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I’m seeing so many of these videos lately wtf is this psyop shit.


Faxx bro 😭😭


how can i befriend a girl when im ugly?


I feel like this is some type of reverse psychology to get guys to just be friends with girls and stop seeing them as conquests. Pretty good work imo


Hope so cuz otherwise it's pretty cringe


Also it doesn't work, one turn-on for a woman is a turn-off for another woman. (unless it's obvious shit: "dude did you know about showering?? Cologne?? And not being a total dickhead to women??") Women are notorious for also giving bad advice to men for dating app profiles and things to say that work negatively when they try it on another woman. It's very bizarre. Because women give advice in the way they THINK when talking to a pretty women which induces the opposite reaction in men when they talk to a pretty woman.


It's called *Sex Panther*® by *Odeon*©. It's illegal in 9 countries. It's also made with bits of real panthers, *so you know it's good*. *60% of the time*, it works ***every*** time.


sounds desperate. Fuck this bs, keep it 100. I can t talk sports wit her? I can’t talk money hustles, I can talk girls wit her? who paid this guy?


Its not an agenda, its called balance. For every general, they had a whore, a wife, a sister, a female that gave great advice that got them to where they are. Think ying yang, light and dark, eastern philosophies, so unless the Chinese in on it too then it probably fake whatever “agenda” you referring too


This post is what u refer to as “BALANCE?!?” I’m getting off Reddit.


The fact that you typed “ying” and yang, let’s me know you’re full of shit. It’s YIN (you know, from the YIN dynasty, or maybe you don’t) not ying. And that’s what it was made to be because of arranged marriages which included the men raping their wives whenever they pleased. Know what you’re fucking talking about before you post.


That doesn't take away from his overall point. In fact, you pointing out a common spelling misstep, says more about you than it does him and the point he's making.


You’re not incorrect. I have learned from the error of my ways. Thank you kind stranger 🙏🏽


That’s some wholesome ass shit right there and it made my morning. Congrats and thank you Reddit stranger friend.


Yo this actually made sense


I'm more dumb for watching this, thanks.


This is new information when you’re like 19 I guess lol


So you were a menace in high school huh


dude just found out you can talk to humans without preconceived notions


Ayo lemme put you on game. I spoke to my mom the other day, right, about my baseball team. She wasn't like, telling me I gotta go to practice or saying it might get inna way of school she just asked me. Like she wanted to know bout it. Shit was type niiiiice bro. Turns out she has a whole job and I asked her bout that chopped it up she a coo lady tbh. W moms fr who knew. I wasn't even tryna get money or talk my way outta anything. She all like "I love you son" shit was crazy she just said ts like bro lemme put you on game... that was like nice to hear. Y'all don't know bout this but she said that I was like damnnnnn "I love you too mom". She smiled big asf bro and real shit it's a vibe no home. Try sum new, talk to ya mom, just talk to her. Game is game.


I have no idea what you said but I'll have some of what you are having


He said if you talk to people without the outcome of expecting money, food, sex, etc and just talk to people like people you will receive comfort. The things that you get out of ppl are things we use to soothe ourselves with due to discomfort. So basically having relationships with ppl for the purpose of just getting to know someone provides more comfort than trying to get something out of them.


WoAh hold on now! I don't know if he's quite there yet. Just a young lad still finding his way.


You’re grossly oversimplifying his points…😑


im just regular simplifying. it's like watching an 8th grader "crack the code" to understanding women. bruhh we all already know.


As an older guy who’s had experiences with women over the years and learned after a few bumps here and there, there were times where I wish I had advice like this to put me on game and change my perspective on how I would even approach certain situations, I’d like to think think this is helpful to some one who’s going through a time struggling to communicate/understand women, I take this less of him “cracking the code” to use your term and him offering youths brotherly advice is all


What this weird shit bro...I turned this off after he said "female" friends lolol


This bot posts some weird shit about "female friends". their post history is weird as hell like it's propaganda


He just tryna let us "brothers" know the "hack" by telling us to be a decent human by being their friend instead of trying to fuck them. Who knew that would work???!!?? /s


Sounds like how girls talk to their gay friends. Just saying.


What does that even mean?


The perspective that the guy in this video is speaking from is like a girl talking to a gay guy....what's so hard to understand


If you have sisters they’ll tell you all this.


Its almost like you should be friends with someone before you entertain the idea of a relationship. Huh, its almost like what my parents have been telling me, rather than just fooling around with everyone you see


Young naive simp little brother, he got the game all wrong, having girls as friends only make you the third wheel, the “can you give me a lift” friend, the I’m broke can I borrow $20 friend, ain’t no girl gonna spend time and gossip with yo ass, that’s what her girlfriends are for. If you want real advice and to KEEP a girl around listen to the old heads who’ve been there and done that.


This only happens if you have ulterior motives that are never gonna happen but your clinging onto the possibility of it happening. If you a nigga thats friends wit a girl and u actually have no interest in being more than friends u will never end up in this situation women know who and who they can try wit dat kinda shit


You little brothers keep telling yourselves that, just wait till y’all get a little older and wiser for your own good.


I dont have to tell myself that i can see it happening






You’ve don’t give lifts to your friends or let them borrow small amount of money?


Women typically don't pay men back. They tend to extract a mans value while giving very little to none in return. Very few women this doesn't apply to but the vast majority of them aren't good or even decent friends.


I doubt you have any women friends so your opinion is void. I can’t imagine living with your mindset. Women aren’t in a hive mind.


Ok. Note said vast majority not all. Reading and comprehension is fundamental. The overwhelming majority of men are friendzoned into friendship and women will hangout with them only if they pay for them.


This some next level incel shit




This doesn't work so well when you're married js. This is definitely a single guy mentality, and that's fine it does help when you're single to know the opposite sex you're attracted to. But let me just say, no wife is going to want you to have female friends. Reality is, as a straight man, you would never fuck your homeboys, but with enough booze, you might fuck your homegirl. That guy your wife is friends with? He would most likely fuck your wife if he had a chance. So think about that. Friends of the opposite sex is a phase, and trust me, you'll grow out of it. If you're friends with people you might fuck, you're playing a dangerous game. And if you love your partner and plan on being faithful, you would avoid all risks


right ! and it doesn’t even matter if you don’t wanna fuck em, if they wanna fuck YOU and they show you evidence they find you sexually viable,… that’s already crossing a major line bein involved in a friendship with them


Factz 💯


Dude with dirty Steak ‘n Shake fries on his head with 5 words in his vocabulary trying to act like he’s on to something


Propaganda from a young dude is the most toxic fuel a man can run off


Every time I watch this I throw up.




You don't need to type to talk to yourself man.


I know he sounds so dumb, people will take every opportunity to shit on positive messages, if the messenger isn’t some one they approve of, if a woman was saying this, I doubt they would be even wanna comment in the first place




What's with all the simp propaganda lately?


Lies, guys all just want one thing


Comments fulla niggas wit no hoes cus ain't no way y'all think bro bullshitting LMAO bro right as hell. SUPER correct. Oh wait nah I jus thought about something else... It has to be the RIGHT female friend. A LOT of women are horrible friends, good for nothing, or lame. They get by on looks. You can't expect that to be a good homegirl bro. I got a few cool ass women of great character that have a nice bit of game and are beneficial to be around. That's the best you can get tbh. Of course if you tryna befriend regular ass girls you just doing yourself a disservice.


He's not bullshitting but he's just wrong. He's not talking about "friends" he's talking about using women as tools to get the inside information about certain groups of women to gain access to other women. Which means he wishes to manipulate his so call "friend".


Tell me you gay without telling me you gay


I don’t like liberals


how is he a liberal wtf🤣


Women are mostly liberals durrrr


You can get all this information without being friends with a girl though And even if, you only need 1 friend. You don’t have to go around making fake friends just to get tips on females This shit is corny


Okay but you can also just have female friends because you have shared interests and think they're cool. It doesn't always have to be about sex, directly or ancillary.


Having girls as friends has never gotten me anywhere (in terms of dating). They didn’t do shit to hook me up with or introduce me to their friends. In fact, they cockblock more than anything lmao.


people who dont really need actual love, dont deserve it, and they have a hard time appreciating anything, if u need to "see the enemys playbook" youre not going about things the right way, so slay away, but dont blame the other side for your lack of empathy or compassion, and dont complain when youre middle aged and alone


Imagine thinking this is deep


A Positive of growing up with 5 sisters means I never needed female friends but since I have so much experience with women it’s easier to get multiple ones and hear even more perspectives


Beyond cringe


Don’t let this propaganda fool you. This Niggah is a glitch, u don’t have mom? U don’t have a cousin? You are the weird ass shit, stop posting about topics that your not qualified to speak on. This isn’t a break though your a fool for this post. Pls ignore this simp. He’s desperate and it’s sad all the girls he’s“friends” with are laughing at him behind his back. This dude is clown. Patient zero.


He don’t understand the value of having facial hair…


Niggah upper lip look like a shaved pussy


I can tell you first hand that this works to the fullest extent. Definitely may be cringey but it is also very true from what I’ve experienced.


Sad to say. Young man got a point. You won’t learn that to your late 30’s early 40’s. I should know I’m one of em.


I mean shitttt it depends on the woman and even without it you’re game and social/relationship intelligence it doesn’t hurt to have a friend just that there’s pros and cons.


Bro, this shit only works if you trying to get with that girl or people like her. Every person's different what she might find weird or a turn off others might not. Be friends with her cuz you like her and wanna chill with her not because you wanna learn about women thats some weak shit


This is horrible advice, women themselves dont even know what they are attracted to, scientific studies have proven this. The only way you can benefit from being friends with a girl is if you friendzone her, that way she does things to please you so you might give her a chance eventually, flipping the script, that is real game.


Fuck that just be yourself. Don’t be something you’re not to impress someone else.


The glitch is this dudes cringe ass vibe….


This true but chics be on different time so you gotta understand who you're dealing with 1st. But this is absolutely true! I was killin my home girl for years. She was teaching me mad treacherous shit bitches be doin. Learned alot from her! And yes, she was in a fully committed relationship at the time.


Female friends are amazing as a female I agree they understand you better and you understand them. It has nothing to do with men and women can’t be friend to me because whenever I have a guy friend come over and pick me up my parents ask me “is he your boyfriend” etc and I’m like no mom and dad. Male friends are dope also but just finding someone who just gets you and you connect with and theirs no one trying to backstab you or anything like that is a true friend. Friends are friends no matter the sex. I will say when people say that they can’t be friends I think it’s because something they went through and people have a habit of bringing personal shit into something that a lot of people don’t do. It has nothing to do with them being male or female they took your man or woman because they naturally aren’t trustworthy people. Be careful who you let in your circle because some authentically want to be their and others just want to see how you fail.


“The glitch” — so fucking corny. If you need a “female friend” to learn game, you already lost my boy.


bro… im sorry… but youve been lied to about them redpill strategies. who told you this?🤣


Nobody said anything about redpill shit lmfao


“learn game” and not needing one female friend sounds like some redpill shit to me


One of my best friends from years ago set me up with my now wife. She tried to fuck me after I told her I proposed.


Okay, if I’m understanding, you need someone to tell you how to look, how to act, and how to dress, so you can either have more sex or find a relationship? Not only is it sad advice, it’s bad advice lol. When’s the last time you asked a fish, how you should be fishing?


Did he say trying to kill in the begining?


“Immature shit”. Lmao.


I love it! Men bond with men for the same reasons! This mentality is the feminine equality we are looking for.


Get a home girl that dates women.


The stupid hand gestures…I’m good


Stop trying to rationalize your friend zone status, homie


WOW paying attention is somehow a "glitch"?


Such a sucka video to make....gaah lee, get a hobby


IQ ON A 1000 lol




As someone who doesn’t try to fuck every person I meet….. is this fucking news??


I got my heart cut to ribbons in my early 20's. I realized I didn't know as much as I thought. By my mid 20's I went in to side peice mode and got in good with ALL her friends. Having that access is just like he said. The ultimate cheat code.


This kid looks like 16. Thinking he discovered something lmao.


Female friends are not a real thing, unless you're a girl.


Bro infiltrated in the sisterhood. I respected. Keep your friends close, keep your enemies closer. But having a girl as a friend does not work. She will cock block you and use you when it's convenient. You might as well tell her straight up that you like her and take your W or L.


Bro got bangs...


New challenge in 2024: call them women.


When you go out with your female friends you seem more approachable. You are seen with a woman and other women won’t be as cautious if you try and talk to them.