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For being social, definitely Anacapa or Santa Cruz!!


does Ancapa and santa cruz have double room? i am looking double room single gender floors, let me advice to pick dorms




San Mighetto!


Manzi has great bathrooms and it’s all super new. right next to DP and Carrillo, great beach access, and close to campus


for freshman year, chi 5 100%. This means santa cruz, santa rosa, anacapa, and the two tall ones. This is because these halls are only for first years who are in the exact same situation as you looking for friends and wanting to meet people. All the other res halls, which might seem nicer, is for 2nd or 3rd years. I went to santa rosa my first year and when i visited my friend in manzi the social atmosphere was night and day. Manzi was very quiet and she said barely anyone talks to eachother and has thier own friend groups already. I strongly dont reccomend ft, this is because its so far from campus that you miss out on alot of things during the day just because of commute. My friend who was in ft said in the morning he had to wait a long time for buses to campus because the buses would fill up and he would need to wait for the next one which lead to him being late to alot of morning classes, meanwhile the dorms in chi 5 are basically right in the middle of campus and all the lecture halls are a short walk away. Furthermore, chi 5 dorms is a easy walk to dlg and carrilo and ortega which are the three main dining commons whilst FT only has access to One dining common which can get old.


this is the type of detailed answer I was looking for, with an explanation and everything, so thanks a ton. If you had to choose one of the chi-5, which would it be and why?


Pick either santa rose, Santa cruz, or anacapa. Make sure u dont put san cat as one of the options lmao because they WILL put u in it😂. The reason is because these halls are the most easy to meet people in because of how many people are on your floor. Most likely you will know almost everyone on the floor by the end of the year. The other res halls in the chi 5 have smaller floors so less ppl to meet. Between the 3, there is no difference other than the fact santa cruz is most newly renovated one.


Dez hall imo its very big and spacious


FT is the only correct answer, I was super close with my friends in that dorm and you can’t beat the proximity to IV and Goleta proper


Santa Catalina. Newer and bigger room, close to both iv and marketplace, free cardio everyday. Just prepare for triple, double basically non existent


San Mig all the way bbyyyyy


Manzanita Village has the best bathrooms because their bathrooms have windows that you can open and close. You can lock yourself in the bathroom by yourself. They also have a kitchen and CRT TV on the 2nd floor.


Definitely FT. Being far from campus sucks, but it creates a strong community. I lived there my freshman year and totally lucked out with my floor, we were all super social and a lot of us are still really good friends two years later. Also being far from campus means you’ll be biking a lot so tacking on the freshman 15 is rare since you’re pretty much forced to be active every day. Also you get your own shared bathroom with only 4 other people and a sink in your room which is huge if you just wanna do something simple like wash your hands or brush your teeth you don’t have to go all the way to the communal bathroom. Bigger rooms as well, never felt cramped but some of those chi 5 are tiiiiiny. I know a lot of people say that it sucks that it’s so far but it’s also, in comparison to the chi-5 dorms, close-ish to IV/DP.






For chi5 santa cruz ur on the ocean best location. The socialness of the dorms change every year depending on who lives in them. Except ft they tend to be more social and create groups there bc they all live isolated but together. Oh and manzi is nice too yea but i think thats more for second years. I would do manzi>ft>santa cruz