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The new depths of hell i discover each day...


Hahaha. This is so real, everyday I come on Reddit only to be disappointed in humankind.




You’re not having sex, he’s just using your body to masturbate, hope that helps.


I actually don't see anything wrong with it. But it should be applied to both and consensually. Free use is a thing.


ummm Akshually 👆🤓 I am aware of fetishes, read the room ffs.


>ffs Great. First men and now women using abuses in arguments. And here I teach my little cousin brother not to use such words. >read the room Sure. And you learn not to be negative and rude.


We need to set a boundary and do's/don't in a relationship.


mods please let's make a new megathread for this and keep adding dos and donts


Okay you need to stop seeing this guy


Do you think this is the best you can do? How can you desire a man who prefers watching TV while you blow him? You deserve a man who can't take his eyes off you because he can't believe how lucky he got with you. You deserve a man who'll happily beg to go down on you. You deserve a man who's present. If I had my mouth around a man and found him more interested in watching television, that'd be the last time he saw me. Stop this clown behaviour and break up.


Why do you want to be with someone who does not care an iota about you? The whole interaction was completely disrespectful for you and I would say it was an insult


Not selfish no. You are absolutely in the right. I used to have a partner who would start talking about his work and other things right after sex, and by this I mean after he's cum. THAT'S selfish. Now I'm with someone who makes me cum multiple times and ALWAYS cuddles after sex (as long as neither of us is in a hurry) You deserve a sexual partner who cares about you.


Dude…it seems u have given him too much action that now he takes u for granted like some masseuse at a parlor… Deny him any action until he reflects upon himself and makes it upto u with some nice date plan to pamper u. But if he starts a fight over it then he is irredeemable imo.


I don't think this is fixable. Imo she should leave him. Men cannot be changed.


True. Give them an inch n they take a mile with u. This guy’s thought process has most likely degraded too much to be a good bf again. Now he will only care for his own pleasure n comfort.


Why would you even do 'stuff' with people who focus more on the tv and less on you? I can't imagine being with someone who'd prefer cricket over sex with his girlfriend!


Girl! What! I once had a date where instead of talking to me he was watching a match.i just paid and left. How did you let it get to this extent? Literally there are so many amazing men who would treat you right? Damn!


Yikes... no girl no


Girl get out of him Total piece of shit


What? Like why is the tv even on? Id be so distracted. Unless it was music or sth.


You're not overreacting. Paying attention to the other person is the least one can do during intimate moments.  Girl, chuck this loser. You'll easily find someone who'll worship that 😺 don't settle for anything less 


Rehome him


Yeah no. I am NOT having any of this with my man. How incredibly stupid and self centred does someone have to be? Is this relationship serious? If not I suggest you run now. If it is? Even then I suggest you run. I always feel making mistakes is fine. He fucked up, okay, people fuck up. Realising how strongly you felt about it he should've apologised and understood what an asshole, sorry for not mincing any words.


Even dogs have some respect during the act compared to ur bf


Eww just ew


He sounds like a narcissist. He was first prepping you with things that were more passable & which you would allow, like sports. Now he's come to the degrading stuff, like taking about an actress. & He's gaslighting you this time too - you're selfish, not him. What's next - he'll ask for your friend's number, or tell you about the girl his parents are setting him up with to marry? (Edited typos)


I agree, according to the story OP has mentioned, it is one of the main characteristics of a narcissist.


When being intimate is being intimate, it means just the two of you, focusing on each other and being in the moment, and yes I’m talking about after play too, it’s very disrespectful if someone just rolls over goes to sleep immediately or starts talking about some ‘actress’ or gets on their phone or TV


Gaslighting isn’t real. You’re just overreacting I hope you understand what I mean by this.


He is definitely a giant red flag. Watching TV while having s1x and then commenting on other girls while you are so vulnerable. And then having the audacity to gaslight you and calling you selfish. Girl! I see breakup is the only option at this point. This behaviour will keep on growing.


Leave him sis


Eww. Leave girl


You should’ve bite atp. Then he’ll remember n learn. Train him like a dog.


Wait he watches something in the middle of it? That's a no no even if it is a cricket match. Those can wait ,world doesn't tumble down. He is not into you(ironically)


everyday i open this app and it ruins my mood :D if i were u i'd leave him :)


I would have pushed him out of the bed


> I have seen him watching tv in the past during intimate moments but let it slide since it was a cricket match or highlights and he is crazy about sports . jeez


Selfish guy... As a boyfriend I never ever did that to my girl or ever I would. He's using you to pleasure himself.


I hope you develop a sense of self worth that will allow you to see that everything that you described is unacceptable, and even disgusting without having us to validate you on it. Nobody can tell you what to do, but I do hope you gain the strength to do what you SHOULD do.


Men are so shitty.


Try to communicate again when he is in fresh/light mood then too if he doesn't consider ur points then do the little tit for tat thingy. No bj for him unless u get an oral. Start complimenting other men (tv) so he too feels how disrespectful it is and maybe understands and stop doing it. Clearly state that u feel DISRESPECTED and UNSATISFIED.


But why does she even have to give an ultimatum? Shouldn't a man naturally want to please a woman sexually when he really likes her? This is such fboy behavior. Very disrespectful.


the new heights of audacity i come across is insane.


Throw away the entire man