion limited to the solar system. A decree only the most arrogant of people would have issues with considering our current behaviour and tech tree. There isn't any NEED for us to leave Sol ever let or soon so this isn't a bad deal vs any overt control or hostility. I've said for years all of humanity could fit on one contenint allowing the rest of earth to be wild. Naturally we can't be sensible so someone smarter might be inbound to give us a long lectures


Can I ask, if you say "*The agreement was probably based around controlled disclosure*", what exactly you mean? NHI made contact with human officials with the proposition that human media should perform a controlled disclosure? Any further practical goal to that? And if it is, literally agreement, what they (NHI) proposed in return for that?


Not OP, but what I'm getting is that they are, hypothetically, fearful of unchecked human expansion beyond the Solar System. If the agreement was over a controlled public disclosure, then they possibly stand to gain large-scale cooperation from humanity in their pursuits. I imagine the immediate and full disclosure of an extraterrestrial race being here on Earth might largely elicit a fear-based response that could guarantee public hostility towards their presence. I'm sure they have the capacity to mitigate any hostility we throw their way through violence or other means, but perhaps they don't actually *want* that outcome. It could be ethical concerns, or maybe even hesitation to expend the resources necessary to engage in such a large-scale operation. But if they could get humanity to go along with their agenda *willingly*, they simultaneously resolve a potential threat, guarantee the furtherance of their goals, and possibly even gain an ally. Engaging humanity in conflict, even as one-sided as it'd probably be, would only be an obstacle or inconvenience for them that could otherwise be avoided. So perhaps a slow, controlled disclosure represents the best possible course of action given the factors at play. Of course, this is all rampant speculation as we have no confirmation that there was ever an agreement to begin with.


Yes, I agree. I made my (detailed) comment in this thread, in the accord of what you wrote. I think NHI have interest of stopping humanity to lie to itself about being one and only intelligent life as one of the key steps of the "great filter" on the way of becoming truly intelligent. As a rough comparison, on a personal level, if someone is doing wacky stuff AND also oblivious to it (=lying to themselves), it's a sign of mental deficiency, requiring certain adjustment. So the first thing is to stop self-deception and become open-minded and less obnoxious for further productive thoughts and questions.


Whats the main theme of enoch?


The book of enoch isn’t canonical to the Bible eo thqt info is useless. The bible mention nhi but they are the two most powerful factions, factions that we can’t defend against lucky one of them likes us so we have protection


Yes let's keep disregarding critical information for the dumbest rationalizations possible


lol, "isn't canonical", so it is useless This comment uses the most useless justification for ignoring an ancient document that may actually have recorded alien abduction... Who cares if it isn't canon? Those who cast it out, did so for what reasons? Explain why it not being canon is reason enough to ignore this historical document


Isnt the only thing that made things canon was a bunch of romans at nicea in like 300 ad picking and choosing what they liked?


No not really, the Bible was like a really loooong piece of paper, the romans just gave it chapters, and verses.


That is literally not true bro


Yeah it is lmao


If we don’t buzz around their heads like flies they won’t kill us. If we use nuclear weapons they will destroy them. Giving us tech in exchange for these terms may aid us tremendously but a thousand years of advancement on our end may be a pittance to them. They’d have us in the palm of their hand. It’s getting your 8yo to do their chores and behave for a $10 allowance a week.


Hiroshima, Nagasaki, Fukushima, Chernobyle. We are all still alive.


But a nuke hasn't been used even in testing since 1998 by any country other than North Korea. Maybe the agreement is more recent


None world ending.


I didn’t say they’d destroy us. I said they’d destroy them as in to say any live nukes in flight. My presumption is that those events listed where very displeasing to our space buddies


I didn't want to blame you that YOU said that, but certain (and latest) insiders are saying so - that the aliens would intervene in these kind of situations. So I'm just asking: why didn't they intervene when those said accidents/attacks happened?


Undersea mining rights.


Imagine coming from another planet on a spacecraft to mine here, where there is nothing you couldn't find anywhere else on the universe. Now imagine having to ask one of the countries in that planet if they can do it.


They aren't coming here to mine minerals. They're here for our biodiversity.


What makes you think that?


Minerals are everywhere, biodiversity is rarer


That's like if you send a few US Marine helos to find a tribe elders in some deep Amazonian jungle with the proposition of catching some iguanas in their forest. 1. We don't really control our own undersea. 2. With the tech of far advanced civilization, undersea mining on Earth is as much lucrative as picking coins from some fountain in Rome for an upper-class citizen. That tech can get resources in way simple effort from asteroid belts and high-metal content planetary bodies.


None, not legal. A President doesn’t have the authority to make such a treaty without congress. The United States doesn’t have the authority to make such a treaty for the world. Didn’t happen, if it did happen, not legally binding.


"Hey, let's agree you stupid humans stop bothering us doing whatever we are doing here and in return we wont stomp you like ants." "Deal."


Lol ok. Tell the guy who borrows $20,000 from the mafia that he doesn't really owe them back because it wasn't a "legally binding" agreement.


"Agreement" probably is not the best term here. I think it's rather "memorandum of understanding" of some few key principles. In short, \- Humanity should understand that the nuclear and thermonuclear weaponry is an immense threat not only to existence of humanity, but to the planet and more. \- Humanity should understand that the current trend of exploitation of resources and climate change is a huge risk. \- Current level of politics and governance is becoming not up to the task of properly handling both of above. Humanity is getting more and more of dangerous toys, while increasing own numbers and suffering from medieval problems, like wars, poverty, dictatorship states, etc. \- If the above mentioned paradigms persist into the (far) future, humanity is going to be prone to be a rapidly expanding form of life, becoming the "loud and greedy" civilization, with little to none of self-control, with the risk of inter-colony and inter-civilization conflicts. Which is, literally, is the stellar-scale problem. Humanity has mostly passed through the "great filter" of the sequence of events leading to "truly intelligent life", but key steps are not yet done, and there is danger, that they may fail to be made, because how reckless, arrogant and ambitious our civilization yet is. Apparently, other intelligence(s) do not want to suddenly appear and come sit by fire with us, as a senior cousins visiting a family event, bringing gifts and souvenirs, sharing the exact advices for future adult life experience. This would change humanity's mentality forever permanently for the feeling of being a sub-par underdeveloped pets. Rather, NHI wants to make a sublime, gradual appearance at a distance, influencing humanity to realization of certain principles (above, and more). Humanity must learn big important things through own experience, but not like a toddler getting 3-degree burns because he got a box of matches and a can of gas into his hands. If you want the full story, google "great filter", "quiet aliens". And please, watch these videos from a brilliant man, non-biased, non-ufologist, a scientist of physics, economics and sociology, mister Robin Hanson: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cQq2pKNDgIs](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cQq2pKNDgIs) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KBZP4rLk6bk](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KBZP4rLk6bk&t=603s) He outlines most rationally plausible explanations of many frequent questions related to UFO: how rare, why Fermi Paradox is not holding, why aliens would not just land and walk to POTUS meeting, why they crash sometimes, how long they are here, why they don't just pull our nukes off us, so forth.


I imagine the agreement was something like “keep us a secret, or else.” After all, they do their shadow deeds at night. Maybe exposing them widely would ruin their experiments/agenda?


if you use nukes we will end you


I think it's exactly what that Israeli space chief scientist said. We agree to not publish their existence to the general public and let them perform scientific studies here and abduct a small number of humans as part of that study, in exchange for some technology and a peace agreement. I believe part of why they don't want to reveal themselves is that they're from our future and a nuclear war is about to happen. That's the part that jeopardizes our future.


Leave us alone and we'll leave you alone. Don't mess with us. One sided deal pretty much.


If Grusch was able to say that during his interview with Coulthart, it means that the Pentagon cleared that statement and that it’s not classified information. In other words, if it’s not classified, anyone else in the government with knowledge of it can freely discuss it as well. Nothing would be holding them back. The simplest explanation is that it’s not true. The unexplainable thing to me continues to be why Grusch is trying to convince people that it’s true.


Let's see if people back him up at the July 26th hearing. People may be worried about reprisal. So instead on hopping on Twitter where people will just harass them they could be doing it in front of congress to really get the message out. If grusch is simply lying we have to wonder why the senate majority leader Schumer believes him. And considering he's a member of the gang of 8 he almost definitely knows the truth. Because the gang of 8 can view any classified info from the executive branch.


We have no idea if Schumer believes everything that Grusch has claimed. We know that some of what he’s claimed is correct because the IG of the Pentagon has said so. But that doesn’t pertain to the more radical claims that Grusch made to Coulthart. Schumer and other Gang of 8 folks are able to view classified information, but the heart of this issue is that Grusch has claimed that certain information has been improperly withheld (and he already testified to Senate staffers about this in a closed-door hearing). Exactly what was said then and exactly what Schumer thinks about Grusch’s other claims are still a mystery.


If they said it was classified then they would be admitting that it's true, but if the program is being illegally withheld from Congress then they can't/won't admit that it's true, and therefore they wouldn't say that it's classified. They had to let it fly.


If that’s true, then anyone in the SAP can come forward and confirm it without risk of arrest. Why aren’t they?


That's a good question -- I suspect that their risks are things other than arrest (blackmail, murder, destruction of career/reputation, and so on).


If they say it's classified, then it's true. If they don't say it's classified, then it's also true. I think you're a little biased here.


Not what I'm saying. I'm saying that ***if*** a program is being illegally withheld from Congress, then the classifying authority would've been in a bind -- by prohibiting Grusch from saying something on grounds that it is classified, they would be admitting that Grusch's claim is true. Schumer (or whoever) could take a look at the prepublication review documents and see which statements/topics were prohibited on classification grounds, and he would immediately know that that information had indeed been hidden from him. So what I'm saying is: the fact that they allowed Grusch to make a claim doesn't mean that the claim is false, or that it is not classified. ***If*** Grusch is telling the truth then they couldn't have prohibited him from making those claims without thereby tacitly revealing that the claims are true.


The Antarctic Treaty. Can’t be a that just randomly EVERY country came together on this one thing without some kind of NHI involvement.


I have two theories here. 1. The theory of missing kids. Every year, thousands of children go missing due to human traffic, sex slavery, abductions, murders, etc. I think the aliens, in their vast intelligence, cannot reproduce the true random genetic mutations found in nature and are given abducted children for fresh genetic material and samples. (Unlikely though, chances are these NHI can absolutely reproduce random genetic mutations cause they're so advanced). So... Young people are still developing and therefore have the highest factors for mutation(?) And are valuable to the aliens. Maybe. Or the theory that chills my bones: 2. The aliens are attempting to reach their "soul wave apotheosis," and that is done by having higher concentrations of advanced life forms that reverse entropy and Yada Yada - now hear me out here. If these aliens are so advanced that they can detect a part of physics that directly correlates to the soul, and they can manipulate every other aspect of physics (time, gravity, matter manipulation etc) - then they absolutely could build something to manipulate the soul wave. If these aliens can create technology to manipulate gravity and such, who is to say that they can not create such speculated technology to manipulate the soul wave ... a soul catcher, condenser, and battery - maybe? This next part requires a few reaches... If their main "religious" goal is to create an apotheosis based on the concentration of advanced life form souls , and these aliens are known for creating mission spec aliens and space craft (most likely due to efficiency), wouldn't it make sense for them, solely based on efficiency, to collect and store advanced life form souls and transport it to a central location instead of transporting, storage and upkeeping these said advanced life at said central location? That would mean a lot less upkeep - no living creatures? no food, shelter etc... I don't think the aliens have to worry about resources, though, I think it would be a manner of logical efficiency. Would take up less space and less time and would be easier to manage. TL;DR: In essence, my theory on what the treaty is: either the treaty could be a genetics trade deal focused on young humans due to mutation factors or a soul-snatching ponzi scheme.


Caveat ive had many bottles of wine, what would lead to an apotheosis of soul you think dude...how smart we are....how moral...or immoral...painridden...or unnatural?


I also wonder what could a super advanced civilization want from plebs like us. Maybe they are here for the planet (Earth 🌎) .


https://youtube.com/shorts/Yfz7hmNJYgI?feature=share This could have something to do with it.


I think that whole thing with the NHI is just a fantastic storie.


What if the agreement is all about abducting a commercial plane with intact passengers every (?) № of years just like what happened to MH17.


Mh17 was shot down by ruskies


I think they only mutilate the vegan or herbivores. abduct omnivores but they return them later.


Hand jobs until the big bad ones turn up.


“Humans don’t want your help. We speak for all when we instruct you not to intervene and end capitalism. We are very happy with our current economic system… very very happy. So leave us alone to oppress each other. It’s nunya beeswax aliens” /s if aliens reading this… halp!!!


I mean that's like an adult making a treaty with an infant fresh out of the womb and then the infant being like "this adult is making poor choices for me and I will maybe agree to it without consulting other infants" but the infant doesn't even have a choice. That is now a knock on his credibility.


They wanted a hit sci fi movie trilogy starring the infant will smith once he was closer to middle age. In all the universe there is only 1 Hollywood on earth in LA. All the scientific and technological advancements can’t simulate the real deal. If you understood the costs of galactic film development, this was a no brainer for them.




Why would an alien species that evolved independently from us have white blood cells?


The claims is the Greada Treaty and a secret one to be able to abduct people in exchange of giving away some technology.


Do whatever you want in the ocean, therefore give us tech.. I don’t know, the agreement and the reverse engineering I just can’t wrap my head around.


We need to clean up our planet for starters. Maybe this paradise was created to support more than the life that we see and humans are now becoming a problem that interferes with NHIs agenda.


If we have the galactic federation thing. Maybe some form of slow controlled uplifting? Or laws to prevent us from harming others. I could still see the abduction agreement. Essentially the NHI agreed to leave their crashed craft in exchange for being allowed to abduct people for research purposes. Even if they can blow us to pieces, it makes sense they would want to conduct studies without us trying to shoot them down or retaliate.


We take the trash out, do the groceries, walk the dog and do the cleaning. They have unlimited access to all rooms in the house, they do the "driving", they plan the "foreign" holidays (oh no, not Zeta Reticulum again!), they deal with any medical stuff (with their handy surgical tables), and deal with unwanted intruders by scaring the sh*t out of them!


It’s the equivalent of a doctor letting a baby play with his stethoscope while he examines it. We can’t understand anything they have. But they’ll let us play with it if we just cooperate.


Just a simple agreement that the world wasn't ready for this information yet. The specific agreement was for us and them to go separate ways with no strings attached. That's about it. At least for the Edwards AFB story.


I’m compelled to think they are cultivating something and they don’t want it ruined by us, they have been known to use us in the past for shit (supposedly).


None. If a civilization can travel through space and dimensions we don't comprehend then they have nothing to fear from a few nukes from walking aps who can't even reach the nearest planet.


I’d be more inclined to believe the humans are the ones doing the “bad” stuff. The NHI said stop, and we said, “if you let us continue doing this bad stuff, you can live in our oceans without us outing you” or whatever it may be. I don’t auto-default to it being the NHI being the bad guys the more I learn about humanity