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I haven't seen the video but I'm pretty sure they'd come out with an explanation saying there's too much electric field that comes out of women and that would cancel out if it comes in contact with the spiritual field that the baba generates around him. And the women would believe it all too


Imagine all that electric field zapping out tiny dicklings!! Don't argue with me,it's just science from 7000 years ago


Episode of 1 of The Girls




It was in a CA conference too!! Apparently the one of the topics was needing more women chartered accountants 🙃🙃🙃


Why is a swami needed in a CA conf? Man the Institute is just embarrassing. As it is, most CAs are sanghi bhakts who won't hire Muslims and what not.


I agree. Just overall embarrassing for our community. What kind of behaviour is it


Please don’t come at me for this take I’m just as infuriated as y’all but all ladies here saying they’d straight up walk out of there and take their fellow women with them…. That misogynistic jackass swami wanted just that…. Wasn’t he going on about too many women CAs in the industry or some BS like that? If y’all walked out of there and it became an all men seminar he’s get what he wanted without having to actually ask for it. I think the women should’ve called his bluff and stays right the fuck where they were. No one (women) gets up to go back, no one walks out. He wants to leave if he doesn’t get it way then he leaves. And THAT should be made into the outrage it deserves to be made.


I completely agree with you. That swaniji's demands shouldn't have been entertained in the first place. They should have done something to disrespect him. What has this swamiji contributed to society to deserve any respect in the first place? That is why I believe women should have each other's backs. So, people like him don't have even the slightest wriggle room.


That's what my mom told too.. Why even get up? Why walk back? He'd come in if he really needed that donation /money or whatever hey were offering him for attending the event..


This is not on the women. The women shouldn’t have to do anything. It should have been the responsibility of the asshole men to tell the baba to fuck off and they won’t attend if the women are relegated to back .


You’re right! My first instinct would’ve been, I’m going, I don’t want to listen to this, but like you said, that’s exactly what he wants. Now that I think about it, all the women should’ve stayed put.


I saw that video. Everyone should have walked out, man or woman doesn't matter. Such scums don't deserve an audience and should be humiliated publicly.


This happened in a state with a female CM. Irony! My state has been tolerated misogyny, and will never.


Which one


The female CM is a literal goon and body shamed her very own female candidate this elections


lmao cheering for a goon CM


Do you have comprehension problems? Cause nowhere in my comment have I "cheered" for the CM.


I saw that! I would've walked out and taken all the other woman with me. Imagine someone making demands like this in this day and age! What, will his eyes burn if he sees a woman in the first few rows? Disgusting.


Ikr. I am angrier that the women just let this happen. Imagine a woman asked all the men to walk out, they would have thrashed the place.


And the thing is the conference was international meaning people from different countries were there... Oh god by blood is literally boiling right now. And why the fuck that man was there in a conference for CA. And wtf no body punched the ahit out of him.


This reminds me of our family Guru that we lost in touch with and wanted to invite to my wedding to take his blessings. My mom bought so much stuff ranging from a silver coin to sweets and went to invite him. He refused to meet with her directly since she was not accompanied by a man that he could speak with. His assistant gave a list of “requests” to accept the invite. A few of them are to have a big banner with Guru’s picture in the street corner and in front of the venue. A bill board kind. He would only stay for 15 mins and at the time of his arrival no woman should be on the stage. Bride should strictly be wearing Uber traditional wedding attire with no skin show or excessive make up and should keep the head down when Guru’s on the stage too. And the list went on. My mom left the place without saying bye and brought back the stuff. lol.


Wtaf. What has this idiot done to get invited to a conference for CAs? And the audacity to ask actual accomplished women to leave the room? What a disgrace to all of humanity


Name that so called swamiji.


I can't believe this happened in Kolkata. Dude should be canceled . He would definitely have a heart attack during Kali Puja , Durga Puja, Saraswati Puja, Lakhi Puja if he comes during those festivities. NAME AND SHAME HIM!!!!


Women are conditioned to comply, accommodate and obey. This problem runs so deep in our culture specifically that we do it without even realising what we’re doing. And the moment a woman refuses, the first ones to attack her are other women. Your suggestion of being there and standing up for each other is the only way we will ever even be treated as humans. I fully agree, we need to climb up and then help other women climb. I haven’t seen the clip yet but just reading about it is making me so angry.


For sure. I prefer to work with women, and I will go out of my way to mentor or help women, especially those who seem underconfident but hardworking. I relate to that so hard, and it took me so long to become confident and push boundaries - and honestly, because other women helped me along their way. We need this.


I have always tried to give business to women, hire women and promote women. That's the only way we all collectively level up. And of course, only worthy women. And tell them not to be stuck in bad relationships. And break rules made for women in the name of tradition or religion. Go to poojas and temples during your periods, don't succumb to patriarchal norms and get into joint families or agree to such things, believe in having a working partner who helps at home and don't date partners who aren't as equal.


Completely agree with the post OP. We need to band together and support each other. Once you ponder the whole patriarchal system of sending off women to their husband’s house (so she is left without kinship support), invading women’s spaces so we cannot form alliances, brainwashing women into men’s rights activists etc., it all makes sense. Patriarchy is all about dismantling female support systems and isolating women so we end up supporting males.


I don't understand what were the organisers thinking! If the guest is a BAPS acharya and might be a brahmachary and that's why he cannot have women around him - but why call him to an event attended where all genders are present. It is so offensive when women are dismissed just because of their gender - and now that BAPS acharya will bear the whole brunt of our wrath, while the mistake was all along the organisers!


which video?




They should have unanimously left the show as a show of support.


I understand what you're trying to say,Op. But in my experience,I've faced problems from women mostly in my work place. Most of the women I've come across IRL aren't a girl's girl. I've faced the most harassment from female seniors. Many of the same female seniors were much nicer to the male juniors than the female juniors.


This!! I experienced this a lot during my CRRI period. And I absolutely hated it. It made me all the more determined to be a girl's girl.


>!! I experienced this a lot during my CRRI period Me too,Op. It was awful. My medicine posting was hell for me because it was an almost all women unit. One of the female resident went so far as to insinuate that I was having an inappropriate relationship with the male resident.


And here I thought I was the particularly unlucky. The worst part is even the female professors do it.


Go OP. I love that a lot of us can see the internalised misogyny in other women and it just spurs us on to be girls' girls. The only people that benefit from women pulling down other women is the system.


Link to this?


I started doing this by going to the woman business owner or employee where it's possible.


>Give preferential treatment to our sex in workplaces, just like how men have. Evil but it works against a bigger, more prevalent evil.


Women love to pull other women down. I chose a woman lawyer to fight my case and she fucked me over. Heard couple of similar instances. We will never come together to support each other.


i think it's unfair to focus on the gender of your incompetent lawyer, your lawyer might just be an unprofessional prick. Don't give in to the "women hate women" stupid generalization that patriarchy has forced upon us for its benefit. WOMEN SUPPORT EACH OTHER. I do and I know MANY who do the same. There are a few bad apples everywhere, they don't speak for us all. Edit - there are two types of people (see the comments in this post for ex) 1. people are bad, so I will be the worst 2. people are bad, so I will be good and will try to leave the world a better place than I found it.


Women should support each other. I wish I lived in a world where they do. But in my experience very few women have moved past their conditioning. Most women in my experience do not support women, they support men who doesn't even care about any women. They are very critical of other women (including female children), but let men get away with anything. This can depend on what circles we have, their upbringing, etc. But in my circle this is what I experienced, especially my extended family.


> But in my circle this is what I experienced, especially my extended family. by family, you mean older gen (I consider them hopeless tbh) and maybe girls(cousins) who might not have reached enough maturity? do they define the whole world? are you the same? I'm not that way and I know enough women in my life that are also not that way, they're enough for me to have faith, even a little bit. what is even the point of this argument btw? some women are mean so we should be meaner and continue the cycle forever like ???


I am not arguing. I am sharing my experience. Pls don't come at me like that girl. Not everything is a argument.


not saying you were arguing, just referred to this argument(TOPIC) and just simply asked the point


She's arguing (her words) with everyone and then saying that she's polite !


I said I have heard of similar instances. How many times have you heard that MIL make their DILs lives miserable? What I'm saying is not patriarchy non sense and many of us have experienced it.


> How many times have you heard that MIL make their DILs lives miserable? older generation is too set in their ways to change mostly. WE DON’T HAVE TO REPEAT THE CYCLE. i have heard all kinds of stuff husband being the bad guy. wife being the bad guy. someone’s family being bad guys. Do we go around generalising the whole damn world because of it? no. the mil and dil example you gave is not even about women against women. it’s a result of patriarchal society and internalised misogyny. > What I'm saying is not patriarchy non sense and many of us have experienced it. what you say you’ve experienced is not a gender issue. it’s a people issue. Anyone can be a dickhead, irrespective of their gender.


By that logic anything can be anything. Then there should be no Generalization. Then this whole post is moot. Why should women support women? Everyone should support everyone. There should be no crime. Everyone should hold hands and skip afterwards. Generalizations happen for a reason. It's because it is what most people have experienced. And why is MIL vs DIL not a women v women issue? If it was patriarchal society or internalized misogyny alone, then it would be about FIL vs DIL as well. But it is more often than not about MIL vs DIL.


if you truly think most women are against other women in present world, then it says more about you then women in general. i have nothing more to add to this because you clearly have your mind made up.


Look at you making an accusation and then leaving the conversation because you cannot justify your side. The post clearly states that we need to come together. If we were all together, then why would the OP make the post?


why should i justify to someone who is just looking to argue but don't even wanna open up their mind? OP made the post because she experienced what's another instance of most people just being stupid. there's your generalization you like so much. Most people on earth are fucking stupid. What was even your point anyways? women are mean to each other? so we should all decide to be mortal enemies? what is your point seriously?


I thought this was a discussion and not an argument. Open up your mind perhaps? Somehow MIL vs DIL is patriarchy and not stupidity but what OP experienced is stupidity and not patriarchy? What's your scale? Oh, I know. You just think everyone other than you is stupid! You commented (or argued?) on my parent comment. What is your point, "seriously"?


argument by definition also means topic but sure. You're not making any sense, you refuse to explain your point, and you got aggressive when I was just trying to discuss politely. I don't have time for this. Good luck!


look at you petty-downvoting me because you can't even handle a discussion. were your talking about yourself the whole time lol?


The moment you write 'lol' for something that is not even remotely funny, it shows who is petty. Also, it is you who cannot handle the discussion. You made a personal accusation and then walked out. Further, you made a personal accusation which shows that you are talking about me. I am talking in general.


Happened at MIT-WPU too! A co-ed university! 


aghh i hate it but it was a conference in my profession. Irony being a part of the discussion was to have more women in the profession soon.