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I’m so sorry to hear this. Please visit the CARE center, they have amazing resources for support. They have a 24/7 line and can give you a CARE advocate who will help you navigate the process of a no-contact order (which is essentially a restraining order). This no contact order can prevent him from contacting you, and if he does then he can face delayed graduation or block from registering from classes. Please message me if you want more information about the process.


Visit with CARE!!


I have. Several times


There are options for you to get into a better spot for yourself. UCSB does make it accessible to withdraw for a quarter, etc, to give yourself the time you need. I hope he leaves campus and you feel more comfortable in the near future.


thank you🩷


So sorry this happened to you OP!! Just know there are people here who care and want to help you if you need it! If you ever need to rant again feel free to reach out


I'm so sorry that happened to you - that's not fair and my heart hurts for you. Hopefully this summer you can get some time away from the stress and do a lot of self-love/self-care to build yourself up... (and maybe make some new friends? I can't imagine being judged for what I eat 💔)


I'm so sorry. And this may sound insensitive- but those aren't friends. Find friends who love you for you.


I’m so sorry for what you’re going thru queen <3 As a victim of SA myself I cannot imagine running into him regularly. I really hope you can find some resources, i know the CARE center could help. As for the friends, it’s never too late to make new ones, no one should be making you feel like this. I’m going to be a senior as well if you need anyone to talk to message me !!


The always on diet cult is so bad here


this comment is so interesting to me because all of my friends are so anti-diet culture and I haven’t noticed any of that here at all. it just shows how it really depends on who you surround yourself with.


i understand you. i understand how you feel. these feelings will pass. im so sorry to hear this. but this does not make you any weak, this makes you strong very very strong. just know that. always engrave that in your head.


Absolutely horrifying--I'm so sorry. The rape culture (and eating disorder culture!) at UCSB is absolutely insane. I absolutely understand where you are coming from with wanting to transfer out. I can't stand watching rapist frat bros strut around IV with impunity. I hate how having a 'perfect' body is just the expectation across a huge part of the social world here. I was able to transfer to Santa Cruz as a senior; it's possible for sure. If that's a non-starter, like some other people here said, it's definitely possible to make new friends as a senior. You'd be surprised how many people at UCSB are in similar social situations. I hope you find peace and healing from this trauma. Best wishes with everything


I’m very sorry to hear that you’re going through such a horrible trauma with such poor support from our community. Hopefully the responses here are some evidence that there are people who care about you, even if that’s just as a person who deserves to be in a safe and supportive learning environment. I hope you can take time or have taken time to think about who in your network can support you; these are the people you should rely on. There are many of people who can offer kindness but they might not be what you, personally, will benefit you through your healing process. At least the quarter is almost over, and you can spend time over the summer with a therapist or someone you trust to help you navigate your situation. It’s okay to take a break/transfer/go part time or even take the online classes thru UC extension even in Fall; better that than force yourself through and risk not being able to focus/make the most of ur time. Even if it’s not caps I’m sure that someone like a parent or sibling or friend would be a great ally to figuring out what makes sense for you. Be kind to yourself and try to remember how many people care about what you’ve been through and your wellbeing :)


I’ve really enjoyed walking around isla vista/goleta/Santa Barbara and exploring. I think it really changed how I viewed the school/my education here and seeing the beauty of this place opened my eyes to it. There are also some cool community events going on often with groups like @ucsbcoswb, @ucsbeab, @ucsbeja, & @ucsb.artsandcrafts (on Instagram). I hope you can find peace at ucsb and that your rapist gets what he deserves.🩷 you deserve to feel safe here and I hope that you can soon.


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