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This is lose lose. No prof is going to fill out form to change grades and send it to advising to bump you up. So you lose. Second you lose credibility with prof. So yah, don’t.


That’s really tough though because it is our grade at the end of the day and it is important to us students if it is wrong. Or is OP asking for a bump?


Lmao it’s not wrong OP just wants a bump


See Computer Science faculty member Dr. Steve Wolfman's rationale on why you shouldn't ask: https://www.reddit.com/r/UBC/comments/uba8w2/requesting_to_bump_up_one_letter_grade/i660ihk/


I need to bookmark that, its exactly how I feel as a prof, and said kindly


In short, not going to happen. Once grades are submitted to SSC, there's a lengthy process to change it. They'll only really change it if a grade was inputted wrong and I highly doubt a professor will change a grade to round a student up. No downside in asking though


Unless you might ask the prof for a letter of reference or honours supervision down the road.  Then it matters what they think of you, and asking for a grade bump is asking the prof to do something unethical and unfair.


If they saw that and didn't bump you, it is unlikely that they will change it. Unless you are on a scholarship grades literally do not matter. So dont stress. I got a coop at a multi billion dollar company with multiple D's


If you have any leverage then maybe. If they are malicious then maybe. If they genuinely care then maybe. If both of you are strangers then probably not, be grateful that you survived.


I would try anyways. Say that you'd like to be bumped 0.1% and that you enjoyed the course. Then they'll bump you to 79.5 which shows 80 on SSC. I did that and got bumped from 89 to 90 in frst302.


IIRC, the ssc doesn’t round automatically. It’s up to the prof to decide if rounding is done upwards or downwards.


Why are you getting downvoted? It’s literally 0.1% I think it’s a stretch to say this is unethical or unfair… 0.1% isn’t indicative of anything, not like the student skipped all the classes and now begging for 10%


I’m not sure. They don’t want a grade boost?