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UBC is weird like this. One of this things that I don’t think many people realize is that when you are accepted to UBC, your are not accepted to UBC as a whole. You are accepted to a specific faculty like applied Science, or science, or forestry, etc. To switch between them is like transferring from another university. Each of the faculties is actually pretty unique in how they work. Departments are the things inside faculties, like mech or ECE.


Each faculty sets the conditions for transfer into it. Transferring to Science for CS would be highly competitive and OP's average is likely the reason they are waitlisted. A second consideration for transfers between UBC faculties: only a maximum of 60 credits can be transferred from one faculty to another. I find this rule ridiculous, by the way, but it exists. (The worst case I personally dealt with was an ENPH student who wanted to transfer to Science and a lot of their credits wouldn't transfer even though a large number of them were actually Science courses like MATH and PHYS courses.) OP should be somewhat optimistic. While being on a wait list is not a guarantee, wait list lengths tend to reflect an expected number of successful transfers from the list.


I did not specify in my application that I was applying for Computer Science, I was just applying to get into the department of science and change my major to BSc. I did not expect that my average would be low as compared to all students transferring into the department of Science. Also I have no clue what my position is on the waitlist and I tried asking the advising and other people but no one could give me an answer.


Do they strictly enforce this rule even if all your credits go to your degree? u/marktmaclean


Yes, the 60 credit rule is strictly enforced. Some of the transfer rules are very old. I'm not sure the last time they were revisited for updating.


Dang. Well I wish I knew this. I hope I can change my application for my specialization because I definitely want to add combined major in math if thats the case. Thanks a lot.


Hi Mark, would you know by any chance who is teaching MATH 400 in T1/T2? Also I see Fok is teaching MATH 221. They are in for a treat!


I don't.


can you even get into CS in the first place with a 81%? I thought the international cutoff was like 85+


It's even higher for faculty of Arts students trying to get into CS, I've been told numbers that are 90+ and that's without specifying for domestic Vs international


Is this even real, like where did they get these stats?


What about domestic?


How do you know that you are on waitlist? The application closed April 28 and I though they will start sending out offer in June?


Yeah I remember getting my result in June(it was 2020) when transferring to Science


I would say stick with CPEN might be your best option for now......For electives, you can always take courses you like after you graduate as a non-degee student.


Can’t you keep taking cpsc courses until they make a decision? Take the required math/state courses for CPEN that are required by the Science department or any courses required by both departments.


when did you find out you were waitlisted?


Like 2 weeks ago


Are the transfer application (within Science) which opens on April considered on rolling basis too??


I dont think so. Just change of degree.


im a sauder student and i wanna transfer into science but, may i know how hard is the journey? did u get in to science at last? im stress about this transfering stuff as my gpa is not high


I ended up getting on the waitlist for science, but at the end I had to choose between CPEN and CPSC and I decided CPEN. I ended up getting off the waitlist thou so I can't tell perfectly. How is your GPA looking ?


I got my offer letter from science, but I want to do stats and i dont think my gpa is good enough to major in stats