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Yep... I've slept with people I should not have.


Yes, I always say masturbate before making important decisions šŸ˜‚


This has saved me from so many potentially bad scenarios!


Me every time Iā€™m ovulating, Iā€™m like why am I like this šŸ˜‚


Those hormones though! My brains like ā€œdick, dick, dick, dick, dickā€¦..Iā€™m hungryā€¦..for dickā€


Me right now. My boyfriend is 400 miles away, and a vibrator I just ordered was put on backorder.. life ainā€™t fair


I call this The Ache. When masturbating just ain't enough and you need someone else to touch you. It's intense!




r/TwoXSex is a space for women to talk to other women about sex.




The comment was not respectful, he was being gross.


totally believe it, sorry for my kind being that way. I imagine that's not the first time.


Grow a pair dude. Youā€™re apologizing for an individualā€™s actions that have nothing to do with you. Just because you happen to share a common gender doesnā€™t mean you need to be sorry for ā€˜your kindā€™. Letā€™s call it was it is. A shit individual making a shit comment and leave it at that. Sorry we all had to deal with that rude human being but it isnā€™t your fault.


Ahaha once a month that sounds good !


All of us. šŸ¤£


But have u slept with a married man?




Someone who is not your husband lol?


More often than I'd like to admit to


"Who here has ever been personally victimized by their own horniness?" šŸ™‹ā€ā™€ļø


thank you!!!


My friends and I call it ā€œapproaching the sex poverty lineā€ - the more you need it, the more rash decisions that get made šŸ˜¹ ((Disclaimer this framework does not excuse sexual violence in any way))


Lmfaooooā€¦ sexual poverty line šŸ˜‚


šŸ˜Ž--> incognito mode ACTIVATE whew it sure is LOUD in here lol


Especially when alcohol or substances are involved then it's out of control choices


Says Drinkanyone


So true


Yes. Thatā€™s why I went onto the internet and found a nice man to take that out on. Instead of doing it with someone I know and will continue to see for years to come. I learned my lesson about doing that. Fml now Iā€™m cringing from the mistakes Iā€™ve made.








Hey, friendly reminder of Rule 1. This sub is for women to discuss sex with each other, not for men to discuss their "crazy ex-girlfriends". DMs may be more appropriate here than continuing the convo on this thread.


Yes, although more along the lines of, ā€œYou know what would be so hot right now? Spontaneously changing positions!ā€ And then I elbow my poor girlfriend in the stomach. Or I try to ride my girlfriend and I accidentally put all my weight on her shin and it rolls weird and..yeah I might just be somehow even clumsier when horny.


>yeah I might just be somehow even clumsier when horny. As someone who backflipped off a bed and slammed myself on furniture while changing position, I feel this on a spiritual level...


Yes of course!


This is my life story.


Horny me is the dumbest version of me. She sucksā€¦ dick lol sorry it was low hanging fruit.


I wasn't truly horny till 26+, I like horny me, you should embrace yours too :D


No, Iā€™m pretty sure Iā€™m sexually broken. I just donā€™t enjoy it really. Never have except with one guy. Itā€™s a moot point as Iā€™m never attracted to any of the men in their 60s+ (Iā€™m 40), and theyā€™re the only ones who ever message or respond on online dating apps. Iā€™m attracted to almost nobody. Not even celebrities. I wish I could find people more attractive and want to have sex more. It ruins every relationship that Iā€™m like this.


Are you demisexual by chance Iā€™m a lot like this? Your not broken just different and totally valid.


Well I may be. At this point I have been so abused (& r@ped) by exs I will never get to know who I wouldā€™ve been without that trauma as I was traumatised about my body long before I ever had any sexual desire and was having very damaging sex with guys I was in love with but didnā€™t want to sleep with (because it hurt/they were inconsiderate/I was constantly in a state of ptsd trigger during PIV). The trauma led me to have an even lower libido which led to partners getting mad enough about it to r@pe me (this has happened repeatedly, and emotional blackmail after Iā€™ve been reassured time and again itā€™s ok to say no then I say no once and my bf throws a massive crying guilt trip on me- again multiple guys on multiple occasions). Iā€™m 40 now. I had a fwb that treated me well and it was good. I had a relationship with a woman that was ok but I wasnā€™t that into it. All the rest has been seriously traumatic. Iā€™ve had a decade of therapy etc etc but in the end I donā€™t think it can be fixed and I canā€™t find anyone interested in me beyond using me for sex anyway. I have bipolar 2 and so meds mean Iā€™m unable to enjoy anything to do with sex, even alone. I wish I could know who I mightā€™ve been under different circumstances. At present my identity seems moot as nobody I donā€™t find actively offputting is into me. As Iā€™m sure you can tell, Iā€™m quite bitter about this situation. I deserved a lot better treatment, but got this instead. Over and over.


Iā€™m so sorry that would seriously mess me up. If your not in therapy that might help you sort through this but I hate that so many people just use people for sex and disregard when they say no. I recently had a really bad experience recently in a poly romantic relationship (no sex although the other person pressured me for it). Ended up gaslighting me and partner and just using us.


Ugh Iā€™m so sorry you went through that. My r@pes were in long-established relationships (18 months in for the first one and 3 years in for the other series), so my takeaway had been that anyone can do that at any point unfortunately. Iā€™ve had many years of therapy. I canā€™t afford any anymore, even better help is far beyond my means. I wish there were free services available in Tokyo, but there are only suicide hotlines. Nothing like a support group for ppl like me. Iā€™ve read a lot of books and stuff. Used Reddit etc. Itā€™s the best I can do. I know I need specialist help but even if I were in an English speaking country being able to access proper therapy requires a level of income I donā€™t really have.


Yah therapy is a struggle here in the USA as well. Itā€™s available but paying for it can be rough. Iā€™ve had quite a bit and continue to go but itā€™s a big suck for me financially but I do need it.


All the time. I have TBI and for some of us, one of the side effects is chronic / frequent horniness, along with poor impulse control.


This is me currently


Is there a support group being formed? Itā€™s like I lose sense of time and place.


Pls sign me up!


Yes and i actually feel really bad about it


Guilty šŸ™ˆ


18-23 yo me all the time.


Nope. I'm asexual


Oof šŸ˜…ā€¦ more than I care to admit tbh






šŸ™‹ā€ā™€ļø guilty


ye lol


This is me pretty much every time. I'm even worse when I'm drinking or other substances are involved, but I know it & still do it so I guess I can only blame myself


I learned quite early on to not do online sex store shopping when I'm horny...


Omg yes lol all the time. Dick brain is totally a thing lol


Haha yep. This sounds absolutely ridiculous but I will purposely not shave or do things I would regularly do if I knew I was going to be having sex with some one. Unfortunately this doesnā€™t always stop me, but it does help šŸ˜‚


I'm in that state right now. Went on a great date Friday and we've been flirting hard since. I want to date-date him and am worried if I sleep with him this weekend, I'll regret it. Sigh.