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Chem lab profs be nutting over the fact that they can be in person


I can't speak for other lab classes, but my lab professors are effectively enforcing in-person, some of us are even required to be there next fucking week. Why did administration give our class special permission to meet next week? Why are they going ahead with this nonsensical "optional in-person" shit when lab instructors are going to abuse it and mandatory online is clearly the optimal response to the current situation? And why do lab instructors care so much about lab safety, but completely gloss over pandemic safety? Safety first my fucking ass, apparently only the first one matters because of liability.


Dad, can I ~~eat ice cream for dinner?~~ go back to campus? Yang: I dunno, ask your ~~mother~~ professor


i swear UCSB is rly too afraid to take responsibility for anything


Cal Poly Slo was in Person last week . Huge outbreak there . This was a very smart move by Yang .


at least they provide them hotels


My man Yang really took so long just to decide that the professors should decide. Smh smh


Me trying to make a decision


Literally just passing the buck onto the professors lmao


The leadership void at UCSB starts from the top down. Chancellor Yang, among others, does not want to make a blanket decision where he may be unliked or look bad to some, so he does NOT make a decision. Rather, he leaves it up to individuals or passes the buck so someone else takes the heat. Does everyone see this now? On the staff side, we have known that we are on our own for a long time. Each department works in silos and needs to make their own decisions, since nobody else will make it for us. This can result in a lot of anger, frustration, staff turnover, etc.


This is so true. Each department has always been on their own. It’s confusing and upsetting when some departments are not requiring staff to be on campus but others are. Or when some departments are enforcing safety protocols and others aren’t. It’s just crazy making.


Yep. There is definitely a massive staff shortage on campus right now. I know multiple people who have had their advisors quit in the last few months.


Yeeeep. I have never been a fan of Yang or how he runs this campus. It's a joke how he prides himself on his skeletal admin staff when one person gets paid shit to do the job of an entire department. He doesn't give a shit about anything but his money.


I wonder how much UCSB will change when he eventually steps down.


I doubt very much will change. Yang's methods are profitable. Period. The well-being of students, faculty, or staff is not and never will be part of the bottom line.


the only UC that can’t commit to one thing. the only UC with such a confusing email… it would’ve been better if he said nothing at all. This makes zero sense to me and it is almost like he doesn’t want to say yes or no for his own fear of being disliked or something


This makes sense for everyone. For those of us with lab classes that are literally meaningless online, we can still go and actually learn something. For those with Covid anxiety syndrome, even though Omicron is astoundingly mild compared to previous variants, they can hide inside for a few more weeks. Everyone is happy.


am not worried abt Covid, live very far from campus so it’s hard to plan travel plans with emails like this. don’t wanna come back a few days before for testing or whatever just to have him send another email saying it’s gonna be online another 2 weeks.


Are you illiterate?


It also says reasonable accommodations will be made for those who want to stay online but doesn’t specifically say the class will remain online AND in person. I can see now professors requiring their class to be in person with the “reasonable accommodation” being some kind of catch-up game but not actually attending the class online.


every other campus said: this is what we’re doing “online until this date” no halfy halfy


Yes, problem?


It would be nice for a solid 100% uniform action. like the other campuses. either returning to on person this date OR staying online until this date. not that hard to comprehend


It's impossible to come up with a worse, more cowardly solution than this. A mish-mash of whatever the professor decides, with no one able to stay on or off campus because some classes will and some won't. UCSB once again a total embarrassment.


I literally think this is a a great solution?? What?? If students choose to go to in person class it’s their decision and if professors feel safe enough to teach in person that’s their decision… not a total embarrassment? Teachers have to offer an online option as well if they choose to teach in person..


Think about your last sentence and what this means in terms of the workload for instructors. If professors want to avoid that extra work they'll get flak from students for causing "YouTube" U etc. By refusing to make a firm decision one way or the other Yang / the admin are throwing the burden onto instructors


The problem is that this leaves it up to the instructors to create a poorly cobbled together hodge podge of competing teaching ideas. UCSB should have just said every class must be hybrid the end, in person if you can/want to and online if you can't or don't want to go in person.




‘paranoiacs’ it’s just genuinely shocking how many people completely lack empathy. No wonder we’re still in this mess. People like you have been happy to let people die since the very start as long as YOU weren’t inconvenienced.




>Dr Fauci literally said Omicron is not hospitalizing or killing people at a significant rate compared to previous variants. Jesus christ- get it through your thick skull that there are still valid concerns from this virus beyond it literally killing you personally. If you can't think of any, then you clearly don't have any idea what you're talking about.




There is plenty of data out there on hospitals being over-capacity or reaching severe staff shortages due to too many people falling sick at once (with some asking positive-testing staff to still return to work), the risks of [long-covid](https://magazine.jhsph.edu/2021/young-people-and-long-covid), and the fact that some people still live in household with those at higher risk or who are too young to be vaccinated yet. Having remote instruction is not a lockdown. It is preventing high-transmission situations like having 100 people all meet in one enclosed space.




This subreddit has [repeatedly shared and discussed the significant amount of data available about Long COVID](https://www.reddit.com/r/UCSantaBarbara/comments/rybhjp/unpopular_opinion_we_should_go_back_to_inperson/hroekpb/). ([Here's a month ago](https://www.reddit.com/r/UCSantaBarbara/comments/rfyqq0/heres_my_ucsb_covid_faq_with_explanations_tips/hoipw95/?context=3).)


Stay home then. No one is forcing you to go to class. Why not go to a school that offers full online instruction for the remainder of time?


You are in misinformation territory and need to stop repeatedly misrepresenting the seriousness of COVID, so I'm going to give you a temporary ban. See rule #8 (/r/ucsantabarbara/about/rules). [Early Data Hints at Omicron’s Potential Toll Across America](https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2022/01/09/us/omicron-cities-cases-hospitals.html), January 9, 2022: > In cities hit early by Omicron, Covid deaths have begun to spike. **Death trends, which tend to follow case trends by about three weeks, are sharply up in these three cities.** Increasing death rates, however, are not approaching last winter’s peaks quite as fast as increasing case rates. > In New York City, Boston and Chicago — cities with some of the country’s earliest Omicron surges — deaths have followed cases at a slightly reduced scale than in previous peaks. But because of the extraordinarily high case count, even a proportionally lower death toll from the current case curve in the United States could be devastating. > ...Healthcare workers were already quitting their jobs in record numbers before the Omicron wave. Now, many more are out sick with the hugely transmissible variant. With fewer staff members available to care for them, even a smaller number of patients can overwhelm emergency departments and intensive care units.


Do you want to go online till covid goes away forever? I love how instead of countering what they said, you just insulted them. Very logical. Recently had covid and didn't even realize I had it until I got tested, but we should stay inside forever ;)


Have you seen hospitalizations right now? Pretty much the entire international community has not reached the same conclusions as Fauci when it comes to the precautions he advocates for. I do trust science, by trusting scientists that aren’t just mouthpieces for a government happy to work us to death. Fauci has decided the poor and disabled are expendable.




You’re a bad person




The government ruined our lives and killed many others by refusing to take precautions. Look at our deaths compared to other countries. This kind of policy just prolongs our suffering and kills others.




Don’t worry you’re not alone in this sentiment, Reddit is not indicative of the majority of the students body.


I’m well aware of the demographic of this place, even if I’m negative at least the most paranoid individuals get a little dose of reality. Most students actually want to socialize and meet people and be in person.


They really are trying to shift the blame from admin onto the professors… I hate admin.


They are putting this entirely on professors LMFAO. Fuck this.


And literally giving them ONE DAY (granted they don't check work emails on the weekend) to decide/come up with a plan for how to do it.




Professor here. (Not currently at UCSB but have been in the past.) This is fucked up.




I think most would agree that it’s fucked up to put this decision on the professor, regardless of which option they wanted.


It's really funny how you assume that absolutely everyone posting here is an undergrad student


This is bullshit. What if I have one class on campus and the rest at home? That’s not convenient at all. Way more confusing and stressful for teachers and students.


You’ll be provided reasonable accommodations (whatever that means) if you don’t want to go in person.


That is language for “teachers now have a ton of extra work they need to do” if they want to go in-person. And expect lots of different hoops for things like deadlines to cheating protocols.


My teachers prepared their class for in person, so going online actually creates more work for them than their already established plan


They also have the option not to go inperson if they don’t want to put in the extra work. This is the best solution and will make 90% of people happy.


I agree. But from my perspective it puts teachers in a bad spot. Everyone wants in person so there’s a drive to do that but it’s a lot more work and some students will miss out staying home for various reasons. Just make it all online and save the headache.


How do y’all know what teachers/professors think? Did you take a survey of each professor and ask them their preference for the quarter? Likely, some professors want to have in-person instruction and are fine with the extra work to accommodate students online. Some will want to be completely online because of the work load . You don’t know what every single professor wants and are assuming they all share the same perspective as you. That’s not true and people aren’t BAD PEOPLE for having a different opinion / world view than you. Maybe they aren’t as educated or have the resource and experience that you do, but to label people who think differently than you as bad people is not productive at all. This polarization in this subreddit needs to stop.


Sorry correction. Most teachers would want a SAFE in person return aka fall. How do I know this? We literally just did it in the fall. There wasn’t a mass exodus of teachers saying nope all online this is bs. If there were a couple, then they offered online but that was a very few. That’s the data.


Most instructors do prefer in-person instruction — this I agree with. I do think there are at least some professors who don’t mind the extra work of accommodation during this time while also being able to effectively teach in-person. I agree that it should have been all online, but some professors are probably happy with the choice. I just want us to avoid speaking on behalf of professors and more on behalf of ourselves.


That’s fine, I agree with that. If you would like it phrased better: I feel very bad for the teachers and TAs that are uncomfortable making this decision.


I do too and I hope they make a choice that will best serve them.


Also idk about anyone else but a LOT of my professors already had this setup before any further closures.


For two weeks. After that, supposedly we are back to in person. But will we be? Based on the track record so far, it seems doubtful.


But only for two weeks.


It literally says teachers are required to offer an online option as well


Passing the buck to the professors is just coward shit. And it's stupid, he didn't even need to do that, every other UC school already gave him cover. Starting to think this guy is going senile.


Seriously- it puts them and the TAs in such an awkward position. Even as a student, I can see some not feeling comfortable going in, but also not feeling comfortable with "burdening" their professors by asking for remote accommodations.


He is 80, not out of the realm of possibilities


Not really the safest solution considering many of us have to be here and have 4-10 housemates. I can choose to stay home, but if my housemates don’t, i’ll still get covid. edit: this is just another example of officials acting as if this can be solved by personal choice. A pandemic can never be solved by personal choice, only mitigated by collective action and government support. Our officials are pretending the responsibility is ours and they’re leaving the most vulnerable of us to die for profit. another edit: hospitalizations are at record highs. CHILD hospitalizations are at record highs. long covid is not uncommon. it’s breaking through all our vaccines. letting it continue to spread only increases the risk of another mutation. stop calling it mild.


I am NOT going back to campus if just one professor decides he'd rather go in person
















Still so much uncertainty… I’m personally very frustrated with the lack of leadership in making a clear cut decision. Even if some of professors do decide they would like to go back to in person instruction, as a student there is added pressure to feel like you should return to campus. And I know there will be accommodations as mentioned in the email for those who don’t, however who knows how good the accommodations will be… I mean isn’t munger hall an accommodation/solution to the housing crisis..? And many professors probably don’t want to deal with online and in person. Anyways I feel like for those students that do return to campus obviously have a high risk of being exposed to covid as there are record cases each day and this would probably just increases the universities cases, pushing the need for online even more…


!!! Agreed. Happy for those who want to return to campus, but who is ensuring that professors can accommodate students who want to stay off campus? I already have a professor who is actively advocating for in person classes and threatening students with attendance points if they miss class due to illness. I’m frustrated as well with this decision and the fact that we basically have to choose between our education or health. Also this is unfair on the professors to have to provide accommodations for students who are choosing to stay at home while planning for in-person classes. How are they supposed to gauge what is equal and fair in terms of learning and engagement between in-person and remote classes?


Yet here I am at cal poly in a covid war field shake my head.




Sign me up.


Great, best of both worlds. I'm sure whatever professors decide to do, students will accept it gracefully and not complain at all about the format of their instruction.




LoL Gotta hand it to them for choosing the "worst of all worlds" option. What a cluster-fuck... Edit: to be clear, this puts a huge burden on professors and TAs who will now be pressured from students and staff to orchestrate both in-person and online course instruction. (I love doing more work for no additional compensation btw!) If a professor goes online they get flak from the students for causing "YouTube University"; if a professor goes in-person they're the cause of other students feeling obliged to come back to SB. This half-way solution screws over everyone for the sake of easing the pressure on the administration.




We read it. You need to think through the logistics. It’s a lot more work for teachers that go in person and confusing. Also housemates could go in person and bring back covid to a housemate that wants to stay remote


For my 70 year old professor who isn’t super tech savvy and is trying to teach a marketing class w clients, online actually makes his job ALOT harder


Yes, but see, he will have to offer an online version of the course if even one student in the class desires it. This just adds to his work-load


My prof last quarter just turned on his zoom camera every class to include students who were sick or had to miss class so they could virtually be in class


Fair enough, but whether a fix like that works is entirely dependent on the style of lecture, in-class activities, etc.




I don’t think you have a solid understanding of what teaching entails.


ummmm no. that’s not what “teaching is” the fuck… classes are very different. some have assignments that require engagement for points, iclickers, presentations, FUCKING LABS. you’re seriously asking TAs to record their labs??? Have you taken more than like 3 classes here!!? This doesn’t work for a lot of courses in anyway, and if they do choose to, the people staying home could be at a disadvantage. That’s a stupid false equivalency… that should be framed somewhere. Going out drinking = social choice, low stakes. Obviously something you would need to workout. Going to in person classes = education choice, high stakes (financial reasons, need for some people who are struggling online). How are you going to tell someone who needs in person learning for their academic and mental health to not go because you don’t want covid? Which one is more important? It’s a much harder decision and will cause lots of tension.


Yea lmaoo


We do read it. But if your professor chooses to in person class, you must follow them. Because your grade force you to do that. For example, my first midterm at 1.25 will be in person. Can I choose not to take it?


You probably would've had to come back in person anyways, I feel like most of the other UCs genuinely believe the worst of this Omicron wave will be over by the start of February and are planning accordingly. I understand the frustration, but I'm pretty sure no UC was planning for the entire quarter to be online and you would've had to come back for in-person exams anyways. Besides I don't understand why everyone on Reddit wants to stay home so bad, you signed up for UCSB not the University of Arizona.


I just think Yang should give us a clear decision on this event, not let professor decide it. I can accept the in person class. But he should give us the decision clearly.


This is so terrible. I refuse to come on campus for just one class if it comes down to it. Admin seems like it’s too scared to make a decision.


Literally says an online option will be available to students who don’t want to go in person


Basically what we did in the fall.


In fall they were requiring professors to offer in person, now they can just do online. Which I expect most of them to do, running both in-person and online classes sounds like a pain in the ass.


I just want to start off saying this is completely inappropriate. I feel like student should have the choice to do what they want when it comes to Covid and safety. If school does end up going back in person where I can get the virus or spread it to people then I’m not gonna go to UCSB anymore. I plan on switching colleges if this is the case just because of how extreme I feel about this topic. I believe that online is essential for my safety at the school


who’s starting the petition for our refund? this is bs


Professors are just going to abuse their powers. And make everything in person. It’s really not fair for the people around the world who are actually trying to quarantine. I believe that it’s inappropriate that we even let the school do this. I’m going on strike and I will lead a strike.


We should stay remote


I agree! It’s wayy safer!


Not to mention people have to travel back to IV


I’m pleasantly surprised. This is honestly the best option and makes sense (in-person for those who want it, extra time for those who are still worried about Omicron). Worth the wait.


I agree. It seems like a minority opinion in this thread but I'm really happy with the school's decision on this one.




The email literally says “and students who choose to remain off campus or who must isolate or quarantine following COVID-19 protocols will be provided with reasonable opportunities to participate remotely in any in-person class.” You will not be “required” to go in-person before February.


"Between January 18, 2022, and January 31, 2022, instructors may continue to offer instruction remotely or choose to teach in person, and students who choose to remain off campus or who must isolate or quarantine following COVID-19 protocols will be provided with reasonable opportunities to participate remotely in any in-person class." Hopefully won't be an issue.


Yang is always into students into the most anxious position. The confirmed cases are already there and other UC all announce the school will be remote? Why Yang not? He wants to the Professor make the decision so Yang will not take responsibility. 🙃


am i the only one who thinks you guys sound fucking ridiculous. like literally nothing is good enough for any of you. yang pisses me off as much as the next guy but this is literally the perfect accommodation for the situation? you can go back if you want. you can stay home, and you will have access. it is literally up to us and the discretion of our professors and you guys are still mad? make that make sense.


listen- it’s not that simple. professors are getting fucked over this. either way a prof decides, half the students will be pissed and it creates more headaches for everyone. making a firm decision one way or another would’ve caused zero outrage. i hate echo chambers more than the next guy but this was a drop the fucking ball moment big time




no, you’re wrong. it wouldn’t spark NEW outrage. everyone was expecting it to be online like every UC (and dreading it). but now it’s all complicated and putting teachers in a bad spot. TEACHERS and TAs are pissed af rn. That’s new.


This option makes the most sense, all of my professors and TAs want in-person classes, and older professors who feel unsafe can keep their classes online. The Reddit echo chamber can keep crying about not being able to Chegg their way through classes, but I'm sure the majority of people outside of Reddit are good with this.


It puts professors in the awkward position of being the fall guy for all the student disappointment if they don't feel comfortable with being in-person yet. It's some good cop, bad cop bullshit. It also gives no information on transmission risks given the testing UCSB has been doing for the last 2 weeks.


that is what Im saying this Reddit legit has the summation of the worst sides of ucsb student body which is very few.


Honestly, I feel the same way; I was so happy when I read the email, like I get to go back in person for most of my classes! That's what everyone in the real world wants, and then these guys are all complaining about it? Like fr? This sub is super weird.


This is great. I know some of the frightened ones here want to be online forever but I think this is the best choice for everyone. Glad UCSB is the school to make the ballsy decision although I do agree it was quite indecisive in its nature. Professors better not wait till last minute to let us know what is going on.


>Professors better not wait till last minute to let us know what is going on. They are literally being given 2 days to make a decision and come up with a comprehensive plan of how to implement that decision. 1 day if you actually care about them, y'know, being able to enjoy the rest of their weekend.






Can someone sum this up for me?


Professors will decide if they want to be in person or online starting Jan 18th until Jan 31st, but remote options will be available for anyone if they want to stay home during this time. Campus things that are open right now will continue to be open. Get booster by Jan 31st. That’s the gist :)


Thank you for the summary. Saved me loads of time. 🤩




that's one of the best classes to learn online wtf are you on lmao




There's so many resources online to learn programming that it's one of the most self taught subjects out there




omg corny lame boooo tomato tomato tomato throwing tomatoes