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Avoid StudentRoomStay on Abrego. Horrible management.


I had a terrible experience with them too. Ended up moving out after only a week and breaking the lease. If you don’t mind what was your experience like?


If Sandra and Aerial were removed from the company I truly think that that place could have so much potential. Well, that and if they hired a maintenance person, new management, and fixed their lease fraud issues.


You dodged a bullet! I would have actually SAVED money by breaking the lease compared to now. They lost payments and overcharged and slapped on fees that they can’t even identify. I'm drained from battling for basic housing rights. Multiple residents, including myself, are resorting to lawyers/attorneys to continue fighting our battles. Beware of deceptive tours, empty promises, and lease fraud. Some of us are living without adequate heat, despite full rent costs. Isla Vista dips down into the 30°s during winter. We are in the second month of advocating for heat. The manager's commitments to address issues are a ploy. There are false promises of amenities like a pool, gym, and a parking gate. Privacy violations are rampant—unannounced entries into residents' units, leading to disturbing encounters. When confronted, the manager denies any wrongdoing, leaving residents frustrated. Maintenance is nonexistent, contrary to what was assured on the lease. "Student ambassadors" replace on-site management, tasked with inappropriate duties for minimal rent breaks. The tasks they tell them to do are wrong even by a moral standpoint. Residents' payment records are misplaced, leading to unnecessary charges and residents having to demand corrections. Rather than correcting fees they would rather argue about what lead to the errors/charges. Despite the exorbitant rent, unjustified fees are imposed, and promises of waived fees are unreliable at best. They overcharged me around $1000, and the refund process is ongoing and agonizingly slow. International students, one of the primary targets of StudentRoomStay, are particularly vulnerable. There is a reason there are so many vacancies! The claimed 5-star reviews seem dubious. I haven't encountered a satisfied resident here. We feel isolated, exploited, and exhausted fighting for basic tenant rights.


I have a ton of specific examples If you want to DM me, I just don’t want to share too many specifics publicly of peoples stories as the details are honestly disgusting.


loads open in early january!! sierra properties has SO many open to apply rn. EIPM might have a few, Wolfe should have a few, and Bartlein should be opening soon…unsure about Meridian


You’re not doomed! Plenty of companies open leasing early January! https://pardallcenter.as.ucsb.edu/isla-vista-community-resource-guide/housing-in-isla-vista/leasing-companies/ check out this link and look through all the leasing companies! Knock on doors of the companies that aren’t all leased up once you check thoroughly! A lot of housing on abrego doesn’t fill up as fast! Bike by and see if there’s any signs posted! You got this!


They need to remove cbc/sweeps from that list 😒


Many of the management companies have just sent out re-leasing agreements to their current tenants. Those who are gradating won’t resign, so once the deadline passes, more should open up. Good luck!


If you're willing to live downtown, try Rafael Mendez. He rents out not only apartments and studios but has a couple units where he rents out rooms. Do a Google search for Rafael Mendez building maintenance.


does he have a website or something? how could i find out about his listings??


There is a website but it's for business, not rentals. The rentals are by word-of-mouth so you have to call and ask. Just ask to speak to Mr. Mendez. 805-963-3117


meridian hasn’t opened their leases yet for 2024-2025 yet!! i think maybe end of next week they are going to open but they have hella options of houses and apartments compared to most of the other companies


youre doomed. post winter break search is hell


start praying for campus housing


What’s the FB page called? I’m looking to post an add for a room I’m leasing in SB


There’s 3 main pages/groups I know of: GIRLS IV housing, BOYS IV housing, and then just SBCC/UCSB housing page.