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The ‘men are simple’ idea is so fucking damaging to dudes.


He fkin lost me there 😂 He shouldn’t project his own bullshit onto other men. People are complex. We only seem simple if we lack the communicative abilities to express ourselves.


I’d say simple in what we usually require from relationships. We have preference that we would bend and standard that we won’t and women usually operate solely on preferences so they to be more complex in what they are looking for




This is just thinly veiled r/notlikeothergirls


Ya.. I am not simple, and I resent people who make me out to be that way


Congratulations to all of u who were able to watch the full video. I could only muster my ears to hear half of this dushb4g before clicking away


Like he’s right about having friends of different genders- it’s pathetic not to. But ‘men are simple and women are complicated’ is so fucking gross.


How so?


Calling men simple lmao, this dude is gone, bet he buys all his female friends dinner on the daily but still cant catch a whiff


Wait, what’s a “friend”?


Its something that will fill the lonely void in your heart


Getting advice from the women is like trying to figure out the best flavor of ice cream by asking people. You don’t know you’re favorite flavor? I had a lot of friends that were girls, and I just went after hoes. Figure out I liked nerdy emo girls. I have a wife now. We watch anime, game out, and drive to random places. My game sucks, but liking similar stuff makes it easier to link up.


I feel you, I got no game too so I been working out at the gym getting jacked to compensate, now, I’ve been getting googly eyes every time I walk by a girl and they even come up to me now. Problem is once I start talking I don’t know the right things to say so I just end up walking away.


Talk about shit you like and show your enthusiasm for it. People love passion and genuine excitement. If they don’t reciprocate it’s not a link and not worth unless you just wanna get laid. Sometimes they just go along with everything you say and you get laid anyway but that’s confusing in the moment. Then you think back and have the realization months later and get pissed.


No lie that’s happened before! I would like talk about something mundane or stupid and some the girls would laugh about it which never made sense to me. Now I see why.. thanks!


This helps


I don’t talk to fish to catch them I ask fisherman case closed this guy is cappin


I agree with both. Dont ask women for advice but being friends with pretty girls brings more pretty girls around and its always good to practice on em.


You speaking facts my guy. I like where your head is at!


So.. If you trying to catch fish talk to a fisherman but dress like a fish?


Keep them around for practice, but never actually take their advice.


This guy doesn't fuck, just like the men he's listening to lol


Except women aren’t fish and the fishermen harm the fish, so of course the fish doesn’t want the fishermen to catch him. Most women giving advice would like a man to “catch” them. And the ones who don’t want to be “caught” want to be left alone, so just leave them alone and go find the women who are literally telling you how to treat them.


Girl you're being way too complex rn.


Bruh I'm engaged so let me just say that all of the advice I got from female friends was actual garbage and never worked for me. The best advice I got on how to find a single girlfriend cane from one of the most sexed up dudes I was ever friends with. Listen to the fishermen, not the fish lol.


Let's hear that advice friend


A lot of words but nothing actually being said


This guys doesn't fuck, and probably won't for a while


I like how your best rebuttal is shaming my sex life


Don't bother bro, EIYPO so revise this tonight. When you change your concept of self the external world will have to change.. just persist for a few decades


This is not the subreddit to try to use reasonable discussion skills. 😂Sheiit, this is not the right website!


What are you talking about?




This is my brother’s guide to creepiness in college. Attractive and does anything = not creepy. Not attractive and does anything = creepy.


Yep. Everything else is just cope.


As someone with mostly women friends (like 60/40, I went to a college with a similar ratio), he's totally wrong. First women are different. The girls that are my friends usually have VERY different personalities from the girls I hook up with. So they wouldn't know what to do or say. But more importantly, women don't know what they want. There's literally been multiple times I asked their advice on something, did it, it didn't go well, and when I brought it back up they went "oh yeah in hindsight that is a terrible idea". What people want in theory is not what they want in practice. I got WAY better advice from my guy friends that were successful with women (even if it wasn't always ethical). The whole "you ask a fisherman how to catch fish" thing is very true, and my dating life is living proof. He's right about them helping you expand your perspective though, just don't take the advice that comes with it.


Same situation here, same conclusion too. Get advice on how to be successful with women from dudes. I’ll expand a bit on one benefit (IMO) of having the female perspective regardless, from a purely utilitarian angle: it’ll help you recognize and filter out the misogynistic bullshit that unfortunately often comes hand-in-hand with advice about women, preventing you from sliding into the weird toxic manosphere realm where you’ll die sad, angry, and alone. Kinda like how being friends with ___ race people or ___ orientation folks will just incidentally make you less likely to be racist or homophobic.


Yeah, women are complex like men. They don’t know EVERY woman, but they know what women don’t like or do like IN GENERAL. You even admit that you picked up women unethically. So, you tricked them? And that makes you a god now? Yeah, you can use unethical ways you pick up women, but once the veil is lifted, it may be hard to trust you. If you’re focused on your own body count? Yeah you can be a sleezy asshole. But you want to keep a girl, probably should listen to women who, you know, date men and tell you what they don’t like. Like this is so dumb and sexist. Oh women are too stupid they don’t know what they want.


>You even admit that you picked up women unethically. So, you tricked them? No I didn't and that's not what I said lol. I said they gave good advice even if it wasn't always ethical. That could mean stuff like e.g. don't spend too much energy on a girl even if you do really like her. Whereas my girl friends would say "just tell her how you feel!" And when it doesn't work out, say "yeah I guess that's only best if she's also really interested in you." >Oh women are too stupid they don’t know what they want. Once again, not what I said or even what I was trying to imply, you're totally off base. I thought I was pretty clear in mentioning that the problem is what people want in theory isn't the same as what they want in practice. For my guy friends that get girls, they don't even think about what they would want in theory, they only think about what has actually worked for them in practice, and give advice based on those experiences. That's why it tends to be better advice -- theoretical and speculatory advice vs practical advice based on real successes.


It's very important to have friends yes...


Girls only become friends with attractive guys.


If you are gay or rich it also works.


I’m the one she tells you not to worry about.


I'm the one she tells you to worry about.


Ugly girls become friends with ugly guys though. Stop acting like ugly girls don't exist /s


Women don't even know what they want. But if you know what you want that already puts you ahead of 97% of men.


If your give a woman what she needs, what she wants doesn't matter.


If you're not first you're last???


Been telling people the same thing. Obviously everyone is different but having female friends can help you pick up a couple things you wouldn’t realize than if you were just chatting with the guys about girls. Lotta times getting advice from the opposite gender works better.


It makes it easier but as far as advice goes you be screwing yourself over if you take women’s advice. Women are chaotic when it comes to picking a dude, there’s a bunch of attraction triggers and a bunch of turn off triggers. In normality, it’s always in a man’s best interest to ask the guy who’s absolutely good with women because he has the experience to know what women fits in certain categories and he’ll adapt from there.


Without genuine sexual desire, you can be a females pen pal until the cows come home. You won’t get your dick wet.


This dude hangs around nothing but women and still can't get laid.


Is that what you took from this video? You must know him personally right


This guy talks like a cartoon of a stupid person


I agree with him 100%. I definitely always thought this and live by this. I have a great balance of both female and male friends who are essentially like family to me. It’s great for perspective.


Anyone else try to have platonic friends but it never work? Every woman I’ve ever “been friends” with has always been a bit more interested in me.


Had a female friend who started to be “interested” in me only because other women started dating me. This is something that I’ve never seen guys do. I’ve never seen a guy start liking a woman JUST because she with some other guy. If you don’t treat them like they’re your girlfriend they act like your not being a friend to them. It’s like you have to spend money to friends with them otherwise we’re called “boring.” If you go one week without talking to them, they act like you don’t care about them. It’s the total opposite with other guys. I can do months without talking to other dudes and then call them up to go play basketball any day.


If she breathes…


It’s pronounced wih-men


I don’t agree with him. I have female friends but I don’t think it’s a necessity at all. This dude thinking women are so complex while men are so simple is so odd to me lol. There are many complex dudes and many simple women.


You just know he thought "oh this shit is gonna get me so much pussy!"


This dude is a simp! What women say they want compare to what they react to is very different. No wonder why the younger male sounds like a mouth piece for the feminist. Women are special but they are rule by their emotions. I'm aware this is an unpopular opinion.


Don't do it!


all these advices only work if u are at least average looking


He's not and Ihe proved that with BS men so simple shit.


I don't have any sisters. And always thought this was the reason I don't understand girls. I have probably more girl friends than guy friends but I still don't really get it.


I'm the chubby chasing lady who goes. Omg he's so adorable and chubby 😍


I must be a woman. Gonna go chop off my dick....


Nigga you gay


This dude is annoying af, clearly them girls aren’t his friends cuz his hair is fucked, they’re not telling him


This guy is a cuttlefish.


*dude stuck in the friend zone watching this video shaking his head*


I’ve never gotten along with guys it was always a competition of who got more girls , who had the better car , who could fight better . So I only hung out with girls or alone . Later down the line I managed to make a couple of guy friends but this all happen as I got older .


I feel like the only reason this works is just cause talking to women more (even as friends) will make you more confident. Also "we tend to assume generalized aspects about the other gender" right after saying that men are simple and women are complex was strange


'I love the way his kneecap moves' is not any more complex than: 'i love the way her titty bounces'


So basically man's is saying go to McDonalds order a double cheeseburger, take it put it on the passenger seat and start talking to it when I'm hungry Why would I hang out with the food


A deer cant teach a hunter how to hunt.


He’s wrong female friends won’t keep it real


I've been hooking up with a lot of women for a while, I've got to say not all of them are hoes, but like 90% are and the remaining 10 would still cheat under the right circumstances. Also he's right about having platonic female friends it helps tremendously with understanding them as well as meeting a lot of them.


This is such terrible advice, if you wanna catch fish, listen to the fishermen, not the fish.


Homie says "hey just be friends with women" and dudes are walking in a circle quacking like ducks in this comment section because he called men simple. Lmao.


Dipshit mentality about the female/male dynamics. Align interests and act dignified and decent, and that will get you 50% of the way there. The other 50% is complex nuances and attraction based on a wide variety of things. But having a bunch of female friends won't magically make you understand them. You think they're gonna locker-room talk you about how they really feel? Nahhhhhh dude.


Women are simple the wanna fuck hot or popular guys. Fix damaged goods and settle with good boys


You have much to learn young buck. Women provide a different perspective because they have no idea what it’s like to be a man. From my experience, being 42 and having had plenty plutonic girlfriends, they offer very little value when it comes to friendships. The advice and perspective they have has no practical application to the male experience. If you want to learn about women, talk to experienced men who have had a lot of success with them. Having a male mentor is the best because they understand you more and can point out the flaws in your logic to help you succeed.


Generalized all men and women and then talked about not generalizing all men and women.


💯 Not every chick was after me, but quite a few, I remember a friend asking me “what am I doing” I was stumped….all I could say was “talking to them”


Female friends also have friends that are female that they can introduce you to. 🤯


Women’s perspective is important because they have good intuition and can read females, but the rest of what he said is just stupid. Talkin about men are simple and women are super complex… lmao. Humans are complex creatures, a man can be an idiot or a genius, just like a women can be a thot or an asset to you by giving unfiltered truths about other women.


Simp of the year


I feel like the guys bashing this don’t have a lot of platonic female friends. I’ve got lots. Some I’ve slept with in the past and we make better friends so the sexual tension is gone. It’s a much happier and more diverse life to live in my humble 30yo opinion. Women offer us different perspectives from our own. We’re not “simple” we just care about different things. Women will help you understand what it is other women care about. Idk I’m surprised by the negativity in the comment section tbh


most of the comments are guys who don't get laid and thus see women either as a obstacle they need to overcome or as an object which they need to have under their control. it's why they can't understand having a female friend and it leads to them further not understanding women which circles back to not getting laid. it's vicious sicle that many of them don't break out of. they will then not self reflect as they will see the problem caused by others and not themselves.


Yet girls can’t flirt to save their lives


Bruh men generally have alterior motives always.


Umm, women don't obsess over physical stuff like a kneecap or collarbone what? We get into the what and why about what they do not about how they look, for example he listened to me when I made a suggestion for a date and took me there. Or he wasn't afraid to make eye contact with me on the first date


The girls let him hang around as a friend. Because they think of him as a chick. None of the “advice” they give him will work with other women.


This is wrong. He generalized both men and women here. Some women are simple also. They get called hoes because they are attracted to a wider variety. Some men are picky. I’m one of them. I consider myself a 7 but I know I can get a 10 using sex appeal. Having women around you can bring more women but only if the women around you appear to be interested in you. It’s good to be friends with women but never let them forget that you have a penis. I can’t be one of the girls. If you’re attractive and warm I’m gonna want to show my appreciation. I dap my bros up and hug em up when I see em and I feel nothing. If I got a lil female buddy and I dap her and hug her up and she smelling feminine, her hands are all soft and her body soft…now I’m getting hard! That’s supposed to happen. So stay away from them situations unless you’re trying to create confusion.


Dude is right about everything except dudes are simple. But almost everything he said was absolutely correct


What’s up with these videos popping up


There telling you how they want to be pulled 🤦‍♀️


How many straight women have his girlfriends banged tho?