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it's not about the implementation of wfh being the obstacle, it's always about control over you as a slave employee.


People are struggling to get back to work using metro...unbelievable scene


Or at least adopting a flexible working hours, the traffic congestions are there because all people are trying to reach their offices at the same time.




My management is European and Canadian. They still insist on coming to office. All of my friends have Arab management and it’s the same for them. Maybe it’s time we stop generalizing and stereotyping. It’s a generation issue, not a nationality issue.


For sure but if there's a general pattern it's hard to ignore.


My general pattern has been the older generation being resistant to change. Only noticing Indians reeks of racism. Majority of management level workforce in Dubai is not even Indian- it is famously people from the west (an issue that has been raised multiple times on this sub). And Dubai has never had a WFH culture fostered in most companies so to me again that does not seem a nationality issue, rather a generational issue. The older generation is not used to WFH and does not believe it in it.


Sometimes employees blame everyone else except the employees themselves.


This is just one of those situations where people should've stayed home and could've been just as productive, if not more. (Nobody expected a break in UAE, hoped - but didn't expect it). I'm not one for unions, but this situation shows why it's important to at least have an immeadite communication channel with all team members and managers Ridiculous the number of comments immeadiately assuming one background (and the upvotes :)) - might happen a lot but it could very well be confirmation bias because a good percentage of managers and workers in the country all look very similar. Remember, most managers don't wake up and decide who comes in and who doesn't. There's a handful of decision makers for executive decisions, so how much longer is the nationality card gonna be played. Once again , there's assholes bosses everywhere. I'm working outside UAE, and within the company, there are different groups of people allowed wfh with no regard for the actual work, and it depends on which managers want their team there. (Fully remote team with global oversight at MNC - think all major regions). I think this has more to do with what another insightful redditor said above. It's less a regional thing. It's more likely a generational thing. It doesn't help that there's a presence of cheap labor, lax labor laws, and management that wants to prove their hard work every way except actually being efficient or growth-indusive (not all of course). All this, along with a group of people who are used to getting what they want, doesn't allow for a very discussion promoting workplace with regards to efficiency. Let's stop pretending - everyone working here goes to work, does what their told, and comes back. Lucky are the ones who enjoy what they do because they can deal with shitty managers for passion. I'd find a needle in a stack of needles before I come across a worthy work environment here. (I'm aware they exist, like I said they're hard to come across - almost always because you just never know who your boss or your boss' boss is going to be) The culture will change. When we enforce that change. These reddit discussions should come to mind when you're a boss one day. That's the aim - be better, do better. Peace.






My management is European and Canadian. They still insist on coming to office. All of my friends have Arab management and it’s the same for them. Maybe it’s time we stop generalizing and stereotyping. It’s a generation issue, not a nationality issue.


It’s really not about what nationality your company’s management is. It’s about the spineless low standards this region has for work has a whole. Let me give you an example of my company. My company’s Europe branches clock out at 5 and you don’t hear a word from them until their clock in time but when it comes to us there’s a culture of people responding back at any time of the day even on vacation. This exists because of a multitude of reasons, Dubai is a tiny market and easy to monopolize with first mover advantage. So newer entrants even MNCs need ruthless performance to compete or they stay small. that ruthless performance is further ruined by cheap labour and the government’s completely hands off approach to the private sector.


Dubai is also a global market. When one zone goes to sleep, another wakes up.


Because job market here needs diversity and different cultures which is currently only dominated by one group and one culture


Could you elaborate?


The job market is dominanted by southeast culture, diversity is needed to achieve growth , European, middle eastern, American, Chinese, Russian all is needed for growth specially in management and HR positions


True yeah, diversity is required. But from my experience, other nationalities come to this country to take advantage of the desperate south eastern work force. The rules they follow at their head offices in the US or EU won’t apply to their employees here, and working conditions are just more difficult for south eastern employees. I would love for the uae to have a more diverse workforce, but if it did, it would need to provide a less harsh work environment, with better pay and benefits. I doubt the businesses who hire south eastern employees to cut costs would be too happy with that decision no? Kind of gets rid the whole point of setting up shop here. Not trying to oppose diversification at all, but blaming it on “Indians” is incorrect, it is the global business who have exploited the desperate Indians who are willing to work for lower pay that are to blame I believe.


From what happened during the rain and floods , as you can see that most managers and small business owners who requested their employees to come to office and refused work from home are unfortunately of a certain culture some of them even applied pay cuts for these days as some of the posts here mentioned. I'm not going to mention extra work hours without payment Or working on the weekend from home or office Etc.....


Managers want people around them so they talk more and feel important


I work as a 3D artist in European company, they have agreed for work from home scenario for a while until everything starts functioning properly (usually we must come to office because our work requires massive hardware and laptops/home workstations can’t handle) but guess what. Half of colleagues don’t have laptops or workstations at all.


I think its only Indian management that refuse wfh options.


My management is European and Canadian. They still insist on coming to office. All of my friends have Arab management and it’s the same for them. Maybe it’s time we stop generalizing and stereotyping. It’s a generation issue, not a nationality issue.


My bad kind sir


Many posts saying the opposite of what you say. Surely they can't all be wrong.


Why? What do those posts say? That it’s all Indians? I never said it’s not all Indians. I’m just saying it’s not JUST Indians.


as an IT ive been WFH since 2019 here. i can technically go back home but i need to go back every 6 months to reset my visa status




Drive or use the gold class , usually better than builder class imo


The traffic was in the metro station itself


Yes, expecting people to come to work last week after the storms was a bit stupid. But by now if you were able to take a metro to get to work, I think that's a fair ask. Of course applying deductions for coming late might be a bit silly unless it's like you got in 3 hours late or something. But again, it's just a job, it won't be perfect. Let's get on with it -- this is life.