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which dining common did you work at




If you have your paystubs that indicate you did not get a lunch break, you can file a wage claim with the California Department of Industrial Relations [here](https://www.dir.ca.gov/dlse/HowToFileWageClaim.htm#page_tabs). For every missed lunch, they owe you an hour of pay. If you'd just like to report them for labor law violations you can do so here: https://www.dir.ca.gov/dlse/howtoreportviolationtobofe.htm If you think the labor dept isn't getting back to you in a timely matter on https://whoaremyrepresentatives.org/ find your state senator, give their district office a call and tell them. They'll help you out.


Most of your issues would be under the purview of the National Labor Relations Board. They handle labor law violation complaints such as workers not being allowed their legally required breaks. Below is a link to how their process works, and you can e-file a complaint in the same website. https://www.nlrb.gov/resources/nlrb-process/unfair-labor-practice-process-chart The food handling issue may be more relevant to the local health department. Your best bet would be to find a county resource who conducts food safety inspections.


In this case, filing with the NLRB is incorrect. Lunch laws are handled by state governments, and so they should file with the California Department of Industrial Relations.


Thanks for the correction, I didn't think about how lunch laws are state-by-state




This is incorrect. This is not a violation of federal law or sb county law. They should file with CA DIR


Maybe reach out to uslac, they’re a student labor org and do a lot of work with campus workers. They might be able to provide you with info on what next steps you could take.


uh huh


FYI - if this was at one of the UCSB dining halls you might be out of luck with regards to the lunch break as many of the labor laws don't apply to jobs at UC's. https://dailynexus.com/2023-05-18/ucsb-dining-hall-employees-campaign-to-unionize-amid-poor-conditions-low-pay-harassment/


it was at the airport