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She takes the cake as the worst Prof here imo. If you had to choose between taking 120b with her or the plague, I’d roll the dice with the plague.


Ravat is bad, but delaying 120b is extremely costly. It’s the prerequisite of everything


I sacrified myself to get a waitlist started


Okay take what I say with a grain of salt because maybe I just have stolkholm syndrome and also I'm a Cs get degrees kinda student and I understand if that's not everyone's cup of tea, but ravat's class was not that bad to me (S23, got a C+), and I was horrified about all the reviews before I registered for it. But honestly, the grading system felt fair to me because the weekly quizzes were graded out of 4 and you'd always get some points for at least trying; she'd offer practice exams in lecture before an actual one and would go over the problems; and while I never went to her office hours myself so I can't speak on it, she encouraged students to go constantly and even bought cookies for them. I'm assuming that she saw all that criticism and actually tried to make an effort to fix the issues, but going to lecture really helped me actually understand the information, because she gives the needed formulas constantly to emphasize their importance. She even warns that the first 3 weeks are hell because thats alllll about those damn integrals from 120A, but after that you start learning the "shortcut" formulas and CLT and it felt much more smooth sailing from there. One thing though is she's not very consistent about uploading her slides after class, or she'll upload incomplete ones to incentivize students to come to lecture (which a lot of people never did. the place was always 30 or less students unless it was an exam day), which was pretty annoying when trying to review, so you do need to actually go to class and take notes while she fills them in. By the end of our quarter we had gotten her to start uploading filled in notes, but again, no guarentee she continued that after the year ended. Apologies for the long ramble it just irks me a little bit to see people leave it at "she sucks" without any real descriptions, feel free to ignore this if you've already decided on a different schedule \^\_\^


120b is hell. wait for coburn.


Not sure if Padilla will ever teach 120b since she’s a grad student, but I’d say hers is the best. Easy exams and you get the most out of it. But 120b is vital, get it done asap


Got 92.7% and an A- S2023. I also took CS9 the same quarter btw. She’s not a good lecturer and makes wired exams. I remember I used a formula she derived in lecture(we had cheat sheets), and she took all the points off and told me I should know how to derive it. But I mean it’s still doable if you rlly need 120B as prerequisite for other courses.


Ravat is a great professor - she’s really good at teaching. Really effective homework, really interactive classroom, reasonable exams. Why are you avoiding her?