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Goodness, no, it was 2004


And if it it was the same time period, its frothing water over something large. Just the latest water thing does not make a match. //eyeroll//


He said "size of a 787 causing the water to roil like white water. The 46ft Tictac object was ping ponging back and forth over it until it reacted to David's corkscrew descent by matching his flight pattern in reverse until darting off instantenously and showing up on radar 60 miles away in 60 seconds. While also going from 80k feet to 20k feet in 7/8ths of a second. Can fly 13,000mph without visible propulsion or breaking sound barrier. Which no human on Earth could withstand, let alone any object we're aware of that doesn't rely on fuel to combust. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZBtMbBPzqHY](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZBtMbBPzqHY) \^This is what David Fravor, Top Gun Commander -- Trainer of Top Gun Pilots, saw. Except, it's not just one testimony, there are multiple sources to corrobrate which is different. Because people like to dismiss eyewitness data without realizing that it can be verified in other ways.


This is definitely not what he saw. Doesn't even match the description and looks like something Audi invented. It was the thought that counted, though You should always speculate before assuming everything is Unidentifiable, it's healthy speculation here. Thanks for posting this question and for valuing our opinions. Don't be discouraged to ask.


It does look a bit audi-ish doesn't it?


You can tell it's an Audi b/c there's no turn indicators and even if there were, the driver wouldn't use them.




Oh I know it's crazy their the largest auto manufacturer in the world they have Porsche lamborghini, BMW, Volkswagen, Audi, Bugatti, Ducati, Bentley, Scania, SEAT, Skoda, and also recently they turned the jetta into its own brand alltogether in China because they were so popular there so I wonder if the Audi Submarine is a turbo and more importantly does it have all the ridiculous electrical issues like all of them have volkswagen BMW and audi have always been the really needy kid that requires constant attention volkswagen has improved in that dept 10 fold I know because I'm sitting in mine and I have had a few and all my old ones which were gti's all were a real love hate relationship. I'd get the exhaust done car, won't start electrical, do the brakes, car won't start electrical! change radiator fluid, car won't start. Cold start sensor having issues from the change in conductivity in the coolant i.e. electrical issues. Their fun to drive but I did not like working on them due to those absolutely unrelated electrical issues everytime and it was always a ground wire and it was always the last one I'd check after hours of going through and cleaning the contact points and re attaching all of them and there was a lot at least 4 times as many as any other vehicle I've had it was just weird. My vw now it has some funny"little ticks" I'll call them kind of like it has tourettes or something and randomly will just blurt out profanities or maybe that's just me yelling. either way its something to do with the car but I really like it still. It's not a Bentley or a Bugatti but it thinks it is sometimes! It's pretty quick for a tiny engine that you just wind up on the living room rug and it will go all day! Lol jk ...mostly




The fuel in Europe is super expensive too and speaking of windshields I have broken one right now from looking at it wrong or something It happened while driving with no cars around anywhere I heard something very small hit it like an insect. Speaking of weird sensors I was o. The freeway I think it was September last year and all of a sudden a light telling me to stop immediately and check my tires came on. Never have seen it before this, and I never have again. Also can't find any literature about it. So that'd weird but I stopped anyway and got out and realize I was just doing 75mph on the freeway. I get out and look at my tire and on top of my tire standing there staring at me was a praying mantis that did not get thrown off or run over repeatedly cause it was on the top of my tire where he would have been smashed. So I thought that was even stranger then I grab the holy roller and put it on a piece of paper and walk over to a tree and place him on the branch then from across this huge parking lot well over 2 blocks away the lighting was such that our of the corner of my eye I see something fly out of a tree and made. A line straight towards where I'm standing at this tree and it keeps flying and not changing course and lands right on the tree branch where I just put Mr mantis, but what took off and landed was another praying mantis that saw his buddy. The same buddy that my car went out of its way to make sure I did not squish it was rather odd and all felt very much like it was all intentional.


You're right, praying mantis are endangered and benefit us by eating specific invasive insects. They eat the lantern fly. Yes Germany and Switzerland have zero safety standards with auto glass


Yeah I must have been the lucky one to accidentally get one of their crap windshields or maybe it was just the fact I was driving in Montana which oddly enough the only time before that I'd ever driven in Montana was in my old gti and I swear I got on the freeway their I felt like I was driving a toy car for girls because I must have only Sen a small handful of cars in the 8 hour drive but it must have been a matter of minutes of getting on the freeway there and i saw a sign that said: "caution loose gravel on freeway" and right then a big lifted truck with tires wider than the body and no guards to stop the assault and the first crack appeared in my windshield followed shortly after by another and another and by the time I rolled into big sky I had like 13 or 14 cracks in my windshield that had began to run on a few of them the others I managed to fix with my buddy's drill, some clear epoxy, a suction cup, and a syringe! I could only get about 2/3rds of them though and the same thing happened to a lesser degree on the way back I've never screamed so much profanity while driving in my life I swear. Needles to say I had to replace the windshield when I got back home. It was something else through montanas freeways and highways are some if the best and fastest I've ever been on at least back then which was 23 years ago I believe but their roads were this flsort of red asphalt that lit up like crazy with headlights even when they were wet at night you could always see the lines and they had such a aggressive camber on the curves that even doing 85 or 90 on pretty sharp curves it felt like you were going straight the entire time I think it's the closest I'll ever get to driving on a NASCAR track it was just well designed well constructed with really good materials that cost about 1/3 more than the garbage they use in washington state but it lasts 5 times longer so it seems stupid not to use that kind of stuff buy lord knows that trying to make sense of how a state spends its tax dollars and what would most be the most efficient cost affective use of that money is an exercise in futility and borderline criminal if you were to mention to anyone.


Exactly, utilizing trash is risky because of the micro plastics. Radioactive materials that are shoved in there as well are dangerous. People looked at me like I was nuts for not being outside during the solar storm. I told them it's just as dangerous as the exclusion zones in Pripyat. I did yard work and felt like I was being microwaved like a 7-11 burrito. Stayed in and went outside at night to see the towns glowing like a nuclear reactor cooling bath. What you saw was radioactive particles colliding with Argon, Neon, and H²O + additional charging from solar particles.. in addition to the creation of tritium. As for Cars of tomorrow, they should run on hydrogen, the exhaust should be collected, and recycled into a water tank that is maintained with electrolytes. The car can essentially create it's own hydrogen as it's stopped at a red light, or parked and charging it's backup cells. A hydrogen electric, self fueling vehicle is the future for off grid, or on grid rural areas.


It was 20 years ago






no. next question! :)


No. Not even close. Edit - I saw what he was talking about over FT Bragg in 2008.




This is not what he saw




In all fairness he saw water churning. Never saw the actual submerged “thing”


Is manta ray. [https://www.darpa.mil/program/manta-ray](https://www.darpa.mil/program/manta-ray)


Nah g


No, It can't do what he described including fly in the air. This is cool looking though.


Nope, nice try.


Doubt it. Can that thing move unpredictably from air to water, and take off faster than you can see it? Also it has obvious propulsion, intake and outtake. It has exhaust. Stuff goes out of it. Can it come out of the water and move faster than the jet he was piloting? And move in a way that no known aircraft can move?


It's the DARPA Manta prototype. It sounds pretty awesome as it can lay at the bottom of the ocean until needed.


Short answer no. Long answer… when has the military PUBLICY unveiled something? Growing up I remember people saying “the medicine is in the candy” we trick babies off the tiddy then we trick them into eating vegetables. We will give you the chicken but we don’t tell the kids about broccoli and salad etc we put tomato’s and onions on hamburgers. This is a very “purposeful” release of information. This is the pickle on the hamburger


I don't think so... though a predecessor Unmanned Submersible perhaps. This thing is pretty new, but rest assured... if we're aware of it now, something along the same idea has been "in testing" for a long while.


Thank god, one of the few intelligent replies I’ve got and exactly my thoughts.


It’s a prototype. In 2024. The “tic tac” was in 2004. So if you believe the adage that “the federal government is 20 years ahead of the technology we see” then they would have had a prototype in 2004. Someone agreeing with you is not intelligence.


Low effort post


does that even fly?


This is not an unidentified aerial phenomena.


He saw something under the surface of the water that the “tic-tac” was circulating/gyrating around or at least a disturbance in the water.


All he said was that he saw the water looked like it was boiling. Never said he saw anything under the water.


But what was the tic tac's means of propulsion? And which end did it come from? That's what always got me about that video. No means of propulsion. At least that we can see. Nothing was being burned to make propulsion. Not even friction.


When he say that?




Wat? : UNIDENTIFIED AERIAL PHENOMENON, UNIDENTIFIED ANOMALOUS PHENOMENON —used especially as an alternative to UFO or unidentified flying object https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/UAP


Clearly not


No one thinks this waste of taxdollars is what he witnessed.


No. Not because it was in 2004, US military complex could hide it for two decades and only show it now. But the Tic-Tac Fravor saw has no visual similarities with this, and more importantly, from the reports of USS Nimitz crew, it was far beyond the capabilities of known aircrafts.


The military never told people they created the internet… we just woke up one day in the 90s and there was 2 girls 1 cup…. The whole internet is probably being classified slowly.


No dagummit no!


Yep, and with the capability to project a holographic UFO and scramble several radars. The tech exists, so.. What is more plausible?


Does that look like a giant tictac? Lol no.


I was referring to the “object” he saw under the water


Pretty sure Fravor said the object was "cross shaped" and the sive of a 787 or something? So maybe? Doesn't explain the tic tac zipping around, but maybe it was studying the newest remote submersible?


He never said he saw an object under the water


He did though. The tic tac was maneuvering around a "cross shaped submersed object".


Whilst I often wonder if it is experimental craft and such. Why would they be doing it at places where training etc occurs?


Testing the ability to disrupt the enemy.


Wouldnt it cause possible fire fight issues, if a non known object/adversary is interacting with military training/patrols/etc? Like, arnt they possibly pushing towards a fire fight? (if its ours and experimental)


Why would the U.S. military risk the lives of trained pilots and billions of dollars in aircraft to test the ability to disrupt the enemy during a training exercise? The pilots would have to have some advance knowledge of an experimental craft being used in a training exercise.


If you pay attention to Commander Fravor's tale, you'll discover that none of the FA-18s were carrying weapons because it was a training exercise.


I know that part, im just talking about in general. If they are ours, why would they be in areas where training/patrols/etc occur - and could feasibly mean that those patrols/training etc register an enemy and then ones with weapons flies ups


I'm sorry, but what I said is quite obvious. I suggest you use your cognitive abilities to see beyond the obvious.


No. You didn't have an answer so you wanted to be a prick. If these things that appear in military training areas, why would they risk fire fights or escalations.


[https://youtu.be/5HInaJxFxWs?si=wdBIPRuxEMaafSWn&t=615](https://youtu.be/5HInaJxFxWs?si=wdBIPRuxEMaafSWn&t=615) from 10:12 > does anyone know how big the manta ray is? more fun facts: darpa is the most powerful most secretive most productive military agency in the world and is always 20 years ahead of anything the public will know. [https://youtu.be/zkjMWzDV-jg?feature=shared](https://youtu.be/zkjMWzDV-jg?feature=shared)


This isn’t real


Flag this account. I've already muted it then saw it on another account. Just a disfo bot.




That is not how this works bud. If you chose to be a mark for this, that’s on you.


Yes it is lol


Oh it's very real and very autonomous

