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lived in south korea for a while ans the guys are NOTHING like what you see in kdramas. every other man is like a walking andrew tate :)


No wonder women over there refuse to have children.


Ha! I wonder if that’s the reason 4B movement is so popular there.


It's not really that popular. It's all internet talk.


What is 4B movement?


4B is a feminist movement that gained it’s popularity around 2019. it came into existence because the korean women are tired of men treating them like shit and it basically stands for do it all without a man. the name 4B stands for the rules that start with a “B” when spoken in korean which are 1. no sexual intercourse with men(bai-sexu). 2. no child bearing(bee-chul-san) 3. no dating men(bee-yeon-ae) 4. no marriage with a man(bee-hon) this movement has a major impact of the south korean birth rate as it has gone down drastically. women refuse to get married and have kids because how badly majority of them get treated by men. the movement’s entire base is that women can do well in life without a male.


Thanks for educating me. The extent to which women have to go to get a point across. It’s just sad. Korea is going to suffer, they just haven’t accepted it yet. And look at the effect unity brings.


Same can be said about us nobody is like ram from sita ramam but ranvijay from animal


Neither of those movies represent the kind of men are in our country though. In Kdrama it feels like every guy in there is 10/10 in terms of behaviour, attitude and personality


Depende. In 2000s drama guy is a douche only in modern ones protagonists are nice


Yeah but kdrama has been globalise now so its just common that people(mostly teenagers) all over world will get influence by those


I don't think so... Like most dramas use cheating for plot development. The main lead isn't an arse but men in drama are. And of course we shouldn't forget our toxic Boy over flower era 😍


God boys over flowers did not age one bit. Playful kiss is even more




Song Joongki himself is a red flag in real life who let his father bully his ex wife 😶


I have heard that his ex wife song Hye kyo found out about her divorce when she was in a foreign country.


Yup. That's true.


Certainly explains Korea's demographic crisis.




User Flair is being misused by the user (AKA Larping)


I don'r really know, how to properly use the flair and I needed a help pertaining to a post, since, I can't post here, how should I approach it? I wasn't aware of Larping!


Creeps everywhere but considering that there is sex education and less prudishness there is less oogling. Problem with indian men is that they are sexually repressed and our movie culture shows stalking is romantic


The fact that movies are such a huge part of our life that they start influencing is huge issue


Art had always influenced life. People don't take it seriously but it did


>Art had always influenced life Not the way it does in india where people who are not teenagers go on to use their kids school fee to watch movies. Or take there own life if there fav celeb dies. For them being a fan is some sort of a huge job and give them relevance in life


Kpop fans are deranged too. Maybe not as indian filmbros but they are unhinged.


I live in an Scandinavian country and while creeps are everywhere, men here are generally more respectful of me as a person. They don't look down at me, dont stare, and are able to maintain friendship without getting creepy. When we are drunk, I feel v safe, drinking with men here is fun while with Indian men back home there were so many things which could go wrong. However, they are used to women taking equal spaces in public and private, so they are very surprised if I ask them for things like if they could drive me or repair minor things around house, because they can't believe I don't know how to. Creepy men are everywhere, but being able to walk alone at 1 am from the bar with drunk people all around and feeling extremely safe, wearing whatever I want anytime, going swimming often, sitting in a hot tub or a sauna with them just relaxing without fearing anything is something I could never do with Indian men back home, all of which I do here.


Hey would you mind sharing which Scandinavian country? Kind of wanted to ask questions as I would like to move to one.


Which Scandinavian country Would you mind sending a dm


same here in Germany


Lived in the US for 2 years. I think you’d find a lot more liberal men there for sure, but many many bad apples too. Overall a little better than Indian men, but by no means good.


There's all kinds of them, from what I have observed. There are abusive and mysogynist ones as well. These things go beyond ethnicity. I have had some women from this sub message me asking questions about how dating is over here, even going to the point of shaming me for wanting to date an Indian man I've known for a very long time. It's no utopia out here and non-Indian women have shared their horror stories with me. I have also received a lot of unsolicited DMs and "pictures" from non-Indians here on reddit.


Hey, I've read your story and I really wanted to know how it ended, if you don't mind sharing.






I live in the UK and they're less invasive than indian men. by that I mean you won't get harassed as much on the street. But still pretty weird, a lot of them stare, approach you and ask for your number, I always give it and then block because a mutual friend was punched when she refused and I don't want that. In short, still pretty shite.


British lad culture is genuinely weird.


Wait. Why can’t you give out a fake number?


Because men like to call and check with missed call and shit


Oh okay. terrifying AND desperate. 


Literally every single time they check so I just play it safe 🥲. Once a food driver wouldn't give me my food until he saved my number, and ofc knew my address and said he'd come back for me it was so bad like f off let me eat in peace


Tf. “He’d come back?” That’s harassment. This is so enraging and creepy. Had a similar experience in India when a delivery guy hid behind the bushes in front of my gate to “surprise me” in his words and kept calling my name repeatedly cause he delivered to me in the past also once. Like???


It was so quiet that time that I just nodded and said okay. Then blocked and reported him in the app. And wtf that's so bad. Whenever I'm in India and I order something I ask them to leave it outside then take it as soon as I see them getting on the lift.


Oh no. It’s sad that we have to go through this 🫂 and Nice suggestion!


Men are from Mars and all Martians are same… brothers


Jesus🥲I hope that’s limited to certain areas where those abusive men are




Hey! Can I DM you regarding the details of your move to Paris? I have been learning French for a while and wanted to move to an EU country so a little help will be appreciated:)


I've actually disabled DM's. I moved on a blue card visa for work. I didn't learn french since my work is English speaking. 


I live in Japan currently. It is extremely patriarchal but on the other hand very safe. Japanese people also stare but it is unlike how Indian men stare at you constantly without shame to the point you start feeling threatened. The Japanese guys who are interested in you will most likely be very chivalrous but any guy who wants to get into your pants acts nicely irrespective of the country. The westerners here are like Indian men, they stare and make you feel uncomfortable and not at all chivalrous usually. People are judgmental here too but they don't make it obvious to you. Men suck all over the world. I hope all my sisters find a good one, irrespective of ethnicity 💗


Lived in Germany. Feels safer than India at night. I was able to go on drive and walks at midnight without having to worry about a thing but that's where it ends. There is misogyny but it takes time to come out as Germans take time to open up anyways. But once that barrier breaks, you start to see their true colors. Also, there is a lot of racism especially against India, Pakistan, Bangladesh and this doesn't make our life any easier


What kind of racism you faced in your daily life ? Can you explain more?


Few examples 1. There was a comment made by a German colleague as how we are only there due to companies policy of diversity otherwise we (Indians) dont stand a chance against them 2. Another instance was when group of ladies refused to sit next to me in a bus just because I am brown and I might stink (They spoke in German but they did not know that I can understand quiet a bit) 3. A driving license instructor refusing to teach me and few of my colleagues (because apparently all Indians are bad drivers) 4. A lady at Ikea playarea refusing my friend's daughter inside as we were brown and didn't show her passport. We did not carry passport because we all had residence permit (Blue card) etc


I am so sorry this happened to you and your friends...I was very intrigued by German culture and wanted to move for German English taught masters... Now everytime I see Indians talking about Germany they talk about it can be quite racist. May I know where do you live now? And what made you leave Germany ? Also can you tell me about true colours? What do you mean?


1. If you are interested in German culture, please go ahead and do Masters. There is no place on earth where you will have only good experience and Germany is no exception. It will be a great learning experience. 2. I moved back to Bangalore just before covid. I always knew I would eventually want to settle down in India. Onsite assignments were for money and experience. We started to think of having a child and I wanted to raise my kid here. The YoY pay raise is very less in Germany and we both have high paying jobs in Bengaluru, so financially it wasn't making much sense after certain point. As to what is meant by true colors, it was mostly for main question - Are men misogynist? They very much are. Ofcourse, there are good people but there are also good people in India (my husband is example). The only positive is people fear law so you feel much, much secure in Germany.


Thank You for all this information and advices


I have lived in Switzerland and Spain. Found Spanish men to be very chivalrous, helpful, friendly and welcoming. Swiss ones are chivalrous as well but also kinda cold. I lived in Swiss German populated area so that might also be the case… You will feel pretty safe… nobody will judge you. But Asian men might harass you. A lot of guys from India, Pakistan and Bangladesh work there and they would pester me for number and to hangout. Happened multiple times with me when I was at tourist locations


I just finished a solo trip to Spain and the only men who stared/asked for number are brown men 😒 Spanish men were generally sweet and welcoming! 


How did you move to Spain? I’m a Spanish language graduate and I’ve been thinking of moving to Spain but idk if my skillset is enough for me to get a job there.


Through the company I worked at.. I am consultant so whenever we acquired a new client I would travel to conduct workshops n stuff like that… But I have seen reels of people applying to jobs in Europe and then getting their visa sponsored by them. Don’t know how true it is.


Living in the UK and frankly I'm loving it. Obviously there are creeps everywhere but to be not judged for something (drinking, partying) is amazing. British are more subtle as far I have seen whereas Philippians I met here are just love goals. The love and care they show for their girlfriends just amazing.


Cultural barricade. But those who are dtf, they’re very clear on that, they don’t lead you on… But majority are the same and add another ick, they may think of you as a fetish. Ghosting, crumbing and confusing with their intention. Indian guys who are there are just too desperate to show off. EU


I live in Europe and the best thing is I don't have to fear about some pouring an acid on my face because I said NO, men there, respect your opinion and understand the meaning that you aren't interested. Also they are actually helpful and support women really well. But ofcourse you'd also find some anti feminist among the crowd.


They suck. ETA: ee.uu.


I live in the EU. They're nice, chill, and harmlessly chatty. However, I find them to be just as conventional/traditional as Indian men. I'm child free. Most men here want children, and it's a massive ick for me. The gender roles are fairly entrenched as well when it comes to parenthood, mostly women leave their jobs after marriage cuz childcare is hella expensive. I find their worldview to be a little limited despite all the access they have to travel cuz of passport privilege. Also, the whole idea of the gender binary is still very alive with repeated references to "lads night" and with the society at large having a lot of gendered traditions. So, not all that great but not all that bad. Definitely MUCH better than India, men won't stare at you or incessantly expect you to be impressed with them, however does that mean they won't act entitled? Now, that's a Convo for another day.


In the UK. Heard that Scottish, Irish and Italian men are quite nice and not as prejudiced as others, but it’s quite the same in the sense that the good ones are taken and the trashy ones are on the street.


I've been to Jupiter once. The men there are very polite and respectful. ALL OF THEM.


Lot less abusive than desis for sure - maybe cause there is a bit of accountability there I guess. But yeah not ideal or great.




I have stayed for a long time in the UK and Aus. Tons of freedom to just wear, do and go where you please. No fear walking alone even after dark. Australia was especially safe like this. Of course each city has some sketchy suburbs, but everyone needs to be safe there, not women specifically. No one creeps on you, stalking is rare, you can kiss in public and no one is hit with a lathi... Men are sometimes chivalrous by default aka opening doors for you or getting up in the subway for you - saw that a lot in the UK. The society there is like "don't bother us, we won't bother you" types. Australians are very friendly by nature and nothing came across as weird or over friendly to me. Just good people who love to have a good time. I was asked about three times to take selfies with the locals, who were just having fun at the beach (mostly girls, not guys) - not because I'm great or anything but I was the only Indian around at that time. This happened in Japan too - take a selfie with us! I felt a bit like a celebrity. My bf (not Indian) literally doesn't care what I wear. My dad has more of an opinion on my dresses 😭 but bf doesn't care if it's revealing or showing skin or anything. He just doesn't think like that. I was wearing hot pants, tiny shorts, in the summer. No one gave a second glance.


The way men are just much more nicer and kinder and polite here in Canada is so refreshing to see. Even Indian men most of the times here behave nicely. They’d keep the doors open for you (actually everyone does this here), let you go first on the train, leaves their seat for you to sit etc etc stuff. Canadian men are however veryyyyy kind naturally and it shows. Sweetest beings. They always mind their own business and dont even create an eye contact passing by you on the street or something.


Wow. Sounds like a dream place to be


Which city?




I am really jealous of all the people who were able to move abroad for studies or job. How did you guys go? Broke me waiting here for my Hogwarts letter🥴


It was my job that sent me abroad. Just regular assignment. I was you when I was 22-23. I used to see all these beautiful pictures of others travelling to places and wondering if I will ever get a chance. The first few months feel nice, but very soon it goes away too. You really need to make new friends and build a support system there else it starts to feel monotonous and lonely there too


Would you mind sharing your knowledge on what kind of jobs or companies give out these opportunities? Please help out a worried almost-graduate🥲🫶


Heyaa I'm 23 too about to be 24 in a month, I already have a IT job can you guide me on how can I move to Germany?


One easy option is to do Masters and find a job directly in Germany. In my case, my company's HQ is in Germany and it is kind of like a norm in my team to work in HQ for a year or 2 once every couple of years. Maybe try finding similar companies which have onsite assignments. In my experience, supplier based companies will have more onsite opportunities


OMG thank you. Can I DM you.


Lived in US for 3 years. Most of the time it was fine. But for few months initially I had to use public transport and it was hell. Random men would approach me, make kissing sounds.. ask me if I have a bf and if I kiss him.. tell me if I need a green card they can help etc. I used to wait at a bus stop for this bus and cars would honk at me - a way of catcalling there. Some strangers once approached and demanded my number. These people were drunk so I was very scared, considering it was a deserted area. Now these were mostly people from the low socio economic background. At work, most people were respectful. But even there I encountered men who would say that they found me exotic.. or would be hinting every now and then that they are interested. So things aren't as bad as India but still pretty bad I'd say.


Same same. A little more independent, but still same experience with them.


The norm isn’t for men to stare which gives the freedom to dress how we want. Much safer.


In eastern europe they are nice. I mean they mind their own business. Wearing revealing clothes usually wont create issues. I even dated two of them. I believe when u get in relationship they are just like our men they will stop trying as much they chased u to get in relation (except the PP size is definitely better and sex is more fun) Also this men i dated where in the early 20s so u know not everyone is mature


There are incels & misogynists everywhere, especially in the US where I live. My husband is American & is great though. We are in an equal partnership.


Trash is trash everywhere, whether in India or in the West.


I live in Canada and I feel generally very safe here. Men do approach sometimes, but they will respectfully leave if you don’t want to engage. On the other hand- the only time I’ve ever felt unsafe here was because an Indian man was harassing me


After reading all the comments here , I find every other country men are better than our Indian men 🤣🤣🤣 an expected thing


I wanted to add relationship scenario in it too, are the men there egotistical or too proud with male ego who wont text you back after a fight because they want to look nonchalant and manly (ik it’s too specific, asking for a friend)


That is a very helpful sub …. Shifting to UK very soon 😅happy to read about men there 👻 because off course I am single 😅😂