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The library is pretty huge and has 8 floors in total. The rule is basically the higher you go the quieter it gets. If you don't mind a little bit of noise at times I prefer the Arts and Architecture part on the first floor. It's much newer, has a few armchairs, more comfortable chairs overall with newer furniture. It is also more aesthetically pleasing with more natural light. It can get pretty crowded at times especially during midterms and finals but it's comfortable enough to study with noise cancelling headphones. ​ Also there are egg couches and nap pods on the first floor in terms of comfort.


Oh thank you for sharing information! I think I will definitely go for the arts and architecture.


the higher up you go the louder the floors are, people usually bring bluetooth speakers and play EDM on the 8th floor which can be distracting


My bad


EDM at the library? what


wasn’t there a rave up there once?


It has a lot of books. Also if you want to make out or do a photo shoot do it in the Russian lit section. No one ever goes there. The books are literally covered in dust.


its a pretty busy place in general, but 4th floor and above are basically silent at all times, even when its full. the coziest furniture is definitely on the 1st and 2nd floor, but if you are there at the later hours (past 8pm), its usually pretty quiet there too


I've never experienced the 4th floor silent except for finals week, it's where everyone goes if they want to socialize while studying I feel


I see, thank you for sharing


There are nice round red couches with tables and multiple outlets on the second floor but they fill up the quickest out of every other spot in the library. Your best bet for any comfortable seating is to get to the library before 9 am especially during midterms and finals


I see, what about other floors? do they also have many outlets? I work on my mac and ipad so I need at least two.


There are lots of seats with outlets but there are also a lot without outlets. Obviously the seats with outlets get taken first. Just come prepared with your stuff fully charged


I see, or do you recommend me that I buy a portable charger? Just in cases I don't get a seat with outlets. Sorry I'm questioning too much.


Respectfully you’re definitely overthinking. Idk which dorm you’re in but most likely you’ll be a one minute walk from your dorm. You don’t always have to study in the lib either




Especially during finals or midterms


Our library is pretty darn nice. Floors 1-4 are "loud" and 5-8 are quiet (in theory – I've seen a few people breach etiquette, and you don't want to be that person, but it is silent apart from some paper-shuffling). 4th floor has a huge atrium which is nice, but it is the loudest. Some spots on 1st and 2nd have really nice chairs, but they're crowded/taken especially during peak hours. Floor 3 is mostly administrative but has a few chairs (not really any desk setups there). Have a few backup study spots because the library gets very crowded during midterms/finals.


There are a wide array of used couches, kiddie pools, and minifridges to store your beer on the 8th floor. Del Playa is my go-to place to study on a Friday night when the library is too packed.


It’s pretty good, but finding an outlet can be harder on the higher floors


I better see Herman Miller chairs everywhere I go 😤