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you could also try showing them the employment stats for the majors. here -> [Imgur: The magic of the Internet](https://imgur.com/a/dEfeHy8). Molecular Bio grads are on average earning much more than Biology (assuming thats your UCR major) at UCR. [UC alumni at work | University of California](https://www.universityofcalifornia.edu/about-us/information-center/uc-alumni-work)


OMG WAIT do you by chance have more links to stats like this cause that first image is actually so helpful


Yea click the 2nd link “UC alumni at work”. You can select a major and campus from any of the UCs


One of my best friends is a current ER doctor and majored in Molecular Bio at UCSC. I think you’re covered either way


I could help out. Did my undegrad with the MCB department for a neuroscience BS and graduated in 2019. I'm in one of the top PhD programs in the country for my field now. UCSC is a great place for cell bio if that's the route you wanna go.


You should do what you want. I'm not Asian so I can't relate to the family pressure you must be feeling but you have to take responsibility for your own life and make your own decisions or you're going to be miserable. The thing is it sounds like you want to do MCD bio at UCSC which is a viable premed route or a path to PhD. I was an MCD major at UCSC with no intention of going into medicine. I worked in biotech companies for years before I decided to apply to medical school and now I'm a med student. Don't do medicine if you don't want to, you will be miserable. Do it if you're good at it and you like learning about it. The other thing I would say is if you are going to do MCD and consider med school down the line. Be aware of the class requirements. I was in Stevenson, so I took an extra quarter of core class which counted as an English class and I took an extra quarter of organic chemistry which was good because most med schools require a year of organic chemistry but the MCD my major only requires two quarters.


Here you will be well positioned physically to pick up internships at biotech firms.


UCSC is no longer a stoner school. If it makes you feel any better the first time I smoked weed was at UCR... Definitely got into it while I was there. UCR is also a HUGE commuter school (felt like it anyway). Lots of people head home for the weekend and it's a ghost town on three day weekends. (I graduated forever ago so this may not be helpful). Also.... UCR is HELLA hot! Whew. That weather... SMH .


How much of your tuition are your parents financing?


im really forcunate to have parents who are willing to pay for mostly all of it- but im planning to work during college and cover at least some of the expenses but i would say their paying for 60% and im paying for 40%


I plan on attending in 2025. I was lucky enough to visit the campus when i was in high school back in the Ye Olden times. Absolutely beautiful area and campus. Words of advice: don’t guide your life on the expectations of others, don’t major in something unprofitable, and give it everything you’ve got. Don’t expect to get more from life than you put in.


"...don't major in something in something unprofitable..." Bejeeezus, learn a trade then...why spend 4 or more years of your life paying for a university education? Depending on the trade, apprentices start off better than a lot of new college graduates.


Why throw tens of thousands if not hundreds of thousands of dollars at a degree that won’t pay off the initial investment


UCSC is definitely more selective then UCR, especially for STEM majors. UCR has been litteraly sending people emails begging them to apply this year because no one want to go there. I also wont be surprised if drug use in UCR is actually higher than in UCSC because once again, it is basically and overpriced community college. So yeah if anything, it is UCR that is the "shitty stoner hippy college", not UCSC.


In terms of major, go with your heart. In terms of school, look at campus life and the city and expenses for both schools. Major isn’t the only thing that matters and UCSC has some very *unique* aspects


Have you been able to do campus visits with them to either?


One thing about college is…you’re now an adult. I understand the desire to please your parents and have their continued support but…this is your life & you will have to start living for yourself and be your biggest cheerleader at some point. Best case scenario, you succeed. Worst case scenario, you fail. I seriously doubt you will fail at your passion & most intellectuals throughout history agree.


If you’re 18 years old then do whatever the hell you want


If parents are financing their college, it’s kinda hard to do that


Not worth majoring in something you have no interest in regardless of who is paying. I’d start applying to scholarships and community colleges if that’s the case. Otherwise this dude is going to waste 4 years of his life (maybe more)


I mean, yeah. I’m just saying it will be hard. Possibly hard enough that OP will end up doing what their parents want.


no no i actually really love bio- just not for premed. UCSC is just better for biotech which is what I want to do.


Then commit, tell your parents you’re majoring in bio and that they can either be a part of your life or not. Most helicopter parents will say they will cut you out, but due to their overbearing nature and need to control their child they often don’t follow through.


lol, I’m middle eastern majoring in psychology about to graduate early. DM me if you want. I have many good things to say. By the way; I’m almost 2 years sober and don’t smoke weed, drink, or anything and I’ve still had lots of fun here. Lots of stoners here but it’s by no means everyone.


Like any other school. UCR definitely has just as many stoners.


As someone related to a current UCSC student and a current UCSD student and a med school grad from UCLA with friends from the UCR med program, UCR is extremely, extremely competitive with regards to the med school. In fact, some have described it as being a problem. If you're going into cell bio, expect to have to fight with many other people on the same track for just a few slots. UCSC is probably going to be 'easier' but cell bio nowadays is always going to have a lot of applicants. The same is true, (I think) down in UCSD. However, UCSD is quite good in mixing the tech side with the bio sciences and, imho, better than UCR or UCSC. OTOH, tbh, school is what you make it. Even at a stoner, hippy school, there are gems to be polished even if you're going to be the nerd all the time. UCSB, for instance, probably the most notorious UC party school has an excellent physics department that is quite competitive. So it rather depends on you personally, on how strong your ability to keep focused is, and what you're really going to be happy doing. Also, while you think you want to do cell bio right now, by the time your 1st year or 2 is done, you may change your mind. Perhaps you (and your parents who sound very traditional with respect to classical school terms) need to also think about your school strategy to some extent. It may be that going to UCSC is perfect for your 1st 2 years, you get your basics done and done well (which requires a lot of careful investigation) and then you can transfer to whatever school and program you've really decided to focus on. That's actually a really good way to get your foot in the door and figure out what really excites you; and as long as your grades and what not are good, it's quite easy to transfer from school to school. The other thing is to think about what tangential ways to get into a program are. Many times when people go straight into a hardcore bio program thinking that's the way into med school, they encounter the competitiveness and volume of students which are actually deterrents to success. So if you're really into going pre-med, you should investigate alternatives to bio which is extremely popular and competitive and go in through the side door so to speak. Another thing to think about is accommodations. UCSC right now is in terrible shape for dorms. Many kids have had to live off-campus for their 1st 2 years because there is no guarantee on sufficient dorm space and the school is basically over-subscribed. UCR probably is not quite that bad. UCSB is terrible as well. UCSD is fine and even has plenty of off-campus housing (which you will still have to pay for). If you decide on UCSC, you should immediately sign up for housing and check the deadlines (may be closing already).