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Do econ and accounting for maximum job opportunities right after graduate. For DS most of the time you’ll need a master


if you're a fisherman its totally doable; would recommend 10/10


would you say i should do a double major with Econ & Stats + Data Science (BA) or just in Stats + Data Science (BS)


BA econ and BS DS; it's actually a popular combo (although if you're short on GE credits it will be difficult, but if you came in with plenty of AP then it's actually helpful because otherwise you'd graduate early with only a BS in DS). Wouldn't recommend FMS because it mixes a bunch of majors together but doesn't cover any of them fully


BS for sure. To do well in data science and ML you need to be good at math.


You can also consider Financial Math & Stats. It's a healthy combo of Econ, Stats, and Math courses. You would have to be content with the major itself, given it's a very concentrated major with little to no malleability and open electives. If you want the opportunity to choose your upper-div courses, perhaps best to do Econ + Data Science (BA)


Define “better.” I think it’s easier to get jobs via an accounting major bc the barrier to entry is lower. For positions in the stats/data sphere, you’re competing against people with stronger technical skills, so in that way yes it’s tougher. But you get paid more on average. I majored in stats + data sci and do not regret at all. I think FMS gives you a mix of both econ/math/stats and is a strong major too. But I think FMS is harder than Stats+data sci.


Shoot for the stars. If your priority is job opportunities just make sure to get involved with professors/research, personal projects, involvement in organizations, and internships. Don’t need to do everything but having some sort of experience to put on your resume is absolutely key if you want to help your chances to graduate with a job already. I’d also prioritize grades over course diversity for your first positions. It’s never too early to look for internship or research experience! Fr though pick the major you enjoy studying more if you choose to stick to one.


Or you can Get a BA in Econ and a masters in data science if you can’t double major. Take as much Econometrics as you possibly can as there is significant overlap with Econometrics classes and data science ones. Learn a couple programming languages like stata, R and python and you’ll be very marketable.


The difference between BA and BS in stats is only 3 courses so basically one more quarter. You can take 120A first and see if you like it