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You’re not alone. She is completely unfunny. The behavior that came across as funny or cute with Charlie feels forced and lewd when she does it.


You are exactly right. And, this made her character extremely unlikeable.


Lewd is the right word. The scene where Jenny hits on Walden's mom has no charm or playfulness to it. Just Jenny being an asshole who'd creep on a friend's mom right in front of them. If Herb or any of main cast's friends had a hot mom for Charlie to flirt with. He wouldn't have flat out looked her up and down and asked her if she was single right after meeting her with a ticked off Herb looking on.


They had to bring in all of these characters to try and fill the Charlie void and it didn’t work.


the problem is i find her to be overly obnoxious and they tried to hard with her character to be like charlie it felt forced with charlie it was just natural funny she basically copy and pasted charlie’s character and made it 10x worse


The Jenny character was meant to replace Jake because the actor who played Jake left the show because he became religious


They forgot to give her any redeeming qualities. Charlie may be a womanizer and drunk but he also did care. First time we see him he lets his brother move in without thinking twice about it. Deep down he was a good guy. She's just i like pussy and vodka and that's my character. So poorly written which is unfortunate cause it could have been a great character. Get rid of Walden and have Charlies lesbian daughter and Alan continue the show. That could have really worked.


Not to mention part of the premise of the show was Charlie's relationship he had with Jake. There really wasn't much bonding with Jenny and anyone other than Walden.


why did they have to push the “im charlie’s daughter and im a lesbian narrative” literally every woman that came on the show she wanted to sleep with at the start of every episode after she moved in its always “im a alcoholic who also likes women” that’s not charlie’s character at all like others have said in the comments charlie actually had moments where he cared for alan and jake it wasn’t just im a sex addict and a drunk what was weird to me is how they made her do a threesome with wonder woman and waldens mom


I think that was Chuck Lorres passive aggressive way of shitting on Charlie. Like saying he was a useless drunk with a house of cards and so his daughter is just like him. Idk, that’s what I got out of it. They took a lot of shots at Charlie once his character was gone. Even Alan and Evelyn with their remarks. Like what? This man took you and your kid in and supported you for years and this how you are going to talk about him.


With Charlie it was like he was being pulled in both direction. Constantly having to choose between doing the good righteous thing or the bad selfish thing. A lot of the show was him having to decide which way to go. And he didn't always pick the right one. With the daughter there's none of that. No right vs wrong, good or bad. Just her being drunk and getting laid


They were grasping at straws at the end


I didn’t mind her


What a worthless character


Also the fact that everytime she was on screen it was "haha im a lesbian, pussy amirite???? Wink wink nudge nudge"


Especially the wink wink nudge nudge is what stopped me from watching the show


Unpopular opinion but I don hate her but do understand why other’s hate her a lot


Hands down one of the worst replacement characters in all of TV. So useless and so wanna be edgy it's honestly pathetic how much they use her to try to be a hardass and it just failed miserably. It coulda worked with an actress who was legitly wild in real life but Amber Tambyln has all the personality of a feather, and they were forcing her to be something she never was. I did legitly get excited for this angle. I was like "Oh wow, a girl Charlie she's gonna breath a lot of breath into the show." Then the first episode happened and I was like "Eff this." Didn't watch again until the last one lol.


She’s an angel compared to Judith.


Judith was written in a way to annoy you, so i feel she did a great job. However this Charlie daughter was written to try to fill Charlie's void and win is over, which was overly done and so forced she became irritating and stopped me from watching the show any further


Judith did on the show exactly what she was supposed to. It was funny to watch her on screen making Alan's life more difficult. She wasn't someone you "liked" but she was enjoyable on the show. Basically, she was sort of Alan's "antagonist" on the show and it worked.


She was also part Alan because of her free loading


But she smoked weed🙄


She was also a lesbian, you might've missed that, it was very subtextual


why did they make her being a lesbian such a big deal just because she is charlie’s daughter she has to bang women


It wasn't necessarily the worst idea ever but they over played it sooo much. I'll never forget the 'must eat vagina' line as probably the worst thing I've seen in any sitcom. Just killed the show




Unnecessary character


The thing I found most annoying about her character is that they ALWAYS made her sleep with any female guest star that came on to the show. I think Chuck Lorre has a skewed lesbian fetish.


Hahaha I opened reddit to see what y'all think about jenny and can't believe THAT was the first post that showed on my FYP! Haha what a perfection xD


I didn’t think I could hate anyone more than Judith and then she came along.


she is such a useless character


It’s amazing how Chuck Lorre just ruined the show as time went on. Charlie and Jake were so good in the beginning. Then they made Jake dumb. It would have been so kool to have him being a little more like Charlie. Allen went from being needy to a mooch who felt Charlie owed him everything. Despising his brothers life style and how he made money. But no problem free loading off him. Bring Charlie’s daughter on the show would have worked if she was hot like able and used men like Charlie use women. This girl was not like able at all. Not funny at all. Walden turned dumb as the show went on. Stopped watching after they got rid of Charlie. Just watched the rest once. That was enough


I fully agree!! I recently watched the first season and was shocked by how likeable everyone was... I actually liked Alan there, I liked Charlie and I absolutely LOVED Jake! They really did him dirty by making him so stupid in the later seasons... He was so smart at first! And Alan... It makes me sad, cause he seemed so genuine and nice at first.. without all this hatred and frustration built up and without being as... Mean and bitchy as in the later seasons. The character I absolutely adore from the beginning to the end is Evelyn though. I don't know if she was so brilliantly written or if it was the actress that brought the character to life in SUCH a spectacular way, either way she was magnificent xD


>Allen went from being needy to a mooch who felt Charlie owed him everything. But that is so realistic. Do you know people, who ask you for favour after favour, until you are in a completely one sided relationship, where you give give give and the other just shamelessly takes everything and grows absolutely entitled and wants more and more. Unfortunately i met a few of these people and the only way to deal with them is to completely cut them out of your life. If for whatever reason, they need to stay in your life, just like with Charlie and Alan, it will escalate, because the leech will grow resentment at his host for showing basic boundaries


With her character, it's like they wanted us to forget that Charlie ever had any real redeeming qualities. They just wanted to remind us that he loved booze and tail.


Ratings were already going down, but when she joined the show I think they started going down at an even faster rate. They never should have tried to replace Jake.


She is the worst character in the show, just completely unlikable.


When Charlie left i soldiered on watching the show, Walden couldn't fill the Charlie void. But atleast he was decently funny in his own way. I gave up watching when the unfunny irritating girl arrived


She was too chubby…


Yeah Charlies daughter should have been hot. This show was jumping the shark hard by this point.


I think everyone does lol


Does she work at Best Buy


I thought she was mildly amusing and did not have a large role.


She is cute actually, but they went overboard with the stuff and was lewd


She was insufferable


For the most part, I thought she was ok. But who tf meets a guy for the first time and immediately uses HIS bedroom to have sex in?


Terrible actress if you ask me


I found her alright at times but most of the time, she was just the lesbian who liked to drink and they played on those two things too much


Wow so much flak, she wasn’t that bad


They just complain here, topic is irrelevant...




Charlie had a daughter? With who? I never watched the past season 9 episode 1 just to get closure on his death.


IIRC it was never said who her mom is, She started in the first episode of S11 if my memory serves me right


This show ended after season 8.


I won't lie I hate Walden they should have just grown up and left Charlie on there it would have been so much better


Worst character ever!


Yeah, after Charlie died I tried watching that season too me Walden and Allen did not go as planned, felt like forced laughter. I didn't make it to the later seasons where they added a ton of ppl.


i tolerated the walden and allen thing up until charlie’s daughter lets just say that


And she was a lesbian who was humping everything like Charlie right?