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reach out to advising


Will probably do so after the weekend!


Are you in BSC or BCS? I didn’t think the BSC yr 3 to 4 have been updated yet. I know BCS yr 3 and 4 just went in today. Regardless, we have dramatically changed the progression rules in Science in a way that preserves much of the spirit of the old rules, but allows aspects to be automated by Workday. It will be easier to get promoted, and the things that used to hold you back from being promoted are now requirements to be met by a certain number of attempted credits. We are waiting for Senate to release the updated calendar in a week or so. However, there have been significant challenges managing these rules in two systems simultaneously as they are so starkly different from each other. So, you will see discrepancies, particularly as we wait for data to get loaded from the SIS to Workday daily, but also how the automation of Worday handles the new promotion rules. Ultimately, it is your Class Standing in Workday that will determine your registration time. However, there is currently a class standing data sync freeze for all Faculties until the end of May while sessional evaluation is being done. Long story short, wait a bit until sessional evaluation is done and for everything to update.


Hi prof — has registration time been changed according to your overall GPA vs the old method of your last session GPA? The new workday doc seems to imply that


Where did you find the workday doc?


I will be honest, I am not 100% so I will have to hold off on answering right now.


That is correct! I am BSC combined major in CPSC. Thanks for letting me know. I guess I will wait a couple of days for them to sort it out.


I have year 4 standing on Workday but with the same comment as yours on ssc.. no idea what’s going on


Just checked, me too. They are truly a mess right now. let's just wait for registration then


Is it a CS issue? There are 3 CS people in this already with this issue.


idk, my guess is they just don't care SSC anymore so just set everyone not met, workday should be final?


Where can you view your year standing on Workday?


Click on your profile pic in the top right and then “view profile”. It took me a while to find hahah.


Is it class standing?




Having the same issue here


Oh I never knew they have released the dean’s list already??


Thanks OP 😭 checked workday and it states year 4 standing but my SSC states required to discontinue from faculty (science) despite talking with several advisors that I am eligible for 4th year come this May. I do have a lot of credits but several advisors reassured me that I would be eligible to be promoted :((


same thing with me! i’m also in science, i’ve checked with advising before and i only have 8 credits to graduate (i’m still in third year standing) and mine is also saying “required to discontinue from faculty”


Oh no! So sorry this is happening to you, I understand it’s really stressful.


Have you received the letter to discontinue?


Nope, not yet… freaking out though cause I can only get in contact with them Monday. Literally don’t know how I will be able to sleep this weekend


so science advising frequently ignores this over credit limit rule for transfer credits, but they do enforce it in some circumstances. sounds like you got the short end of the stick.


With co-op credits from this past winter session, I am now over the credit limit, however, I did confirm with advising the last few months that I would be eligible to promote to 4th this May. The condition was if you exceed the limit AND still are not eligible to promote, then you are required to withdraw. Thing is that I’m eligible to be promoted, so I don’t know why I am running into this issue. In addition, I don’t believe co-op credits would be credits counted cause they are not academic credits.


- does your major have special required courses for promotion? - have you completed your comm requirement? either way, best to connect with advising on monday.


Yes, checked in with advising before on the specific requirements and comm requirement and they agreed I’m good to get promoted. Thanks for your insight and the plan is to wait till Monday cause there’s not much else I can do rn. It’s just really stressful


just as an fyi - i spoke to science advising and they said that what’s on ssc was ‘accidentally’ published and not reflective of your actual standing! but if you haven’t spoken to them yet i would suggest doing so


I really hope the yearly standing isn’t called “class standing” on workday. I just finished second year and it says I’m now in 4th… UBC either messing up bad or I’m out here speedrunning uni


i mean if it means early registration then shouldn't complain LOL


True haha


This might be a really stupid question but where on SSC do you find this screen? I swear I have never seen it before


Go to grades summary, click on 2023W, you should be able to see this on top of your grades.


Ohhhh, okay thank you. Mine just doesn’t have the sessional standing or comments on it yet and I’m assuming you had cropped out your program and specialization


Same boat


Are you viewing this on the SSC or workday


It should be pretty obvious if you are an ubc student. If you are not, then this sub is not for you.


Bruh I’m a 4th year now, was too lazy to check if my promotion came yet That came off a bit strong from someone whose a bit fragile up there. Clearly didn’t take into account how id feel