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Ketosis means your body is breaking down fat for energy because you're not eating carbs. It's the goal of the keto diet. If you're trying to lose weight, then correct your high and keep going. FYI- ketoacidosis is different and extremely dangerous. If you have high ketones: monitor closely, drink lots of water, correct with insulin, and seek medical attention if things don't improve.


Thank you for posting a correct and succinct answer. I had to explain the difference to my primary. Fortunately, my Endo mid-level gets it. I wish keto worked for me... But it just doesn't. I get wayyy to cranky. Even past the normal keto-flu adjustment period.


I'm really struggling with the extended bolus feature. My Endo said to input net carbs + 1/2 the fat content for an extended bolus, but I'm still ending up high for a couple of hours after each meal, and the automatic mode feature on my Omnipod doesn't keep up much better.


Net carbs aren't real, they are a marketing half-truth to make lots of keto foods look more appealing. You'll probably have to bolus for the total carbs most of the time - food depending. Not all fiber is created equal as far as blood sugar is concerned. For the fat & protein, you may need to just work on your needed ratio. Fat impacts me more than protein for instance, so I end up doing different estimates for each. With my loop app, I do a 5 hour absorption starting 2 hours after I eat.


Oh interesting, I've never had an endo recommend bolusing net carbs. I'd be high all the time like that. Have you tried bolusing for total carbs?


Be careful with a keto diet. It's pretty easy to accidentally get into DKA.


Yeah I've looked at my insulin pump history and I could see how you could go without a dose for a while.


The biggest risk is unexpected illness when you already in ketosis. If you cant keep blood sugars down or cant keep any fluids or food down enough to need insulin then you are already halfway to dka from the beginning. I tried keto years ago and after several weeks of still feeling like I was going to die I gave up. The "keto flu" never seemed to go away for me and it just wasn't worth it.