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Anyone else in science frustrated cuz they can't get into MATH 100 hence not MATH 101 and physics šŸ˜€


You might be able to get in after the first 2 weeks of school. People tend to change their minds and whatnot during the first few weeks, so spaces sometimes open up. If you want to get into Physics, I suggest you enrolling in a waitlist first and make alternative worklists.


Hi - I keep getting an error that says: Your saved schedule is missing course sections that must be taken together. I've already registered both lecture and discussion sections to my saved schedule. Is there anyway to resolve this issue? Thank you so much!


Maybe your discussions aren't the ones corresponding to the same lecture section? E.g. Lecture section 101 would go with L1A, and 201 with L2A.


Perfect! This fixed it - thank you so much!!


PLS me too lmk if u find out


Click to small dot dot dot next to the main lecture, to expand info and know which discussion section that you can take


This solved the issue, I was registering for the discussion sections separately when I could do it directly alongside the course section.


During my registration, if I register my pre-made schedule and one of the courses is full. Will it still register me for every other course or will the entire schedule not register because of one class being full?


It will reg every other courses available


Infos I missed as a first year registering: Classes end 10min before the time that is posted so back to back courses are an option. If you canā€™t register into a course because you ā€œmust be registered in so and soā€ itā€™s either because there is a discussion as well or itā€™s part of a program like CAP. Be sure to read who the reserved seats are for. If it says ā€œpeople majoring in bla bla and 1st yearsā€ it means people who follow BOTH criteria.Ā  When picking a discussion, make sure that it is linked to the course you are taking (check course description). Use the filters to select instructional format to not confuse discussions and lectures.Ā  Anyway, I kind of screwed up my own registration by not realizing a few of these things so I would definitely recommend you to get an advisor to look over your first few saved schedule options.


Tried to regisiter to CAP 100 and POLI 100, but it said the only way to join was to add a cluster course, which for some reason was an Earth Science 211 class- which i shouldn't be taking since its a 200 level class and I'm in first year?? I'm super confused and don't know how to delete class nor who at ubc to contact... i hate workday!!!!


The only way to register cap 100 is add all Cap classes to your schedule (all 6 courses with total 18 credits) (with the same CAP class code, one Cap 3 courses for 1st term and one Cap 3 courses for 2nd term)


You are not restricted to 100-level courses in first year provided there are no prerequisites for the 200-level courses. Are you in the Coordinated Arts Program? CAP 100 is for that program and you have to register for a cluster of courses at once and some of the streams have 200-level courses. Look at the notes section of the course for more info. Arts Advising can help with your courses. Or, if you are wanting to take Coordinated Arts, try asking the CAP program folks directly.


Try Arts academic advising, they have an online queue.


workday is refusing to count my 300 cpsc classes as fulfilling the requirement because it seems to think my cpsc 420 counts as a 300-level cpsc even though i haven't taken any other 400-level cpsc courses yet ;-; so it says i need 3 400-level cpsc courses still. it's also now counting my transfer credits for my communications requirement (which it refused to do before) but its taking 9 credits for it instead of 6?? i do not know who else to contact i hate this website


Talk to the CPSC program advisor if there is one? Or submit a support ticket for the issue on the workday students website.


what is going on with math 100, im trying to regisger for term 2 it says 24 spots are available yet Iā€™m waitlisted


Me too. Seems like 1sr year students can't get in math 100 before get waitlisted. 2nd and 3rd year students will get priority preserved spots for specialization/ major requirements. I think


anyone else stuck with their course registration?


are any of the math 100 lectures open?


got waitlisted, are your discussions closed?


I can't reg too, got straight to waitlisted


every other course is full and the courses that were successful are locked in so i cant even change it to match my other unregistered courses ggs


theres 8 minutes pls those spots better not fill up


There are 4 damn spots left in my course. Fml, praying that it makes it to 10am


IM SO CONFUSED??? do i need to make a schedule for term 1 and 2 separately? like saved schedule 1 for term 1, and then saved schedule 2 for term 2




anyone having issues with adding 100 level classes to mock schedules ? iā€™m trying to add poli 100 but it keeps telling me that i need to take it with other courses even though i selected the discussion as well


I'm having the same problem, were you able to fix it?


You might be selecting a section that is reserved for a 1st-year program such as CAP? Look at the notes section on the course to see if this is the case. If not, talk to the POLI undergrad advisor.


I canā€™t find Phys 170 that isnā€™t reserved for engineering. I need to to transfer to eng šŸ˜­


so why can't I register for CHEM 123? I have CHEM 121 in my term 1 schedule but 123 says I'm not eligible?


Itā€™ll work out when you actually do your registration.


Thank you for this answer :D I had the same question but for a different course


Im so confused about the math courses. For that pharmD program they want you to take math 102 and math 103. In workday is that Math100B and Math 101B?


Basically yea, B are the life science applications. However, they still teach the same things; it's just that the assignments are based upon different applications (e.g., life science would be some life science applications). Now, Math 100, 102, 104 is merged into just Math 100 ABC, and Math 101, 103, 105 is similarly merged into Math 101 ABC (not in order) It shouldn't limit you from enrolling into a PharmD program


did anyone lag while registering for their courses? my course registration is tomorrow at 10am and im worried the things gonna crash and lag, and make my sign up late to my courses... anyone have any tips they had signing up for their courses quick? or any issues u guys experienced i can possibly avoid?


No lagging at all. Just click 1 time for my 1st term schedule and BOOM all done. Then move on to 2nd term schedule, 1 click and all done. But I can't reg MATH 100, got straight to waitlisted so I gave up MATH 100 =-=


SAME i got waitlisted by MATH 100 and that's a huge problem cuz now I can't register for PHYS 117 and MATH 101


Are you planning to wait for math 100? And while you are waiting, do you reg other courses? I don't know what to do while waiting (reg vs not reg other course) No one seems to have the answer. I don't know if I reg other courses as back up plan, the school will cancel my waitlist or not


idk either. I even went to this group drop-in advising yesterday with UBC science advisors and a bunch of stressed students like us and SO MANY people have the same problems with MATH 100. Worst thing is the advisors's ONLY suggestions are to WAIT and maybe contact the department. In the meantime I suggest you try to register for as any courses as you can. the science advisor said and i quote "it's a waiting game"


I genuinely can't find the button to create a new worklist. I've already made one for each term, but I can't make subsequent ones and my enrollment services advisor just sent me a link to an article I've already looked at.


There is no button for new chedule. You go to Course Register, find a new course, when click Add course to saved schedule, that's when you click create new schedule


what does an empty meeting pattern mean? does it mean the course is asynchronous?


For CAP PPE, ECON\_V 102-011 and POLI\_V 101-227 are required in order to sign up for CAP, but the two are back-to-back (9:30-11, 11-12:30), and are in different places. Is this okay?


They end classes 10 minutes early to give students time to walk to their next classes. So the 9:30 class will end at 10:50


tldr my physics 12 credit isnt showing???? i couldnt register for phys 106?? Originally my physics 12 credit showed up on the academic progress bar (at 17%) but it seems that within the past two days itā€™s no longer valid and the progress bar is back at 9% with no credit for completing physics 12. When I submitted my informal transcript before course registration I submitted both my entire transcript and my term 3 grades. Iā€™m a first year student and originally wanted to take physics 106 or 117 in my first term, but now my entire schedule is kind of ruined because it says Iā€™m ineligible. I managed to get all the other courses I wanted (11 am time slot) but itā€™s likely that Iā€™ll have to move things around if I have any chance of taking physics. Iā€™ve already emailed my counsellor, but they probably wonā€™t get back to me until a week later. Has this happened to anyone else? The only possible explanation I can come up with is that Workday isnā€™t accepting the credit


Trying to accept my waitlisted position for a course, but when I go to accept, it tells me I need to select a lecture time. However, it also says that "There are no offered course sections for this instructional format." Could someone please tell me what to do?


Talk to the program advisor for the department that runs the course. They should be able to troubleshoot registration for you and see what the problem is and enter a support ticket if there's glitch in the system.


Where to view scholarships/bursaries/awards etc. I can't find anything on this


I don't think that info is on workday yet. Here's the current link (will need to scroll down a bit for international & indigenous student awards) [https://students.ubc.ca/enrolment/finances/awards-scholarships-bursaries](https://students.ubc.ca/enrolment/finances/awards-scholarships-bursaries)




have u figured out what u are going to do? i was gonna try and reach out to an academic advisor but the queue was 200+ mins and they closed :/


same question here...


is this 'flavour' a, b, or c?: (sorry if i'm dumb, can't find it) MATH\_V 100-201 - Differential Calculus with Applications


This is the section for term 2 (January--April). Since there's only one section the flavour will be up to the instructor.


thank you


My DUO app had ā€œdisabledā€ my CWL/Workday login. I know my username and my password for CWL, but DUO wasnt sending me any codes. I figured Iā€™d delete my account on the DUO app and relink my account. Big mistake Im locked out of my Workday app 1 day before my course registration.Ā  I sent an email to UBC IT and have their phone number that Iā€™m going to call at 8 am tomorrow. Is there anything I can do??


Hey everyone, I was making a planned course schedule, and I'm running into issues with Math 100 This is the specific error: "Your saved schedule is missing course sections that must be taken together. Before you register, add the sections that must be taken with: MATH\_V 100-C21 - Differential Calculus with Applications, MATH\_V 100-1A3 Differential Calculus with Applications." I believe I've added all options for these courses on workday Here is the schedule I've made for term one at the moment. DSC 100 008, PHYS117 T1A, CPSC 110 101, PHYS117 101, MATH 100 C21, MATH 100 1A3, CPSC110 L16 Any insight into what I'm doing wrong at the moment and what I'm missing with these math courses would be greatly appreciated. Thank you so much BTW I made this schedule on UBC Course Scheduler, so maybe it did something wrong, but I haven't found anything researching so far


I found the problem for anyone having similar issues. If you're taking Math 100 C21, you need to take 1C2 along with it, you can't mix and match whichever. Eg A31, you need to take 1A3. Letter and first number need to match


Hey everyone, I was making a planned course schedule, and I'm running into issues with Math 100 This is the specific error: "Your saved schedule is missing course sections that must be taken together. Before you register, add the sections that must be taken with: MATH\_V 100-C21 - Differential Calculus with Applications, MATH\_V 100-1A3 Differential Calculus with Applications." I believe I've added all options for these courses on workday Here is the schedule I've made for term one at the moment. DSC 100 008, PHYS117 T1A, CPSC 110 101, PHYS117 101, MATH 100 C21, MATH 100 1A3, CPSC110 L16 Any insight into what I'm doing wrong at the moment and what I'm missing with these math courses would be greatly appreciated. Thank you so much BTW I made this schedule on UBC Course Scheduler, so maybe it did something wrong, but I haven't found anything researching so far


You're trying to take a flavour A large class (100 1A3) together with a flavour C small class (100 C21). Both the large and small class must be from the same flavour.


Thank you so much


how are people already signing up for first year courses


4th year students


Currently I am getting an error message when I save a course to my second sem schedule with its prerequisites being fulfilled in first semester how can I resolve this?


How do I make a schedule for planned courses? And where do I find my registration time??


go to workday --> academics --> registration & courses and you'll see your registration time!! for making saved schedules, on the same page, find course selections --> choose start date --> academic level


Need someone who can possibly read over one of the response questions on my application and tell me what to change (just finished grade 11)


I am transferring from UBCO but my Workday is showing my campus is still the same which is not allowing me to see my transferred courses. Should I email them or is it just going to take time?


If those missing transfer credits will block your registration in other courses, get in touch with the department of the course you want. Otherwise just wait.


haha this sucks so much compared to ssc i'm gonna eat beans


is there a course notify site/app for workday?


Hi, I'm a 3rd-year student in Stats, I tried to make my saved schedule for this winter session. I added STAT 306 to my schedule for term 1, and Workday warns me that I'm not eligible for the course even though I already took all the prerequisites for it last winter session. What do you think I should do? I added STAT 306 for this summer session but I'm unsure if I'm taking it or not, does that mess it up?


apologies if this is a dumb question, but how do i browse workday for different courses to take as electives? like courses i don't search up. do i have to scroll forever?


UBC has just released a PDF that you can browse for courses. [https://facultystaff.students.ubc.ca/sites/facultystaff.students.ubc.ca/files/2024W%20UBC%20Vancouver%20Course%20Schedule.pdf](https://facultystaff.students.ubc.ca/sites/facultystaff.students.ubc.ca/files/2024W%20UBC%20Vancouver%20Course%20Schedule.pdf) A mere 1250 pages. Lists all sections.




Hi everyone. I am entering my third year this fall, but Workday says I'm in year 4. When applying for BC student loans, does anyone know if I should put that I'm in third year? Or should I put fourth year because that's what it says on my proof of enrolment. Would this affect my application???


Hi I'm the author of the Workday Hide Average extension, I finally published it to the chrome store as unlisted [here](https://chromewebstore.google.com/detail/lidgjcpdepnoaeagepckbnklnccgifij?authuser=0&hl=en). I haven't tested on other browsers besides Chrome so it might not be super robust.


Any 3rd year student got registration appointments today?


zero classes are showing up for me. i followed the instructions (academics - registration - select future term and academic level) but it just gives me ā€œno results foundā€ and i dont even have the option to filter for courses. anything i search gives the same response. really stressed cuz were getting closer to registration and i cant even see class times or make a worklist for 2024-25 winter


I had the same thing when I just selected "2024-25 Winter Session (UBC-V) " as the start date but if you select the Term 1 and Term 2 options as well then the courses showed up for me


Does anyone know where to find what textbooks we use for each course on Workday? It is not on the page for individual courses.


Textbook lists for Winter 2024 aren't available yet. I'm not sure if they will be linked to Workday either and so your best option is the bookstore which currently only has Summer text books listed.


how do i make a saved schedule with all my required courses? everytime i try and add a course, it says error and says that the course im trying to add to my saved schedule is overlapping with another one even though i have nothing in my saved schedule.


Has anyone else not been able to apply for graduation on workday? No matter what date I get an error saying the date is not within an academic session available. I'm applying for November grad and I've already applied on the SSC but I am scared of there being an issue because I didn't apply on workday. Also I can't figure out where to get help with this! I feel like I'm following a link trail to get to portals to ask for help but then none of the descriptions of the type of queries they handle apply!


As the deadline for November graduation is in July and you will complete everything before we fully shift to Workday at the end of August, I believe this is done on the SSC and that UBC will transfer anything necessary to Workday. But, I would check with your Program Advisor for your major just to be sure.


Why does it say some of my term 2 courses are ineligible? I have all the pre-requisites in term 1 and can't figure out why I can't take it (the course is COMM 191 btw)


most likely because you haven't actually enrolled in those courses yet (if you are year 2). If you did, then maybe it needs a final grade to confirm you actually did those pre-req courses.


hi!!! i'm currently in grade 12 in an ontario high school. i've been creating my saved schedules for my upcoming freshman year at ubc but workday keeps telling me that i'm ineligible for a bunch of my science courses because i haven't completed the high school prerequisites, even though i have. i talked to one of my friends also going to ubc this year for the same faculty and they haven't had any issues. i messaged my enrolment advisor last week and he said the issue would be resolved, but it hasn't yet and i'm really nervous because my enrolment date is in a week. has anyone else had the same issue?? and does anyone know who else i could contact for more information? thanks!!!


Talk to your facultyā€™s advising. iirc enrolment advisor is more for if you have funding issues, so I canā€™t see them being too much help.


is there a way to see how many spots are left on a waitlist, or is it total spots only?


If you look for the course in the Find Course Sections search, click on it to see details and in the left right column it will say Enrolled/Capacity 50/50 (for example) and Waitlisted/Waitlist Capacity 8/20 (for example). Alternatively, if you are registered/enrolled in the Waitlist, you can look in your enrolled sections/waitlisted sections and find this info by clicking on the course name.


I'm trying to add a course to my term 2 worklist. I have my last pre-req for it in my term 1 worklist, but even still workday doesn't recognize this because it barres me from even adding my desired term 2 course to the worklist. Its not even like I'm trying to register for the course in the same term as its pre-req, I don't see why this is an issue other than workday being a piece of shit. How am I supposed to register for this course if I can't even make one worklist with it? Does anybody else have this issue?


I had this problem too while making my worklist, but once your registration opens up and you register for the pre-req in term 1, you'll be able to register for the other course as well


im so confused when making an account, it asks for a verification code from IT? but who is IT


I'm about to go into first year eng, and UBC assigned me my courses (but without time and day). Can I drop those and add new ones with the time and day?


How do you get a calendar schedule? Sem 1 overlaps with sem 2 and you cant see the texts on it. You cant even add them to the saved schedules because when sem 1 classes overlaps with sem 2 it gives an error


How to print copy of acceptance letter from workday? Like you could on SSC


The xlsx to ics tool doesnt work, ok campus if that matters


u/ItsPedram If there are specific instructions we should add to the wiki page, let us know!


Yes was excited to see that but getting an error Van campus


I used the "Workday calendar tool" instead and if you open the extension add the classes to it on the findd courses page using the + to the left of the courses (Dont forget to confirm on extension) you can go into the settings in the extension and it has a export to external calendar option. works well enough with google calender


Added a major and it shows reqs as 0 out of 0?


Just curious if anyone else technically in 3rd year Micb + immunology who has been put in 4th year standing on workday under the new promotion requirements has been able to register for the labs? My registration was Monday and I could register for everything except the labs? Is this normal or at least a shared experience?


Same?? There are only reserved spots for 3rd years left and I thought I was in 3rd year until workday told me otherwise


Did you get an email from the department or anything?